I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 166

At the moment, Bai Jianmu was really surprised and happy. When he heard Tang Jianan\'s last words, he was overjoyed.

Tang Jian\'an made it clear that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang was indeed suspected, but he didn\'t know where to put the drawings, which showed that even if he was suspected, he could never steal the drawings.

In this way, ye Xuan is still the most suspected, because he is really the only one who knows where to put the drawings. Everyone at the South County branch knows this. No one can change this fact. This is the most unfavorable situation for ye Xuan.

After Tang Jianan said these words, he was also secretly looking at the master\'s expression.

Although his remarks were justified, he himself knew that it was also a kind of mild statement, that is, he was playing tricks and had nothing substantive.

At first, it was said that senior brother could steal drawings, but later, it was said that senior brother could not do it even if he could steal drawings.

In this way, it\'s the same as not saying. It doesn\'t help anything. Whether the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang stole the drawings or not has no clear explanation.

At the moment, of course, the happiest person is Lu Wenkang, senior brother of the National People\'s Congress.

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s first half sentence, LV Wenkang\'s face was like death. Just now he was like a prisoner waiting for judgment, and now he has received the most serious judgment. At this moment, LV Wenkang only felt very sad in his heart. Looking at the martial brothers in the hall, he felt lonely. It\'s like these martial brothers who are always close to him, getting farther and farther away from him, although everyone is standing close, But at the moment, LV mengkang had a feeling that everyone was standing far away.

Looking at these familiar faces in the hall, LV Wenkang only felt depressed and uncomfortable.

These younger martial brothers started later than him. It can be said that when they first learned mechanism art, he basically taught them.

In terms of mechanism skills, LV Wenkang is very patient. He never yells at these younger martial brothers and hardly scolds them.

However, these younger martial brothers, in front of the master at this time, testify that they may steal the master\'s drawings, which makes LV Wenkang feel that all this is so ridiculous.

If Zhang Lezhi is the only one who expresses this doubt, you can still study it. However, the second martial brother Tang Jian\'an also agrees with Zhang Lezhi, which is difficult for LV Wenkang to accept.

Because LV Wenkang also knows that once Tang Jian\'an says he is suspected of stealing drawings, the remaining younger martial brothers will certainly push the boat with the current and say they are suspected of stealing drawings.

At that time, I\'m afraid I\'ll be really suspicious.

LV Wenkang also knew that Tang Jian\'an\'s answer was very important. If he answered that he was not suspected at the moment, the other martial brothers would carefully consider how to answer this question.

Tang Jian\'an\'s answer was crucial. LV Wenkang knew very well that when he heard Tang Jian\'an\'s first half sentence, he knew that the matter was irreparable.

Ye Xuan was locked up in the repentance Pavilion because of this matter. LV Wenkang had no idea, but when it came to his time, he was really uncomfortable.

I thought that after a while, the martial brothers would say that they were suspected. Maybe next, the master would put himself in the repentance Pavilion. At that time, the suspicion of stealing drawings would be irreparable.

Thinking of this, LV Wenkang felt frustrated. At this moment, he was really disappointed with the people.

When LV Wenkang was hopelessly disappointed, suddenly he heard the second half of Tang Jian\'an\'s words.

"Although senior brother may steal the drawings, he doesn\'t know where to put them. Even if he wants to steal the drawings, he has no place to steal them.

Therefore, the disciple thought that the eldest martial brother could not be the person who stole the drawings. "

In LV Wenkang\'s ears, Tang Jianan\'s words were like the sound of nature. He fell into the bottom of the valley and raised them again.

His face was as pale as death. At the moment, he miraculously returned to normal. However, his body trembled more. However, this time, he was not angry, but excited.

At this moment, LV Wenkang also wanted to understand.

Yes, I don\'t know where the master put the drawings. Even if I let myself steal them, where can I steal the drawings.

Looking at Tang Jianan\'s smiling face, LV Wenkang at the moment only feels very friendly.

LV Wenkang\'s eyes were wet. He simply didn\'t know what to say. All this was like in a dream. Although the first part of the dream was a nightmare, it became so unexpected in the second part.

LV Wenkang calmed down. He smiled at Tang Jian\'an, then bowed to the master and shouted.

"Master, although disciples like to study mechanism skills, they can\'t steal the master\'s drawings. What\'s more, as the second younger martial brother said just now, the disciples don\'t know where the master put the drawings. Even if they let the disciples steal them, they can\'t start."

Speaking of this, LV Wenkang bowed deeply and said loudly again.

"Master, I didn\'t steal the drawings. Please give me a lesson."

At the moment, sun Xinzheng calmed down his chaotic mood. After hearing LV Wenkang\'s words, he smiled and waved his hand.

"I see. Stand aside first."

With these words, sun Xinzheng turned his eyes to Zhang Lezhi and asked.

"Tang Jian\'an has explained this just now. What do you think?"

Just now, after listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s answer, Zhang Lezhi was also surprised. He didn\'t expect Tang Jian\'an to answer like this.

Originally, Zhang Lezhi planned that as long as Tang Jian\'an replied that the eldest martial brother could steal the drawings, he would tell the master that since everyone could steal the drawings, it proved that ye Xuan was not the only suspect and could be released first to find out the person who stole the drawings.

Zhang Lezhi knew that once Ye Xuan was released, it would be much easier to do.

Because he is not the suspect who stole the drawings. Even if he can\'t find the drawings in the end, it has nothing to do with him.

However, Tang Jianan\'s answer disrupted Zhang Lezhi\'s plan, surprised Zhang Lezhi, and completely disrupted his plan.

What to do next!

Looking at Bai Jianmu with a happy face, Zhang Lezhi also has a headache. He knows that there is no possibility of a peaceful solution to this situation. He can only give tit for tat and one party falls down.

So far, if this matter can be resolved peacefully, Zhang Lezhi will certainly adopt a peaceful solution, not this method.

However, Zhang Lezhi has understood from what he has just done. If he doesn\'t figure it out, I\'m afraid Bai Jianmu will definitely take advantage of this thing to completely drag him into the water, put his third senior brother into hell and be his companion with Ye Xuan.