I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 165

Bai Jianmu is worried that Tang Jian\'an will say that his senior brother LV Wenkang may steal drawings.

If so, things will be bad.

However, although Bai Jianmu knew that things were bad, he had no choice but to wink at Tang Jianan and make him never admit that his eldest martial brother LV Wenkang might be a stowaway.

Tang Jian\'an naturally understood what Bai Jianmu wanted to say, so he was also in a hurry.

The consequences of this matter are very serious. If you say that your senior brother LV Wenkang is not possible to steal the drawings, doing so is obviously lying. No one believes it.

However, if the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang has the possibility of stealing drawings, he has offended Bai Jianmu, and the consequences of offending Bai Jianmu are also very serious.

People looked at Tang Jian\'an\'s face getting whiter and whiter, and there were more and more cold sweats on his forehead. Even his body was a little unstable, as if he would faint at any time.

It is true that Tang Jianan\'s situation is really bad at this time. He has tried almost all his ways, but he still hasn\'t thought of how to solve these problems.

Zhang Lezhi looked at Tang Jian\'an\'s embarrassment at this time, but he was relieved when he turned around and thought again.

Although Tang Jian\'an looks miserable at the moment, Zhang Lezhi also knows that if Tang Jian\'an slows down, he may work harder against himself.

To understand this, although Zhang Lezhi is sorry, he also knows that how to do it is self-protection, because if he doesn\'t do so and develops according to the track just now, I\'m afraid he will be dragged into the water by them and become Ye Xuan\'s accomplice. At that time, his fate will not be good.

At the moment, Liu Huarong, looking at the hesitation of his second senior brother Tang Jian\'an, was also afraid.

He was afraid. After the second senior brother answered, he would ask him sooner or later how he should answer at that time.

The problems faced by Tang Jian\'an and the choices he faces. Liu Huarong will also face these problems. He must also make a choice between Ye Xuan and Bai Jianmu.

Liu Huarong doesn\'t know now. When asked about himself, how should he answer? He is also thinking hard about what to do.

Things have come to this point. Liu Huarong knows that he has offended Zhang Lezhi, and has indirectly offended Ye Xuan through this matter.

If ye Xuan is released, he must be unlucky.

Liu Huarong turned his head and looked at Bai Jianmu. He found that Bai Jianmu was frowning and thinking hard there.

This question is really difficult to answer.

At the moment, it doesn\'t matter whether the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang will steal the drawing. What matters is that ye Xuan will be justified through this matter, and even be released immediately.

Unless you lock up your senior brother LV Wenkang and wait for the truth to come out before making a decision.

But it\'s not that simple.

After asking the elder martial brother LV Wenkang at this moment, Zhang Lezhi will certainly continue to talk, because Zhang Lezhi has just said that the questions are asked in turn, that is to say, the elder martial brother ranks first, the second martial brother ranks second, and so on until the questions are finished.

Everyone knows that Zhang Lezhi will ask all the people. At that time, according to what I just said, I\'m afraid all the people are suspected.

Because we all learn mechanism technology. The importance of that drawing is the same for everyone.

It can be said that those present, no matter who gets the drawing, will greatly increase his in mechanism technology. No one will doubt this.

This is precisely because of this reason. I\'m afraid that in the end, everyone will be suspected.

This is Zhang Lezhi\'s purpose.

Since he doesn\'t know who stole the drawings, everyone is suspected, and ye Xuan is the only one in the province.

Looking at the people staring at themselves, Tang Jian\'an\'s heart almost collapsed. He never thought that he was the first to face this result.

What should I do?

Tang Jianan thought hard and kept looking at everyone\'s expressions in the hall, trying to find some ways to help himself through this difficulty.

After thinking for a long time, Tang Jian\'an\'s eyes suddenly lit up. He thought of an impossible way. Although he may not be able to overcome this difficulty, as long as he can pass the master\'s level, everything else is easy to say.

With an idea in mind, Tang Jian\'an\'s face was much better. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Then he turned his head and looked at his Master Sun Xinzheng, boxing and saluting.

"Master, according to what younger martial brother Zhang said just now, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is really suspected, and the suspicion is still great, because everyone knows what kind of person the eldest martial brother is and what degree he has reached in mechanism technology. Therefore, elder martial brother is really likely to steal drawings."

Speaking of this, Tang Jian\'an turned his head and looked at his eldest martial brother LV Wenkang, but he saw that LV Wenkang\'s face was also pale, the cold sweat on his forehead was no less than his own, and his eyes were full of despair. Even his body trembled slightly.

Seeing this scene, Tang Jian\'an sneered in his heart. Then he turned around and looked at the master again and said positively.

"Master, although the eldest martial brother LV Yongkang may steal the drawings, don\'t forget that the eldest martial brother doesn\'t know where to put the drawings. Even if he wants to steal the drawings, I\'m afraid he doesn\'t have a chance to start.

Even if the elder martial brother wants to get that drawing again, he will never find it.

Therefore, the disciple thought that the master brother was by no means the one who stole the drawings, because he didn\'t know where to put the drawings, so naturally there was no way to steal the drawings. "

Sun Xinzheng was stunned when he heard the speech. He looked at Tang Jian\'an and wondered what he meant.

After thinking for a while, sun Xinzheng felt that what Tang Jiaan said was also reasonable.

That drawing is really important to LV Wenkang, but LV Wenkang doesn\'t know where to put the drawing. Even if he wants to steal it, there\'s no place to steal it.

At the moment, everyone in the hall is in a different mood.

At the beginning, Tang Jian\'an said that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang could steal the drawings. Bai Jianmu\'s heart sank. He knew that this time was over. As long as Tang Jian\'an said that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang could steal the drawings, then all the martial brothers would say that LV Wenkang could steal the drawings, which would make things very bad.

If that time comes, Bai Jianmu believes that Zhang Lezhi will jump out and ask the master to release Ye Xuan.

After ye Xuan was released, Bai Jianmu must be the first to be unlucky. Bai Jianmu will not doubt this, because he has completely offended Ye Xuan. Once Ye Xuan is released, he will definitely find revenge.

However, when Bai Jianmu\'s heart sank to the bottom of the valley, Tang Jianan suddenly had a big reversal.