I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 167

Zhang Lezhi knows that he must not relax. If Bai Jianmu is allowed to slow down, he must be unlucky, because he believes that as long as Bai Jianmu has the opportunity, he will be involved in this matter and make himself unlucky.

Although sun Xinzheng\'s face was still as calm as water, Tang Jian\'an recognized his answer from the master\'s eyes. At this moment, he was completely relieved and knew that he had passed the matter.

Knowing that he had passed, Tang Jian\'an suddenly had a hatred for Zhang Lezhi in his heart.

If Zhang Lezhi hadn\'t put forward that suggestion, how could he fall into that dilemma.

Thinking of his cold sweat just now, even his body trembled, and Tang Jian\'an\'s hatred was even stronger.

After listening to the elder martial brother LV Wenkang\'s words and looking at his excited expression, Tang Jian\'an was relieved to know that he had not offended the elder martial brother. At the same time, he felt that he was worthy of the elder martial brother.

When he heard the master ask Zhang Lezhi again, Tang Jian\'an couldn\'t help looking at Zhang Lezhi and wanted to hear how he answered the master\'s words.

Zhang Lezhi was anxious, but there was no half expression on his face, because he knew that if Tang Jian\'an and others saw that they were worried, things would be more unfavorable to him.

Seeing that Zhang Lezhi didn\'t speak, Bai Jianmu was proud and couldn\'t help but urge him.

"Third senior brother, the master is asking you something. Please answer quickly!"

At the same time, Bai Jianmu sneered in his heart. He just made you crazy for a long time. Pick it up. I think what should you do.

Elder martial brother is no longer suspected. Let\'s see what you say.

Because in any case, ye Xuan knew that the location of the drawing would not change.

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s urging, Zhang Lezhi thought for a moment, then hugged the master and said, "master, the disciple thinks the second senior brother\'s answer is inappropriate!"

Sun Xinzheng was stunned when he heard the speech. Then he asked with some doubts, "what\'s wrong!"

After listening to the master\'s question, Zhang Lezhi said slowly.

"Master, the disciple asked whether the eldest martial brother could steal the drawings, not whether the eldest martial brother would steal the drawings.

Therefore, I think the second senior brother\'s answer is inappropriate. "


After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, sun Xinzheng nodded with some understanding.

That\'s true just now. The question Zhang Lezhi asked was, is it possible for the eldest martial brother to steal drawings, rather than whether the eldest martial brother will steal drawings.

However, sun Xinzheng doesn\'t understand. Is there any difference between the two answers?

Thinking of this, sun Xinzheng asked more suspiciously, "is it possible for LV Wenkang to steal drawings and whether he will steal drawings? Are there any differences between the two?"

After listening to sun Xinzheng\'s question, Zhang Lezhi nodded, "it\'s really different. If the eldest martial brother has the possibility of stealing drawings, does he have this idea.

Whether he will steal the drawings or not shows whether he stole the drawings or not.

These two problems are, of course, different. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Lezhi once again hugged sun Xinzheng and said loudly.

"Master, I also ask the second senior brother to answer this question again. Please allow me."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, sun Xinzheng just nodded and agreed, "well, ask him again."

When Zhang Lezhi heard the speech, he turned his head and looked at Tang Jian\'an. He saw the cold light in Tang Jian\'an\'s eyes and was surprised.

Seeing the cold light in Tang Jian\'an\'s eyes, Zhang Lezhi knows that Tang Jian\'an has hated himself very much. At the moment, I\'m afraid he\'s thinking about how to revenge himself.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi sighed in his heart.

To tell the truth, the relationship between Tang Jian\'an and Zhang Lezhi used to be really good. In their spare time, they will get together to drink, play chess, or chat together.

But unexpectedly, the relationship between the two people has become like this.

To be here, Zhang Lezhi\'s heart is not the taste. What is it that makes the relationship between the two people like this.

From the beginning of today, Zhang Lezhi has seen that Tang Jian\'an is no longer the former Tang Jian\'an. Now Tang Jian\'an is Bai Jianmu\'s partner. Everything they do is aimed at Ye Xuan.

Zhang Lezhi has understood the essence of this matter. It is no longer the problem of stealing drawings, but the problem of the successor of the next helmsman.

If ye Xuan is not locked up, he must be the next helmsman. However, now that ye Xuan is locked up, Zhang Lezhi knows that he is either Bai Jianmu or himself.

In this state, Zhang Lezhi can be sure that Bai Jianmu absolutely doesn\'t want Ye Xuan to be released, because as long as ye Xuan is released, he will never have a chance to be the helmsman again.

Even if ye Xuan is locked up, Bai Jianmu has another opponent, that is himself. Zhang Lezhi is also very clear about this.

Today, if we don\'t make things clear, I\'m afraid Bai Jianmu won\'t let go of himself, because he hinders his way to be the helmsman.

Just now, Tang Jianan\'s answer is very important. Not only Zhang Lezhi but also Bai Jianmu know this.

Tang Jian\'an\'s answer just now seems like he didn\'t say it. Things have returned to the origin. Ye Xuan is still the biggest suspect, because only he knows where Sun Xin is putting the drawings.

Zhang Lezhi walked slowly in front of Tang Jian\'an. Although the cold light in Tang Jian\'an\'s eyes flashed away, Zhang Lezhi pretended not to see it and asked with a smile.

"Second elder martial brother, you must have heard what I said to the master just now. What we want to say now is whether the eldest martial brother has the idea of stealing the drawings, not whether the drawings were stolen by the elder martial brother.

Therefore, please answer the question again. "

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Tang Jian\'an\'s heart filled with anger again. The anger rushed into his mind and made him want to burst out.

I finally thought of a way to answer that question, and finally fooled the master. However, I called Zhang Lezhi and asked myself to answer it again.

What\'s the answer?

As soon as Zhang Lezhi asked, he swept away his hard thought of ways and brought things back to the origin.

I have to face the problem again and say whether the senior brother has the idea of stealing the drawings.

Whether the elder martial brother has the idea of stealing drawings or not, Tang Jian\'an\'s answer is yes.


Tang Jian\'an is sure that his senior brother LV Wenkang will have this idea, because he also had that idea when facing the drawing.

However, seeing that the master was still sitting at the head and the brother was still looking at himself, Tang Jian\'an could only take a few deep breaths to suppress his anger.