I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 164

Tang Jian\'an must make a choice now. His decision is very important, which is related to the decision of the martial brothers, Bai Jianmu\'s plan and ye Xuan\'s fate.

Tang Jian\'an hesitates, and Bai Jianmu feels bad.

Bai Jianmu thought hard, but also to find a comprehensive strategy to deal with the current situation.

He can see now that Tang Jian\'an is hesitating about what to say.

This is definitely not good news for Bai Jianmu.

If Tang Jian\'an says that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is suspected of stealing drawings, Bai Jianmu knows that next, I\'m afraid all the martial brothers will say that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is suspected of stealing drawings, because even he himself thinks that LV Wenkang is definitely highly suspected in this situation.

However, even if Bai Jianmu knew that his senior brother LV Wenkang was suspected, he didn\'t want Tang Jian\'an to say it.

If Tang Jian\'an says it, I\'m afraid Ye Xuan\'s rescue is not suspected. Once Ye Xuan is released, all his plans are over. Not only that, his future life is doomed.

Bai Jianmu must not be reconciled. He spent 15 years in Nanjun branch, painstakingly cultivating mechanism skills for what, not just to be the master of Nanjun branch.

The family also had great expectations for him. They expected him to be the helmsman of Nanjun branch, so that Nanjun Bai family could also have a place in Tianji gate.

However, seeing that his plan was about to succeed, Zhang Lezhi jumped out and destroyed his plan.

Thinking of this, Bai Jianmu glanced at Zhang Lezhi, and a trace of cold light flashed in his eyes. If it was outside or in the absence of the master, Bai Jianmu would certainly do it without hesitation during the day. Even if Zhang Lezhi couldn\'t hang up, let him know that he was not easy to provoke.

Unfortunately, all this is imagination. The master is right in front of him. Bai Jianmu doesn\'t dare to do it. Even if he is angry now, he can\'t do it.

If you endure, there is still a chance. However, if you start, Bai Jianmu knows that he has no chance at all.

At the moment, even if his martial arts are high, it\'s useless. Even if he is confident that he can hang Zhang Lezhi with one hand, he doesn\'t dare to do it.

He came to Nanjun for 15 years, not to hang Zhang Lezhi, but to be the helmsman.

Bai Jianmu\'s parents are just ordinary members in the Bai family. If they become the helmsman of the South County branch, their identity will immediately change and become the elders of the Bai family.

Because this is the rule. As long as the children of the family become the people in power in each sect, his family will naturally rise and become the elders of the Bai family.

The Bai family now has a patriarch and six elders, which shows that the Bai family has a place in the six middle gates, and even has become a figure in power.

The ranking of Bai family elders will change at any time, and will change with the status of their children in Chinese.

Bai Jianmu knows that if he becomes the helmsman of Nanjun branch, his family can at least become the fifth elder.

However, if they fail, or even are driven out of the Nanjun branch, the outcome will be bad. It is hard to say whether the family will be driven out of the Bai family if they become elders.

Therefore, Bai Jianmu is also very distressed. Now he is almost desperate.

As long as he wins, everything is easy to say, but if he loses, the outcome will not be good.

Therefore, Bai Jianmu will fight to the end until the last minute.

Thinking of this, Bai Jianmu looked up at Tang Jian\'an, but Tang Jian\'an was also looking at himself.

From Tang Jian\'an\'s eyes, Bai Jianmu sees hesitation. Bai Jianmu knows that Tang Jian\'an also faces a choice, but Tang Jian\'an doesn\'t know how to choose.

Since the drawings were lost, Bai Jianmu found someone to contact Tang Jian\'an. As a result, they hit it off immediately and worked for a partner.

However, the former partner, at this moment, even began to hesitate.

When they first discussed this matter, they decided that ye Xuan would never turn over this time.

Master, everyone knows the location of the drawing, and only Ye Xuan knows it.

In this way, in addition to being stolen by Ye Xuan, the drawing is really hard to remember. There are other possibilities.

In this case, the two have determined that this time, ye Xuan is doomed.

After wooing Tang Jian\'an, Bai Jianmu thinks he has a greater grasp, because Tang Jian\'an is not good at mechanism skills, but he is the second senior brother after all.

In Nanjun branch, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang doesn\'t care about trifles, so the second martial brother Tang Jian\'an is nominally similar to the eldest martial brother.

With the addition of Tang Jian\'an, the second senior brother, Bai Jianmu once thought that it was very safe.

But unexpectedly, a Zhang Lezhi jumped out and destroyed his good deeds.

Now, the most important thing Bai Jianmu knows is that Tang Jianan can\'t admit that his senior brother LV Wenkang may steal drawings.

Once Tang Jian\'an admitted that his senior brother LV Wenkang might steal drawings, everything would be different.

However, Bai Jianmu also knows that Tang Jianan can\'t be blamed for this, because he saw what happened just now. Tang Jianan just wants to be a neutral person. Without a word, it\'s like being expelled from the school by his master.

In this situation, it is impossible to remain neutral.

Tang Jian\'an must make a choice. He has no way out. He can only choose one of Ye Xuan and Bai Jianmu.

Bai Jianmu knew that even if Tang Jian\'an wanted to choose himself and said that his eldest martial brother LV Wenkang had no possibility of stealing drawings, he had to find a convincing reason. Otherwise, he would be considered perfunctory by his master.

The key is that this reason is hard to find!

Although Zhang Lezhi didn\'t say much just now, everyone knows that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang gave up everything for mechanism skills. At his age, if he were an outsider, I\'m afraid he would have children in groups. However, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang has nothing, no children in groups, no virtuous wife. In his eyes, only mechanism skills.

It is absolutely possible for such a person to steal those drawings for mechanism skills, because it can improve his mechanism skills. In the eyes of the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang, this is already the most important thing in the world. There is no one, only the most important thing.

Under such circumstances, it is said that senior brother LV Wenkang is suspected of stealing drawings. I\'m afraid no one doubts it.

In order to improve his mechanism skills and break through the bottleneck he encountered, even if he stole the drawing, it was reasonable and people didn\'t have any doubt.

In this situation, Bai Jianmu doubts and fears how Tang Jian\'an should choose.