I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 161

Looking at Zhang Lezhi\'s eyes, Tang Jian\'an smiled awkwardly, "third martial brother, please talk about it!"

Zhang Lezhi shook his head. "No, we are all martial brothers. We usually have a good relationship. If you say so, we can\'t say anything, even what I just said."

Speaking of this, Zhang Lezhi turned his head, looked at Sun Xinzheng, bowed his hand and said, "master, if the second senior brother doesn\'t want to say, then the disciple will take back what he just said and don\'t care about it anymore."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, sun Xinzheng was a little angry. Originally, he was very upset when he saw Tang Jian\'an grinding and hawing there. At the moment, he was even more angry when he saw that Tang Jian\'an didn\'t want to answer this matter.

If, as Zhang Lezhi said, everyone is a martial brother, it doesn\'t need to be said.

Thinking of this, sun Xinzheng patted the table, glared at Tang Jian\'an and asked loudly, "as a second senior brother, you don\'t set an example. Instead, you see things and want to avoid them. What do you mean?"

Seeing that Zhang Lezhi told the master about this, Tang Jian\'an knew it was bad. After hearing the master\'s reprimand, he was scared to kneel down and salute, "master, the disciple just thought that my relationship with the eldest martial brother was very good. If I offended the eldest martial brother, it would be a waste of the elder martial brother\'s usual care. Please learn from the master."

As soon as Tang Jian\'an said this, everyone knew it was bad, and Bai Jianmu\'s face kept changing.

If you follow what Tang Jian\'an said, you will be sorry for the eldest martial brother. Then, as long as you oppose the eldest martial brother, you will offend the eldest martial brother. If you do so, who dares to speak.

Sun Xinzheng, who was sitting on his hands, was also very unhappy.

These people are their own disciples and have been cultivated by themselves. However, in order not to offend the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang, Tang Jian\'an came to deceive himself.

Sun Xinzheng became more and more angry. Suddenly, he patted the table and shouted, "don\'t you know the truth of respecting teachers?

In order not to offend the elder martial brother, do you want to deceive me? Do you deserve the cultivation of you as a teacher.

Tang Jianan, think about it for me. What should you do? "

Sun Xinzheng\'s last words were almost shouted out. The voice was so loud that Tang Jian\'an\'s ears were buzzing.

Tang Jian\'an, who was kneeling on the ground, knew that it was bad just after saying that sentence. However, it was impossible to take back what he said, such as the spilled water. Tang Jian\'an knew that he could only find a way to remedy it now. Otherwise, if he didn\'t say anything in the future, the angry master would be expelled from the school now, which is absolutely possible.

Thinking of this, Tang Jian\'an hurriedly explained, "master, the disciple was wrong just now. The disciple just wanted to say that everyone is a martial brother. I don\'t want to waste this love. There\'s really no other meaning. Please forgive me."

Tang Jian\'an was so anxious that he didn\'t know what he was talking about. Sun Xinzheng was even more angry.

"Tang Jian\'an, in order not to waste the love between teachers and brothers, have you forgotten the love between teachers and disciples?"

Speaking of this, Sun Xin was suddenly patting the table, which was so heavy that even the tea cups on the table jumped up.

"Tang Jian\'an, I see you are honest and honest, so I accept you as an apprentice. But you can\'t imagine that you are such a person. An ungrateful person, in order not to be a sinner, you forget the master\'s person..."

Speaking of this, Sun Xin stopped for a moment. He gasped for a few breaths and calmed his mood. Then he patted the table again and said angrily.

"Tang Jian\'an, if you don\'t speak clearly today, don\'t blame me for expelling your unfilial disciple from the school in the face of teachers and disciples."

After sun Xinzheng\'s words, Tang Jian\'an was so frightened that he lay there and kowtowed, "master, the apprentice said, please forgive me, the apprentice must say, and please don\'t drive me out of the school..."

Tang Jian\'an is very wise. He knows his level and that it is the best choice to stay in Nanjun branch.

Therefore, he chose a man as his backer between Ye Xuan and Bai Jianmu. Naturally, his purpose is to stay at the branch of Nanjun.

However, he made thousands of calculations. Unexpectedly, he annoyed the master.

Sun Xinzheng seldom scolds his disciples, except that his disciples are too stupid or too inattentive when they study.

The key is that sun Xinzheng also takes little care of things in the branch rudder. Usually, he studies mechanism technology in his own room. There are not many things about Nanjun branch, so we make do with each other. In addition, Nanjun branch also has its own rules. For example, in the mountain gate, it will automatically change people every day. Everyone already knows who will pick up people and what to do every day. Even without sun Xinzheng\'s command, there will be no trouble.

The key is that there are not many things about the South County branch, so everyone is safe.

For a long time, Tang Jian\'an forgot that master is the most terrible existence of Nanjun branch.

Other people have no right to let Tang Jianan leave Nanjun branch. Even if they want him to leave, they will only secretly trip him up and force him to leave.

However, Sun Xin has the absolute right to let anyone leave the South County branch as long as he has a word.

At the moment, Tang Jian\'an was almost stunned. Now let him say anything, as long as he doesn\'t get expelled from the school.

Looking at Tang Jian\'an who kept begging for mercy, sun Xinzheng had some irritable heart and couldn\'t bear it. He suddenly waved his hand and said coldly.

"Well, I\'ll give you another chance and step aside."

Tang Jian\'an was overjoyed when he heard the speech. He quickly kowtowed to the master. Then he stood up and stood aside respectfully.

Looking at Tang Jian\'an standing up, sun Xinzheng suddenly shouted, "who else do you want to say? Now stand up immediately."

When lengding heard sun Xinzheng\'s words, they were all surprised. They all hurried to look at the master, and saw the master with an iron face looking at everyone.

Seeing this, they all fell to their knees and shouted, "master, disciples dare not..."

After listening to the disciples\' answers, sun Xinzheng waved his hand, "stand up and think about what\'s going on."

After saying these words, sun Xinzheng sat back in his chair and picked up the tea bowl on the table. When he was about to drink, he saw that the tea in the tea bowl had splashed out, so he immediately ordered the people around him.

"Go and change the tea quickly."

The man was stunned by sun Xinzheng just now. At this moment, after listening to sun Xinzheng\'s words, he reacted, gave a busy reply, picked up the teapot on the table and ran out.