I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 160

What makes Tang Jianan embarrassed is how he should answer if he doesn\'t answer that.

It\'s said that senior brother can\'t steal the drawings!

Tang Jian\'an believes that if he says so, Zhang Lezhi will certainly ask him why the eldest martial brother is not possible to steal the drawings and how he should answer his words at that time.

I just want to answer because I can\'t figure out why senior brother doesn\'t have the possibility of stealing drawings. Senior brother may steal drawings.

If Zhang Lezhi asks, how should he answer and say he doesn\'t know?

Tang Jian\'an knows that even if he doesn\'t know, he can\'t, because you don\'t know, but why can you prove that the drawing wasn\'t stolen by the master brother t.

If it is investigated, as just now, unless Tang Jian\'an stole the drawing, how can he prove that the eldest martial brother is not the person who stole the drawing without knowing it.

This result is not what Tang Jian\'an wants, because if he does, he will be dragged into the water.

Although I wanted to pull Zhang Lezhi into the water just now, if I pulled myself into the water, it would definitely not be a good thing.

At the moment, Tang Jian\'an hesitated and didn\'t know how to answer. He quietly turned his head and looked at Bai Jianmu, trying to let Bai Jianmu extricate him.

When Bai Jianmu saw Tang Jian\'an\'s eyes, he was also embarrassed.

This problem is really difficult to deal with.

Originally wanted to pull Zhang Lezhi into the water, but unexpectedly, Zhang Lezhi pushed LV Wenkang out.

It\'s hard to do.

If the eldest martial brother has the possibility of stealing the drawings, wouldn\'t Ye Xuan be all right.

According to what Zhang Lezhi just said, the possibility of senior brother LV Wenkang stealing drawings is much higher than that of Ye Xuan.

If everyone agrees that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is the one who stole the drawings, then ye Xuanjiu must not be the one who stole the drawings. If ye Xuan is released, he will never have a chance to be the helmsman again.

Not only that, I worked hard to get Ye Xuan up this time, and I completely offended Ye Xuan. If ye Xuan was released, if ye Xuan became the helmsman of Nanjun branch, what should I do in the future.

Bai Jianmu doesn\'t believe that if he treats Ye Xuan like that, ye Xuan will not retaliate against himself.

Bai Jianmu believes that after ye Xuan becomes the helmsman, he may not retaliate against himself at first, but he will definitely find trouble for himself after a long time. At that time, I\'m afraid it\'s not easy for him to stay at the Nanjun branch, so he can only leave obediently.

If he didn\'t believe it during the day before this happened, ye Xuan wouldn\'t do anything to him. However, when he identified Ye Xuan, he worked hard, and ye Xuan would certainly bear a grudge in his heart.

Repentance Pavilion is not a good place. Bai Jianmu knows that ye Xuan is locked up in repentance Pavilion. I\'m afraid what he wants every day is to find revenge. If such Ye Xuan is released, it will make people feel a little cold.

Therefore, ye Xuan must not be allowed to come out, and ye Xuan\'s stealing of drawings must not change.

Now, the only person who can steal the drawings is Ye Xuan. No one else can steal the drawings. Even if he stole the drawings, he must not be said to have stolen them.

Ye Xuan must be the one who stole the drawings! Whether he really stole the drawings or not, Bai Jianmu knows that he must not change. If he changes, he will be finished.

However, looking at Tang Jian\'an\'s eyes, Bai Jianmu is really embarrassed. Now the master is present, some words can\'t be said indiscriminately, and they have to be justified in order to gain the upper hand in this matter. If you talk nonsense, I\'m afraid even you are suspected, because everyone knows the purpose of doing so. There is no other reason except to plant and frame the blame.

In particular, everyone knows that he is a strong opponent for ye Xuan to compete for the helmsman. In this case, if he talks nonsense, everyone will doubt that he has ulterior motives.

Therefore, whether just now or now, Bai Jianmu doesn\'t want to talk before the critical time. Of course, his main purpose is not to get into trouble.

But now there is a big problem.

It doesn\'t matter whether the elder martial brother is suspected or not. The important thing is that the elder martial brother must not be suspected.

But what should we do?

To be honest, Bai Jianmu really didn\'t think about these problems before. After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words just now, his heart suddenly opened up.

According to Zhang Lezhi\'s analysis, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is definitely likely to steal the drawings. Everyone understands and agrees with this matter.

There are many such examples throughout the ages. It\'s definitely not surprising to steal back for your favorite things.

Especially the eldest martial brother, who knows that there are precious drawings not far from him. Even if he wants to steal, it is really possible to steal, and this possibility is so great that people already believe it. This is the fact.

Bai Jianmu looked at Tang Jian\'an and saw his questioning expression. He knew he had no idea. He wanted to hear his own ideas or let himself help him out.

Turning his head, Bai Jianmu saw the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang again. At the moment, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang didn\'t speak, but the look of expectation in his eyes was clearly seen by everyone.

Seeing LV Wenkang\'s expression, some people have even been thinking, is it true that the master brother stole the drawings? Is he asking others for forgiveness?

Bai Jianmu\'s eyes turned on Tang Jian\'an and LV Wenkang. Finally, he stopped on Tang Jian\'an, suddenly smiled, nodded, and then said loudly.

"Second senior brother, this question is really difficult to answer. However, you have the best relationship with the eldest senior brother. I\'m afraid you can\'t make any judgment. Why don\'t we let the third senior brother say his opinion."

After listening to Bai Jianmu\'s words, Tang Jian\'an immediately relaxed himself, nodded hurriedly and said, "yes, it\'s true. I have a good relationship with elder martial brother. I really shouldn\'t talk more. Let younger martial brother Zhang talk."

Speaking of this, Tang Jian\'an quickly turned his head, looked at Zhang Lezhi, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and then said with a smile, "third younger martial brother, what younger martial brother Bai said just now is right. I have a good relationship with the eldest martial brother. I really shouldn\'t talk indiscriminately. I\'d better ask the third martial brother to say it. Let\'s just listen."

After listening to Tang Jian\'an\'s words, Zhang Lezhi looked at Tang Jian\'an and didn\'t speak.

Tang Jian\'an, who was a little relaxed in his heart, was a little nervous when Zhang Lezhi saw it. On his forehead, the cold sweat that had been wiped off came out again at the moment. He really didn\'t want to answer this question. The key is that he couldn\'t answer this question. He was about to push the matter out at the sight of Zhang Lezhi. However, his heart was raised again when he saw Zhang Lezhi\'s eyes.