I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 162

Looking at the disciples in front of him, sun Xinzheng suddenly shouted, "today, if anyone dares to perfunctory again, he will blame me for being ruthless!

All of you have thought carefully about what to do. "

After hearing sun Xinzheng\'s words, everyone was surprised. They knew that the master was angry. They should be careful next.

Tang Jian\'an, who was kneeling on the ground, was even more frightened and burst into a cold sweat on his forehead. Although he was the second senior brother, he was just like the novice disciple in front of the master. He angered the master and asked him to go home.

Sun Xinzheng glanced at the faces of the disciples, nodded with satisfaction, turned his head to look at Tang Jian\'an, and said coldly, "get up and say what you think."

When Tang Jian\'an heard the speech, he dared to stand up, "master, I understand!"

After saying these words, Tang Jian\'an secretly glanced at Bai Jianmu and saw that he was also staring at himself and winking at himself.

Seeing Bai Jianmu\'s expression, Tang Jianan understood that he knew what Bai Jianmu meant by making eyes at him and what Bai Jianmu wanted him to say.

However, do you really want to say as Bai Jianmu said.

Tang Jian\'an was a little uncertain.

Bai Jianmu must want him to deny that his senior brother LV Wenkang may steal drawings. Even if Bai Jianmu doesn\'t wink at him, Tang Jianan knows what Bai Jianmu wants him to do.

Tang Jian\'an is also very aware of the current situation. If the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is suspected, ye Xuan\'s suspicion is naturally small, and even will be released on the spot.

If ye Xuan is released, what should Bai Jianmu do.

Since the theft of drawings, Tang Jian\'an has seen Bai Jianmu\'s performance for some time.

In order to prove that ye Xuan is the person who stole the drawings, Bai Jianmu has torn his face and exhausted all kinds of methods to make the master believe that ye Xuan is the person who stole the drawings.

However, if the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang could steal the drawings, ye Xuan would be released naturally.

After ye Xuan was released, everyone\'s relationship could not be the same as before. After all, Bai Jianmu fell into the well and ye Xuan couldn\'t forget it. That is to say, once Ye Xuan became the helmsman, Bai Jianmu must not stay at the South County branch.

Moreover, even if ye Xuan can\'t be the helmsman, Bai Jianmu won\'t get any benefits. He framed Ye Xuan and did all kinds of things in sun Xinzheng\'s eyes. If ye Xuan wasn\'t the one who stole the drawings, wouldn\'t Bai Jianmu\'s actions be no doubt with villains? At that time, even if ye Xuan didn\'t deal with him, sun Xinzheng wouldn\'t let him go. After all, Nobody likes villains.

Bai Jianmu can frame up his senior brother. He has no good impression in sun Xinzheng\'s eyes. At that time, Bai Jianmu will be very difficult to be a man. Sun Xinzheng will never believe what he said in the future.

At that time, Bai Jianmu will completely fall to the edge of Nanjun branch and become a peripheral figure. He will never be the helmsman again.

Therefore, Bai Jianmu doesn\'t want others to be the person who steals drawings. If something happens, it will do him hundreds of harm without any benefit.

In Bai Jianmu\'s opinion, the person who stole the drawings can only be ye Xuan.

Tang Jian\'an naturally knows Bai Jianmu\'s idea. He also knows that if ye Xuan comes out, Bai Jianmu will stand aside.

Thinking of this, Tang Jian\'an had an idea to leave Bai Jianmu and take refuge in Ye Xuan again.

As soon as the idea arose in his heart, Tang Jian\'an kept thinking about what would be good for him if things really turned out like this.

The key now is Ye Xuan. If ye Xuan is released, what will happen.

Tang Jian\'an pondered carefully whether ye Xuan would blame himself if he was released and took refuge with him again.

This is the key problem. If you help Ye Xuan now, but ye Xuan ignores these and retaliates against yourself, wouldn\'t it be too bad.

Rather than that, we might as well choose to stand with Bai Jianmu and completely knock Ye Xuan down.

The key is how ye Xuan will treat himself after he is released.

At the thought of this, Tang Jian\'an couldn\'t make up his mind. He subconsciously glanced at Liu Huarong and saw Liu Huarong\'s face full of panic. Tang Jian\'an knew that Liu Huarong was also afraid now.

Liu Huarong is not a person who can do great things. He is a silent person. He has played beyond his level today. Hearing such a big thing, it is likely that ye Xuan will turn over. How can Liu Huarong not be surprised.

Seeing Liu Huarong\'s expression, Tang Jian\'an\'s heart is even more difficult to make up his mind.

What should I do to benefit myself?

Bai Jianmu.

Tang Jian\'an thought of Bai Jianmu, and his heart cooled a lot.

I just think about ye Xuan\'s problem. How can I forget Bai Jianmu.

Compared with Ye Xuan, Bai Jianmu is the most difficult character.

Bai Jianmu is different from ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan\'s identity is sun Xinzheng\'s disciple. In Nanjun branch, he has the highest technology and is deeply trusted by sun Xinzheng. He is likely to become the next helmsman.

The most important thing for ye Xuan is that he will become the next helmsman and the boss of Nanjun branch.

However, Bai Jianmu is by no means simple.

Bai Jianmu is second only to Ye Xuan in terms of technology in Nanjun branch. In the final analysis, they have not been compared in this regard. They just think that Bai Jianmu is certainly inferior to Ye Xuan in terms of technology. Therefore, everyone has always believed that ye Xuan\'s technology is the highest in Nanjun struggle.

But it\'s not like this. Although everyone doesn\'t talk much about the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang, everyone knows that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang\'s technology and his attainments in mechanism art will never be lower than ye Xuan, or even surpass Ye Xuan a lot.

Many people believe that the elder martial brother LV Wenkang\'s attainments in mechanism technology are no less than his Master Sun Xinzheng.

Sun Xin is the helmsman of Nanjun branch. He is plagued with trivial things every day. Even if he wants to study mechanism technology wholeheartedly, he doesn\'t have so much time.

In contrast, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is different.

In Nanjun branch, everyone knows that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang doesn\'t care about anything. He only studies mechanism technology. In addition, he has nothing else to do.

In this state, everyone thinks that even if the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang can catch up with the master in terms of mechanism skills, there is nothing surprising.

In addition, LV Wenkang does have talent in mechanism technology. His talent in this field is not worse than ye Xuan, but seems to be better.

Therefore, in the Nanjun branch, ye Xuan is not the strongest in mechanism skills except Master Sun Xinzheng.