I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 157

In LV Wenkang\'s anxious wait, Tang Jian\'an finally turned his head and said apologetically.

"Elder martial brother, I\'m sorry..."

Before Tang Jian\'an finished his sentence, LV Wenkang, who had been waiting restlessly, suddenly widened his eyes and stared at Tang Jian\'an, some of whom couldn\'t believe it.

"Second younger martial brother, do you also doubt me? Do you doubt that I will steal the master\'s drawings?"

Tang Jian\'an looked at LV Wenkang\'s angry appearance and could only smile apologetically. When he was about to speak, Bai Jianmu, who had bowed his head and didn\'t speak, suddenly spoke.

"I believe the eldest martial brother is not the one who stole the drawings?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the speech. After they reacted, they all looked at Bai Jianmu.

At the moment, Bai Jianmu is also full of bitter water. He doesn\'t want to say so, but if he doesn\'t say so, the next situation will be bad.

Bai Jianmu and Tang Jianan think differently. Tang Jianan just thinks about the present and their immediate plan.

Bai Jianmu thought that if LV Wenkang was the one who stole the drawings, what should ye Xuan do? Doesn\'t it mean that ye Xuan was wronged.

If so, should ye Xuan be released.

If ye Xuan is released, not only can he not inherit the helmsman\'s position, it\'s hard to say whether he can continue to stay at the South County branch.

In the face of this situation, Tang Jian\'an can ignore it, but Bai Jianmu can\'t. Since ye Xuan was locked up, he has been ready for the next helmsman.

It can be said that as long as ye Xuan is the one who steals the drawings, Bai Jianmu will certainly be the successor of the next helmsman. Although there is another Zhang Lezhi who will affect his plan, it is better to deal with one person than ye Xuan and Zhang Lezhi. Therefore, he does not allow anyone to destroy his plan, especially the plan that is about to succeed, He won\'t allow anyone to destroy it.

Bai Jianmu also knows that if he says that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang has no possibility of stealing drawings, it will lead to countless troubles. However, this kind of trouble must be faced. If he does not face it, he will have no chance. Therefore, he must stand up and speak for the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang and prove that he is not the person who stole drawings. In this way, his plan can be implemented, Achieve his ultimate goal.

Just now, although Bai Jianmu kept his head down and didn\'t speak, he always paid attention to Tang Jianan. He hoped that Tang Jianan would take his place to prove that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang didn\'t steal the drawings. However, after his observation, he already saw that Tang Jianan wanted to follow Zhang Lezhi\'s words and say that the eldest martial brother might steal the drawings.

Bai Jianmu doesn\'t want to see this result, so he must stop it and can\'t let it happen.

Tang Jian\'an looked at Bai Jianmu in surprise and didn\'t understand what he wanted to do. Now, what Zhang Lezhi said is almost impossible to justify. Can Bai Jianmu think of any way at this time.

Tang Jian\'an thinks that he can\'t. He has thought of many ways to deal with it. However, after careful analysis, his methods are useless and will fail in the end.

It is precisely for these reasons that he wanted to understand this point before he decided to do so. According to Zhang Lezhi, at least he won\'t let the master see the clue.

Because if the eldest martial brother is not the one who stole the drawings, would it make the master doubt that the person who said so has ulterior motives if he said that the eldest martial brother is not the one who stole the drawings under such obvious evidence.

Although Tang Jian\'an had plans, they all implemented them without the master\'s doubt. If the master suspected, these plans could not be implemented. Therefore, Tang Jian\'an believed that this was the only way to follow Zhang Lezhi\'s words.

However, Bai Jianmu stopped, which surprised Tang Jianan. He wondered what Bai Jianmu wanted to say or whether he was not afraid of the master\'s doubt.

Not only Tang Jian\'an was confused, but also the martial brothers present were confused.

Just now, what Zhang Lezhi said is absolutely reasonable. After carefully thinking about the analysis of the eldest martial brother, everyone also thinks it is very reasonable. Therefore, everyone has determined that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang must be suspected of stealing drawings. No one has doubts about this.

However, Bai Jianmu raised an objection, which made everyone confused and didn\'t understand what Bai Jianmu wanted to do.

Even Zhang Lezhi was a little strange. Even he believed his words.

Although he remembered those words temporarily, Zhang Lezhi thought carefully in his heart, but he became more and more suspicious.

The eldest martial brother LV Wenkang gave up all his things and studied mechanism technology wholeheartedly. Will such a person be moved and steal in the face of drawings that are more valuable than any treasure in the world.

Zhang Lezhi became more and more suspicious. He suspected that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang might really do so.

However, Bai Jianmu raised an objection, but Zhang Lezhi was stunned. Can it be said that under this situation, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is still not suspected?

In other words, Bai Jianmu has conclusive evidence to prove that this thing was not done by his senior brother LV Wenkang. Only in this way can he raise objections on this matter.

Because Zhang Lezhi knows that as long as Bai Jianmu raises an objection, the master will ask him why and why he thinks that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is not the person who stole the drawings. At that time, if Bai Jianmu is not prepared, how should he answer.

This is what makes Zhang Lezhi confused. In his opinion, Bai Jianmu should have no evidence to prove that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang was not the one who stole the drawings.

In this way, why should Bai Jianmu do so.

Looking at Bai Jianmu with an indifferent face, Zhang Lezhi suddenly felt something in his heart. He understood what Bai Jianmu was thinking and what Bai Jianmu wanted to do.

Zhang Lezhi figured out that the reason for all this was Ye Xuan.

If people say that LV Wenkang is suspected and think that LV Wenkang may steal the drawings, what should ye Xuan, who is locked up in the repentance Pavilion, do.

If the elder martial brother is the one who stole the drawings, should ye Xuan be released.

Zhang Lezhi understands that as long as ye Xuan is released, the person who inherits the next helmsman will have absolutely nothing to do with Bai Jianmu, because ye Xuan is the first heir. Without accidents, master will definitely let Ye Xuan be the next helmsman of Nanjun branch.

This is no secret in Nanjun branch. Everyone knows it. Not only that, but even sun Xinzheng himself said it in front of everyone.