I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 156

This result is not what Tang Jian\'an wants. What they want is to make Zhang Lezhi angry, and then take this opportunity to involve Zhang Lezhi.

However, this change in things caught Tang Jian\'an by surprise.

After all, LV Wenkang, the most undisputed elder martial brother, was also suspected.

Not only that, this suspicion is so convincing.

Tang Jian\'an turned to look at the martial brothers around him and found a look of doubt in their eyes.

Tang Jian\'an knows that Zhang Lezhi\'s words have played a role just now. Now, everyone has some faith. LV Wenkang is stealing drawings and others.

Because LV Wenkang does have the motivation to steal drawings and the reason to steal drawings.

In Nanjun branch, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang didn\'t want to compete for the position of helmsman. We all know this very well and admire the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang\'s personality. We also admire him for giving up everything in order to study mechanism skills.

But now, this admirable thing has become evidence.

LV Wenkang can give up everything in order to learn more advanced mechanism skills, which shows that in his eyes, only mechanism skills are what he wants most.

Well, in this way, isn\'t this drawing what he wants most.

For the sake of mechanism technology, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang can give up everything. Conversely, it can also be said that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang can do anything at any cost, including stealing drawings.

Everyone knows that as long as LV Wenkang gets the drawing, his mechanism skills will advance by leaps and bounds. No one doubts this.

On the one hand, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang likes to study mechanism technology. On the other hand, he does have superhuman talent in this regard.

Once the elder martial brother LV Wenkang gets this drawing, he will break through his bottleneck in mechanism technology and reach a new height in a short time.

This result is exactly what LV Wenkang wants and what he has been pursuing all his life.

Everyone looked at the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang. At that moment, the indignant expression on LV Wenkang\'s face seemed to be disguised in everyone\'s eyes. He did all this. He pretended that feeling to make everyone believe that he didn\'t steal the drawings.

Seeing this scene, Tang Jian\'an can only take a breath. Things have developed to this stage. If he says LV Wenkang can\'t steal the drawings, I\'m afraid he will be suspected in the eyes of the master.

Tang Jian\'an wanted to say that LV Wenkang was suspected, but he was a little unwilling.

Originally, what happened in the hall was expected, but it was only a short period of time that people were stunned.

Zhang Lezhi not only quickly got rid of his suspicion, but also undermined their plan.

Now, Tang Jian\'an has no other way. He turns his head and looks at Bai Jianmu to see what he means.

But when he turned to look at Bai Jianmu, he was disappointed. Bai Jianmu was looking down at the ground and didn\'t mean to speak.

In desperation, Tang Jian\'an turned his eyes to Liu Huarong.

Liu Huarong is also looking at Tang Jian\'an, but his eyes are full of flashing meaning. I think, his heart is also extremely contradictory.

Seeing everything in the hall, Tang Jian\'an sighed secretly. He knew that he was still poor. Up to now, he can only say according to the meaning of Zhang Lezhi\'s words.

Thinking of this, Tang Jian\'an took another look at the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang. Then he arched his hand at the eldest martial brother and said apologetically, "eldest martial brother, I\'m sorry!"

When Sun Xin was asking Tang Jian\'an, LV Wenkang kept staring at him.

LV Wenkang was very nervous. He wanted to hear what Tang Jian\'an said.

Up to now, LV Wenkang also understands that it is useless to say anything.

What Zhang Lezhi said is reasonable. Even LV Wenkang himself believes that what Zhang Lezhi said is reasonable.

Their own mechanism technology has indeed reached a bottleneck. If you want to break through this bottleneck, it will take a long time to study it slowly alone.

However, with drawings, it is different. LV Wenkang is confident that he can break through this bottleneck and reach a new height in a short time.

All this proves that LV Wenkang may indeed steal the drawing. In order to break through this bottleneck, he will also steal the drawing.

LV Wenkang knows that it\'s useless to say anything now. It depends on what everyone says. If everyone agrees that he stole the drawings, it\'s useless even if he says that he didn\'t steal the drawings.

However, if all the people present, except Zhang Lezhi, said they were suspected of stealing drawings, said they were not suspected, then it would be useless for Zhang Lezhi to say he was suspected alone.

Therefore, LV Wenkang stared at Tang Jian\'an to see what Tang Jian\'an would say.

This is crucial. If Tang Jianan also says he is suspected, it will be very important.

Zhang Lezhi said that he was suspected. That means he himself. In fact, it\'s not very important.

However, if Tang Jianan, the second speaker, says he is suspected, then two people suspect him.

LV Wenkang knew that after Tang Jian\'an answered, the master would ask the rest of the people. After all the people were asked, he would make the final judgment.

At the moment, once Tang Jian\'an said he was suspected, it would definitely have a very bad impact. Among the next people, even those who didn\'t dare to speak would say they were suspected.

For example, Mei Guangji, the seventh younger martial brother, and Li Xueyan, the eighth younger martial sister, don\'t talk much. If they are really suspicious for someone, they won\'t make more choices. They will say they are suspicious like everyone else.

Therefore, Tang Jianan\'s answer is very important. In LV Wenkang\'s opinion, it is even more important than Zhang Lezhi\'s words, because Tang Jianan\'s answer will directly affect the ideas of the following respondents.

Looking at Tang Jianan\'s hesitation there, LV Wenkang almost mentioned his heart to his throat and kept praying. He hoped Tang Jianan would say that he was not suspected. Although he knew that this possibility was very small, LV Wenkang had no other way. He could not do anything except praying.

Seeing Tang Jian\'an\'s eyes turn around, LV Wenkang\'s heart is more nervous. Looking at Tang Jian\'an who is about to stop talking, LV Wenkang wishes he could come up to him and ask him what he thinks, or let him not doubt himself and say that he can\'t steal the drawings.

Of course, all this is the result of LV Wenkang\'s own wishful thinking. Tang Jian\'an has to say it.