I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 158

If ye Xuan is released, it proves that he is not suspected. He is not the person who stole the drawings. In this way, what sun Xinzheng said before counts.

Ye Xuan will be the successor of the next helmsman.

This situation is something Bai Jianmu doesn\'t want to see. Zhang Lezhi knows this very well.

I\'m afraid Bai Jianmu did everything for the helmsman.

No matter whether he stole the drawings or not, he should be willing to see what is happening now.

Therefore, Bai Jianmu will never allow this to change. In that case, all his plans will fail. As for the considerable helmsman, it is impossible.

After understanding this, Zhang Lezhi naturally understood why Bai Jianmu did this and that Bai Jianmu would stop it even if he had no way.

Because, in Bai Jianmu\'s heart, except that ye Xuan is the one who steals the drawings, no one else can be the one who steals the drawings. Even if he is really the one who steals the drawings, it will not affect Bai Jianmu\'s decision.

At the thought of this, Zhang Lezhi\'s heart was a little calm. He thought carefully about the possibility and feeling that there would be no unexpected changes. Then he looked at Bai Jianmu again.

After Bai Jianmu\'s words, the most shocked person was, of course, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang.

When LV Wenkang heard Tang Jian\'an say sorry, he already knew what Tang Jian\'an wanted to say.

At this moment, LV Wenkang\'s heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley. He came forward to seize Tang Jian\'an, desperately asked, and tried to make him change his words. However, LV Wenkang himself knew that this was basically impossible.

After saying sorry in front of so many people, he said that Tang Jian\'an had made up his mind that he was suspected and probably stole the drawings. How could he change his words because of his questioning.

Looking at Tang Jian\'an\'s apologetic face, LV Wenkang was very angry.

Tang Jianan\'s qualification is not very good. Of course, it\'s just compared with his martial brothers. If compared with others, his talent is excellent.

It was for this reason that LV Wenkang helped Tang Jian\'an when he joined the school.

Tang Jianan joined the school at the age of 15. He was still an ignorant boy. When he had no problems, LV Wenkang always taught him carefully.

At that time, LV Wenkang considered himself a senior brother and had the obligation to teach his junior brother. Therefore, he taught his junior brother wholeheartedly.

It can be said that Tang Jian\'an\'s ability to have today\'s technology is absolutely related to LV Wenkang\'s help.

Looking at Tang Jian\'an, LV Wenkang remembered that when he was a child, he asked questions around him. At that time, the innocence had already disappeared because of the passage of time. What else was left?

LV Wenkang clearly remembers that once Tang Jian\'an, a young man, was scolded by his master because he couldn\'t understand a drawing. LV Wenkang still clearly remembers the helplessness and grievance on his face.

In order to let Tang Jian\'an see the drawing, LV Wenkang spent a whole night teaching him.

LV Wenkang also clearly remembered that when Tang Jian\'an learned the drawing, the heartfelt joy on his face made LV Wenkang feel happy.

All this disappeared. The former junior brother also disappeared in time. The rest is Tang Jian\'an who said he was sorry.

LV Wenkang admitted that according to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, he did have the possibility of stealing drawings. However, LV Wenkang never thought that even Tang Jian\'an thought he had that possibility and thought he was really the person who stole drawings.

At this moment, LV Wenkang\'s heart was like a knife. He felt that he gave up everything and studied mechanism technology wholeheartedly. This choice was correct. At least, mechanism technology would not betray himself.

Looking at LV Wenkang\'s gloomy face, Tang Jian\'an\'s heart was also uncomfortable.

The elder martial brother\'s teachings to him are naturally in his mind, but they can only be kept in mind. In the face of Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Tang Jian\'an has no way to change them. He can only drift with the tide, otherwise, his fate will never be good.

Logically speaking, LV Wenkang and Tang Jian\'an have been together for the longest time, and their relationship should be the best. However, Tang Jian\'an has only respect for LV Wenkang, because LV Wenkang, like his master, will appear in front of him when he encounters difficulties and help him wholeheartedly.

Now, Tang Jian\'an wants to identify LV Wenkang as a suspect. Tang Jian\'an will never feel better. It\'s like betrayal.

Tang Jian\'an knew that in LV Wenkang\'s heart, at this moment, he was betraying him.

But what can I do?

Although the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang is the eldest martial brother, he has little influence in the whole Nanjun branch.

Tang Jian\'an knew that with his talent, it was almost impossible to get ahead in Nanjun. Therefore, he had to choose to take refuge in a person to ensure his own interests.

Tang Jian\'an doesn\'t want to leave Nanjun branch, so he wants to choose the right person. He can continue to stay.

As we all know now, ye Xuan is the successor of the next helmsman. Tang Jian\'an naturally doesn\'t want to offend him, so he has nothing to say.

However, ye Xuan is now the one who steals the drawings. He is about to be expelled from the school and loses the opportunity to inherit the helmsman.

At this time, Tang Jianan was faced with a choice.

He chose to continue to trust ye Xuan, thought he was not the one who stole the drawings, and even helped him find out who really stole the drawings, then rescued Ye Xuan and continued to mix with Ye Xuan.

However, although this idea is very good, it is really difficult to realize it.

On the day ye Xuan was locked up, Tang Jian\'an thought for a whole night and didn\'t think of any way to save Ye Xuan.

Zhang Lezhi said that it was unfair to Ye Xuan to believe that ye Xuan stole the drawing just because ye Xuan knew the location of the drawing.

Tang Jian\'an is also very clear about what Zhang Lezhi said. Relying only on the evidence, it proves that ye Xuan is the person who stole the drawings. It\'s really a little too childish.

However, this happened. Not only that, but even the master believed this kind of thing and believed that ye XuanZhen was the one who stole the drawings, because only sun Xinzheng and ye Xuan knew the location of the drawings.

Under such circumstances, it was extremely difficult for Tang Jian\'an to find the person who really stole the drawings for ye Xuan.

The key is that only Shifu and ye Xuan know the location of the drawing. Apart from them, Tang Jian\'an really doesn\'t know. Who else will know the location of Shifu Zhang\'s drawing.

Facing this extremely unfavorable situation of Ye Xuan, how Tang Jian\'an chooses and how he should choose is the biggest problem.