I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 155

After Fang Tianji sent the drawing, Sun Xin regarded it as a treasure.

Sun Xinzheng felt that if he knew that others had this drawing, would he steal it?

Thinking of this possibility, sun Xinzheng\'s heart sank suddenly.

This is very possible. It should also be possible for LV Wenkang to steal this drawing in order to improve his mechanism skills.

After all, LV Wenkang has given up everything for the sake of mechanism technology.

LV Wenkang didn\'t want to be the helmsman. He didn\'t even have a wife and children. He didn\'t think about these things. He only had mechanism skills in his heart.

Will such a person be moved in the face of such precious drawings?

To tell the truth, sun Xinzheng had some doubts. After Zhang Lezhi\'s reminder, he had some doubts about whether Li Wenkang would do such a thing.

After listening to LV Wenkang\'s explanation, sun Xinzheng didn\'t speak, but turned his head and looked at Zhang Lezhi.

Zhang Lezhi sighed when he saw the master coming, and then said slowly, "master, the eldest martial brother almost gave up everything for the mechanism skill. It can be said that as long as the mechanism skill can be improved, I think the eldest martial brother will do anything. Therefore, the eldest martial brother is also likely to steal this drawing."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, LV Wenkang was furious. He stepped forward two steps, walked to Zhang Lezhi, reached out and grabbed Zhang Lezhi, and said angrily.

"Third younger martial brother, we have no grievances. Why did you frame me like this? Today, you make it clear to me why you framed me."

After listening to LV Wenkang\'s accusation, Zhang Lezhi shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "elder martial brother, I\'m not setting you up, this is just my analysis."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi paused. He looked at LV Wenkang and smiled bitterly again. Then he continued.

"Elder martial brother, please forgive me for being rude.

If elder martial brother really stole that drawing, will it help your mechanism skills and improve your mechanism skills immediately? "

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s question, LV Wenkang was stunned, then released Zhang Lezhi, nodded a little sadly, and then shouted again.

"However, even so, I can\'t steal master\'s drawings. Third martial brother, please believe me. I really can\'t steal master\'s drawings. I LV Wenkang can\'t do that..."

At this point, LV Wenkang\'s eyes turned to sun Xinzheng again and shouted.

"Shifu, this is really not done by disciples. Please give me a lesson."

Hearing the speech, sun Xinzheng waved his hand and whispered, "step aside first. Listen to what others say about your business."

After listening to sun Yingzheng\'s words, LV Wenkang\'s expression suddenly became stiff. He dared not say what he wanted to say next. He had to stand aside with his head down.

Seeing LV Wenkang standing aside, sun Xinzheng turned his head and looked at the other disciples and asked, "what do you think!"

After hearing sun Xinzheng\'s words, everyone was stunned. Then they shook their heads.

Seeing this scene, sun Xinzheng was a little angry. He stretched out his hand and pointed to Tang Jian\'an and said loudly, "you are the second senior brother. First, tell me what you think of this matter."

Tang Jian\'an was stunned when he was called by the master. He looked at Sun Xinzheng and was at a loss.

When things got to this point, he really didn\'t expect that he thought Zhang Lezhi was the only person targeted today, but he didn\'t expect that the master asked him to express his views on LV Wenkang.

What should I say?

Is it possible that LV Wenkang will steal the drawings?

Still, it is impossible for LV Wenkang to steal drawings!

Saying that LV Wenkang stole the drawings directly offended him, which was different from the original plan.

However, if Lu Wenkang can\'t steal the drawings, I\'m afraid Tang Jian\'an doesn\'t believe this.

LV Wenkang gave up everything in order to study mechanism technology, which Tang Jian\'an knew very well.

If LV Wenkang steals the drawings for the purpose of studying the mechanism, it is absolutely possible to happen according to the degree of LV Wenkang\'s concentration on the mechanism. After all, LV Wenkang can give up everything for the mechanism. It can be said that the mechanism is his only skill.

Although Ye Xuan is said to be the first in the next generation of disciples, in fact, compared with LV Wenkang, he still has a distance.

In the Nanjun branch, no one can match LV Wenkang\'s mechanism skills except Master Sun Xinzheng. Not only that, some people even suspect that LV Wenkang\'s mechanism skills have surpassed Master Sun Xinzheng.

After all, Sun Xin is the helmsman of Nanjun branch. He also wastes too much time in dealing with trivial matters.

LV Wenkang, on the other hand, is different. He does not need to deal with the South County branch, nor does he need to consider the problems of his wife and children. Even, he only accepted one apprentice, and the only apprentice is just to fight for him.

Therefore, LV Wenkang spent far more time studying mechanism technology than his Master Sun Xinzheng. It is also possible that his mechanism technology has surpassed his master.

At this stage, they have reached a bottleneck. It is very difficult to improve again.

It is even more difficult to break this bottleneck by yourself.

At this time, if there is this drawing, the situation will be different immediately.

The bottleneck that is difficult to break through will soon be broken under the guidance of this drawing and enter the next stage.

For a mechanism master, this attraction is simply irresistible.

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, even Tang Jian\'an believed that LV Wenkang stole the drawings.

In order to break through his bottleneck, LV Wenkang stole this drawing to achieve his goal.

This speculation is very likely to happen.

In this case, if Tang Jian\'an replied that LV Wenkang didn\'t steal the drawings, I\'m afraid even he didn\'t believe it.

Moreover, if Tang Jian\'an said that LV Wenkang did not steal the drawings, the master would certainly think that there would be other problems.

He is too retarded as a second elder martial brother because he didn\'t see such an obvious thing.

However, if Lu Wenkang stole the drawings, wouldn\'t today\'s plan be completely ruined.

The original plan was to annoy Zhang Lezhi. Then, when Zhang Lezhi was angry, he took the opportunity to drag him into the water so that he could not delay the matter.

However, the problem has arisen. If Lu Wenkang may steal the drawings, then the previous plans have not been in vain.

Zhang Lezhi can easily get rid of the involvement in this matter, jump out of the matter and become an outsider. It\'s not easy to involve him in this matter again.