I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 154

Listening to Zhang Lezhi, he wanted to analyze the possibility that the martial brothers would do this. There was a sneer on Bai Jianmu\'s face.

Bai Jianmu knew that as long as Zhang Lezhi said it, he would offend everyone. At that time, Zhang Lezhi had no way back.

Unless he can find the real person who stole the drawings, I\'m afraid it will be very difficult for Zhang Lezhi to stay in Nanjun branch. After all, what he wants to say later will offend all his martial brothers.

As for the person who wanted to find the real drawings, Bai Jianmu just sneered, just dreaming.

Next, he will see a good play.

Zhang Lezhi also heard Bai Jianmu\'s cold hum and knew what he thought, but by this time, he had no way back and had to go on.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi once again hugged the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang and said loudly, "eldest martial brother, I\'m not polite."

LV Wenkang heard the speech, smiled and waved his hand, "you\'re welcome. Speak quickly. Everyone is in a hurry."

Hearing the speech, Zhang Lezhi nodded and looked at the elder martial brother with some apology. Then he said slowly.

"What we are talking about today is about the drawings. The master\'s drawings are missing, and the person who stole the drawings must be one of our master brothers. You should not question this."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi paused, and then continued.

"Since it was stolen by one of our martial brothers, of course, ye Xuan, who knows the location of the drawing, must be the most suspected. Everyone won\'t doubt this."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi paused, looked around for four weeks, looked at the expressions of his martial brothers, and then continued.

"However, just because ye Xuan knew where to put the drawings, he decided that he stole the drawings. I feel that this is unfair.

That\'s why I brought you here today to study this matter.

First of all, let\'s talk about what benefits we will get if we get the drawings.

As you know, no one will do anything that is not good. So is the drawing. Only those who need the drawing will take the drawing as a treasure, and those who don\'t need the drawing, even if you give it to him, I\'m afraid he won\'t want it.

That\'s why I want to talk about what will be good for you after you get this drawing. "

At this point, Zhang Lezhi\'s tone stopped. His eyes turned to his senior brother LV Wenkang and nodded apologetically before he continued.

"First of all, let\'s talk about senior brother.

As we all know, the eldest martial brother has no idea about the position of helmsman. What he likes most is to quietly study mechanism every day.

It can be said that none of us can match this perseverance in the quality of research institutions.

The eldest martial brother can not eat for three days in order to study mechanism technology. He can pay any price in order to study something. Will such a person steal drawings? "

Zhang Lezhi\'s words came to this. He turned his head and looked at the eighth martial Sister Li Xueyan and asked, "eighth martial sister, do you think people like the eldest martial brother will steal drawings?"

Li Xueyan didn\'t expect that Zhang Lezhi would ask her. He was stunned. Then he replied in a low voice.

"No, I don\'t think senior brother will steal the drawings."

After listening to Li Xueyan\'s words, Zhang Lezhi nodded and continued.

"Normally, senior brother, who is devoted to studying mechanism technology, can\'t steal."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi paused. He looked around for four weeks before he continued.

"However, what we lost is a drawing. It is a precious drawing. I think everyone should be very clear about the value of this drawing. It can be said that whoever knows mechanism technology will greatly increase the level of mechanism technology after getting this drawing.

This drawing may be given to people who don\'t understand mechanism technology, but as long as people understand mechanism technology, they will regard it as a treasure. It can even be said that the deeper they study mechanism technology, the more they understand the value of this drawing. "

Speaking of this, LV Wenkang, the eldest martial brother of Zhang Lezhi, turned his head and asked with a smile, "eldest martial brother, am I right? The deeper I study the mechanism, the more I understand the value of this drawing."

LV Wenkang nodded when he heard the speech. "Indeed, those who do not understand mechanism technology are not easy to understand the drawings even if they want to understand them. How can they know the value of the drawings."

After listening to LV Wenkang\'s answer, Zhang Lezhi said with a smile, "so, in the eyes of those who don\'t understand mechanism technology, this is a waste paper drawing. In the eyes of the eldest martial brother, it is the best treasure in the world. Am I right, eldest martial brother?"

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s question, LV Wenkang first nodded. When he was about to answer, his face suddenly changed. Then he asked loudly.

"Third younger martial brother, are you doubting me?"

After listening to LV Wenkang\'s question, Zhang Lezhi shook his head and replied, "senior brother, there is no doubt now. Only who can get benefits."

Speaking of this, Zhang Lezhi paused before continuing, "elder martial brother knows the value of this drawing. Moreover, elder martial brother also studies mechanism technology wholeheartedly. I think this drawing is probably the best treasure in the world in the eyes of elder martial brother.

If the elder martial brother steals this drawing in order to study mechanism technology, is it possible for us? "

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, LV Wenkang flew into a rage. He stretched out his hand and pointed to Zhang Lezhi and said angrily.

"Even if I like to study mechanism art, I still understand the principle of respecting teachers and respecting morality. I can\'t steal the drawings without permission until the master publishes the drawings."

At this point, LV Wenkang took a few breaths and calmed his excitement before he continued.

"Third younger martial brother, I LV Wenkang is not that kind of person, not that kind of person who can steal master\'s drawings."

Speaking of this, LV Wenkang turned to sun Xinzheng, hugged his fist and said, "master, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with the disciples. Please master carefully."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, sun Xinzheng was also moved.

According to Zhang Lezhi, LV Wenkang may steal the drawings.

In order to study mechanism technology, LV Wenkang even gave up inheriting the position of helmsman and paid such a high price for wholeheartedly studying mechanism technology.

In LV Wenkang\'s eyes, this drawing is priceless. Sun Xinzheng firmly believes this, because he is also such a person, who likes to study mechanism technology.

After the master sent this drawing, sun Xinzheng studied it well. After some research.