I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 153

Sun Xin is looking at Bai Jianmu and has some doubts in his heart.

If ye Xuan cannot be the next helmsman of Nanjun branch, Bai Jianmu and Zhang Lezhi will become the candidates for the next helmsman.

Knowing this is the case, will Bai Jianmu choose to steal the drawings and frame Ye Xuan, and then take this opportunity to achieve his goal.

Sun Xinzheng glanced at Zhang Lezhi and Bai Jianmu. He knew that if there was no accident, one of the two would be the helmsman of Nanjun branch after he left Nanjun branch.

However, sun Xinzheng has some doubts about what happened to the drawings.

Will ye Xuan steal the drawings?

Will Zhang Lezhi steal the drawings?

Will Bai Jianmu steal the drawings?

Will others steal drawings?

This series of things made sun Xinzheng feel a little headache.

What is the truth about the drawings.

Ye Xuan knows the location of the drawing because sun Xinzheng once took him to the place where the drawing was put.

At that time, Sun Xin trusted Ye Xuan so much that he took him to the place where the drawings were put.

Sun Xin really wants to take ye Xuan as the next successor to train him to be the helmsman of Nanjun branch.

However, thinking of this, sun Xinzheng was annoyed.

Ye Xuan betrayed himself and stole his drawings.

Sun Xin will never forgive this.

No matter who just betrayed himself, sun Xinzheng will not forgive him.

It is for this reason that ye Xuancai will be locked up in the repentance Pavilion.

However, Zhang Lezhi said that ye Xuan was not the one who stole the drawings. He was framed.

Sun Xin is a little skeptical about what Zhang Lezhi said.

Because only Ye Xuan knows where to put the drawings.

The place where the drawings are placed does not mean that you only need to know the location, but there are mechanisms in it.

Even if you find the place to put the drawings, you can only stand outside without knowing the way to open the mechanism.

It was for this reason that sun Xinzheng suspected that ye Xuan did it.

Although Ye Xuan is a good man and would never do such a thing in ordinary times, sun Xinzheng feels that he can\'t say it in front of the drawing.

In sun Xinzheng\'s opinion, that drawing is extremely precious. Even if all the treasures in the world are added together, it is definitely not worth a corner of this drawing.

The master spent half his life to study the drawings. Isn\'t it a big deal.

It was precisely because of this drawing that sun Xinzheng made up his mind to find a master and jointly study mechanism technology.

However, such a precious thing disappeared in front of his eyes. How can Sun Xin not be very angry.

Ye Xuan, together with Zhang Lezhi and Bai Jianmu in front of him, these three people should be the most suspicious in sun Xinzheng\'s view.

Both Zhang Lezhi and Bai Jianmu may achieve their goals through this matter.

In other words, after this happened, they can get the greatest benefits, which Sun Xinzheng sees very clearly.

As for others, sun Xinzheng felt that their suspicion was small, because they would not get the greatest benefit whether the drawings were lost or not.

In the whole South County branch, the biggest advantage is, of course, the position of helmsman.

However, after the drawings were lost, only Zhang Lezhi and Bai Jianmu benefited from them.

Like himself, LV Wenkang, his great apprentice, wanted to study mechanism technology. He was the helmsman and had no idea.

Therefore, Sun Xin will not doubt his big apprentice LV Wenkang at all, because it will not do him any good.

Tang Jian\'an, the second disciple, seems to have nothing to do with him even if the drawing is lost.

Tang Jian\'an\'s talent is still a little poor among his martial brothers. In terms of mechanism technology, his technology is not very high. Even if such a person steals the drawings, he will not get the greatest benefit.

As soon as sun Xinzheng\'s idea turned here, Zhang Lezhi had quarreled with him again. He hugged his fist and saluted, "master, if you don\'t blame the disciple, the disciple will analyze the whole thing."

Sun Xinzheng heard the speech and thought about it. Then he nodded, "OK, you say it."

Speaking of this, sun Xinzheng scanned for another four weeks and said loudly, "everyone is here. Listen to him and think about who did it."

When they heard the speech, they all answered one after another.

Zhang Lezhi looked at the people\'s expressions again and said slowly.

"Unexpectedly, I\'ll analyze it one by one."

At this point, Zhang Lezhi turned his head and looked at his senior brother LV Wenkang. He arched his hand first, and then said slowly.

"Now, let\'s talk about the eldest martial brother."

Zhang Lezhi said this in a more tone. He looked at the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang and saw that the eldest martial brother Li Wenkang\'s face obviously changed after hearing this sentence. His eyes narrowed and his eyes looked closely over here.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Lezhi sighed in his heart, knowing that no matter what he said, he would offend the senior brother in the end.

However, if you don\'t say it, then, according to the judgment just now, even if you want to say it, you won\'t have a chance in the future.

Because after today, if this matter has not been solved, Bai Jianmu will certainly solve himself.

At that time, I\'m afraid I won\'t have a chance even if I want to say something.

Thinking of this, ye Xuan looked at the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang apologetically and said, "eldest martial brother, I\'m sorry. I don\'t mean anything else. I just want to analyze the things between our martial brothers. Please don\'t blame the eldest martial brother."

After listening to Zhang Lezhi\'s words, LV Wenkang nodded, then smiled and said, "third martial brother, just say, I won\'t blame you. Don\'t worry, say everything and let everyone listen. I, LV Wenkang, will never do anything sorry for the master."

Speaking of this, LV Wenkang also saluted his Master Sun Xinzheng with a fist.

Sun Xin was smiling and nodded.

He is still very confident in his apprentice LV Wenkang. After all, the eldest martial brother doesn\'t mean to compete for the helmsman. He is devoted to studying institutions. How can such a person be a person who does that kind of bad things.

Seeing the smile on the master\'s face, LV Wenkang nodded with satisfaction, turned his head to look at Zhang Lezhi, smiled and said, "third younger martial brother, you can start talking. Don\'t worry. You can say anything. Master and I won\'t blame you."

Seeing LV Wenkang\'s smiling face, Zhang Lezhi\'s heart couldn\'t help jumping. He knew that the eldest martial brother Li Wenkang\'s face was smiling now. After a while, I\'m afraid these smiles will all disappear after hearing his analysis of him.