I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 775: Helping others is not something I can do

775 Helping others is not what I can do

Walking on the street, Mu Bai looked around, bought and bought, as if she was possessed by Shuangxue and others.

But once you get closer to him, you can hear his cheerful voice.

"Well, even though Axue and the others abandoned me to some women\'s sorority, I\'ll bring them something when I come out."

"This bear, Yan Fei must like this one."

"And this game console, Lei Mengmeng will definitely like it."

"My snow\'s favorite flower, sell it!"


After walking all the way, Mu Bai gave full play to the posture of buying land, sweeping goods frantically there.

But fortunately, maybe it\'s because it\'s quite common for entertainment stars to be like him, but it didn\'t attract other people\'s attention. At most, he was surprised how this boy can buy things like this.

At the same time, no one recognized him, so that he can still play there happily.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...

"Hit! Beat me to death! This stinky beggar touched me with his dirty hands. Damn it!"

At this moment, just as Mu Bai planted a strap that Gu Qian preferred from the stalls on both sides of the street, he heard a swearing voice in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Mu Bai retracted the band into the ring, and then looked in the direction of the voice.

It turns out that the people here are more active than him. The incident has just been discovered, and now there are three floors inside and outside three floors full of people, and they can even hear their comments.

"Hey, it\'s really gossip."

Mu Bai couldn\'t help sighing for the gossip that everyone has. He immediately shook his head, and when he found more people gathered, he slowly retreated from the crowd.

Lively and good-looking is good-looking, but it hasn\'t reached the point where he has to watch.

And with so many people, if anyone recognizes him, don\'t even think about going shopping later, after all, Mu Bai is still very famous.

Immediately, Mu Bai staggered the crowds that came and let them cross towards him, and he chose a stall nearby to buy Guan Yue\'s favorite bear doll.

"How does the boss sell this little bear doll?"

As soon as he approached, Mu Bai saw that the boss seemed to be focusing on the place where the crowd was concentrated, so he reminded him.

"Oh oh."

Hearing this, the boss was taken aback, and he immediately retracted his gaze and looked at the direction Mu Bai was pointing: "This doll sells for 100 star coins. It is caused by the star beast\'s fire bear skin and fur. It emits heat all the year round. If you compare In cold places, it also plays a role in keeping warm."


Mu Bai couldn\'t help being stunned when he first heard that he was asking for one hundred stars. After all, one hundred stars would be enough to buy a lot of low-level medicines.

As a result, as soon as I wanted to say whether you were a slaughterer or not, after hearing this boss talk about material, he understood.

High cost!

The fire bear is one of the star beasts in the universe. Its fur is soft and comfortable, and its skin also has its own temperature, so many carpets and home furnishings are made of it.

But correspondingly, its cost is also very high.

Especially those fire bears with a higher cultivation base have better fur comfort, and the price is ridiculously high.

For example, the carpet in Hu Yanfei\'s room is refined with the fur of Nirvana, and it is said to be able to sell at a high price of several million stars.

This alone made Mu Bai call the rich directly.

"Well, take one."

Finally, after taking a look, Mu Bai took out one hundred star coins and bought the doll.

He doesn\'t care about money. After all, he doesn\'t say that he is rich, but the net profit created by a lot of money every month has eight-digit stars.

It is conceivable that under his operation, its transportation company is also developing rapidly.


Hearing Mu Bai\'s need, the boss was overjoyed. One hundred stars said that it was not expensive, but it was not cheap, especially for small vendors like them.

So when he heard that Mu Bai wanted one, he started to pack it with joy, then wrapped it up and handed it to Mu Bai.

"Thank you!"

He took it politely, and after paying the money, Mu Bai turned and walked to other places.

At the same time, just now, when I was watching the lively center, a curse suddenly sounded: "Googling, let me go, so many people are watching what, do you want to be beaten?"

This time, it was the person who had just cursed, but his voice was not cursing the beggar, but cursing people around here.


Some people who came to play, have never seen such a situation before, and immediately wanted to refute, but they were all caught by some companions who knew the details. After a word in his ear, the former stopped.

"What are you doing, rolling away!"

Looking at those who wanted to refute, the vocalist walked over, arrogantly: "Do you want to refute me?"

The man looked quite young, with a height of 1.8 meters, and wearing a gorgeous robe, he was very thin and his face was a little pale, but he looked quite uncomfortable.


Some of the people who were being looked down upon by the youth did not dare to look at him. I just wanted to know that this young man couldn\'t afford it.

"Cut! Don\'t dare!"

At this moment, the young man patted the man\'s face and then walked forward. The crowd could not help but give way and let him pass. Behind this man, there were several people in black armor lying on the ground from the ground. Beside the person, quickly walked behind him, looking like a guardian.

And Mu Bai was also passing through the cracks in the crowd at this time, and saw the man in ragged clothes lying on the innermost side.

"..." Seeing this scene, Mu Bai\'s eyes did not fluctuate.


Forget it, he didn\'t, let alone an unrelated person, Mu Bai was not in the mood to care.

In his own words: Helping others is not something I can do!

He is so realistic.

Immediately Mu Bai retracted his gaze and walked towards the other side of him, but at this moment, the young man also walked forward with people, just in his direction.

"Step aside!"

Mu Bai, who was walking, suddenly felt that a force behind him was pushing him.

Seeing this, Mu Bai looked back and saw a black-clad middle-aged man, looking at him fiercely: "What do you think, you are blocking Ma Gongzi\'s way, go!"


Pushed and scolded by others, although Mu Bai did not have the spirit to help others, he was scolded by others. He was not a good-tempered person. He immediately slammed his fist into the face of the middle-aged man. The blood soared out, and the middle-aged man also flew upside down.


Mu Bai\'s sudden shot caused an uproar around him. Many people retreated back, obviously knowing that this matter would not end so easily.

At the same time, the other companions of the black armored man chilled a bit, then looked at Mu Bai coldly, and took out their weapons.

One of them looked at the rather stable black armored man and touched the knife he took out: "Young man, don\'t be so angry!"


After saying this, the man looked at the two companions next to him, and attacked Mu Bai, both with the aura of the starry sky realm, reopening everyone around him.

At the same time, above the area of ​​Huanyuxing, a golden formation was brought to cover this area.

This is what the Huanyu star has to do to prevent conflicts and cause damage to the planet, and is the strongest to resist Nirvana attacks without damage.

After all, it is also a famous entertainment star in the Eastern Region, without any precautions, it is estimated to have been destroyed long ago.


Seeing the three of them rushing over, Mu Bai\'s eyes flashed coldly, and immediately his hands turned to the sides, two short blades appeared in his hands.

It was Hanyue and Xuanyue that he had not used for a long time, these two short blades. Since Mu Bai used it in school, he has never used it because of waves outside.

But now, as he showed his identity as Mu Bai, he just summoned them.

"Baby, keep you waiting for a long time!"

Mu Bai, with two short blades in his hand and wearing a peaked cap, seemed to apologize to them.


As if responding to it, the two short blades were sharp.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, Mu Bai chuckled softly, then looked at the three people close at hand, disdain to say: "It really is a cat and a dog who dare to do it!"

"Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!"...

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Bai suddenly burst into countless wind blades all over his body, swept across with extremely powerful power, causing many people to retreat quickly so as not to harm the pond fish. At the same time, the three people who charged over were blocked by the powerful wind blade.

At the same time, incredible colors flashed in their eyes.

He is a ruthless man!


Then Mu Bai stepped on his footsteps, and then the two blades swayed, and then the chicken wings wanted to rush towards the three people who rushed over, and the short blade was blessed with wind power.

"Punch!" "Punch!" "Punch!"

Three attacks fell, and I saw that the three people who wanted to attack Mu Bai just now were directly knocked to the ground by him. At the same time, Mu Bai was still looking at their master, the eyes under the peaked cap were full of indifference.

"Your dog wants to bite me, do you, the master, have to pay a price?"


Upon seeing this, the young man swallowed with difficulty, and tremblingly backed away slowly: "You...what do you want to do, I am the successor of the second richest man, Majia Entertainment, Ma Bo, you can ...But think clearly."

"Ha ha!"

After hearing this, Mu Bai sneered and didn\'t care.

Not to mention the successor of a planet, it is the galaxy, if he provokes him, Mu Bai will not keep his hand.

Of course, except for the use value.

Immediately, he glanced at the young man indifferently, without admiring him, and then slowly walked to the beggar who had been beaten by them before.


Throwing Xuanyue to the ground, Mu Bai looked at the ragged beggar: "I\'ll give you the knife. I\'ll give you a chance for revenge. They beat you, and you give them a knife. Is it fair?"

Upon seeing Mu Bai squatted down, although he was not a benevolent person, he was an absolutely sinister person.

You can imagine that the person who was beaten by himself in the front will be beaten back in the next second. Isn\'t this exciting?