I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 774: This little fox!

774 This little fox!

Finally, several people calmed down under Lingqi\'s explanation.

It turned out that this time Hu Lai and they took Mu Bai to a colorful place. The location had already been arranged, and they were all their own.

Similarly, Mu Bai\'s performance there will be seen here throughout.

Of course, if there is something wrong with the gun, or something bad, Lingqi will take the first shot here and choke everything to the source.

This made Hu Yanfei and Shuangxue calm down, their anxiety was completely gone, and there was even a hint of playfulness in their eyes.

In fact, it hasn\'t happened for a long time like this quietly calculating Mu Bai\'s days, and they are also very curious about how Mu Bai would deal with such a thing.

After all, from a long time ago, they still remember the moving sound of Mu Bai in those days and nights.

Only after an explanation, the two women never heard it again.

Although Mu Bai always wanted to clarify this kind of injustice of the century, he gave up in the end and had to pinch his nose to respond.

But at the same time, when he uses skill points, he will use something to gag, or simply leave a part of his mind to control his emotions.

After all, the past will always pass, and Mu Bai can\'t explain and is too lazy to explain, because this involves his space.

This is something he must not expose.

"Abai, should he behave well."

"Um... Xuexue, I think Dabai will handle it perfectly."

Saying that, but the tone of the two women is far less trusting of Mu Bai before, after all, this is completely incompatible with strength.

Even Mu Bai performed extremely well as a whole, regardless of strength or character.

But when it comes to the true nature of this man, they still dare not pack a ticket, because it is mixed with the most primitive and ancient truths.

Unlike the two of them, the other women are all staring at the screen.

Especially Lei Mengmeng, she, who is not too big to watch the excitement, is now there to calculate the appearance of waiting for Mu Bai to make a fool of herself.

"First take a picture of you, enough to laugh at you for tens of thousands of years."

Thinking of this, Lei Mengmeng took out the light machine and started recording to the screen.

On the other side, Mu Bai was looking at the front building silently, some not knowing what to say.

Because the place where Hu Lai they brought was, it was an old-fashioned restaurant. It was not like Mu Bai had thought before, with beautiful legs and waist and various uniforms, but a very serious place to eat.

Somehow, he felt a little lost in his heart.

"Mubai, let\'s go, this restaurant has excellent service."

Seeing Mu Bai stunned at the door, Hu Liang pushed him forward from behind.

They brought Mu Bai to this restaurant because it is controlled by the Hu family and it is easier to control. As for what they said just now is so colorful, they are just talking.

If they really want to pass, as Lingqi who instructs them, they will never agree.

At the same time, they also know that according to their grandma\'s personality, they must be broadcasting now.

So the place with heavy colors is obviously not the best place, so I chose it here. After all, I own the holding at home and want to play how to play.

"It seems that this restaurant has a lot of people."

Pushed by Hu Liang into the restaurant, Mu Baibian saw that the lobby was full of local people, everyone was sitting there eating, and some voices would be heard from time to time.

The arrival of Mu Bai did not attract their attention, and they were still talking to themselves.

"It\'s okay, this family\'s figure nearby is very good. I will bring you to eat today."

Hu Liang who followed behind was taken aback, then after answering Mu Bai, he continued to push him forward.

Wen Yan walked with his head down, with a smile on his face.

It seems that all this is arranged!

Thinking of this, there was a hint of playfulness in Mu Bai\'s eyes: it was time for fun.

Immediately he avoided the push and pull of Hu Liang and others, and went to the toilet under the pretext. Then, under the leadership of Hu Liang, he went to the top floor of the restaurant. The restaurant was not high, but the surrounding buildings were very low.

Therefore, standing on the top floor and looking at it, it feels like a small view of the mountains.

"The scenery is good, right?"

At this moment, Hu Wen came next to him, and when he saw Mu Bai looking at the surrounding scenery, he asked aloud.

"Well, the scenery here is pretty good, and I don\'t know what the scenery will be like later."

Hearing Hu Wen\'s words, Mu Bai used a pun. On the surface, he seemed to be expecting the next scenery, but he was actually waiting for their next arrangements.

At the same time, Mu Bai also knew that it might not be as simple as eating next.

"Huh? Actually, the night view here is also good."

Mu Bai\'s words made Hu Wen stunned. As a somewhat savvy person, he seemed to know that Mu Bai had guessed their intentions and immediately answered somewhat unnaturally.

"Ha ha."

Mu Bai did not respond to this, just chuckled and walked towards the dinner table.

Because he understands that it is estimated that only the elders of the Hu family will be able to make the three of Hu Lai, and these elders are most likely to engage in such silly things. Except for Hu Yanfei’s big breast, Lingqi, real people will such.

Hey, how can this grandma still not give up.

Immediately Mu Bai guessed that this might be the second wave of assessments she arranged.

Finally, I had to sigh in my heart, no way, who made her an elder.

"Did you really guess it?"

By the window, Hu Wen heard Mu Bai\'s words, and after looking at his back, he said with some uncertainty, and then followed to the dining table.

Then, after a few people sat down, they were talking about things there.

At the same time, all doors and windows that were originally opened were closed, and the room turned from its original brightness to pink.


Perceiving the changes in the surrounding rooms, Mu Bai held up the cup with his hand and paused, then his eyes condensed, and immediately brought a sneer, and immediately returned to normal.

At the same time, Hu Lai and the others also knew that these were arranged by the big grandma, and then looked at Mu Bai without a trace, and he was relieved to find that he didn\'t care.

Only Hu Wen, he had just chatted with Mu Bai, knowing he might have guessed it.

I can only lament in my heart, the gods fight, and the mortals suffer.

At this moment, Mu Bai felt his shoulders heavy, and then the fragrant wind entered his nose, and a soft touch passed from his body to his nerves. At the same time, he could sense that there was a breath passing by his ears, and his hands were on him. Walking around, soft and slippery.


Passed, my goodness, passed!

Looking at the scene at this time, Shuangxue and Hu Yanfei were about to speak to stop them, after all, they had already met.

But the next moment, I only heard a soft voice from the people in the hall.

Then he saw that Mu Bai, who was being wrapped around by the exposed girl, turned into wisps of purple-golden smoke and disappeared under the public.

"Mu Bai?!"


Seeing this scene, everyone explained that they were astonished. They didn\'t expect such a thing to happen. Even Lingqi and the others were looking at the screen dullly.

"What about people?"

At the same time, the enchanting girl also looked at the person who suddenly disappeared in front of her with some sluggishness.

There is quite a way of who I am, where I am, and what happened.

"this is?"

Upon seeing this, Hu Lai hurried over and found that where Mu Bai disappeared, there was an ordinary jade pendant lying there.


Now they don\'t know yet, Mu Bai\'s plan for himself and others has been seen through, and then he glanced at each other and explained that he was helpless.

"Go find someone!"

"Well, I should look for it."


As the protagonist Mu Bai, he had already appeared outside the restaurant at this time, dressed in black casual clothes, and wearing a peaked cap walking on the street not far away.

In fact, Mu Bai hadn\'t noticed all this at the beginning.

It\'s just that when he walked into the restaurant before, Mu Bai saw the diners sitting in a precarious manner to eat, no one knew they were soldiers.

Then when his brain thought about it, he understood that there was something wrong at this time, so he used the jade pendant as a carrier to put down a mental power engraving while going to the toilet, and used his magical powers to simulate his body to deal with them.

However, he himself took advantage of this opportunity, changed a suit with a peaked cap, found a window and jumped out of the restaurant. At the same time, he could still sense everything in the restaurant with his mental power.

Mu Bai took advantage of them to accomplish all of this lightly.

Speaking of black belly, Mu Bai used to play often. Although he has been busy practicing in recent years, he is quite skilled in business, so after seeing the group of soldiers disguised as diners, he found a way.

I have to say that his wave is indeed very good.

"Now, you should come to me."

Walking on the street, Mu Bai smiled and glanced back at the place of the restaurant, then lowered his cap again and walked towards the lively street.

After all, this place is not as convenient as Qianlongxing. It is just that the investigators who appeared from time to time specially caught people who changed their faces.

So he had to use this method to hide, but luckily the people here didn\'t expect Mu Bai to show up, until no one recognized him.

"Since the entertainment star is here, let\'s go shopping here, after all, it is also a famous entertainment venue in the Eastern Region."

Huanyuxing is one of the planets closest to You Mars, and the double stars are only halfway away, so a few people will reach it soon.

At the same time, it is also a famous entertainment venue in the Eastern Region. On this, there are all kinds of things to play, only you can\'t think of, and you can\'t play without you. It is a very famous place.


And in the hall where Lingqi had called everyone over before You Martian, the air was quiet for a while, and they didn\'t expect that Mu Bai would actually play this, so they didn\'t react.

Especially Lingqi, she was still preparing to watch the play, but she found that things did not follow the script she thought, which made her face disgraceful.

After all, she invited Shuangxue and the others to come to see her. She glanced at the hall and found that everyone was quiet.

Lingqi looked back at the screen, her mouth twitched: "This little fox!"