I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 776: This beggar has something

776 This beggar, something


Mu Bai\'s words caused a commotion in the surrounding people. They did not expect that this young man with a peaked cap would behave so perversely.

Even more arrogant than Mabo just now, if Mabo is arrogant 1.0, then Mu Bai\'s arrogance index is definitely higher than him.

And let the beggar kill him, the two are not at the same level.

"You let me kill him?"

Looking at the knife on the ground, the beggar spoke a little hoarsely, and his voice was a little old, as if he was surprised by Mu Bai\'s words.

"It\'s up to you. Kill as long as you want. The chance of a stab. After all, it\'s just his dog that provokes me. It is a waste of energy to give an extra stab.

"Haha, it\'s interesting."

After a long silence, the old beggar slowly grasped Mu Bai\'s short blade on the ground, and suddenly his figure was a little sluggish.

Seeing this scene, Mu Bai thought it was caused by those people fighting too hard just now, and when he wanted to let him eat something, he was interrupted by Mabo\'s voice.

"You let him give me a knife?!"

At this time, Ma Bo recovered from Mu Bai\'s shocking words just now, pointed at Mu Bai, his eyes widened, obviously he did not expect Mu Bai to do this.

"Why, can\'t it?"

Hearing that, Mu Bai squatted and turned around, looking at him disdainfully: "Don\'t you take care of your dog to bite people and not bear joint responsibility? You think you are a minor!"

Mu Bai sneered at this, and immediately this Hanyue circled his hands in a leisurely manner.

When Ma Bo saw him like this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he didn\'t expect Mu Bai to be more arrogant than him.

I wanted to attack immediately, but after thinking of his previous performance, I didn\'t dare to act rashly for the time being.

He is a bit arrogant, but he is not stupid. He who has only three levels of Star Sea Realm is obviously not a Mu Bai opponent who can kill the first level of Star Sea Realm.

So all he has to do now is to wait and send someone over when he knows the news in his home.

At the same time, he didn\'t dare to run, because he knew that Mu Bai hadn\'t moved him now, and wanted the old man to trample on him, but if he tried to run, he would definitely be suppressed by Thunder.

Anyway, there is still some power in the family, and he still knows these basic common sense.

"You wait...."

Without answering Mu Bai\'s previous words, Mabo just looked at him fiercely, using only his own voice to hear him, and letting out cruel words.

There is no way to do this. Now that the enemy is strong and we are weak, Ma Bo just speaks harshly and dare not let Mu Bai hear it.


Seeing this, Mu Bai still sneered. Although he didn\'t hear the other party\'s words, he knew that he would definitely resent him.

After all, no one is the Virgin, being so bullied, there is no hate.

If so, Mu Bai can only say that it is impossible!

"You are not afraid of his family\'s revenge?"

At this time, hearing Mu Bai\'s words, the beggar slowly held Xuanyue, and said weakly, that it seemed to be because he was beaten badly just now.


After hearing this, Mu Bai looked at the beggar, and immediately spread his hands: "Who told him to provoke me, and does his family dare to retaliate?"

What he said was a bit arrogant, but he didn\'t make a mistake.

It\'s not that Mu Bai\'s status is so high, but because he knows, maybe now the Hu family already knows where he is, and they are on the way. Once they come, there is really nothing wrong with Mu Bai.

And Mu Bai was sure that it was that Dimyou, must be hidden on one side of him.

After all, he was ordered to protect Mu Bai secretly. Even if Mu Bai could avoid the perspective of other people, he could always hide in the dark, just like opening the perspective of God, he already knew where he was.

Otherwise, Mu Bai would not walk down the street carelessly. If he knew that someone wanted to kill himself, he should be careful.

"Hehe, what you said, it\'s old and old..."

"Mu Bai, you really are here, your trick is to get rid of the cicada, it\'s wonderful!"

"Mu Bai, your leaving, directly caused the air to be embarrassed."

At this moment, the crowd who was still watching was suddenly squeezed away by a group of people, and then Hu Lai and a few people quickly ran over. At the same time, after seeing Mu Bai, they were relieved.

Obviously they knew that someone wanted to kill Mu Bai, which was obtained from previous information, but at that time they didn\'t know that Bai Fox was Mu Bai.

But now it\'s different. Knowing that Mu Bai is a white fox, they would definitely be worried.

"Oh, the three old brothers are finally here, how miserable you are to lie to me!"

Seeing the three people coming, Mu Bai got up and looked at them helplessly.

I took myself out of waves twice in a row, and the result was all rounds.

Everyone is a man, so why bother!

Regarding this, Mu Bai was speechless, but he was not angry. As I said before, he knew what the Hu family meant and could play with him.


When the three of them came over, they scratched their heads when they heard Mu Bai\'s words, and they did not deny it. After all, they both went out to have fun with Mu Bai twice.

Thinking of this, the three were also a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, Mu Bai, what are you doing here, causing trouble?"

Hu Lai walked forward to break the embarrassment, and looked at the surrounding scenes. With so many viewers, there must be no doubt about the trouble, so he looked at Mu Bai with a little surprise, as if talking about the trouble system.

"What can I mess with."

Seeing him like this, Mu Bai didn\'t know what he was thinking, and immediately denied: "I didn\'t do anything, but there was something to do me, which made me a little speechless."


Hearing him say this, several people looked at him curiously, and Hu Liang frowned: "Did something happen? On the chassis of Hu\'s family, we can still settle it easily."

They didn\'t know Mu Bai\'s words, and they understood in an instant, whether they had long eyes to provoke Mu Bai.

When something like this happened, they naturally stood unconditionally on Mu Bai\'s side, whether private or public, so Hu Liang said those words just now.

"Hehe, just a few dogs biting people..."

Then Mu Bai talked about how he was pushed by his protector because he blocked Mabo from walking when he was crossing the road.

Several people frowned upon hearing this, and sighed secretly that Mabo really likes to make trouble.

As the second consortium of entertainment stars, Hu Lai and the others have also heard of it, and they also know some recent developments of Mabo, which is a typical example of properly rich second generation.

I dare not dare anything every day, I like to do three things on the planet. In the past, everyone was afraid that he was a local power, and he didn\'t go out of the circle and didn\'t care.

But today is different. His bodyguards pushed people who shouldn\'t be pushed, so naturally they got into trouble.

"Namu Bai, use..."

After listening to what happened, Hu Wen glanced at the few people who fell on the ground, and looked at them in a daze not far from Mabo, and wiped his neck with his hand, obviously saying whether to kill.

Seeing this, Mu Bai shook his head: "Several brothers, although I am bloodthirsty, I am not going to kill indiscriminately,"

Mu Bai was a little speechless about this. He only killed people in battle, because those were just enemies, so naturally he couldn\'t give in.

"That\'s why I am called..."

When he said this, Mu Bai pointed at the beggar on the ground, he was taken aback, his words stopped, and he immediately changed his words: "Where is this beggar?"

It turned out that where Mu Bai was pointing, the figure of the beggar disappeared.

At the same time, he disappeared together with his Xuanyue.

Thinking of this Mu Bai couldn\'t help but feel a heartache, that Xuanyue, but accompanied him from looking for Shuangxue in the Forest of Dalin until now.

Even if Xuanyue couldn\'t keep up with his rhythm for a while in the middle, Mu Bai still used him as the prototype to refine it again before allowing him to accompany him to the present.

It can be said that the Xuanyue is one of the things that witnessed Mu Bai\'s growth.

"Huh? Beggar?"

At this moment, following Mu Bai\'s fingers, they also saw that a beggar had just disappeared, and they were a little stunned.

"Danyou, are you aware of it?"

Realizing that even Hu Liang and others hadn\'t noticed it, Mu Bai immediately said to Xu Kong, wanting to ask him if he had a clue, after all, he was the strongest person here.


Suddenly Mu Bai only felt a cloud of black air in front of him, and then a shadowy figure came out from inside. After he answered, he nodded with Hu Liang and others.

"Neither do you?!"

After receiving a secret answer, Mu Bai looked at him in surprise, quite a little bit unbelievable. After all, the latter was the Triple Immortal Realm, so he didn\'t even notice his strength.

"This beggar, there is something!"

Surprised to surprise, Mu Bai immediately returned to normal, touched his chin with his hand, and said thoughtfully: "It seems that the only way to find out is to look at the monitoring system here."

"No problem, I will notify."

Hearing that Mu Bai\'s things had been passed along, Hu Liang immediately agreed. Although he was shocked that such a weird person appeared here, he suppressed the ripples in his heart and planned to help Mu Bai find the things first.

"Well, thank you."

Wen Yan Mubai thanked him, saying that Xuanyue\'s value was not high, at least for him now.

But it was passed away, and Mu Bai\'s heart was somewhat empty. After all, it was an object that had accompanied him for a long time.

Suddenly feeling down, Mu Bai frowned and glanced at Ma Bo and others: "If you want to come, you can guess the identities of these people. As for me, you will know later."

"Wait later if your family members come over, remember to ask them to think about how to smooth this matter."

After speaking, Mu Bai looked at Hu Lai and the others: "Let\'s go, first go and see if there are any videos in it."


It seemed that they felt the loss in Mu Bai\'s tone. Hu Lai and the others didn\'t say anything. After agreeing, they glanced at Ma Bo\'s direction. Hu Wen went forward and slapped Ma Bo\'s cheek with a feather fan.

"Mabo, right, I have a bit of an impression of you, remember to tell you Lao Tzu that you provoke the Hu family this time, think about how to calm our anger."

After speaking, Hu Wen didn\'t wait for him to respond, and walked towards the direction of Mu Bai and others.


Seeing a few people leave, Mabo was sitting on the ground feebly and shaking.


Obviously, although he did not recognize Mu Bai, he still knew about Hu Lai and others. After all, they lived in the Hu family\'s territory, and several Hu family descendants still knew him.

"Yes...Yes...Tell dad!"

Suddenly, he was like a child doing something wrong, finding a life-saving straw, and turning off the phone to make a call.

"Dad... I took... the Hu family... got... offended!"