I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 546

The ancient god abyss is the forbidden area to the ancient continent and the most dangerous place in the ninth battlefield.

Jiang CI has been wandering in Tonggu for more than 100 years, and has heard of this place many times.

But it's the first time.

When the best fairy boat shuttles out from the starry sky hundreds of millions of kilometers away,

JIANG Ci's eyes are suddenly attracted by the huge abyss below.

Even across hundreds of millions of kilometers, you can see clearly with your eyes,

because the diameter of this huge abyss is close to one light year,

it is like a big hole in this vast land.

The inexplicable breath from the abyss makes people feel awed.

it seems that even the soul will be swallowed after a long time.

At this moment, Jiang CI finally remembered why the flash of breath on the seal made him feel familiar.

Because when he first set foot on Tonggu continent, he felt this kind of inexplicable information.

Now it seems that this abyss is the source of inexplicable breath!

Next to him, Su Zhisan found that Jiang Ci was looking at the abyss and laughed: "Shanhai, you haven't been to the ancient abyss, have you?"

"Well, I haven't been here." Jiang CI nodded calmly.

"No! I just casually said, you really haven't been here?

With your strength, you can come to the abyss of ancient gods long ago. " Su Zhisan was surprised.

"In fact, I've only been in the ancient world for more than 100 years, and I haven't had time to venture here." Jiang CI said with a smile.

Those who dare to roam in the abyss of ancient gods are basically above the seven plundering immortals. With his strength, he can really have a foothold here.

"You're very powerful. You've only been here for more than 100 years, and you've killed so many alien immortals, even one of the eight ghost immortals." Su Zhisan exclaimed.

"Great Lao Mo just said two words, others as the name, has been very silent.

Su Zhisan shook his head with a smile, and then said to Jiang Ci, "since you're here for the first time, I'll tell you something about the ancient god abyss."

"The ancient god abyss is 1 light-year in diameter, and its depth is not clear."

"Because there is a special field force in it, the deeper it is, the stronger the field force is."

"For example, those of us who are strong in robbing immortals can go deep for 1 light year at most, even if it is the limit."

"Further down, both the body and the spirit will not be able to bear it."

"It is said that even the real king and the strong dare not easily step into the depths."

Speaking of this, Su Zhisan solemnly said: "so when wandering in the ancient god abyss, in addition to being wary of alien strongmen that may appear at any time, you should also be careful of your own position,

because the special field force emitted from the abyss will lead you deeper without your awareness."

"in the history of connecting with the ancient continent, there are many ways When they wake up,

they have already gone deep into the dangerous area. Those with strong strength can break free from that kind of field force,

those with weak strength can only disappear under that kind of field force. "

Jiang CI has been listening carefully, and his look has become serious.

Special field force!

It's the first time that he understands this information.

if no one tells him, he will encounter similar situations in the future.

"Ha ha, don't be so serious, just remember two points, don't go deep, don't have epiphany." Su Zhisan burst out laughing.

Jiang CI chuckled, which was brilliant.

"Another point, I don't know if you've ever heard of how the ancient god abyss was formed?" Su Zhisan asked again.

"I don't know." Jiang CI shakes his head.

"It's said that this is the place where the ancient gods of the ancient gods fell." In a dull voice, Lao Mo answered the question for Jiang CI.

"The ancient god of the king level?" Jiang Ci was shocked.

"Yes, it is said that the ancient gods were unwilling to submit to the joint agreement of the three peak groups, and fought with the taojun of the human race, the demon race and the ghost race.

in the end, they burst out with anger, forming an unfathomable ancient god abyss with a diameter of 1 light year." Su Zhisan said.

Jiang CI took another look at the abyss that seemed to engulf everything,

the inexplicable breath he felt must have been left after the ancient God died.

The place where Daojun fell!

There are only a few dozen taojun in the whole Terran,

from the number, we can imagine how powerful the strong at this level are.

Jiang CI breathed softly, calmed down his emotions, and then spread the word with his spiritual sense: "the place where the ancient gods fell, no wonder we can find the ancient mystery here."

"But it's still a matter of luck. Since ancient times, I don't know how many strong robbers have wandered in the ancient god abyss,

but before me, I haven't heard of anyone who has discovered the ancient mystery." Su Zhisan smiles triumphantly, which is also the voice transmission of spiritual knowledge.There are many powerful ancient gods in the abyss. There are many nine robber immortals who are here to practice and hunt. They dare not talk about the secrets of ancient gods, so they are very careful to use their spiritual knowledge to transmit sound.

"Maybe someone has found it before, but it hasn't come out." Jiang CI shook his head.

"Ha ha, in any case, we have found this great opportunity now. Whether we can make further progress on Xianlu in the future depends on this time!" Su Zhisan's fiery eyes fell into the abyss of ancient gods.

The treasure hidden in an ancient mysterious treasure is comparable to the wealth of a real king.

even if they share the wealth equally, it is enough for them to survive another calamity, become nine robber immortals, and even touch the possibility of reversing life and death!

Next to him, the old man, as his name was, kept silent and seldom spoke.

Then, the three people flew back and forth again to the abyss of the ancient gods in the best immortal boat.

This is an unfathomable abyss with a diameter of 1 light-year, which is different from other parts of the ancient continent.

there is enough accelerating space for the source space shuttle.

In just one minute, the best fairy boat came to the area of the ancient god abyss three trillion kilometers deep.

"Just two million kilometers ahead, there's a space of one square kilometer." Su Zhisan pointed out a direction.

Jiang Ci's spiritual consciousness can naturally explore that area, he did not find anything special there.

It seems that, as the rumor has it, the space where the ancient mystery lies is refined by the ancient gods, and even the real king and the strong can't find it.

As for why the Taoist kings of the three ethnic groups who fought with the ancient gods didn't take away the secret collection of the ancient gods, Jiang CI can also guess the reason,

it's very simple, I can't see it!

Then, the three carefully in the abyss boat flight, soon, came to the space.

To the near, Jiang CI still did not find anything, just feel here and the surrounding space is the same.

"It's amazing." Jiang CI exclaimed.

"Otherwise, it will not be our turn. If we can find it easily, it will be someone else's." Su Zhisan said with a smile.

An area of one square kilometer of space, relative to the diameter of the abyss in 1 light-year, simply small can no longer be small.

Su Zhisan and the eight plundered immortals of the demon clan can only say that besides luck, it's luck!

"Go in, go in!" Su Zhisan stowed up the boat and got into the space.

Jiang Ci and Lao Mo look at each other closely.

It's like going through a barrier, and then they find that the space in front of them suddenly becomes larger, or they enter another space,

in the void, there is an ancient palace floating, with a length and width of one million kilometers.

There is nothing else.

"Palaces of ancient gods!"

Jiang Ci and Su Zhisan's eyes burst out a wisp of gold.

At the moment, even the slow old Mo was a little excited.

Without hesitation, they came to the huge platform in front of the palace.

On the platform, there are six corpses with a height of 100 Zhang. They look similar to the human race, but they have six arms.

the ancient Protoss has been destroyed for many years, but these six corpses are still in good condition, which shows that their cultivation was very strong!

"There are still some spiritual power left on the corpse, at least at the level of seven robber immortals." Jiang CI felt it carefully.

"It's true that, judging from the possession of the seal, the six of them are likely to be the guardians of the ancient god's Secret collection.

it's just that the battle came so suddenly that they didn't have time to react, so they died and were killed." Su Zhisan nodded.

Jiang CI can imagine the scene at that time, the three peak groups of Zhenjun and Daojun, who directly swept through the ancient continent,

only the Yuanshen attack can make these powerful Yuanshen disappear in an instant, and there is no room for resistance.

In addition to the six corpses, the platform is also carved with complex runes similar to the transmission array, which are hexagonal in shape. The runes in each corner form an obvious pattern.

"Teleport?" Jiang Ci was a little surprised.

The environment of the battlefield outside the territory is treacherous and often changes, so it is not suitable to build a transmission array.

because the transmission array will be destroyed or be squatted by the enemy,

so we all use flying boats to drive, but we didn't expect to see the transmission array here.

"It's a teleportation array, but it's different. You have to have a seal to start teleportation." Su Zhisan said with a smile.

"Hexagonal rune, that is, there must be six seals in order to fully open the palace of ancient gods." Jiang CI nodded gently.

"Now we're waiting for the demon family's immortal robber to come." Su Zhisan said.

Three people are not anxious, waiting quietly on the platform.

After half a day, three streamers appeared in this space, whistling to the platform,

the rich evil spirit and immortal power spread instantly."Jie Jie!" A burst of sad laughter rang out, "Su Zhi Sanren, it seems that you are very anxious, but it's better to come early than to come coincidentally!"

Speaking of is a height less than one meter of the demon clan, a pair of black eyes, revealing the sly eyes.

He is like a wolf in shape, but his two front paws are very short, so he walks upright.

this is the strong man of the top blood group of the demon clan, the gang.

Although his stature is short, his momentum is not low!

"If you come early, you can arrange some means in advance, don't you think?" Su Zhisan laughs with indifference.

"Hum!" The eyes of the eight robber immortals of the Jin'an clan became cold, and then turned to Jiang Ci and Lao mo.

"These are the two helpers you asked for?"

"There are not many stupid stones of the Juyan clan who roam through the ancient world. They are also eight robber immortals. It seems that they are the stupid old mo."

"This young man with a long sword on his back and wearing gold and black armor, seven robbers? Is it the mountain sea Sword Fairy of the human race? Or Qingming Sword Fairy? "

"Oh, these two are not so good..."

His comments are obviously psychological tactics.

However, Jiang CI three people do not care, we are all experienced, will not be disturbed by these words mind.

If it's outside, the Terran camp and the demon camp meet, without saying a word, they must start directly.

But this time, we all came for the sake of the ancient secret collection.

of course, we won't do it until the ancient god secret collection is really opened.

"Stop talking nonsense. Let's get to know each other." Su Zhisan shook his head and said, "I'm Su Zhisan from the Terran camp."

"Mountains and seas."

"Old silent."

Jiang Ci and Lao Mo give their own names.

At the same time, their eyes, and the demon clan camp of the three robbed immortal strong, not afraid.

The three demons robbed the immortals, except the eight robbed immortals of the Jinbei clan, who were very short, less than one meter.

The other two are not the kind of demon clan famous for their huge immortal body,

one is a human like fox girl with eight fox tails,

every move is soul stirring and mind stirring. This is the strong eight robbers of the demon clan Linghu clan,

one is a 100 meter tall bull headed man with four ring magic weapons on each arm, which comes from the demon clan The eight robber immortals of the cattle demon family.

It's just that Jiang CI hasn't been in the ancient world for a long time, and he doesn't know the information of the three demon tribes.

After he and Lao Mo introduced each other, Su Zhisan said in a deep voice, "it's your turn."

The eight robber immortal Jie of the Jin'an clan said with a smile, "my name is Kuiyu."

"The fox and the enchantress." The fox girl of Linghu family said with a smile, but at this time, she had a holy taste, not so charming.

"Eight ring ox demon." The big man of the ox demon clan grinned, and his momentum suddenly increased. There were electric lights flashing around him, accompanied by low thunder, which made people uneasy.

Jiang CI three people feel this momentum, the facial expression is all slightly a change, very close to nine rob immortal!

In other words, the eight ring ox demon from the ox demon clan is the strongest one on the scene.

"Now that we all know each other, let's start the teleport now?" I laughed, as if I had the chance to win.

The North Ring ox demon and the spirit fox demon also have a strange smile on their face.

Su Zhisan's face is expressionless. He turns over his hand and takes out the seal.

JIANG CI shakes his head gently. Together with Lao Mo, he also takes out the seal.

Next, three men and three demons stand in the six directions of the hexagonal transmission array, and then activate the transmission array.


All of a sudden, there was a violent spatial fluctuation on the platform, and there was a dazzling white light condensation, which was a sign before transmission.

"Trouble, I didn't expect that the other side had a strong one close to jiujiexian!" Su Zhisan's spiritual voice rings in Jiang Ci's and Lao Mo's ears.

If nine robber immortals are equivalent to 100 eight robber immortals, then the eight ring ox devil is equivalent to 10 eight robber immortals!

Now, in terms of combat power, the three of them are at a disadvantage.

"I'm good at the local Taoism. I have a high defense. I can entangle him for a while." Lao Mo said that he was sincere and didn't want to shirk. Instead, he took the initiative to take the most difficult one.

"That's the only way." Su Zhisan sighed.

"Linghu Yaoji should be good at magic. Just give it to me." Jiang CI also said.

"Well, we are each responsible for one. As long as Lao Mo can hold off, we will still have a chance." Su Zhisan said in a deep voice.

The three people were communicating with each other in secret.

a few seconds later, the transmission array in front of the ancient temple was finally fully activated.

The dazzling light, like a small star, illuminates this space.

Under the power of transmission, three people and three demons disappear.……

In the deepest part of the palace of ancient gods, a hidden wall glitters with a ray of Rune light, which is the entrance to the cave world.

when you step into the cave world, you can find that there is a wilderness here,

on the earth, there are many tall six armed figures busy, or practicing, or working.

If they see this scene, they can recognize that these are the ancient Protoss adherents.

But it is not the ancient Protoss who survived at the beginning. In the past, those who did not reach the true king died long ago.

Now these are the descendants of the first group of adherents.

At this time, in the middle of the cave world, there is an ancient tower with a height of 100 thousand Zhang.

There is a ground, also flashing a ray of Rune light.


A six armed figure with misty breath suddenly appeared. He looked at the ray of light excitedly.

"Ha ha, here we are, here we are at last!"

"I've been waiting for ages, and finally I'm here!"

He looks like a crazy smile, his face is covered with tears.

Waiting for countless times, a word shows his strength. This is a real king with endless longevity.

"Those who are more than seven immortals, come here for me!" His mind covers the whole cave world.

Whoosh, whoosh

Soon, a total of ten ancient gods came from all over the world, and each of them sent out a breath of at least seven.

"See Zhenzu!" They respectfully saluted the ancient god Zhenjun with a misty atmosphere.

"Zhenzu, what happened?" Then the head of the nine robbers asked.

With a smile on his face, Zhenzu, the ancient god, said: "just now, the teleportation array of the ancient god's Secret collection has completely started!"

"Ah..." The ten ancient gods suddenly got excited. Some of them laughed, some of them were crazy, and some of them burst into tears.

"So we have a chance to leave?"

"Ha ha, that's a good thing!"

"I didn't expect that I would have a chance to leave this cage in my lifetime!"

Zhenzu, the ancient Protoss, heard these words and looked at the ten immortals with a complicated look.


Countless times ago, he received an order from the ancient god to leave with a group of outstanding people.

However, before he left, the war broke out.

The battle of Daojun level is not what he can participate in, so he has to take his people to hide in this ancient mysterious collection.

However, the six clansmen who were responsible for guarding the ancient mysterious Tibet did not have time to escape and died in the aftermath of the war.

Without the keeper's seal, they can't open the teleportation array hidden by the ancient god, so they are trapped here.

In desperation, he can only open up a cave world here to provide a living place for those people.

Year after year, era after era of waiting.

He watched with his own eyes the people who survived with him, their life and death.

And then watch the new generation grow up and die.

Generation after generation

During this period, there were also many people who had been practicing jiujiexian,

but the resources of this small world were not enough to support the people's cultivation to the realm of true monarch.

even the jiujiexian people could only die with regret and indignation after Shouyuan dried up.

It seems that we are survivors of the ethnic group, but actually we are prisoners.

This ancient god's secret, this cave world, is their cage!

"Cage..." The real ancestor of the ancient Protoss sighed.

Compared with the ethnic group, in fact, he suffered the most.

Those clansmen, even if they are trained to nine robbing immortals, will only live for 100000 years in the end.

And he, the real king, has lived for countless generations in this small world.

If he hadn't seen the real universe, he might not have felt it.

But he was the real king who was refined before the extermination of the race. He also traveled in the vast original universe and knew that the world was vast.

The eyes of Zhenzu, the ancient Protoss, swept the faces of the ten people who robbed immortals one by one, then took a deep breath and said, "today, I will take you out of this cage!"

Now that the teleportation array of the ancient god's Secret collection has been fully activated, it means that there are six alien groups holding the seal and entering the ancient mystery collection.

As long as they can take away six seals, they can take the people away from the ancient god's Secret collection!

The ten ancient gods also calmed down a little,

led by the nine gods, said in a deep voice: "Zhenzu, I think you'd better not come out this time."

"Are you worried that there will be a real king outside?" Zhenzu, the ancient Protoss, frowned.

"If you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, Zhenzu is the only hope of our ancient Protoss,

if you have an accident, the clan will be finished!" Nine rob immortal air solemnly say.The main reason why the adherents of the ancient Protoss can continue for countless generations is that they have a strong real monarch with endless longevity.

If even the only real king dies, the ethnic group may perish in the future.

Zhenzu, the ancient Protoss, pondered slightly. Of course, he understood this truth.

Moreover, he also knows his own strength. He is only a real king who has reversed life and death once, that is, a Daoxian, who has five turns. He is the worst level of strength.

Consider the extreme situation. If there is a Taoist immortal outside who has turned more than once, he will be in danger.

"Not bad." Zhenzu nodded. He knew how to choose when it was about the life and death of the ethnic group.

"Gu Hong, Gu Qian." He called two names in succession.

Two of the ten robbers came forward.

Gu Hong is the nine robber immortal,

and Gu Qian is the eight robber immortal whose strength is second only to him.

As for the remaining eight, they were all seven robbers.

"The two of you are the most powerful. It's up to you to go out and fight for the seal of the ancient mysterious collection!" Zhenzu zhengse Dao.

"Yes Gu Hong and Gu Qian saluted respectfully.

The true ancestor of the ancient gods thought about it and said, "one more thing, this secret collection of the ancient gods is one of the 100 inheritance secrets left by the ancient gods.

it contains not only a large number of treasures of our ancient gods, but also the most important inheritance of the ancient gods.

if possible, you can try to bring back the inheritance of the ancient gods together,

as for those treasures, just follow the fate Well,

presumably, those alien people don't know the particularity of this ancient god's secret. Their primary goal must be those treasures. "