I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 545

The territory of the human race, a starry continent with a diameter of 10 billion light years,

on the nine sky, there are floating clouds, and there are countless floating fairy mountains and fairy islands,

on the fairy mountains and fairy islands, there are colorful auspicious clouds supporting each other layer by layer,

palace pavilions are surrounded by stars, floating on these colorful auspicious clouds,

here is the temple of the Taoist alliance.

At this time, there is a large hall with an area of one million square kilometers in Tianting.

In front of a huge stone table, there are nine huge thrones,

on each throne sits a figure with ethereal breath, which seems to coincide with the starry sky.

These are the nine real kings in the hall of robbing immortals, one of the three gates and six sects.

A young man in white robe sitting at the top of the table waved his hand to evoke a three-dimensional phantom,

the content displayed in it is exactly the detailed information of Shanhai Sword Fairy in the last hundred years.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the topic of today's discussion. Whether to invite Shanhai Sword Fairy to join the Tianting temple." The white robed youth said without expression.

After that, he turned his eyes to the other eight real kings.

"He killed a ghost eight robber immortal 30 years ago. In terms of strength, he is really qualified to join in,

but his real identity is in doubt, so I ask for his identity to be confirmed again."

"Yes, we can't ignore the possibility of being an alien spy?"

"Here is only the information of nearly a hundred years. It is suggested to check his previous experience again."

"Every Terran who enters into the battlefield outside the territory has its identity recorded in heaven. I suggest applying to the emperor for permission to check."


The other eight real kings didn't say they were against it, but they all asked to find out the identity of Shanhai Sword Fairy.

The young man in white robe didn't stop everyone from discussing. He watched quietly,

finally, after seeing that the discussion was almost over, he said: "I have applied to the emperor for this matter,

the answer the Emperor gave me is There's no problem with the mountain and sea sword immortals. You can enter the temple of robbing immortals. "

The eight real kings looked at each other and spoke one after another.

"That's no problem, I agree."



The white robed youth nodded gently and said, "now that all have passed, I will arrange for people to invite Shanhai Sword Fairy to join the temple of robbing fairy."

Then, the figures of the nine real kings disappeared, leaving only nine huge thrones.

It turns out that everyone is a phantom of communication.


After experiencing the battle of Youming ghost prison, Jiang CI learned a lesson and returned to No. 1 barracks every time he took a rest.

It's convenient to be able to come back from thousands of light-years away in a few days with the best fairy boat.

In the military camp, he can not only have a safe and comfortable residence, but also dispose of the spoils in time.

unlike in Tonggu continent, he is nervous every day and tired after a long time.

This time back, Jiang CI closed for a month in the 41st palace, summed up the ten years of fighting, and realized the power of the five elements.

After going through the customs, he went to the tavern in the military camp leisure area to relax,

he is a frequent visitor here, and now the status of mountain sea Sword Fairy is second only to Jiujie fairy in the Terran camp.

So as soon as he came in, there were many strong robbers greeting him.

"Shanhai, are you back?"

"Shanhai, I heard that you killed three other seven robber immortals?"

"That's cruel. I've only killed four alien seven robber immortals in three hundred years."

"He's a sword immortal. Can you compare with the mountains and the sea, an immortal who practices water system and Taoism?"


Jiang CI walked all the way with a smile.

"Shanhai, this way."

In the distance, Su Zhisan, an old friend, waved to him.

Jiang CI went to sit down, and then said with a smile: "Su Zhi, I haven't seen you for 50 years. It seems that you have gained a lot this time."

"Thanks for your good words, the harvest is really not small." Su Zhisan's eyes smile inexplicably.

"Oh?" Jiang Ci was a little surprised. He just said it casually.

Su Zhisan is an eight robber immortal. He said that he has gained a lot. It must be the start of 100 million points.

"Go back to your palace. It's not convenient here." Su Zhisan's spiritual voice.

Jiang CI is even more surprised. What is the harvest?

Even things worth 1 billion points are not so careful.

Later, the two drank and chatted, but they did not mention the harvest.

Drinking and chatting like them usually started in a month, but this time it was only three days later, and the first sergeant captain in charge of the reception task in the military camp. Come and interrupt their chat.

When he saw Jiang Ci, he saluted respectfully,

and then said with envious eyes, "Mr. Shanhai, there is a group of envoys from the heaven robbing immortal hall waiting outside your palace.""The messenger who robbed the temple of immortals?" Jiang CI moved in his heart.

"Envoys come to the door in person, usually to invite others to join the temple of robbing immortals.

Shanhai, you haven't joined the temple yet?" Next to him, Su Zhisan was surprised.

"No Jiang CI shakes his head.

"It's a good thing. After joining, there are many advantages, such as the legendary ancient immortal world,

only by joining the temple of robbing immortals can you get the qualification to enter the ancient immortal world." Su Zhisan said with a smile. Obviously, he is also a member of the temple of robbing immortals.

"Ancient fairyland?" This is the first time Jiang CI has heard of this term.

"Ha ha, you go back to see the emissary quickly. When you enter the temple of robbing immortals, you will have the authority to know the information of the ancient immortals." Su Zhisan gave a mysterious laugh.

Jiang CI nodded, and then went back to his No. 41 palace with the team leader.

In front of the hall, I saw three strong robbers waiting quietly.

The leader was a strong man in gold armor, who was close to the nine robber immortals.

The remaining two are seven robbers in black armor.

"Shanhai has seen three messengers." Jiang Ci goes by.

"Hello, shanhaijianxian, we are here to invite you to join the Tianting Temple of robbing immortals." The strong man in Jinjia, the leader, said with a smile.

Jiang CI invited them to the hall and took their seats.

"I don't know what to call the three messengers yet?" Jiang CI asked.

"I have a name." Said the strong man.

"Shi Feng."


The remaining two seven robbers also introduced their names.

Jinjia strong man Ju Luo said: "in Tianting Temple of robbing immortals, only those who are strong enough to rob more than seven immortals can join the temple.

after studying and judging, the real lords above think that you are qualified to be a member of the temple of robbing immortals, but I don't know whether you want to join it or not?"

Jiang CI nodded gently and said with a smile, "I'm sure I will."

There's no reason to refuse,

only those who rob more than seven immortals can join. That is to say, the high-end fighting power of the Terran is basically in the temple of robbing immortals.

For example, his master jiujianxian is one of them.

As Su Zhisan said, it's good to join them.

In a nutshell, he can get to know more top robbers in it.

If there is any valuable booty to deal with in the future, you don't need to trouble jiujianxian. He can trade with the strong in it.

"So, please accept the brand of the eye of heaven." He took out a closed eye, which is the part of the eye of heaven.

Then he pinches Jue with one hand, opens his closed eyes, and shoots a gray light, covering Jiang CI.

Jiang CI didn't resist. This process was experienced once when he first entered the foreign battlefield and determined his identity and authority.

The next moment, he found that this time the situation is a little different.

There is a gentle voice, sounded in the hall: "Terran mountain sea, welcome to join the temple of heaven."

"When the Terran stands on the top of the universe, surrounded by enemies, it needs the strong to fight against these enemies. I hope you can remember your mission as the strong and fight for the Terran!"


The light from the eye of heaven condenses into a special symbol in the air, falls on Jiang Ci's shoulder, and then falls into it.

Brand success!

At this time, Jiang Ci was still immersed in a gentle voice. It should be said that his soul was immersed in it.

"Fight for the human race!" Jiang CI repeated a sentence, then suddenly woke up and asked, "was that eye of heaven talking just now?"

"I don't know that either." Chu Luo shakes his head and smiles, then says: "every strong person who joins the temple of robbing immortals will experience this scene, but no one knows who it is.

some people guess that it may be the spirit of the eye of heaven, or it may be the Taoist Lord above."

Jiang CI nodded thoughtfully, still full of surprise in his heart.

Because that voice gave him the same feeling as that of master jiuxiao, which could affect him in the depth of his soul.

"Well, the brand has become. When you meet the strong ones in the robbing immortal hall, Zhenjun hall or Daojun hall,

through the brand breath, you can identify each other." He said with a smile.

Jiang CI moved in his heart. Sure enough, he could feel the brand breath of Chu Luo and the other two seven immortals messengers through the brand of his shoulder.

"If you have anything else you don't understand, you can search through the eye of heaven network. Now you have the right to find the relevant information." I would like to add another sentence.

Jiang CI also laughs. He only learned about the temple of robbing immortals at master jiujianxian a hundred years ago.

unexpectedly, he has become one of them now.


After the emissary of the temple left, Jiang CI entered the eye of heaven network through the communication bead to search the information of the temple.The information is very complete, including nine real monarch level master of robbing immortal hall, as well as other kinds of information.

At the end of the day, what shocked Jiang CI most was that the number of people robbing the immortal hall exceeded 3 million!

This is the first time he knows that the Terran is so powerful!

"The strong one who robs more than three million immortals!" Jiang's Ci is so amazing.

On second thought, he thought that the figure was reasonable.

There are more than 30000 strong people in the Terran camp of the ninth battlefield, who are more than seven immortals.

There are 36 main battlefields, such as the ninth battlefield.

Roughly speaking, there are more than one million strong people in the battlefield outside the territory.

"I just don't know the number of people in Zhenjun hall and Daojun hall?" Jiang CI thought.

The two halls of the heaven are the real high-end fighting power of the Terran. He is not qualified to contact them now.

"Soon!" Jiang CI is full of confidence.

Later, he searched the ancient fairyland again.

"The legendary fairyland, the core of the original universe?"

"Open time uncertain? Was it last opened a million years ago? "

After a brief reading, Jiang shook his head.

At first, he thought that he could go in at any time. After all, it's fairyland. Maybe there will be fairyland crystals and so on.

refining Tongtian building needs a lot of high-quality fairyland crystals, which he has been thinking about all the time.

It's just that the ancient fairyland was opened only once a million years ago. I don't know when it will be opened next time, so there's no need to pay attention to it for the time being.

Thirty six million years in the first era, even the nine robber immortals only have a life span of 100000 years.


Jiang CI is looking up materials in his residence. Not long after, Su Zhisan, who has a kind face, comes.

"Welcome to the temple of robbing immortals." Su Zhisan said with a smile.

"Come on, do you want to show me what you've got?" Jiang CI also remembers the conversation when they were drinking before.

Now, as soon as the messenger of robbing the immortal hall left, Su Zhisan came to him,

this made Jiang CI feel that Su Zhisan's great harvest should not be so simple.

"I'm not here to show off. It's good for you." Su Zhisan's face became serious.

"Big benefit?" Jiang CI eyebrows pick.

"Go, go to your training room and say." Su Zhisan said with his spiritual voice, looking very careful.

Jiang CI is even more curious. What is the big harvest that can make su Zhisan so careful.

What's more, this big harvest will bring you benefits?

He doesn't believe in pie.

They entered the cultivation room where they could isolate the spiritual exploration.

"Now, what have you got?" Jiang CI asked.

"Have you ever heard of the ancient Protoss?" Su Zhisan took a deep breath.

"Ancient Protoss? You mean the aborigines of the ancient world? " Jiang Ci was a little surprised.

He got to know a lot of strong men above seven robbers in barracks No.1, and he also knew a lot of information about the ancient continent through his usual communication.

The largest star continent with a diameter of 20000 light-years once bred a powerful top group, the ancient Protoss.

In general, the universe is divided into three levels: ordinary, top and peak.

If you can be called a top group, there is at least one strong person in this group.

Countless centuries ago, the three top ethnic groups, the human race, the demon race, and the ghost race, designated the star territory where the ancient continent was located as the ninth battlefield.

as an Aboriginal ancient Protoss, they were very bloody and did not submit.

But with their strength, they were rivals of the three top groups and were soon swept away.

However, at that time, there were many surviving ancient Protoss adherents,

"did you meet the ancient Protoss adherents?" Jiang CI asked again.

"No Su Zhisan shook his head, and then solemnly said: "I found the ancient god secret of the ancient Protoss!"

"Ancient mystery!" Jiang Ci was surprised and asked, "is it true or not? Such a great chance can also fall on me

"It's true, of course." Su Zhisan said in a deep voice.

However, Jiang CI regained his calm and frowned: "Su Zhi, you and I are indeed good friends,

but the ancient mystery represents endless wealth. Anyone who finds it will try to hide it, but there is no reason to share it with others!"

Jiang CI is very clear that the ancient Protoss, as the top ethnic group in the universe and the master of Tonggu continent, have a very deep foundation.

in the form of a secret space, they store the resources and treasures of the ethnic group all over Tonggu continent, which is the so-called ancient god secret collection.

At the beginning, the ancient Protoss was exterminated overnight, and it happened so suddenly that the survivors of the ancient Protoss only had time to take away a part of the ancient mysteries.

therefore, a small part of the ancient mysteries remained in Tonggu.Moreover, the secret spaces of these ancient mysterious collections are all refined by the Daojun of the ancient Protoss,

even the spirit of the real king and the strong can not be found, unless the chance is deep.

In the history of the ninth battlefield, there were more than ten ancient mysteries discovered by the strong of the three camps.

Although each ancient god's Secret collection contains only a small part of the treasures of the ancient gods,

but the details of a top group, even a small part, can be regarded as endless wealth for those who rob immortals!

This is the main reason why Jiang CI is suspicious. There are few people in the world that he can completely trust.

In the face of Jiang Ci's query, Su Zhisan said with a smile: "you're right. Even if you're a good friend, you can't share this great opportunity."

He took a deep breath and said, "in fact, I'm not the only one who has discovered the ancient secret collection.

I'm here to tell you this, just to invite you to fight for the ancient secret collection."

"A lot of people?" Jiang CI frowned.

The ancient mysterious collection is extremely precious. If too many people find it, it will surely lead to a big war, and even the nine robbers may fall.

If so, the chance is questionable.

"Don't worry, not much, just me and a demon eight robber fairy." Su Zhisan shook his head,

and then continued: "the details are like this,

not long ago, I was fighting with the eight plundering immortals of the demon clan in the ancient god abyss,

that war caused a large space fragmentation, and then I found a strange place,

there was a small space, in the aftermath of the attack of our two eight plundering immortals, there was no silk Don't move

"But soon, the eight plundered immortals of the demon clan also found out, and he and I broke into the small space together,

and found that there was a cave in it, and there was a huge ancient palace. Then we realized that it was the ancient god's secret of the ancient gods!"

"Then, at the gate of the palace, we found some ancient Protoss bodies. On those bodies, there were six seals!"

"The eight robbers of the demon clan and I started fighting again. Unfortunately, our strength was not much different. In the end, we each got three seals."

"Yinfu is naturally the key to enter the palace of ancient mysterious collection, but we also found an important information on those corpses,

that is, six Yinfu owners must enter from six designated directions at the same time to really open the ancient mysterious collection."

Su Zhisan showed a helpless expression: "the eight robber immortals of the demon clan and I also tried,

although we can enter the ancient god's palace with Yinfu, we can only move in those corridors,

no matter how we try, we can't enter other places in the ancient god's palace."

After hearing this, Jiang CI fully understood that it was not su Zhisan who was generous, but he had to find someone to go in with him,

and he happened to be familiar with Su Zhisan. More importantly, the fighting power of Shanhai sword immortal was just the level of eight robber Immortals,

in case of an accident, Su Zhisan didn't have to worry The helper you are looking for is too powerful and poses a threat to him.

Jiang CI understands this. It's human nature. He would do the same for himself.

With a cautious attitude, he asked: "there is another question. Since it is the secret collection of the ancient Protoss, what should we do if we need the blood of the ancient Protoss to open the secret collection?"

It's very possible. As the top group in the universe, the ancient Protoss absolutely had such blood restriction means, and it's impossible to leave their ethnic treasures to other groups.

"I've thought about that, too." Su Zhisan nodded, "however, in the history of the ninth battlefield, there are many strong people who have obtained ancient mysterious collections.

although they don't know what happened to those ancient mysterious collections before,

it's certain that the value of an ancient god's secret collection is absolutely equal to the wealth of a real strong man!

I think it's worth taking a little risk in the face of such an opportunity.

What do you think of the mountains and seas

"Of course it's worth it!" Jiang CI laughs.

"Are you going or not?" Su Zhisan asked with a smile.

"Go, of course!" The tone of Jiang CI is decisive.

In Tonggu continent, as for the means of protecting life, he called it the second, and no one should dare to call it the first.

Not counting tongtianlou, it's only the second level of sanchongshan. It can resist the full attack of jiujiexian, and it can also imprison a space of tens of millions of kilometers.

And then he has the big move rune, randomly moving 100 million light-years.

These two magic weapons can make him invincible.

Since there was a strong man who had been granted the ancient secret collection before, he may have so many means to protect his life!

"Ha ha, good!" Su Zhisan laughed, and then said, "three seals, you need three people.

your Kendo attack is very strong, and you can cope with many dangerous situations with my space way,But we still need a man with high defense. "


A moment later, Jiang Ci and Su Zhisan came to another palace in No. 1 military camp.

In the training room of the palace, Jiang CI meets the second person Su Zhisan is going to invite.

A stone man like eight robber immortals comes from the Juyan clan, the vassal group of the human race.

"Shanhai, this is Lao Mo, my life and death friend, who has saved my life before." Su Zhisan pointed to the stone man in front of him and said.

"Hello, Murphy." Jiang CI nodded with a smile.

"You are su Zhi's good friend, that's my old Mo's good friend!" The stone man murmured.

A simple sentence, but Jiang CI heard sincerity in it.

In his mind, he also came up with the information of the Juyan clan, which is also a top group.

the characteristics are that the stone people of the Juyan clan are straightforward, simple and slow in thinking.

Of course, with the increase of strength, thinking will become a little more flexible,

but Lao Mo at the level of eight immortals is not as flexible as Jiang Ci and Su Zhisan.

After listening to Su Zhisan's story, he pondered for three minutes, then raised his head and said, "I'll go!"

"Well, that's settled." Su Zhisan has a feeling of high spirited.

He turned over his hands and took out two square black stones, only the size of a palm, but full of complicated runes.

"The spirit can be refined, and then with this seal, we can enter the palace of the ancient god."

As Su Zhisan spoke, he handed the two seals to Jiang Ci and Lao mo.

Jiang CI took it over and took it in his hand. Suddenly he felt a trace of inexplicable breath.

It seems that he is familiar with it, but he can't remember where it is.

because this breath is too vague and fleeting, even though he is comparable to the spirit strength of nine robber immortals, he didn't grasp it.

I can't remember. He didn't think about it any more. He refined the seal.

Then the three left camp 1 and drove Su Zhisan's best immortal boat through the source space to the ancient god abyss.