I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 547

Before the endless era, when the ancient gods of the ancient Protoss negotiated with the three top ethnic groups, they had a premonition that time was running out.

because the Taoist king of the three ethnic groups would not let him leave.

He can fight with those taojun with blood, but not the ethnic group.

Therefore, he arranged the talented people to escape early, moved to the wild land on the edge of the universe, and reproduced there.

The secret collection of ancient gods he left in Tonggu was the hope for the rise of ethnic groups.

The ethnic groups are divided into 10000 teams, of which 100 are carrying the most important inheritance secret, while 9900 ordinary teams are used as cannon fodder to cover the inheritance team with unimportant ordinary secret.

There is a big difference between them. There are very few treasures in the ordinary secret collection.

only by inheriting the secret collection, can there be a large number of ancient gods' treasures and the most important ancient gods' inheritance.

However, even if the ancient god made careful arrangements in advance, the battle came too suddenly,

in the end, both the inheritance team and the ordinary team were almost swept away.

After all, they are facing three top groups.

At present, the secret collection of ancient gods opened by Jiang CI is one of the 100 inheritance secret collections with the strength of more than seven robbers.

The inheritance team, who was responsible for taking away the secret, was trapped in this space and became a prisoner for countless generations.

The cave world inhabited by the adherents of the ancient Protoss, in the ancient pagoda with a height of one million feet.

"The ancient god lives forever!" The ancient protoss Zhenzu said aloud.

"The ancient god lives forever!"

"The ancient god lives forever!"


Ten ancient gods robbed the immortals and cried out in unison.

Then Jiujie Xiangu Hong and Bajie Xiangu Qian, in the eyes of everyone's worry and expectation, pass through the entrance and exit of the cave world.

The next moment, a faint ray of Rune light flashing, two ancient gods of the strong, has come to the ancient god palace.

The height of jiujiexian Guhong is higher, close to 1000 meters, while that of bajiexian Guqian is more than 800 meters, slightly thin.

What they have in common is that they all have six arms, and the skin exposed outside the armor is covered with golden lines.

They looked at each other, cautiously, and did not explore the whole palace with their spiritual consciousness, fearing that they would attract the attention of six different races.

After all, they still don't know what strength these six intruders are.

"Go to the array hall first." Gu Hong's spiritual knowledge of the way of transmission.

Gu Qian nodded,

immediately, the two figures went straight to the deepest part of the palace.

Besides being cautious, these two ancient gods have another advantage,

which is their familiarity with the palace of ancient gods!

They are trapped in this space, not that they can't get into the palace of ancient gods.

In the process of their growth, they had practiced and played in the corridor of the palace countless times.

They all know the location of the array hall, the inheritance hall and the secret collection hall.

Of course, I just know the location, but I can't get in.

Moreover, not only did he not go in, he could not even explore the situation of each hall.

Because the palaces of the ancient gods were made by the ancient gods themselves, they could only enter those palaces after the hexagonal teleportation array outside was fully activated.

Otherwise, even if it's really strong, it can't break in.

Now that the hexagonal teleportation array has been fully activated, the ancient mystery collection will be really opened, and these restrictions will be gone.

As for why not go to the inheritance hall or the secret collection hall first, the reason is very simple.

The two ancient Protoss strongmen remember their mission in this trip.

The first goal is the seal,

the second goal is inheritance,

the third goal is treasure!

If you want to leave this cage, the seal is the most important thing.

otherwise, even if they get countless treasures, they are still prisoners!

In addition, they firmly believe that even if the six aliens have seals, they can't open the secret collection hall and inheritance hall.

Because of the ancient god blood!

Soon, two strong ancient gods came to the array hall at the core of the palace.

Generally speaking, this array hall controls the array prohibition of the whole ancient god palace, except for the transmission array outside.

In the array hall, Gu Hong, a nine robber immortal, pinches his six arms in succession.

soon, a golden virtual three-dimensional phantom appears in the hall, showing the situation of the whole ancient god palace.

The ancient Protoss were not the kind of group with closed information. Before they were exterminated, they could also roam in the universe and naturally had these array monitoring means.

"Look, they're coming in!" Guqian pointed to one of the golden phantoms.

Gu Hong's thought enlarged the area.Only three people and three demons appeared in the corridor at the entrance of the palace.

"Terran! Demon clan Gu Hong and Gu Qian's eyes were full of hatred.

This is their first time to see a different race, but the three top races are their enemies. They have known the characteristics of these three races since childhood.

Their hatred for the three top ethnic groups, if you use one word to describe, is to hate to the bone!

At the moment, though, they all know restraint.

After so many years of hating, it's not bad for a while.

"Big brother, what's their strength?" Gu Qian asked.

The golden phantom in front of you can monitor the situation in the palace of the ancient god, and naturally find out the strength of the intruder.

"Five eight plundering immortals, one seven plundering immortals, I can sweep them myself!" Gu Hong's eyes were beating and fierce. He wanted to do it directly.

But Gu Qian shook his head: "brother, you can't be reckless. I heard Zhenzu say that the top group has a deep foundation.

judging their strength, you can't just look at their superficial accomplishments.

these Terrans and Demons rob immortals. Maybe there are some powerful cards that can threaten your life and mine."

Gu Hong was not obstinate. He breathed softly, calmed down his murderous feelings and said, "you've been smarter than us since childhood. You'll decide what you want to do this time."

Gu Qian nodded and looked at the three people and three demons that just appeared in the golden phantom,

he suddenly said with a smile: "let them fight each other first, they are obviously two forces,

so no matter they find the secret collection hall or the inheritance hall first, they will fight each other first,

then, it's an opportunity!"

Gu Qian was worried that Gu Hong would be impulsive. After thinking about it, he said, "brother, you should understand one more thing.

since our cultivation, we have never fought with a foreign race. Most of all, we have learned from each other within the ethnic group and rarely experienced life and death.

However, these alien races have been fighting and fighting all the time. In terms of actual combat experience, they must far surpass us.

they only have empty accomplishments, but they have no actual combat experience.

When they fight each other, we can observe their fighting style and bottom card means.

in this way, we will have a greater grasp when we take action. "

He just looked through the golden phantom, and then observed these subtle things and made corresponding judgments.


The palaces of ancient gods are millions of kilometers in length and width, covering an area of trillions of square kilometers.

moreover, this is not an empty palace.

there are many halls and corridors interspersed among them, and the illusion is very complex.

For ordinary people, they can't finish the palace even if they spend their whole life.

However, it is not a big problem for the six strong men who have eight immortals.

When the three of Jiangci and the three plundering immortals of the demon clan entered the palace of the ancient god through the teleportation array,

their spiritual consciousness quickly spread out, trying to find out where the treasure of the ancient god's secret was.

"These halls are isolated from the spiritual exploration, so we have to look for them one by one!" Su Zhisan's spiritual communication.

"It's a good thing. If we separate, we don't have to worry about each other's cooperation." Jiang CI said.

Both sides have never thought of the possibility of sharing the ancient god's secret. They are all rushing to kill each other and get all the treasures!

Now, fighting could break out at any time.

Whew, whew

There are three streams of light, namely, Aiyu, bahuan niumo and Linghu Yaoji. The soldiers are divided into three routes to drill into those corridors and search for the halls.

"According to the original plan, one person is in charge of one." Su Zhisan gave a soft drink.

Immediately, the three of them also catch up.

Su Zhisan catches up with Kuiyu, and Lao Mo chases the eight ring ox demon.

JIANG CI sacrifices the sword of the wind and chases the fox demon. His speed is the fastest!

In the corridor ahead, the charming fox girl with eight fox tails was startled.

"What a speed

Because the speed of Jiangci is close to the speed of light, close to jiujiexian!

In other words, among the six of them, the eight ring ox demon has the strongest cultivation ability, while Jiang CI has the fastest speed.

"Trying to get ahead of me? Hum

The eight fox tails of the spirit fox witch dance and perform magic attack.


The pink fog filled the corridor. If Jiang CI wanted to pass, he had to go through the magic fog.

"The magic of the eight immortals?" Jiang CI smiles and enters it.

All kinds of depraved illusions appeared around him.

In the sea of knowledge, there is a circle of golden yuan Shen in the back of his head, which emits golden yuan Shen light, and the colorful lotus platform is lightly shocked.

The corridor covered with magic fog, for him, unimpeded!

It's easy to walk through.Linghu Yaoji doesn't expect magic to trap Jiang CI. She wants to use magic to disturb Jiang Ci's speed and influence Jiang Ci's judgment.

Because the environment of these corridors is like a labyrinth, which is too complex. It is as short as a hundred Li, as long as ten thousand li, and there are many turning points.

It's fast. It's not easy to use here.

Even if you can cross 200000 kilometers in a second, you can't push your speed to the limit.

Only fast and flexible!

Just as it happens, the fairy fox is very confident in her flexibility.

Less than 1000 km, we met the turning point,


She flicks her fox tail, then skilfully turns to the next corridor.

"In this complex corridor, speed alone is not enough!" The spirit fox is very confident.

But at this time, her spiritual consciousness found that Jiang CI behind her not only easily passed through her magic fog, but also turned the corner more dexterously than she did like a gust of wind.

"The power of Daoism and Dharma that he offered is obviously kendo. How can it feel like the wind is connected with Daoism?" The fairy fox was in a state of uncertainty.

"It's no wonder that Su Zhisan invited him to be a seven robber immortal with such a strange body speed!"

Then, she reflected that she was going to be caught up!

The next moment, a sword from the fire with a blazing breath, straight to her.

"This The attack is so strong! " Linghu's face changed greatly.

Eight foxtails dance wildly, forming a thick shield around her.


She held the sword hard, then flew out uncontrollably and hit the wall of the palace.


There is no damage to the wall, but under this kind of anti shock force, the fairy power of the whole body is in disorder.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang CI directly accelerated to the front.

He didn't waste his time fighting with Linghu. He was not so easy to kill as an eight robber fairy demon clan.


Turn another corner, and finally you can see the door of the first hall in front of you.

although the door is a million feet high, with his strength, it is still easy to open,

empty, next Keep searching.

And behind, the spirit fox monster, also pursued, want to cast a stronger magic attack, to delay the speed of Jiang CI.

Fighting broke out on the other two roads.

Su Zhisan and Kuiyu look like equal forces. They can't be separated for a while.

Lao Mo and the eight ring ox devil, the former completely fell behind, but with the super defense of the Juyan clan and his native Taoism, they can hold back the eight ring ox devil.

Therefore, from the current point of view, only Jiang CI has the advantage here.


In the array hall, Gu Hong and Gu Qian have been paying attention to the competition between them.

"It's very strong. Although the eight robber immortals of the ox demon clan are much weaker than me in combat effectiveness,

their combat skills are obviously stronger than me. If they really fight, I'm not sure I can solve them." Gu Hong looks dignified.

He took a look at Gu Qian and said, "fortunately you persuaded me, otherwise we would have been killed by them when we rushed out just now."

"Not only the Bull Demon, but also the Terran's speed is close to that of the nine robber immortals, and the other four are not bad,

moreover, it's just the beginning. They haven't found the secret collection hall or the inheritance hall, and maybe many means haven't been used." Gu Qian shook his head calmly.

The two strong ancient protoss have heavy hearts.

Those who can break into the secret of the ancient gods will not be too weak.

Now, they can only hope that the two sides can fight harder. It's better to die more than half, so that they can have a chance!

A moment later, both Gu Hong and Gu Qian's eyes were bright.

"The fastest Terran is about to find the secret collection hall!"


Because these rooms have the effect of isolating spiritual exploration, we can only search these rooms one by one.

Jiang Ci, with his speed, pushed open the door of the hall one after another, but found that it was all empty.

Fortunately, his speed is fast enough, and he has already thrown the spirit fox monster far away.

Soon, he came to the door of the next hall and reached for it.

"Well?" Jiang CI felt the resistance.

The door didn't open!

"Found it!" Jiang Ci was pleasantly surprised.

At the same time, he also wondered, how can not open? Do you need a seal?

Behind, the spirit fox is catching up.

He didn't have time to think too much, so he immediately voiced Su Zhisan and Lao Mo with his spiritual sense.

Linghu Yaoji also found Jiang Ci's abnormal behavior, which did not understand what happened.

"Come here, the Terran Sword Fairy has found the secret collection hall!" Linghu Yaoji contacted two other demons to rob immortals.

Although each hall has the effect of isolating the spiritual consciousness, there is no such restriction in the corridor."Secret collection hall!"

"Mountain sea found the secret collection hall!"

Su Zhisan, Lao Mo, and the demon family's Kuiyu and the eight ring niumo almost get rid of their opponents at the same time and rush to the positions of Jiang Ci and Linghu Yaoji.


Boom boom!

In front of the secret collection hall, Jiang CI used the strongest force to bombard the gate, but still did not open it.

As the spiritual exploration failed, he looked at the door to see if there was any mechanism.

But I can't see the million foot high gate.

At this time, the spirit fox monster finally caught up.

"Then deal with the opponent first!" Jiang Ci's eyes became cold, and the meaning of sword rose.


Chixiao sword trembles lightly, and the six movements of heaven and earth are displayed.

Six hundred Zhang long sword lights surround the body, affecting the surrounding space, emitting a palpitating atmosphere.


In a flash, Jiang CI came to Linghu with sword light.

Cut it out with one sword.

"He's too fast!"

The fox and the enchantress dare not relax at all. The pink mist spreads out again, accompanied by the sound of evil desire.

Sure enough, the speed of Jiang CI is a little slower.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the eight fox tails of the fairy fox suddenly merge into one, and soar ten thousand times,

like a knife, with a radian, directly sweep to the river.

"A small skill of carving insects!" Jiang Ci's eyes burst out with wisps of divine light, and the unique golden light of Yuanshen dispels the magic.

Then I watched the fox tail come over and transform it into the sword of King Kong.

Sharp, just fierce sword, whistling and the fox tail hit together.


The energy generated by the collision, set off a stronger shock wave, close to jiujiexian!

One person and one demon, under the impact of this powerful road, all fly back.

Bang bang!

In this narrow space, they almost hit the walls of the palace at the same time.

It seems to be the same. In fact, Jiang CI has nothing to do with it. With the strength of anti earthquake, he once again offered a sword and a strong wind.

But the spirit fox demon concubine is shocked not only the immortal power is disordered, this time even the body has been slightly injured.

"The speed is fast, the attack is strong, and the defense is also high. It seems that the previous rumor may be true.

this mountain sea sword immortal may really kill the eight robber immortals of the ghost clan by cultivating seven robber immortals!" This thought flashed through the mind of Linghu Yaoji,

the higher the cultivation, the greater the gap between the strength of each realm.

Especially after the seven robbers, the possibility of fighting at a higher level becomes smaller and smaller.

Therefore, it is extremely rare for seven plundering immortals to kill eight plundering immortals!

At this time, see Jiangci hit again, Linghu Yaoji dare not relax.

The fox tail, like a knife, collides with Jiang Ci's sword of wind.

At the same time, she also has a dagger magic weapon in each hand, and wants to fight with Jiang CI.

"Think too much!" Jiang CI chuckled.

The sword light roars and the six movements of heaven and earth are performed in turn, almost pressing the fox and the enchantress to fight.

The fighting between the two sides seemed long, but in fact it took less than three seconds.

Whoosh, whoosh

At this time, Su Zhisan, Lao Mo, and Kuiyu, eight ring ox demon arrived at the same time.

"Solve that mountain sea Sword Fairy first!" Kuiyu and the eight ring niumo make the same decision.

Because they can see that Jiang CI has almost no weakness,

although he is a seven robber immortal, his attack, defense and body speed are all at the level of eight robber immortal, and his body speed is even closer to that of nine robber immortal.

Speed is the most difficult.

The two eight plundering immortals of the demon clan, each gathering a terrible immortal force attack,

one with evil black gas, the other with tyrannical electric light, attacked Jiang CI.

"Lao Mo, you keep on pestering that Bull Demon!" Su Zhisan gave a big drink and easily stopped him.

Lao Mo is a sincere man. Without saying a word, he is covered with the earthy yellow rhyme and roars to stop the eight ring ox demon.

However, the eight ring ox devil, who is close to the nine robber immortals, will be stronger in the end.

he, who practices Lei's Taoism, is just like a flash of lightning. After Lao Mo's obstruction, he comes to Jiang CI.

Eight ring magic weapon on both arms, whistling out.


Thunder roars and electric light shines. This small space is full of tyrannical energy.

However, Jiang Ci, as the target of attack, is still crushing the eight robber Fairy Spirit fox monster, one sword after another,

the spirit of spirit fox monster has obviously dropped a lot, from slight injury to serious injury.

Seeing the magic weapon of the eight ring ox demon coming, Jiang CI can actually choose to ignore it,

with the power of triple mountain armor, this level of attack can't affect him, it's only a shock to his body at most.However, it's obviously not the time to expose this card, so he still chose to dodge,

with his body combined with the sword, the sword was like the wind, and he directly avoided the blow of the eight ring Bull Demon.

But he still underestimated the power of this blow, and the speed of Lei's Taoist method was not slow!


The electric light is roaring and the space is broken.

The violent attack made Jiang Ci's body numb for a moment, and then he ran into the gate of the secret collection hall uncontrollably.

"Well?" Jiang CI noticed that something was wrong, so he quickly yelled, "stop!"

"Afraid?" The eight ring ox devil laughs with pride. He succeeds in one blow and thinks he can crush the mountain and sea Sword Fairy easily.

"It's late!" He waved his hand and clapped it. He offered eight ring magic weapons and wanted to attack again.

Jiang Ci was not afraid of him, but he didn't want to talk to him. He turned around and took a picture on the gate of the secret collection hall. The exact location was where he just hit.

All of a sudden, six grooves appeared in the gate, which was one million feet high, and the shape was the same as the seal.

There are six grooves. It's obvious that this secret hall also needs a seal to open.


This time, we really stopped fighting.

Because now they can't be sure whether this gate only needs signet or six signet owners to open together, just like the hexagonal teleportation array.

If six of them die and one of them can't open the door, it's not worth the loss.

So the fighting is suspended.

At present, in addition to the spirit fox monster was not light or heavy injury, the other three, two demons, there is no big problem.

However, at this juncture, everyone's attention is on the six grooves.

"Open them together?" Kui Yu looks at Su Zhisan. He has lost the attitude of winning at first.

Just now, Shanhai Sword Fairy's performance made them realize that the three people on the Terran side are no worse than them.

it's not known who will win or lose in a real fight.

Su Zhisan, of course, was also relieved. After a look at Jiang Ci, he nodded.

Next, let's embed the seal in the groove.

There is no scene where the light in the imagination is flourishing and the door opens automatically.

Three people, three demons, push the door hard at the same time.

Then, everyone's faces changed. It was ugly.


(start before change...)