I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 544

Through the ancient continent, hundreds of millions of kilometers away in the barren starry sky.

A Shangpin fairy boat, directly accelerated to the speed of light, shuttled into the source space.

In the immortal boat, Jiang CI has finished his subpoena. In front of him, he smoothly enters the No. 1 military camp as a mountain sea sword immortal.

"Lord Shanhai, the barracks has assigned you palace 41." The team leader of Jiashi, who is responsible for receiving Jiang Ci, respectfully handles the entry procedures for Jiang CI.

The seven robbers are not the strongest or the weakest in the Terran camp of the ninth battlefield.

In a word, when the military camp is in rest, these robbers who only rob the immortals for three times at most dare not neglect them.

Jiang Ci, dressed in gold and black armor with a long sword on his back, walked calmly to palace 41.

Behind him, the group of immortal robbers began to talk with their spiritual knowledge.

"I don't know the origin of this man. I've never seen him before."

"In our Terran camp, there are more than 20000 seven robber immortals wandering in the ancient world, but few of them practice kendo."

"I'm afraid that the actual combat power of the seven plunder sword immortals is comparable to that of the ordinary eight plunder immortals."

"Well, don't talk about the strong who are above the seven immortals. In case they are detected by their spiritual sense, it's you who are unlucky!"

At last, the leader of the class A, called out with a voice.

However, his eyes also looked at the back of Jiang CI.

There are not many strong people who have been able to pass through the ancient world.

As the first sergeant captain in charge of the reception task in No. 1 military camp, he has long remembered the information of these strong men.

I haven't seen this mountain sea Sword Fairy before.

"Maybe I just came to the ninth battlefield. I have to pay attention."

He didn't doubt the identity of Jiang CI. He just wanted to write it down so as not to do something wrong and offend others!


These palaces in barracks No. 1 are basically for the strong robbers to rest.

Because of the shortage of resources on the battlefield, the size of the palace is not large, and each palace covers an area of more than 100 square kilometers.

however, as a temporary rest, it is absolutely enough.

After living in palace 41, Jiang CI waited for master jiujianxian to summon him.

In the process of waiting, he was not idle.

"Get to know the market first."

As soon as his spiritual consciousness swept over the Pearl, a three-dimensional phantom appeared in front of him.

Through the eye of heaven network, entered the zixiaozong treasure Pavilion.

"Search the Ghost Tower."

Soon, the three-dimensional phantom changed, and detailed commodity information appeared.


"Youming ghost pagoda (lower grade immortal): 800000 points, a magic weapon of array type, a part of Youming ghost prison."

"Youming ghost prison: 70 billion points, a magic weapon of ghost family array, composed of 100000 Youming ghost towers."


"One 800000 points!" Jiang Ci was surprised.

No wonder in the end, the strong ghost will be soft hearted and want to negotiate a deal with him, willing to spend 1 billion points in exchange for 10000 ghost towers.

"Looking at the price given by Zixiao sect's treasure house, the whole set of ghost prison needs 70 billion points,

that is to say, if you buy 100000 ghost towers at a time, you can get 10 billion points cheaper."

"Even so, 70 billion is a sky high price!"

Many of the poorer jiujiexian do not have so much wealth.

Of course, it's just the price of the treasure house.

the ghost towers he sold can't be sold at this price.

if it's the same price, others can go to the treasure house and buy them without coming to him.

"Second hand goods, can sell more than half of the price, satisfied." Jiang CI laughs.

This unexpected harvest is far beyond his imagination.

"I don't know if there is anything that can speed up the refining of the original treasure?" This idea flashed through Jiang Ci's mind.

Immediately, he searched for the key words in the eye of heaven network: original treasure + accelerated refining

The results are very few. In the three-dimensional phantom, there is only a single message.

"Tianling original liquid can speed up the refining of the original treasure. 1 gram can provide a hundred times refining speed, and the effect lasts for ten years..."

Instructions are also attached.

What Jiang CI doesn't know is that if he is not a disciple of jiuxiao Daojun and has high authority in the Terran, he can't even find this information.

Because the source of treasure in the three peak groups, all belong to the top secret information.

Usually only the strong above the real king are qualified to know.

"1 gram can provide 100 times refining speed, lasting for 10 years!"

Jiang CI pays most attention to the content of this line.

He quickly entered zixiaozong treasure Pavilion again to search the price of Tianling original liquid.

"Tianling liquid (1g): 1 billion points..."Jiang CI is silly.

What a steal!

1 gram sells 1 billion points!

He looked at his point balance: 5.4 billion.

In other words, with his current wealth, he can only buy 5 grams at most.

Buy it!

Jiang CI gritted her teeth and bought 4 grams

Keeping money is just a series of figures, which is the most correct way to turn it into strength.

At present, if we refine the second heavy oil of sanchongshan, then its viability in foreign battlefields will be greatly improved.

Later, he spent another 1 billion points to buy a top-notch fairy boat.

Because the best immortal boat can also improve his ability to protect his life,

not long ago, in order to get rid of the pursuit of the powerful ghosts, he spent 100 million points and hired a nine robber immortal.

If he had the best fairy boat at that time, he could leave with speed, and he didn't need to spend the money.

Order, pay, fill in the receiving address, all at once.

Now wait for Zixiao sect to send people to send things to the ninth battlefield.

The Terran camp has fixed transportation teams, which send resources from the Terran territory to various battlefields.

therefore, you can buy things in the battlefields outside the Terran territory, but you need to pay more.

"The battlefield outside the territory is extremely dangerous. It's normal for the transport team to deliver goods at risk and charge some express fees." Jiang CI understands this very well.

He spent 4 billion points this time and paid 4 million points for express delivery

Think about the most dangerous hell level task when he was practicing in zixiaozong headquarters. The reward was only 1 million points.

Now, the express fee he paid for one purchase far exceeds the reward for that task.

Jiang CI finally understood why master jiujianxian encouraged him to move forward and didn't care about stage competition.

when he stepped into a higher level, he would find that what he valued and cared about before was not so important at all.

In retrospect, the people who entered Zixiao sect with him, Zhiwei, Mu Ning, Yan Jiufeng and others, were all contemporaries of genius.

Now, he has left those people far behind.

Now he can fight with bajiexian, and those talented disciples have only Zhiwei's fighting power to reach the level of yijiexian.

This is the difference between choosing to look ahead and choosing to step by step and accumulate the inside information.

Of course, there is another main reason,

he has experience value panel, but others don't,

so he can choose to go straight ahead and don't have to waste time to accumulate information.


After shopping, Jiang CI seldom relaxes in this military camp.

After all, he has been fighting for more than 500 years, and his spirit has been tense.

There are many other strong robbers in this palace residential area.

Soon, Jiang CI became familiar with them as a mountain sea Sword Fairy.

After all, in the Terran camp, the seven robber Sword Fairy is also a high-end fighting force,

even if he doesn't take the initiative to make friends with others, some people will want to get to know him.

In this extremely dangerous Tonggu continent, you may know one more powerful friend and use it one day.

There is also a place for recreation in camp 1. Jiang CI often drinks in a pub.

"Shanhai, what kind of wine are you? It's much better than my Kumar

In the tavern, a kind-hearted middle-aged Taoist said to Jiang CI holding a glass.

His name is Su Zhi. He is also called Su Zhisan. He is an eight robber immortal!

This is Jiang CI who made friends in the military camp yesterday. They talked about it speculatively.

"I don't have much of it, either. Drink a little less." Jiang CI chuckles and shakes his head, without revealing any identity related information.

However, the content of this sentence is not his casual nonsense.

The wine they drink now is brought by him when he left the earth. It's really not much.

"What a pity!" Su Zhisan's fine wine tasting made him intoxicated.

Jiang CI smiles and doesn't make any comments.

On the mood of drinking posture, no one can compare with master jiujianxian.

"However, your wine is still inferior to the wine made by yunxianzi.

it's just a pity that she fell down 30000 years ago. She was the best winemaker in Tonggu continent." Su Zhisan suddenly sighed.

"Cloud fairy?" I haven't heard Jiang CI.

"A nine robber immortal from guanghanzong, she was the most beautiful person in the ninth battlefield at that time..." Su Zhisan's eyes are full of reminiscence.

"Nine robbers?" Jiang Ci was very surprised, "these strong people are already the top strong people in Tonggu continent. How can they fall? Is Shouyuan exhausted? "

"She's only lived for 60000 years. How can she run out of Shouyuan? She fell in the abyss of ancient gods." Su Zhisan shook his head and sighed.Jiang CI suddenly came across.

He has been wandering through the ancient world for so many years. Of course, he has heard of the ancient god abyss.

It's the forbidden area of the ancient world, which is known as the most dangerous place in the ninth battlefield.

Even the nine robber immortals should be careful there. If they are careless, they may fall into the crisis of life and death.


Next, while waiting for the summon of master jiujianxian, Jiang CI made friends with the strong people in the military camp who were more than seven robbers.

Three days later, jiujianxian finally brought him good news.

One of the nine immortals in the temple of heaven robbing immortals is interested in the Ghost Tower and is willing to have a talk with him.

Soon, led by Jiu Jianxian, Jiang Ci and the nine robber fairy got together on earth through the communication phantom.

Jiujianxian pointed to the old man who had the same hair and childlike face, and said, "Jiang Ci, this is a child carrying fairy from Wuji sect."

"I've seen the boy carrying the fairy." Jiang Ci's respectful salute, Wuji sect is one of the three sects and six sects of daomeng, equally powerful.

"Ha ha, I've heard about you for a long time. I saw you today. It's really extraordinary!" The fairy boy laughs.

"Thank you for your praise." Jiang CI said with a smile.

Jiujianxian, holding the wine gourd, interrupted their politeness and said, "let's get to the point. Ten thousand ghost towers, tongtuo, what's your price?"

"I haven't seen you for 50000 years. You are still straightforward." Tong Tuo shook his head with a smile,

then he said to Jiang Ci, "let me know first, how many of your 10000 ghost towers are complete?"

Jiang CI just waved his hand and showed 10000 ghost towers through the phantom.

"Only a hundred of them are slightly damaged, and the rest are complete." Jiang CI listed more than 100 of them separately.

This was hurt by those Xianli Guangzhu when they were fighting in youminggui prison.

Tong Tuo nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "you are Zhong Li's apprentice, and I won't let you suffer. How about 10000 ghost towers and 6 billion points?"

Jiang Ci was silent and took a look at jiujianxian.

"Seven billion." Jiujianxian took a drink.

"6.5 billion!" Tong Tuo's face did not change.

"6.8 billion." Jiujianxian put down the wine gourd.

Tong Tuo stared at Jiu Jianxian: "Zhong Li! You're just killing people! "

"You can spend 8 billion to buy it in our zixiaozong treasure house." Jiujianxian smiles.

This sentence choked on the young boy with crane hair for a long time.

In the end, the two sides closed the deal at 6.8 billion yuan.

After the deal, Tong Tuo directly transferred 6.8 billion points to Jiang CI.

As for the goods, they will be brought to Tong Tuo by the ninth battlefield Terran transport team.

Tong Tuo is also not afraid of Jiang Ci's default. He is a great talent of the era of human race and a disciple of jiuxiao Daojun.


It wasn't long before Jiang Ci, who was in the No.1 Terran barracks on the ninth battlefield, saw the so-called transportation team and handed over 10000 ghost towers to each other.

Of course, we have to pay when we entrust the transportation team to deliver the goods.

This time, it's another 1 million points, and the money comes from Jiang's words.

He won 6.8 billion points this time, and he doesn't care about the cost.

Then, after waiting for another half month, he finally met another transport team.

This time, it's for delivery.

The things he bought in zixiaozong treasure pavilion have finally arrived!

Barracks one, palace 41.

The leader of the four immortals of the transportation team presented a storage ring with both hands.

At the same time, he saluted Jiang CI respectfully: "Mr. Shanhai, please check your goods."

Jiang CI took the storage ring, and after refining it with his spiritual sense, he saw clearly what was in the storage space.

There is a beautiful flying boat in it. It is the best fairy boat.

Then in the center of the storage space, there are 4 drops of colorful liquid the size of peas, Tianling original liquid!

"Thank you very much." After checking Jiang Ci, he gave a smile.

"It's my honor to serve Mr. Shanhai!" The head of the transport team was all smiles.

He has been the captain of the transport team for thousands of years. He seldom sees such a kind seven robber immortal, and he is a sword immortal.

Later, Jiang Ci and other transportation teams left, and they could not wait to enter the training room of the palace.

This cultivation room has the effect of isolating the spiritual consciousness. He practices here, not absolutely safe, but absolutely confidential.

With his current strength, he can't put the most precious treasure on the surface.

So when refining, it must be guaranteed that no one will find it.

In the training room, Jiang CI turned over his hands and took out four drops of Tianling original liquid, which was a colorful liquid with enchanting halo.

"It can increase the refining speed of benyuanzhibao by 100 times, and the effect lasts for ten years,I hope these four drops of Tianling liquid can help me quickly refine the second heavy of sanchongshan and the first heavy of tongtianlou! "

Counting the time, it has been more than 1500 years since he got the Tongtian building.

Tongtian building has 99 seals in total. Refining is the most important. It can give play to the power of this original treasure.

according to the words of Qiling nishang, it can easily kill nine plundering immortals.

Looking at the time needed for refining Tongtian building, Jiang CI now believes in it.

For more than 1500 years, nishang has been absorbing the immortal power of the demons who robbed the immortal corpses and refining the first seal.

although the refining is successful, the word "fast" means "soon".

It will take about four or five hundred years

Now that we have Tianling liquid, we don't have to wait so long.


According to the instructions for the use of Tianling liquid, Jiangci began to refine sanchongshan and tongtianlou.


As time goes by, a hundred years will pass.

Through the ancient continent, a vast ocean.

A golden sword light, with a sharp sword meaning, cuts through tens of thousands of kilometers of void, and directly cuts a demon family with more than 1000 kilometers of immortal body into two parts.

"Ah! Mountain and sea Sword Fairy! Damn mountain sea Sword Fairy That demon clan seven rob immortals to be surprised and angry, remaining half of immortals body, crazy escape.

However, before he escaped 100000 km, a figure with strong wind and sword light directly crossed 100000 km, and then penetrated his body,

the Yuanshen was annihilated, and the huge ownerless immortal power spread out,

JIANG Ci's mind moved, and the tongtianlou in his body devoured these immortal powers.

Then he took the magic weapon of the demon family to rob the immortal and left quickly.

One hundred years later, he had already refined the first seal of tongtianlou.

now, without the use of nishang, he can control tongtianlou to devour these immortal powers.

Because nishang sells too much, there is a risk of being found.

Compared with the spirit of ordinary immortal tools, the spirit of the most precious tool is more like an intelligent life, which has obvious differences.

in case of meeting a well-informed strong man, you can find this difference at a glance.

The value of tongtianlou is far more than that of sanchongshan.

Jiang CI has been reminded by nishang for a long time. Before his strength reaches Daojun, he must not expose the existence of Tongtian building.

He kept this in mind, so it's better not to move nishang.

After all, many of his current hunting rivals are exotic seven robber immortals. Maybe some of them are very knowledgeable and can recognize the differences of nishang.

"It's been another ten years. Go back and deal with the booty."

Jiang CI flies to the starry sky hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the ancient continent in the best fairy boat,

and then shuttles into the source space, heading for Terran 1 barracks.

With the help of Tianling original liquid, he refined the first and the second of tongtianlou and sanchongshan in only 30 years.

It can be said that with these two original treasures, there are not many strong ones who can threaten him in the battlefield outside China.

The purpose of his continuous training in foreign battlefields is to perfect the book of heaven and earth.

Since he discovered the defects of the six forms of heaven and earth, he has been comprehending the mystery of the fusion of the five elements,

he wants to integrate the five secret moves of the five elements into the system of the six forms of heaven and earth.

To this end, he is also fighting all kinds of battles in order to get inspiration from the fighting.

But now a hundred years later, he still did not understand.

However, intuition tells Jiang Ci, fast!

After returning to No. 1 barracks, the group leader who was in charge of receiving and guiding came up with a smiling face.

"Mr. Shanhai, I came back ten years after I went out. It seems that I have gained a lot."

"Not bad." Jiang CI nodded with a smile.

"I'll keep palace 41 for you. You can go there directly." Captain Jia is very enthusiastic.

"Thank you very much." Jiang CI smiles.

Over the past 100 years, he has found out all kinds of relations in No. 1 barracks, and has made friends with many strong men who are more than seven robbers.

Under normal circumstances, the strong above the seven plundering immortals disdain to communicate too much with those under the three plundering immortals.

But Jiang CI didn't care. He became one with the soldiers in the military camp.

So every time I come back, everyone is very enthusiastic and will keep any good welfare for him.

After Jiang CI left, a group of immortal robbing Jiashi began to talk through spiritual knowledge.

"At the beginning, I thought Shanhai was very magnanimous. Now it seems that I have a good eye. It's only a hundred years since then, he has made a name in Tonggu."

"Yes, I heard that thirty years ago, Lord Shanhai killed eight robber immortals of a ghost camp. Seven robbers killed eight robbers. Few seven robber immortals of our Terran camp can do it!""The most important thing is that he has no airs and is willing to deal with us immortals under three robberies. It's really admirable."


These robbers didn't know what they were talking about. Jiang CI had already inquired into them.

It's not that Jiang CI eavesdrop on purpose, it's that his spiritual consciousness keeps spreading habitually, and he overhears these words unintentionally.

"Seven robberies, eight robberies?" Jiang CI smiles in his heart.

To be exact, it's he Dao's eight robberies!

The battle 30 years ago was the battle of becoming famous.

After killing the eight robber immortals of the ghost clan, the name of Shanhai sword immortals was thoroughly spread in Tonggu.

Most of the three top ethnic groups know the name.

"But there were some tricks in that battle. In fact, my Kendo attack power was not enough to kill bajiexian..." Jiang CI shook his head to himself.

The opponent of that time was the eight plundering immortals of the GUI nationality. It happened that the idea of peacock view he cultivated could restrain the means of the GUI nationality.

In his mind, the colorful lotus platform under Yuanshen and the golden light of Yuanshen can directly disperse the ghost Qi and suppress the strength of the ghost clan.

Last time when he was in the ghost prison, he also wanted to use his ability, colorful lotus platform and Yuanshen Jinguang,

but at that time, the other party's means completely suppressed him, so he didn't have the chance to use them.