I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 543

Through the air millions of kilometers high in the ancient continent, Jiang CI steers the best spirit boat, shuttling at the speed close to the speed of light.

"Unfortunately, the other 90000 ghost towers are scattered in the other nine directions, which are close to ten million kilometers away from me.

with such a long distance, the strong ghost hidden behind has enough time to recover the remaining ghost towers.

after all, the ability of space confinement can only cover a million kilometers."

This is one of the reasons why Jiang CI didn't continue to entangle with the powerful ghost family,

although the remaining 90000 ghost towers are very attractive,

but the other party is not a fool. If he lost 10000 ghost towers, he won't let him continue to destroy the remaining 90000.

Another reason is that Jiang CI is afraid of the powerful ghost hiding behind him, even if he doesn't show up.

The other side is far superior to him only in the aspect of spiritual strength.

Who knows if there are other means, in case there is a big killing move, it's not good.

Just enough, he got 10000 ghost towers, which is a big profit.

"Listen to the strong ghost, the value of these 10000 ghost towers should far exceed 1 billion points!"

"This kind of opportunity, really once, it's hard to meet a second time!"

Jiang Ci was filled with emotion.

Even if he can, he is willing to risk his life.

this time, if he does not have the space confinement ability of triple mountain, he will definitely die in the ghost prison.

In other words, it was his life!

Jiang Ci, while controlling the flying boat, reflected on the battle just now.

"Fortunately, I hide the means of space confinement to the end,

if this means is exposed at the beginning, the strong ghost clan may know the threat and directly perform the third stage of the ghost prison,

even if it is space confinement, it will not save me!"

The first of the three mountains can temporarily imprison six plundering immortals for 0.01 seconds,

while the ghost generals in the third stage are all seven plundering immortals, which can imprison 0.001 seconds, that is, one thousandth of a second, which is good,

they can't even imprison one thousandth of a second!

In such a short time, it's hard for him to exert any effective means of resistance, let alone break the array power of the Ghost Tower.

Moreover, the combined attack power of the ghost General of the seven plunder immortals level is close to that of the nine plunder immortals level.

if he is faced with this level of attack at the beginning, it is very unlikely that he will be able to block it.

"But then again, it's mainly because I didn't play the power that triple mountain should have,

now I've only refined the first thing, whether it's space confinement or armor defense, it can't keep up with my current strength."

"We have to think of a way to refine the second heavy oil of sanchongshan quickly!"

Jiang CI finds out one of his problems.

The second level of the original treasure triple mountain can confine a space of tens of millions of kilometers,

after armor melting, it can be as low as the full blow of jiujiexian.

If he had already refined the second level, then this time, he didn't have to be afraid of the nether world and could leave calmly.

However, the refining of the original treasure is not so simple.

Before him, it took him 200 years to complete the first refining of sanchongshan.

The cultivation effect of Daoyuan ancient world is 100 times that of the original universe!

The second is more powerful, and the refining is more difficult.

He wanted to refine the second level in the original universe. It took him thousands of years, not hundreds of years!

After all, it's a treasure that even the real king and the strong can't have!


"What's more, I've suffered a great loss in my spiritual strength!" Jiang CI comes up with the second question.

This problem is not easy to solve. The idea of peacock view and the secret method of Taoist tattoo that he practiced are in the bottleneck stage.

In the stage of harmony, if you want to break through the limit of spiritual strength, you can't get rid of it unless your state of mind is improved or you understand the way of heaven

It's not possible before you've become an immortal!

"From beginning to end, I only heard each other's voice and didn't even see a ghost!" Jiang CI is helpless.

Although he won 10000 ghost towers and let the other party suffer a loss,

but Jiang CI still felt subdued and passive for the first time.

"He must not be reconciled to the loss, but I don't know if he has followed him?" Jiang CI frowned again.

His spiritual strength is not as strong as his opponent's, so he can't find his opponent's spiritual knowledge and trace.

"It's very likely to catch up!"

Intuition tells Jiang Ci that the danger is not completely over.

What to do?

Jiang CI frowned and pondered, while he was anxious, he kept calm.

"You can't let him follow you like this. It's obvious that he's a GUI clan with a big background. Maybe he knows the nine robbers in the GUI clan camp,If he let the ghost's nine robber fairy block me in front of me, it's over! "

Through the starry sky hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the ancient continent, you can shuttle through the source space.

if the other party calls for reinforcements, you can shuttle through the source space, and put an encirclement in front of him in advance to block his way.

"Although I have a top-quality fairy boat, which can travel at 100 times the speed of light in the source space,

but if the other party has a top-quality fairy boat, it can easily catch up with me in the source space, which is a trap..."

"There's no choice but to ask for help!"

Jiang CI thought for a moment and finally made a decision.


The situation is exactly what Jiang CI thought. At this time, it is 20 million kilometers behind him.

One of the best fairy boats is following him at a speed close to the speed of light.

In the immortal boat, Gu Chen's face is full of gloomy expression, and his spirit can clearly see every move of Jiang CI.

"Without 10000 ghost towers, the power of ghost prison is directly reduced by one stage, which is equivalent to losing a big card for me!" Gu Chen's heart was filled with hatred.

His cultivation is only seven robber immortals, with the help of the ghost prison, he barely has the fighting power close to nine robber immortals.

Now, the power of the ghost prison is greatly reduced, and his strength is correspondingly reduced.

"The most important thing is the gold and black armor

The source is the most precious treasure. Now that I have met it, I can't let it slip away from my eyes! "

"Terran, do you want to leave so easily? Dream Bonnie's eyes are clear.

Immediately, he turned over his hand and took out a very high-grade communication secret array.

The original communication secret array can only transmit information within 10 billion light-years,

and his signal can cover trillions of light-years,

in other words, the whole Tonggu continent is within the coverage of this communication secret array.

Gu Zhen sent out two messages through the secret communication array.

Just for a moment, a phantom of communication condenses out,

is a tall figure full of carrion, with red eyes and bloody lines on his face.

Even through the phantom of communication, this tall figure full of carrion also reveals a palpitating atmosphere.

This is a powerful Ghoul!

Although the ghouls are only the top blood of the ghost family, they also occupy a very important position in the ghost family with their special abilities,

second only to the royal family jinyecha and the royal family yinyecha.

"I've met Dimo." Gu Chen bowed himself to salute, showing great respect.

"The bone? How can you contact me when you are free? " Dimo, the ghoul, has a very kind attitude.

Although he is a nine robber immortal, he is also one of the top strong men in the ghost camp of the ninth battlefield.

But in front of Gu, he couldn't carry the shelf.

Because Gu Zhen's father is a GUI clan, only inferior to the existence of Taoist monarch, face still needs to be given.

"You should know that I'm now in the ancient god abyss, so I can't be distracted for too long, otherwise I will be in danger if I'm careless.

if you have anything, please tell me as soon as possible." Dimo whispered.

"Yes Gu Chen quickly said: "I want to ask Mr. Dimo to help me hunt a human race..."

He quickly explained the fighting situation just now.

"The killing reward of this Terran alliance is very high. I can give the killing reward to Lord Dimo,

just give me the Terran booty,

I have to take back the 10000 ghost towers!"

Gu Chen didn't reveal the source of the treasure. He won't give up such a big chance.

The existence of the original treasure, generally only the real king, Tao King level of the strong are qualified to know.

He thought that this Dimo should not know.

"Space confinement?" Sure enough, Dimo frowned after hearing his story.

"Although it can only confine one million kilometers, only the ghost king who practices the space Taoism can be able to use such means.

he is a person of the same race, and can he even use them? It's really rare! " Dimo was confused and surprised.

Gu Zhen was relieved to be sure that Dimo didn't know the source of the treasure.

Then he nodded his head and said, "so it is very likely that this Terran harmony is the era genius Jiang Ci of the Terran,

these geniuses have very high talent in Taoism, and it is not impossible to have the means of space imprisonment in advance."

"In addition, if Dimo people are willing to help, no matter whether the final hunting is successful or not,

I am willing to give 5 billion ghost crystals as a reward, and I will not let you go in vain!" Gu Chen throws out another chip.

Dimo's bloodshot eyes lit up.

5 billion ghost crystal!

"It's said that Gu Zhen is the richest royal family in the period of robbing immortals of the GUI clan. It's not surprising!

Five billion ghost crystals are taken out at random. I'm afraid his wealth can catch up with some ghost kings,It seems that his ghost king father really dotes on him Dimo was filled with emotion.

Even if he is a nine robber immortal, he will have to accumulate more than 10000 years to earn 5 billion ghost crystals.

Now, there is no reason to refuse to get so many ghost crystals just by hunting one person's clan!

What's more, this Terran harmony is likely to be the era genius Jiang Ci of the Terran. Killing Jiang CI is also a big reward!

"So good!" Dimo nodded in agreement.

Gu Fei laughed, waved his hand and called out the star map, and said, "this is the current position coordinates of the human race road. I've been following him all the time."

"Well The ancient god abyss is more than 8000 light-years away from here. It will take me about three and a half days to travel through the source space with the best immortal boat, and then I can get in front of him! " Dimo did a quick calculation.

At this time, the teleportation secret array lights up again and condenses a teleportation mirage.

I saw that she was a beautiful woman, wearing a red dress, with enchanting eyes and charming power.

Among the GUI people, only the Luocha people can see this beautiful woman.

"I have seen Lord Shulian." My eyes brightened.

Just now, he sent out two messages, Dimo was just one of the targets,

the other was Shulian, a nine robber immortal from the Luocha clan, who was also his admirer!

"Oh? Gu Chen, long time no see. " Shu Lian said with a light smile, which made her mind swaying.

"Dimo is here, too. Aren't you in the abyss of the ancient gods She turned to Dimo again.

"It's brother Guzhen. Please help me if you have something to do." Dimo smiles.

"Oh, what is that? I want to invite both of us at the same time. " Shu Lian asked Gu Zhen.

Later, Gu Zhen said it again and took out 5 billion ghost crystals as reward.

"Five billion ghost crystals?" Shulian was moved.

She this reaction, also let Gu Chen down heart, Shu Lian also don't understand the source of treasure.

"The era genius of the Terran is really worth a trip." Shu Lian nodded.

"Yes, the killing reward of epoch genius is very high. Even if we fight together, we can get a lot of rewards from the camp." Dimo laughs.

They didn't look down upon the way of the human race. It's certainly not easy for them to make the bones shriveled.

Even if it can't compare with the nine plundering immortals, it has the strength of the eight plundering immortals.

"That's our deal!

You travel through the source space to get to the front of the Terran Road,

I'll keep a close eye on him and make sure that he can't escape! " The golden pupil of Gu Zhen is full of excitement.

After only three and a half days, he can get back the 10000 ghost towers and the most important treasure!

Next, the three powerful ghosts did not end their arraignment, but kept their arraignment, so that they could know everyone's position at any time.

One day later, they were chatting and smiling.

"Dimo, when the hunting is over, I'll go to the ancient god abyss. Shall we come together then?" Shu Lian said with a smile.

"No problem." Dimo nodded.

The danger is also hierarchical.

If the ancient continent is the most dangerous place in the ninth battlefield, the ancient god abyss is the forbidden area.

Many of the strong above the seven plundered immortals of all ethnic groups gather in that area, while those below the seven plundered immortals can only be regarded as the weak there.

It's just a gorgeous rochame woman, a carrion covered ghoul,

it's weird to think about the picture of them wandering through the abyss of ancient gods.

This makes Gu Chen feel a little uncomfortable. After all, Shu Lian is the object of his admiration,

but he still has a smile on his face and is about to say something,

suddenly, his smile stagnates and his face becomes extremely ugly.


"What's the matter?"

Di Mo and Shu Lian notice the abnormality of Gu Zhen and stop talking.

"Two..." Gu Chen's eyes were full of anger. He took a deep breath and said, "I'm afraid the hunting will end ahead of time."

"End early?"

"What's going on?"

Di Mo and Shu Lian Leng for a while, there is some anger on the face.

For the purpose of this hunting, they all left their respective cultivation sites, which is equivalent to giving up a lot of things.

It's only one day past now, so it's over early?

Is this playing with them?

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is not my wish." Gu Chen's face was gloomy, and then he bit his teeth and said, "my spiritual consciousness has just found out that there is a strong Terran who robbed nine immortals in front of me and took away the Terran harmony with the best fairy boat.

I dare not follow them again, so now my spiritual consciousness can't detect them."

Di Mo and Shu Lian look at each other, unhappy at the same time, but also some helpless.

The nine plundering immortals and the best immortal boat of the human race.Even if they go hunting according to the original plan, the success rate is very low.

What's more, we are all the best immortal boats, and we can't catch up with them.

Gu Zhen saw that the two nine robber immortals were not happy, so he quickly said: "but don't worry, you two, I will never let go of the Terran alliance.

I will issue a reward task in the ghost camp, and mobilize all the strong members of the ghost camp to find the position of the Terran alliance.

as soon as I find out, I will inform you, and then we will go hunting."

"That's fine."

"Contact again."

Di Mo and Shu Lian directly ended the subpoena, and the phantom disappeared.

They are really upset, because they can't get the 5 billion ghost crystal promised by Guzhen, and the background of Guzhen is too big, so they can't get angry with Guzhen,

so they can only hold it, which is very uncomfortable!

There was only one bone in the best fairy boat, and he was even more upset.

"Damn it! Abominable Terran Gu Fei roared angrily.

From the success of reincarnation to now, in more than 30000 years, he has not suffered such a big loss!

And this time, he was not only at a loss, but also watched a treasure slip away from him.


"It's not the time to give up, as long as you are still in Tonggu, I still have the chance,

the strong people of the ghost camp are all over Tonggu, I just need to issue a reward task, they will help me find your trace,

Terran! You can't escape


A quarter of an hour later, 30 light years away.

Through the open starry sky hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the ancient continent, an exquisite fairy boat shuttles out from the source space.

In Xianzhou, besides Jiang Ci, there is also a bald man.

"Mr. Shenmu, thank you this time." Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

"Ha ha, don't be polite. It's my honor to help the immortal Taoist out of trouble." Shenmu, the nine robbers, joked.

Jiang CI smiles gently.

When I came to the battlefield outside China, I didn't expect that Shanhai was not famous. On the contrary, I got a nickname by accident, which made me famous in the battlefield outside China.

The camps of the three top ethnic groups now know the immortal Taoist.

"What's more, I also took your running fee this time. I hope we can cooperate next time." Shen Mu said with a smile.

"Well, let's say goodbye." Jiang Ci's face was calm and nodded, but in his heart, it was a pain.

Running errands!

Let Shen Mu take him back and forth for a quarter of an hour, across the distance of 30 light years, he spent 100 million points!

However, the value of the money, he successfully out of danger.

After all, when people die, there's nothing left.


After separating from Shen Mu, Jiang CI turns over and takes out a top-quality spirit boat and goes straight back and forth.

The distance of 30 light years is random, and the strong ghost will never follow him.

the spirit of the strong robber can't cover such a long distance.

But at this time, Jiang CI did not get rid of the joy of pursuing.

The experience of the last ten years, the battle of the ghost prison just now, and Shen Mu's words of ridicule have made him realize that the identity of immortal Taoist has indeed brought him great fame,

but at the same time, it also limits his actions everywhere.

"The lone walkers of he Dao period are too conspicuous in Tonggu continent!"

"The high level of the demon clan camp and the ghost clan camp, as long as they are not stupid, they will definitely pay a high price to get rid of me."

He came to foreign battlefields for the purpose of life and death, not to die.

How to avoid this risk?

This is a new problem of Jiang CI.

Just a moment later, Jiang CI came up with a solution.

"In essence, the breath of a strong immortal is a kind of pressure on spiritual consciousness."

"Yuanyuanzhibao can also emit similar spiritual prestige. I can camouflage myself with the triple mountains."

In this way, Jiang Ci's mind moved, and the gold and black armor in the three mountains began to exude a kind of spiritual power, which was constantly strengthened.

In the end, it stays at the level of seven plundering immortals.

"Yes, combined with my spiritual strength, it can perfectly cover up my harmony breath!"

"From today on, I will be the seven robber fairy mountain and sea Sword Fairy!"

Jiang CI smiles and finally solves a big problem.

Even if he meets another strong robber who has stronger spiritual strength than him, he doesn't have to worry about being seen through, because the spiritual power of the original treasure really exists.

Later, he turned over his hand and took out the communication bead to contact master jiujianxian.

Just now, the attack of the powerful ghost came too suddenly, and the communication between him and jiujianxian was suddenly disconnected.

Now that the crisis has subsided, we should report safety.Soon, the communication is connected, and a ray of spiritual consciousness turns into a communication phantom through the communication bead.


The earth, the pavilion at the top of the mountain.

Twenty minutes have passed since Jiang CI suddenly broke off contact.

Jiu Jianxian's separation has been frowning and holding the communication bead in his hand.

Although I know that Jiang CI has a separate body, even if I have an accident, I will not really die.

But jiujianxian was still worried. After all, it was Jiang Ci's life, and most of Jiang Ci's strength was accumulated by himself.

Once the master is gone, it will be a big blow to Jiang CI.

In this anxious waiting, all of a sudden, subpoena bead received subpoena.

"Hoo..." Jiujianxian was relieved at last, and his brows stretched out again.

The phantom of Jiang CI appeared,

"master." Jiang CI said with a smile.

"It's settled?" Asked jiujianxian.

Jiang CI nodded: "there is a sudden attack of the ghost family robbing immortals..."

He gave a rough account of the story.

"Ghost prison? The spiritual strength beyond the limit of robbing immortals? " Jiujianxian was also surprised,

and then he said with a smile: "there are not many such powerful robbers who are rich and powerful, even in the Guizu camp,

you can meet one. I don't know whether you are lucky or not,

however, you are also a blessing in disguise. You can take away 10000 ghost towers of inferior immortal level.

Even if calculated by the lowest 100000 points, it's worth 1 billion points! "

Jiang CI laughs. From this point of view, he is lucky.

"Master, when it comes to the Ghost Tower, I just want to ask you to contact me to see if there are any strong people in our Terran who are interested in the Ghost Tower." Jiang CI said again.

"No problem. I'll say in the temple of robbing immortals later that you 10000 ghost towers should be very good." Jiujianxian smiles.

"Robbing the temple of immortals?" Jiang CI asked.

"Well, the hall of robbing immortals is one of the thirty-six halls in the heaven. In our Terran camp, only those who are more than seven robbing immortals are qualified to join it." Jiujianxian explained.

Jiang CI nodded his head slightly. He once had a brief understanding of the thirty sixth Hall of heaven,

but he only knew the name of the thirty sixth hall, not the specific information.

In addition to the hall of robbing immortals, there are Zhenjun hall and Daojun hall.

In addition, there are many in the name of Taoism, such as the hall of time and void.

Finally, there is Daoyuan hall, which is the access to the ancient world of Daoyuan, the holy land of the human race. It belongs to the heaven.