I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 542

Through the ancient continent, a magnificent ancient ruins.

In the ruins, those ruins, which are at least ten thousand feet high, have gone through many ages and have not been taken away by time.

Jiang Ci was also surprised when he first saw the ruins.

From the perspective of architectural style, this ruins is obviously a legacy of an ancient powerful civilization.

I just don't know what kind of ethnic group lived in this ancient continent before it became a battlefield. It must be very powerful!

Because it was deserted and secluded, he was hiding in a palace deep underground.


Boom boom!

A huge Xianli light column with a diameter of 100 meters came from the sky. Even though the ancient continent was extremely hard, it was torn at this time.

The ancient palace under the ground is smashed in an instant.

Where the light column goes, the space becomes nothingness directly, forming a vacuum area deep underground.

This is a Xianli attack close to the level of eight plundering immortals,

a single blow creates an abyss with a diameter of 100 meters and a depth of 300000 kilometers!

It was not until Xianli Guangzhu tore the earth's surface that Jiang CI woke up with a start.

before he had time to interrupt the communication, the palace was smashed, and he was also hit by Xianli Guangzhu.

"Shield mountain!" He only had time to show his strongest defensive moves. His long sword was like a mountain and shield.

Click, click!

The shield mountain sword light, which can resist the attack of the six plundering immortals, directly breaks up.

However, dunshan sword light won him a very short time.

"Hua Jia!"

A gold and black armor appeared on the surface of Jiang Ci's body, including his head, which was completely covered by a helmet.

This is the armor of the original treasure triple mountain.

He has refined the top three mountains, and can resist the attack of the six immortals.

However, the power of this pillar of immortal power is close to the full blow of eight plundering immortals!

Boom boom!

The terrifying energy of Xianli Guangzhu is surging and surging, which impacts Jiangci deeper into the earth.

Finally, at 300000 kilometers underground, the energy of Xianli Guangzhu was exhausted, and Jiang CI finally settled down.

There was no damage to his body, but there were some cracks in his body.

Because of the terrible energy, he hurt his body through the tattooed gold black armor.

Jiang Ci's spiritual sense is searching for the enemy in tens of thousands of kilometers.

"Where is the enemy?"

"No suspicious targets have been found within a radius of ten million kilometers!"

Jiang Ci's expression is very dignified, which shows that either the other side's spiritual strength is far stronger than him, or there is a special way to collect breath.

For the first time, he experienced the pain of being less psychic than the enemy.

In the past, he used to crush the alien people who were hunted by him by virtue of his spiritual strength.

This time, the situation turned upside down. Instead, he was crushed. He didn't even know where the enemy was.


All of a sudden, the wind is blowing between heaven and earth, and day turns into night.

ancient pagodas with pale flames appear from nothingness, and each tower is as high as 100 feet.

"Ghost Tower? The ghost prison of the ghost clan

Jiang CI instantly recognized the origin of these ancient pagodas and knew that behind the attack was a powerful ghost!

Then, almost instantly, 100000 ghost towers appeared within a radius of 10 million kilometers around him.

"100000 seats! And all of them are inferior immortal level? "

"Who is it?"

Jiang Ci's face has changed. Damn it!

Compared with this unknown enemy, he is not an order of magnitude at all!

The normal price of inferior immortals is 100000 points, and there are 100000 inferior immortals level ghost towers, equivalent to 10 billion points!

This strong ghost is really inhumane!

"Run away!" Jiang CI has no plan to stay and fight.

If you don't count your original treasure, tongtianlou and sanchuanshan, the other side is crushing him in wealth.

Wealth is resources and strength.


At this time, 10 million kilometers away, a top-notch fairy boat hovered in the air.

In xianzhounei,

"tut tut It seems that he really has treasures, the best immortal sword and armor! " Gu Chen is very interested in monitoring everything with his spiritual consciousness.

He is more intelligent than Jiang Ci, and can only be found by Jiang CI unless he appears in the field of vision of Jiang CI.

"But can you escape from my ghost prison?"

"Ghost general, out!"

The 100000 ghost towers condensed into white flames, and then the flames beat. In the ghostly atmosphere of the ghost prison, every ten of them formed a group and suddenly merged into 10000 ghost spirits.Ghost general!


As soon as Jiang Ci's breath stagnated, he saw the fusion of ghosts and fire, and knew that the situation was not good.

But did not expect, this is not good, more serious than he imagined!

Each of them was a hundred feet tall, holding a terrible cross.

"This is the ghost General of the ghost clan!" Jiang CI is bitter and astringent.

Before he came to the foreign battlefield, he collected the information of the GUI nationality in detail and knew some powerful means of the GUI nationality.

The ghost prison is one of them.

the ghost generals transformed from the ghost prison are a kind of energy body, not intelligent life.

It's easy to deal with, but there are 10000 ghost generals in front of us, and all of them are five robbers!

Because it is an energy body, it means that it can regenerate after being killed!


With the roar of ten thousand ghost generals, the enchanting fork condenses a series of terrible immortal power beams,


Ten thousand pillars of light at the level of five immortals converged into a terrible 100 meter pillar of light, smashing the space and attacking Jiang CI.

It's another Xianli attack close to the level of eight plundering immortals!


Almost instantaneously, Jiang CI used the fastest sword of the wind, which was close to the speed of light!

Then the body shape is extremely nimble, dodges that terror light pillar attack.

But the other side was not idle. 10000 ghost generals of the five robber immortals roared, and the enchanting fork condensed to attack again.

And this time, because of the closer distance, the space for Jiang Ci to dodge becomes smaller.

"Is it over or not?" Jiang CI burst out with abuse.


Once again, he was hit by the Xianli light column which was close to the level of the eight robber immortals.

the gold black armor in the triple mountain blocked most of the attack for him,

but the remaining half of the energy attack was enough to cause damage to his body, and the cracks became more and more.

If it goes on like this, he will be here sooner or later!


Ten million kilometers away, Gu was a little surprised.

"Well? It seems that his physical strength is very high. After being attacked by two ghost generals, can he support himself? "

"Ha ha, the higher the talent, the better. After killing in this way, you will get more military merit rewards!"

Bonnie is very excited.

"Such a genius is qualified to see the second stage of the ghost prison, so that you can die decently!"


In the ghost prison, Jiang CI feels very angry,

he finally knows why the alien people he hunted before are so indignant, unwilling and desperate before he dies.

Because in the case of being crushed, he simply can not play his own means.

"Restricted everywhere!"

It's hard for him to get close to the ten thousand ghost generals.

Before flying 100000 kilometers, he was hit by Xianli light column.

If you can't get close to him, his various attack means, whether it's the six moves of heaven and earth in Shanhai sword Sutra or the seven swords of Yunji, have become furnishings!

At this time, the situation in the ghost prison changed again.

"No!" The face of Jiang CI changed.

The ten thousand ghost generals of the five robber immortals suddenly dissipated and turned into ghost fire and gloomy ghost gas again.

This is not a good phenomenon!

It means that if the opponent changes his moves, he will only become stronger, but not worse.

Sure enough.

Those ghost fire and ghost gas, change and merge again.

One thousand ghosts will appear again, and their height will be thousands of feet, and this time they will send out six immortals!

The ghost generals who robbed the six immortals all roared, and again sacrificed the cross to gather the immortal power.

This is unreasonable.

Moreover, the energy of these Xianli beams is completely provided by the best Xianjing, which is very pure, so it is more powerful.

Boom boom!

This hit, reached eight rob immortals!

Where it passes, it forms a wide space turbulence, and the smell of terror covers tens of millions of kilometers.

"I can't stop it!" This is the result of intuition telling Jiang CI.

Although he barely has the fighting power of bajiexian, it doesn't mean that his body defense is also at the level of bajiexian.

No matter how hard you fight, you will die!

"Only one."

At present, he has only two cards to help him out of trouble.

One is the elder martial brother Dijun, who gave him the talisman.

Another is the confinement function of the original treasure triple mountain.

It can move 100 million light-years at random, but only ten times, one less.

Jiang CI is not willing to waste until the real life and death.

Now the only thing left is the triple mountain.The two functions of the original treasure triple mountain are to imprison and transform armor!

After refining the first level, the armor can resist the attack of liujiexian.

The effect of confinement is to confine a space of one million kilometers.

However, it is worth noting that confinement is not invincible. If we are strong enough, we can break it directly.

For example, with the full force of six plundering immortals, we can break the first confinement effect of triple mountain.

Therefore, Jiang CI has been useless.

The other side only showed a ghost prison, and the strength reached eight plundering immortals.

If he uses the detention ability of the triple mountain at the beginning, once he makes the opponent have the defense and make a stronger attack,

then he really can only endure the pain and use one chance to move the talisman.

"Million kilometers Only when I get close to one of the ghost towers for one million kilometers can I exert space confinement, otherwise I will have no chance! "

Jiang CI uses the sword of strong wind to change his body position in the ghost prison full of ghostly spirit and constantly evades the joint attack of the ghost generals.

Then he was consciously approaching the ghost towers.


A pillar of Xianli light at the level of eight plundering immortals hit Jiang CI again,

his body shape flew out uncontrollably, with more cracks in his body, and his breath became more and more unstable.


It's just for a moment, he's in shape.

At this time, he finally approached a ghost tower, more than 1.2 million kilometers away.

"Good chance!" Jiang Ci's eyes brightened.


The source treasure triple mountain suddenly spreads a mysterious energy wave,

within a million kilometers, whether it's space energy, or those creeping ghosts, or the coming Xianli light column, all stagnate in an instant!

Only Jiang CI can move.


Ten million kilometers away, inside the best fairy boat.

Originally calm and self-confident Gu Zhen, suddenly his face changed.

"This is The space is confined

"Only the ghost king who practices space Taoism can use this method!"

"No It's the gold and black armor on his body

Gu Zhen's reaction is that the ghost king is equivalent to the real king of the Terran. This Terran little guy is obviously not the strong one of the real king of Daoxian!

"In this way, that gold black armor is not only the best immortal weapon, but also the most precious one?"

If you rob immortals, you may not know the existence of the original treasure.

But his father is the ghost king of the jinyecha clan of the GUI clan. The existence of wuzhuandao immortal level has a treasure in his hand.

He has seen the original treasure, and naturally knows some of its strengths!

"The treasure of origin!" In the golden pupil of the bone, there is a burning golden awn.


Although he is rich and powerful, all his wealth is not as valuable as one of his original treasures.

"It's really a big profit this time!"

"I'm the son of destiny!"

Gu Zhen was so excited that he couldn't calm down any more.

"In that case, kill him directly with the third stage of Youming ghost prison!"

The Youming ghost prison is composed of 100000 Youming ghost towers of inferior immortal level.

In the first stage, 10000 ghost generals can be transformed.

In the second stage, one thousand six immortals and ghost generals can be transformed.

In the third stage, you can conjure up 100 ghost generals!

The more powerful the ghost will be, the more immortal energy it will consume.

100 seven robber immortals and ghost generals will consume 10 top-quality immortal crystals!

"A small Terran alliance, even with its original treasure, can only exert a million kilometers of space confinement, and can't stop the joint attack of the ghost generals at all!"

"So go to hell!" With a sneer,

with a move of spiritual consciousness, the ghost tower within a radius of 10 million kilometers will change again,

the 1000 six robber immortals and ghosts will disappear and begin to transform again.

But at this time.

"No!" Gu Gu's face suddenly changed,

he found that the human race was in harmony with the Tao, constantly exerting space confinement, so as to get close to one of the ghost towers.


In the ghost prison,


In just 0.01 seconds, the Xianli light column at the level of eight immortals broke the space confinement,

the Xianli light column crossed a distance of nearly 200000 kilometers and was about to hit Zhongjiang CI.


But this very short time gave Jiang CI the chance to use the sword of the wind.

he joined the sword with his body, and his body flashed across more than 200000 kilometers.

At the same time, Jiang CI roared again.


The space stagnates 0.01 second again, is hitting his Xianli light column, and stops at the same place.


A second later, Jiangci again crossed more than 200000 kilometers.

Constantly display space imprisonment, close to the Ghost Tower.

Although the space confinement can only confine 0.01 seconds at a time, it will be broken by the joint attack of the ghost.

But this 0.01 second is enough for him to use the sword of the wind once and flash more than 200000 kilometers.

Five seconds at most, you can cross a distance of 1.2 million kilometers!

Two seconds have just passed!

But at this time, the ghost prison covering tens of millions of kilometers has changed greatly,

the gloomy and strong ghost spirit is churning violently, and the 1000 ghost generals of the six robber immortals suddenly dissipate,

then they are transformed and condensed again, and there are 100 ghost generals, all of them seven robber immortals!

Jiang CI is a bit silly.

What a moat!

He knows that the ghost generals who transform into 100 seven robber immortals need to consume 10 top-grade immortal crystals.

In the Terran, a best fairy crystal is worth 100 million points.

100 seven robber immortals and ghost generals are 1 billion points!

As a contemporary era genius of the human race and a disciple of jiuxiao Daojun, Jiang Ci's score now is only 5.5 billion.

Moreover, the 5.5 billion points were obtained by signing a contract with daomeng Tianting after the great changes of the earth.

Now, the unknown Guizu strongman used up 1 billion points in one attack!

That is to say, it's all burning money!

The other party wants to kill him with money!


100 seven robber immortals and ghost generals launch a joint attack.

The Xianli light column with a diameter of ten thousand meters smashes the starry sky and roars to the sky. Its power is close to that of jiujiexian!


Jiang CI once again used space confinement, flashing more than 200000 kilometers.

In any case, we must get out of this ghost prison!

Boom, boom

In the next three seconds, Jiang CI raised his speed to the limit,

the frequency of space confinement was also raised to the limit,

however, he was still hit by two Xianli Guangzhu which was close to nine robbers.

His body, which was close to the inferior immortal ware, was on the verge of collapse. It was like a glass about to break, full of fine cracks.

Fortunately, he finally got close to the Ghost Tower.

The spiritual consciousness can clearly perceive that there is a strange array force in the space around the Ghost Tower.

It is the power of this strange array that connects 100000 ghost towers of inferior immortal level, thus forming this ghost prison.


Jiang CI is cut out with a sword, and the Chixiao sword of the best immortal level falls in the space next to the Ghost Tower.


The power of that strange array is directly broken.

Then, it caused a chain reaction,

within a million km radius, the remaining 9999 ghost towers, at this moment, all failed,

the fierce and gloomy ghost Qi returned to nothingness.

At the same time, 10 of the 100 ghost generals disappeared out of thin air.

"Take it!" Jiang Ci's mind moved, and put the Ghost Tower in front of him.


"Damn it

Gu Chen finally knows why this human race alliance has to constantly exert space confinement,

his purpose is to find an opportunity to break through the ghost prison.

"How can I make you do it!" Gu Chen snorts coldly,

then controls the remaining 90 ghost generals of seven robbers to surround Jiang Ci, and at the same time, he uses the method of joint attack to continue to use the immortal force to attack and force Jiang Ci's spatial position.

However, the situation is different now!

After Jiang CI broke through the ghost prison with a radius of one million kilometers, he had more space to move,

moreover, without 10 ghost generals of the seven robbers, the joint attack power of the ghost generals was greatly reduced,

his restrictions were also greatly reduced, and he could exert his speed and body method to his heart's content.

Then, with the speed brought by the space confinement and the sword of the wind, Jiang CI quickly took away those failed ghost towers.

"Ha ha, take it!"

The combination of space confinement and the sword of wind is more and more handy.

"A Ghost Tower of inferior immortal level is worth at least 100000 points, and 10000 points is one billion points!"

This is only his lowest estimate, and the value is likely to be higher.

Because Youming ghost prison is a powerful array magic weapon of the ghost family.


"Ah! I'm so angry Gu Chen was very angry, but he could only look at Gan anxiously.100000 ghost towers constitute the ghost prison,

if the number of ghost towers is reduced by 10%, the power of the ghost prison will also be reduced.

And it's not as simple as a drop of 10%. The third stage of joint attack has the power of approaching the nine robbers.

Now, there is only the power of the eight plundering immortals.

It is equivalent to three stages, and one stage is missing directly.

In addition, it is extremely difficult to refine the Ghost Tower because there are too few materials for refining.

He is now in the outer battlefield. If he wants to make up for the lost 10% Ghost Tower, it will cost a lot.

However, knowing that the other side has the source of treasure, and can exert space confinement, he did not dare to fight in person.

The short space confinement is enough for this Terran to kill him.

Gu Chen has already seen the attack power of this human race, and has barely reached the level of eight plundering immortals!

Moreover, after the Terran's unity was not limited, the body method became extremely flexible,

in this way, the tall ghost generals would be a little cumbersome.

"Terran, stop it!" Gu Fei roared, and his voice was transmitted to 10 million kilometers away through his spiritual consciousness.

Is crazy to collect the Ghost Tower of river words, obviously Leng for a while.

Then, with a sneer and a flash of body shape, Jiang CI took away a Ghost Tower again.

"Stop it for me!"


Gu Fei roared angrily.

Jiang Ci was unmoved, and used his fastest speed to take away those failed ghost towers.

Up to now, there are more than 8000 ghost towers in his storage magic weapon.

Whoosh, whoosh!

The remaining 90 ghost generals of the seven immortals came to the place less than ten thousand li away from Jiangci and surrounded Jiangci.

"Your combined attack power is greatly reduced, and I can't be trapped any more!" Jiang CI smiles,

displays the space confinement, twinkles out of the encirclement, and continues to collect the nearby ghost towers.

"I really can't trap you." Gu Zhen's voice was transmitted again,

and then he said in a low voice, "but, Terran, it's useless for you to want the Ghost Tower. How about making a deal?"

"Oh?" Jiang CI once again put away a ghost tower.

"As long as you return the collected Ghost Tower to me, I can give you a treasure worth 1 billion ghost crystals! Ghost crystal is equivalent to the points of your Terran, which is 1 billion points! " Gu said.

"10000 ghost towers are worth more than 1 billion points." Jiang CI shakes his head gently..

He was surprised. It seemed that the value of the Ghost Tower was higher than he had imagined.

"It's true that there are more than 1 billion points, but for me,

for you, you can't use the ghost prison without the natural ghost Qi of our ghost clan,

even if you can get the ghost Qi, these 10000 ghost towers alone can't form the ghost prison, and the value will be greatly reduced,

even if you take it to the Terran camp to sell, you can't sell 1 billion points !” Guzhen continued to communicate with the spirit.

"Are you stupid or am I?" Jiang CI sneers.

"How many points do you want?" Gu Zhen asked.

"I don't sell any of them. There are so many strong people in our Terran family who are always interested in the ghost prison!

So goodbye! "

Jiang CI takes away the last three ghost towers and exerts space confinement again.

Then, taking advantage of the time when the seven plundering immortals and ghosts will stagnate, they take out the best spirit boat, turn it into a streamer and go back and forth.