I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 541

Jiang CI didn't know that someone was carrying the pot for him.

after the battle, he soon found an ordinary mountain in Tonggu continent, converged his breath and penetrated into the depths of the mountains.

He has explored an area of tens of thousands of kilometers with his mind, and has confirmed that there is no hidden strong one here.

Unless the other person's psychic strength is far greater than him, or there is a special way to collect breath.

In that case, even if his spiritual strength is comparable to that of jiujiexian, he can't find each other.

Of course, the probability of meeting this extreme situation is very small.

Therefore, Jiang Ci was relieved to lurk in this mountain range for a while.

By virtue of the flawed mountain sea sword, you can easily kill one of the ChiYan's six robber immortals and three of the ChiYan's five robber immortals. The four ChiYan's combined attack method has the combat power close to that of the seven robber immortals.

Thus, Jiang CI confirmed his current comprehensive combat power.

"It's just eight robbers!"

In addition, the most important thing is that he found the defects of the six forms.

"The five forms of the five elements system are not really integrated into the system of the six forms of heaven and earth. As long as this problem is solved, the volume of heaven and earth will be a great success!"

Jiang CI is full of expectations.

If it's not the Daorong skill, which is a kind of auxiliary secret method, the Shanhai sword classic is the first combat secret method he created!

The book of heaven and earth is the foundation of Shanhai sword Sutra.

Only those who have no defects and can really form their own system are qualified to enter the experience value panel.

At that time, the panel can be used to deduce and improve the subsequent realm of Shanhai sword Sutra.

No longer have to work hard to risk the crisis of life and death, to fight all over the world, looking for inspiration.

Now the key is, how to solve the problem of the defects of the six forms of heaven and earth?

Thinking of this, Jiang CI laughs lightly,

he has already had a clue, so he lurks down instead of choosing to continue fighting.

"In fact, some life experiences have been decided early..."

Before the great change of the earth, that is, when he was the monitoring elder of the canglan Star District of Zixiao sect,

because the white feather star trade, which was secretly controlled by feihongmen, captured his people of Shanhai star trade, and then he killed the white feather star trade.

In that war, Yan Qi, the leader of Baiyu star trade, used a special magic weapon to exert the power of the five elements, and his strength greatly increased, reaching the level of being invincible.

At that time, after he killed Yan Qi, that special magic weapon naturally became his booty and had been lying in the storage magic weapon.

Jiang CI turned over his hand and took out a round moon machete with a peculiar shape. There are five rings hanging on the blade, jingling.

"Although it's only a top-notch artifact, it can perfectly integrate the rhyme of the five elements of Taoism and form a more powerful power of Taoism - the power of the five elements!"

He clearly remembers the battle scene at the beginning. An unknown common Hedao had the invincible strength of Hedao by virtue of the power of the five elements.

"If we can find out the core principle of this special magic weapon, we may be able to solve the problem of the six forms of heaven and earth!" Jiang's Ci is full of spirit.

Wave the refining moon machete to inject the spiritual consciousness of the later stage of he Dao, and at the same time, the spiritual consciousness calls out the five elements Taoism.

What he first called out was the power of Tao rhyme at the level of heaven and earth, which was also injected into the full moon machete.

Then, the five forces of Taoist rhyme, together with the spiritual force, spiral out in a strange way,

by means of the five rings on the curved knife of the full moon, they merge into a huge Rune picture.

A more powerful power of Tao rhyme appears, the power of five elements!

Jiang Ci's eyes fell on the rune map, feeling the power carefully, and exclaimed: "it has crossed a big realm, and the five elements method of the way of heaven and earth has already possessed the power of the avenue level by means of the full moon machete."

"Perhaps the five elements and five forms of the six forms of heaven and earth can be integrated in a similar way?" He made a guess.

Intuition tells him that this is the right way!

No matter what the result is, the power of the five elements and five movements will certainly increase greatly.

with the help of the six movements of heaven and earth, he barely has the fighting power of the eight immortals.

If the integration of the five elements and five forms makes the six forms of heaven and earth perfect, what level of his combat power will it reach?


Next, Jiang CI used the full moon machete to exert the power of the five elements over and over again to feel the mystery of this magic weapon's fusion of the five elements.

He can feel that this way of fusion is not the same as the fusion of Tao and Dharma.

It's a deep combination, just like the six movements of heaven and earth, which is a deep combination of Kendo and other Daoism.

At the same time, Jiang's Ci is not just a kind of meditation, he knows that combat practice is the best teacher.

Therefore, every time he realized, he would go out hunting, looking for alien robbing immortals, fighting and experimenting with all kinds of enlightenment content.……

As time goes by, Jiang CI has been in Tonggu for ten years.

In the past ten years, he has gone through hundreds of battles,

not counting the four ChiYan people who were killed in the first place, he also killed one qijiexian, 14 liujiexian, 36 wujiexian,

other strong people of different races below wujiexian, which are not included in his achievements.

In addition, Jiang CI also gradually realized that after the demon clan camp's robbing immortals saw him, they were very crazy.

This is a dangerous signal!

He knew very well that he would certainly attract the attention and reward of the alien race when he wandered alone in Tonggu continent with the body of harmony.

In this case, he has been targeted by the demon clan camp.

Therefore, every battle he fought in the back, he would transfer the latent place.

The communication means of the alien race is far less than that of the Terran race. His frequent transfer, coupled with his spiritual strength comparable to that of the nine plundering immortals, enabled him to avoid the encirclement and killing from the demon clan camp for many times.

It is worth mentioning that in the past ten years, Jiang CI has also provided him with a large number of military achievements by hunting and killing strong people of different races.

zixiaozong's requirement for his life and death training is 10 trillion military achievements.

now his military achievements are close to 30 trillion, which has been completed for a long time.

At any time, he can finish the training of life and death and return to the territory of the human race.

However, Jiang CI didn't have this plan, because his six ways of heaven and earth are not perfect yet.

since it is a secret method of fighting, it is natural to get it in the battle.

such an excellent place for combat training as the battlefield outside the territory can't be seen in the territory of the human race.

Jiang CI knows that although he has the name of epoch-making genius, he is still far behind those peerless geniuses of his time.

Because his training time is too short.

For example, among the 100 disciples of Zixiao sect, there are 99.

Many of the top 99 have been practicing for nearly ten thousand years, that is, they have accumulated to the limit,

the top 10 have already possessed the fighting power of eight robbers.

And the person in the front even has the fighting power of nine plundering immortals by virtue of his cultivation.

Always pursue the strongest, always think that they are not the strongest.

This is the belief of Jiang CI.

So he should continue to work hard, first of all, to be the strongest in the same realm.


The three peak ethnic groups have their own military camps in Tonggu continent, and they are guarded by the real king and strong people.

it can be said that these camps are the safest places in Tonggu continent.

Some strong robbers who need to recuperate will choose to recuperate in the military camp.

In the 11th year of Jiang Ci's entry into Tonggu, there is a heavily guarded Cangmang mountain range in Tonggu, which is the front-line camp of the ghost camp in the ninth battlefield.

At this time, in the starry sky hundreds of millions of kilometers away, a top-notch fairy boat shuttles out from the source space.

Close to Tonggu continent, there are too many war debris for the boat to accelerate to the speed of light.

In the stars hundreds of millions of kilometers away, there are many acceleration regions, which have enough space to accelerate to the speed of light, so as to travel through the source space.

However, the strong of all ethnic groups rarely choose to do so.

Because everyone came to the battlefield outside the territory just for the purpose of fighting each other.

If they are all in the source space, it's boring. If they can't be touched, how can we talk about fighting.

Therefore, the strong people of all ethnic groups basically used flying boats to travel at sub light speed and hunt in Tonggu continent.

People like this who want to go back to the military camp for rest will choose to travel through the source space.

After the best immortal boat was close to the camp of the ghost camp, the ghost guards took it down.

These days, anyone who dares to use the best fairy boat in Tonggu continent can't be provoked.

One is expensive. It's more expensive than the best fairy ware!

Among those who are strong in robbing immortals, there are few who can afford to use the best immortal boats, even if the three top groups add up.

The second is strong strength, because the best fairy boat is the live target of the big one.

I don't have enough strength to make such a show.

After landing in the barracks, the best fairy boat came out with a silver figure.

I saw this figure with silver skin, golden hair and pupils, the ghost gas, although still gloomy, but there is a sense of holiness.

Such appearance and breath make the officers and soldiers of the GUI nationality around rise a sense of awe from the depths of their souls,

because this is a royal family of the GUI nationality, the jinyecha family, which is more noble than the yinyecha family.

"I'd like to meet you, Mr. jinyasha!" The eyes of the GUI soldiers around were full of reverence and madmen, and they knelt down one after another.

The golden night fork put away the best fairy boat without expression, and then went straight to the depth of the barracks.

Deep in the barracks, there are magnificent palaces.

When he arrived at one of the palaces, he came out of the palace with a ghost eight robber immortal who was not a jinyecha family. He looked like a human family, but was covered with dark blue ghost fire."Gee, rare guest, Gu Fei, how can you come to the barracks?" The eight robbers of the GUI clan were surprised.

Ordinary ghost soldiers need to be awed by the jinyecha clan. They don't need to be the top robbers of immortals.

"I've met elder martial brother Xi Ming." Jinyecha Guzhen saluted slightly, and then said, "my best immortal crystal is running out, and I don't want to leave the foreign battlefield for the time being, so I come here to exchange some."

Hearing the best fairy crystal, Xi Ming's eyelids jumped, but he still said with a smile: "I have something to do with the principal here. How much do you want to change? I can give you some discount. "

"Don't bother, elder martial brother. It's only 100 top grade Xianjing. It doesn't matter if you want a discount." Gu Chen smiles, but he has a sense of distance.

Xi Ming shook his head helplessly: "then you go in."

Gu Chen didn't speak any more and went straight into the main hall.

Xi Ming looks at his back, and a trace of unhappiness flashed in his dark blue eyes.

"Well, what's that! Don't you reincarnate into the sea of bones and have a good Laozi! "

The GUI nationality has a strict hierarchy, which is divided into royal blood, royal blood, top blood and ordinary blood.

The stronger the blood is, the higher the blessing of strength will be. At the same time, it is easier to cultivate to a higher level.

For the GUI people with ordinary blood, they have the chance to upgrade their blood to the top, but not to the royal blood.

Because the Royal and royal families of the GUI nationality are all reincarnated. In other words, this kind of blood is born.

In addition to the holy mountain, there are Dagu sea and Xiaogu sea,

among them, Dagu sea will give birth to Royal jinyecha and Xiaogu sea will give birth to Royal yinyecha.

The reason for Xi Ming's displeasure is that before his reincarnation, Gu Zhen was just a ghost with ordinary blood.

But I didn't expect that after Gu Chen's accidental death, he succeeded in reincarnation in daguhai and became a child of the jinyecha ghost king.

the ghost king is the strong one of the Daoxian Zhenjun level,

moreover, the jinyecha ghost king is a wuzhuan Daoxian, and has a very high status in the GUI clan, only inferior to those of the Daojun level.

As a result, Gu Zhen ascended to the sky step by step.

With the help of the ghost king jinyecha, Guzhen's cultivation speed is very fast. Finally, when he passed the immortal robbery, he passed six robberies in succession, which can be called the peerless genius of the ghost family.

Then, after a period of training in foreign combat power, it quickly reached the level of seven plundering immortals.

In contrast, Xi Ming had been fighting for tens of thousands of years in foreign battlefields, and had experienced countless crises of life and death before he could reach the realm of eight immortals.

People are more popular than dead people, so are ghosts!

If you look at the magic weapons you usually use, you can see the gap. Guzhen uses a full set of top-quality magic weapons, including attack, defense and escape.

And he is the eight robber immortal, and he uses the top-grade immortal ware.

"This guy What's more luxurious is that we usually use the best immortal crystal to supplement the immortal power! " Xi Ming was filled with emotion.

The best immortal crystal is extremely rare, and the immortal power contained in it is also extremely pure, so the price is very expensive.

For the three top ethnic groups, the best fairy crystal is an absolute strategic resource.

Even if it's nine robber immortals, they are not willing to practice with the best immortal crystal.

For example, Terran, the exchange price of 1 best fairy crystal, need 100 million points!

"Sometimes I want to commit suicide and try to reincarnate..." Xi Ming shook his head.

Unfortunately, the chance of successful reincarnation is too small.

Ten thousand ghosts robbing immortals may not be able to reincarnate one.


In the hall, after exchanging 100 top-quality fairy crystals for Gu Chen, he didn't stay any longer and left the barracks soon.

In the starry sky hundreds of millions of kilometers away, the best fairy boat instantly shuttles to the source space and randomly shuttles in a direction that leads to the ancient continent.

In the top grade immortal boat, Gu Zhen sits there at will, exuding a kind of ghostly spirit, but also a kind of sacred feeling.

Recalling the scene of talking with Xi Ming, he sneers directly, completely without the appearance of being modest and polite before.

He knew how many people would be jealous of him after he was reincarnated as the child of the king of jinyecha.

Because before he was reincarnated, he was a robbing immortal of the GUI nationality with ordinary blood. He knew the idea of the ordinary GUI nationality very well.

"No? envy? Hehe, what's the use? "

"What can a group of guys who can't see the situation clearly know?"

"I was originally the child of my father before countless ages. With the help of my father, I was reincarnated countless times, and finally I was reincarnated into the sea of bones!"

Think of here, his golden pupil burst out golden light, full of wild hope.

"In this life, I will become a real king and touch the boundary of Tao king!"

"Training, fighting!"

"With the best immortal crystal, the ghost prison my father gave me can be used again. Now we start to hunt and kill those alien immortals."

"it's better to be human!" There is a fierce light in the eyes.The speed of the best fairy boat can be up to 300 times the speed of light.

Next, Gu Zhen shuttled through the source space for a day and came out 3000 light-years away from the ghost camp.

He flew over Tonggu at the speed of sublight in the best fairy boat, looking for suitable hunting targets.

"With the help of my father, my spiritual strength has already broken through the limit of robbing immortals, and the scope of spiritual exploration has reached 100 million kilometers!

In Tonggu continent, few can escape my exploration! " Gu is very confident.

For only an hour, his eyes were full of doubts.

"Terran How do you like it

"It's just a combination of human race. How dare you walk alone in Tonggu?"

"Well? His spiritual strength is as strong as nine robbers

Relying on his spiritual strength beyond the limit of robbing immortals, Gu Zhen discovered that there was a strong spiritual consciousness covering a space of tens of millions of kilometers.

He widened his eyes. It was hard to believe that even when he was in harmony, his spiritual strength was not so abnormal.

"Fortunately, my spiritual strength has already broken through the limit of robbing immortals, otherwise he would have found me just now."

"In this way, this man must be the top ten talent of the Terran

As soon as Gu Yu's eyes brightened, he suddenly thought of a mission intelligence that had been circulating in the GUI camp more than 400 years ago.

A man named immortal Taoist is a member of the same clan, and his real identity is suspected to be a genius Jiang CI in the era of human race.

"Yes! He killed the most powerful six plundered immortals in Canglang island. There would be no challenge for him. That's why he came to Tonggu

"I didn't expect to meet you this time!"

"Ha ha, I'm the son of heaven!"

In the Guizu camp, the task reward for killing the immortal Taoist is equivalent to killing a nine robber immortal.

Nine robber immortals are rare. There are only more than one thousand in the whole ancient continent.

"Reward is only the second. The key is my experience in foreign battlefields. My father set a goal for me. I have to finish it before I can go back!"

"Such a genius, kill him, there will be a lot of military achievements!"

Gu Chen doesn't look up to those awards. He values military achievements.

He came to the Foreign Battlefield only after he reached the six immortals, so his military mission is also very high.

In addition, Gu Chen doesn't know that the demon clan camp has increased the reward for killing immortals,

otherwise, he will surely complain about why the demon clan's reward for killing is equivalent to killing 10 nine plundering immortals, while the ghost clan has only one.


On the other hand, the spiritual consciousness of Jiang CI has been spreading, monitoring the situation of tens of thousands of kilometers.

In this way, he can anticipate the enemy's advance and retreat freely in foreign battlefields.

If you can make it, you can make it. If you can't make it, you can run.

This time, however, his spiritual strength, which was comparable to that of jiujiexian, was finally defeated.

He met a wealthy GUI Royal jinyecha.

With all kinds of resources, Jin yecha has piled up his spiritual strength beyond the limit of robbing immortals. He can explore 100 million kilometers, far more than his 10 million kilometers.

Therefore, Jiang CI is not aware of the coming danger.

While studying and comprehending the inner mystery of the moon machete,

he separated a wisp of spiritual consciousness and chatted with the jiujianxian on the earth through the communication illusion formed by communication beads.

Although he has been training his life and death in foreign battlefields, he will also get in touch with his relatives and friends when he is not fighting.

Xuantian, Li Baibai and jiujianxian are the ones he usually contacts more.

As for Jiang Doudou, he also wanted to contact him, but he couldn't, and he couldn't.

On earth, in a pavilion at the top of the mountain,

jiujianxian is drinking leisurely, while Jiang Ci's teleportation phantom is sitting and watching, and they are chatting.

"Master, is there no solution to your Shouyuan problem?" Jiang CI suddenly sighed.

This is a sentence he often mentioned when they chatted in the last ten years.

Because master jiujianxian doesn't have much life.

The limit of jiujiexian's longevity is 100000 years, and jiujianxian's life is approaching this number.

To be more specific, 500 years at most!

Five hundred years is too short for those who are strong in Xiandao.

Facing Jiang Ci's question again, jiujianxian laughed freely and said, "don't worry, I will be smart for hundreds of years, then I will go to reverse life and death and try to break through! Once I become a real king, the problem of Shou yuan is not a problem! "

Jiang CI is silent.

It's easy to say that, but now the problem is that jiujianxian has left a deep magic barrier in his heart because of daolv's death.

if he can't break the magic barrier, even if he tries to reverse life and death, he will fail in the end.

Failure means death.Jiujianxian knew that Jiang Ci was still worried. He held up the gourd and took another sip of wine. He said with a smile, "to tell you the truth, I have been living on the earth for more than 4000 years. I found a strange place very early."

"Well?" Jiang CI is confused.

"I found that if I devote myself to practice on earth, I can break the magic barrier in my heart at any time." Jiujianxian's words are amazing.

"What?" Jiang Ci was so surprised that he said: "why didn't the master break it?"

Jiujianxian's eyes became deep and sighed: "I'm just worried that once the magic barrier is broken, the memory of Lianrong in my heart will leave me, so I want Lianrong to accompany me more."

Jiang CI fell into silence again.

It's a magic barrier that has trapped master jiujianxian for 50000 years. We can see how deep the relationship between master jiujianxian and his wife is.

"Now that the master has made up his mind, I won't advise him any more." Jiang CI has a smile on his face.

"Don't worry. I'll do it in another three or four hundred years." Jiujianxian nodded.

"I..." Jiang CI wanted to say something more. Suddenly, his face changed.

"Master, I have to leave first..."

Before the words were finished, Jiang Ci's communication illusion suddenly disappeared.

Wine Sword Fairy also complexion big change, rub of stand up.

His face was full of worry at this time.

Jiang CI has been in contact with him for more than 500 years in foreign battlefields, and some of them left in case of emergency.

But there has never been a time when, like today's situation, the subpoena was cut off before the words were finished!

"Apprentice, don't have an accident!"

(start first and change later)