I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 540

In the starry sky millions of kilometers high through the ancient continent, a humble spirit boat is flying at the speed of sublight.

In the flying boat, Jiang CI still keeps the appearance of the identity of mountain and sea,

while controlling the flying boat, he uses his spiritual sense to explore the situation within tens of thousands of kilometers to find the right target.

"Eight million kilometers away, there is a GUI army, two four robber immortals and more than 10000 GUI practitioners..."

Jiang CI did not stop, continue to search.

A moment later, after flying over 100 million kilometers, his spiritual knowledge was discovered again.

"There is a team of Qiu Yuan people robbing immortals. There is a team of four robbing immortals, and more than 100 Qiu Yuan people join the road..."

The Qiuyuan clan belongs to the demon clan camp, but it is not a demon clan, but a small-scale top group.

However, Jiang CI still did not stop.

These are not his goals.

Another 20 minutes of flying, over 200 million kilometers, and another discovery.

"The leader of a demon tribe's immortal robbing team is still four immortals..."

Half an hour later,

"I finally met the leader of the team of wujiexian, but this is from the Terran camp..."

It has been three days since Jiang CI shook his head and formally stepped into Tonggu continent.

In these three days, he found hundreds of teams, including the team of robbing immortals and the Legion of cultivators,

no matter they were from the Terran or other ethnic groups,

their leaders, without exception, were at least four robbing immortals, and a small number were five robbing immortals.

This shows that in Tonggu continent, if there is no strong one with more than four robbers in the team, it will not be able to get along at all.

"The four immortals have been able to dominate Canglang Island, but they have become very common in Tonggu continent."

"It's a pity that there are still too few strong ones above seven plundering immortals."

"there are more than 100000 seven plundering immortals, more than 10000 eight plundering immortals and only a thousand nine plundering immortals in the whole ancient continent."

"Moreover, many of the strong men above seven robbers are fixed in one area."

"In such a vast continent, it's very difficult to meet one."

Thinking of this, Jiang CI sighed.

"It's OK to have a six robber immortal. Let me have a good fight!"

So far, he hasn't even met six robbers.

It's a bit of luck.


In the starry sky about 30 million kilometers away from Jiangci, a flying bird shaped spirit boat is shuttling at top speed.

The interior of this flying boat is extremely luxurious. In the magnificent hall,

a six robber fairy from the ChiYan clan of the demon clan is sitting on the throne, full of tyranny.

The appearance of ChiYan is very similar to that of apes, but they are white headed and red footed, belonging to the top blood of the demon family. The ancestor of the ancient times is the legendary fierce beast Zhu Yan.

This six robber immortal ChiYan is 100 meters high, and next to it are three smaller five robber immortal ChiYan.

"Hateful Terrans, if you can't beat them, you're too cunning!" Six rob immortal red tired can't help angry way.

Not long ago, they hunted and killed a Terran immortal robbing team. They were about to succeed, but three other Terran immortal robbing teams came in succession.

On the contrary, they became the targets of being hunted, and finally suffered a great loss, so they had to flee.

"There's no way. The Terran's means of communication are far superior to our demon clan. They can support us quickly. On the contrary, we demon clan..." One of them sighed.

"They also rely on the eye of heaven to occupy the best territory of the universe, otherwise, the human race is so weak and small, how can they resist the invasion of our demon race!" ChiYan shook his head.

"What you said is that originally, our demon clan also occupied the best territory of the universe." The other five robbers agreed.

"Hum, sooner or later, our demon clan will be able to return to the core of the universe and take back our ancestral land," said ChiYan, the six robbers.

Good territory can breed more gifted life, so that the ethnic group will become stronger and stronger.

The battlefield outside the territory is between the three top ethnic groups. The Terrans, demons and ghosts are fighting against each other for countless times in the battlefield outside the territory. In fact, they are fighting for each other's universe territory.

Originally, the three peak groups were evenly matched, each occupying a territory in the core of the universe.

Since the eye of the sky appeared, the demon clan and the ghost clan have fallen into the disadvantage.

The demons and ghosts formed a non aligned alliance to deal with the Terrans.

"Ha ha, I hope we'll all be alive by then."

"Then we need to be a real king!"

"We are ChiYan people. Our blood is inherited from Zhu Yan, a fierce beast in ancient times. We are gifted and have a high chance of becoming a real king."

The three five robbers were laughing and talking.

On the throne, ChiYan, a hundred meter tall six robber immortal, had some doubts.

"What's the matter, my lord?" The three five robbers stop talking."My spiritual consciousness has found a superb spirit boat of the human race, which is more than six million kilometers away." Six rob fairy red disgust facial expression strange say.

"Terran? Ha ha, I'm holding fire in my heart. I just killed them One of the five robbers laughed.

But ChiYan shook his head and said, "I haven't finished yet. There is only one human race in the best spirit boat."

"The way of the human race?"

The three five robbers were shocked.

Soon, their spirit also found out, and their faces turned into unbelievable expressions.

"No way! I've never seen a soloist in the Hedao period

"It's extremely dangerous to pass through the ancient world. No matter which ethnic group's practitioners of he Dao period want to pass through the ancient world, they all follow the team of robbing immortals or the Legion of practitioners."

"He dares to come to the ancient world by himself. Isn't he looking for death?"

Six robbers fairy Chi Yan gently shakes his head, then looks serious and says: "I suddenly think of a person..."

"Do you remember? Four hundred years ago, a hunting mission was launched within the ethnic group, and the target was an immortal Taoist, who was suspected to be the era genius of the human race

"The immortal Taoist of Canglang island?" The three five robbers were immediately surprised.

"Four hundred years ago, many seven robber immortals rushed to Canglang island in Tonggu, where a great war broke out.

it is said that one percent of the whole area of Canglang island was destroyed, but the immortal Taoist was not found in the end."

"I just don't know if this is right in front of me?"

"Very likely!"

Six robbers immortal red tired to smile: "no matter is not, first killed again!"

If it is, it is a very generous reward!

In the demon clan camp of the ninth battlefield, there is a special task to kill the immortal Taoist. The reward for completing the task is equivalent to killing a nine robber immortal!

If it is not, it will do no harm. At most, it will destroy a human race that does not know the greatness of heaven and earth.

As for the strength, because of the previous mission intelligence, they all know that the actual combat power of the immortal is at the level of six robbers.

It's only four hundred years. I don't think the strength of this immortal Taoist will change much.

Their team has one six robber immortal, three five robber immortals,

and has the blood blessing of the murderer Zhu Yan. Their combat effectiveness is two or three percent higher than that of the stronger ones at the same level!

Even if the seven robbers come, they dare to fight with one of them!

Then, they drove the bird shaped spirit boat to the flying boat of Jiangci at the speed of sublight.

"This Terran rookie is still drinking leisurely." One of the five robbers laughed.

Their spiritual knowledge made it clear that the situation of the Terran flying boat.

"Sure enough, he didn't know what to do. With his spiritual strength, even if we were only a million kilometers away from him, he couldn't find us!"

Soon, the distance between the two boats was only a million kilometers.

They found that the Terran road is still quiet, drinking leisurely.

"I feel more and more that he is an ordinary human race A five robber immortal ChiYan shook his head, dull.

ChiYan, the six robber immortal, also nodded: "even in the period of harmony, the unique genius of the human race can reach the level of one million kilometers by virtue of various soul mysteries.

he has not found us up to now. I'm afraid he is really a common harmony."

"I'll do it. I'll kill the boat with one move." Another slightly cold five robber fairy red tired of cold voice.

"Don't be careless. Look again."

Approaching the moment of battle, six robbed immortal ChiYan kept calm in the tyranny.


A million kilometers away, inside the best spirit boat.

Jiang CI is really drinking. He has been with master jiujianxian for a long time. He is also in the habit of drinking. When he is free, he will take a drink to ease his mood.

His manner seems leisurely, but his spiritual consciousness keeps spreading all the time.

As a matter of fact, with his spiritual exploration area of tens of thousands of kilometers, he has long discovered the immortal robbing team of the ChiYan clan. Every move of the four ChiYan is monitored by his spiritual awareness.

"It's a good word to be ignorant of life or death, but it will be clear in a moment who is ignorant of life or death!"

It's not easy to meet a suitable target. Of course, he won't let it go.

With only one million kilometers left, the two sides will touch each other in three seconds at most.

It's a short but long time.

Because for the strong immortal, even one second can do a lot of things.

Two seconds later

There are only 200000 kilometers left between the two sides, and they are about to meet at an altitude of one million kilometers from the ancient continent.The fierce five robbers, red tired, white headed and red footed, left the boat and stood in the starry sky.

Then, with his mouth wide open and his arms wide open, he breathed out a ball of Xianli light.


He flashed twice, and instantly came 200000 kilometers away, and the Xianli light ball roared out.


Jiang Ci's best spirit boat was directly blasted into dregs, turbulent energy, churning in the starry sky.

"Vulnerable!" The cold five robber immortal ChiYan snorted.

The next moment, however, his face, which was very similar to the Terran, changed.

The surging energy of the explosion gradually subsided, and a figure in dark red armor was standing in the void, unharmed!

"Not dead?" The cold and fierce five robber immortal ChiYan has a fierce look in his eyes.

Whoosh, whoosh

The six robber immortal ChiYan and the other two five robber immortal ChiYan also flew in.

They all saw the scene of the explosion.

"If you can survive the attack of the five immortals, you should be the immortal Taoist." One of them said.

"This is great luck. The reward for killing him is equivalent to killing a nine robber fairy!" The other five robbers also laughed.

"Make a quick decision, don't talk to him!" Six robbers fairy red disgust sink a voice way.

We should not be careless in any battle. This is the common sense that we have been wandering in Tonggu continent for tens of thousands of years.

The three five plundered immortals, ChiYan, didn't underestimate the human race road in front of them any more.

the three of them, in a flash, surrounded Jiang Ci's retreat.

"You're right. It's really lucky to meet me! But it's my luck. I should have done a lot of military service to kill you. " Jiang CI smiles.

"Arrogance Four red disgust all sneer.


ChiYan clan is not the kind of demon clan famous for its huge body, so the immortal body is not too big.

These four ChiYan are all about 100 meters.

However, they are better at fire and gold Taoist methods, and then with the help of blood power, they can use the combined attack method!

That's why they have confidence to fight against the seven immortals!

Each of them holds a long staff magic weapon, and roars out with the majestic immortal power, fire system and gold system Taoist methods.

with one hand, it is a joint attack.

in an instant, their immortal power, Taoist methods and other attacks condense into an energy body tens of thousands of kilometers high. ChiYan is just like the rebirth of ancient beast Zhuyan!

This huge energy body, ChiYan, also holds a long stick 10000 kilometers long, and then roars to attack Jiangci.

The whole space began to tremble and shatter, which was the power close to the seven immortals.

"I don't know if we can find the defect of the book of heaven and earth by this battle?" At the critical moment, this idea flashed in Jiang Ci's heart.

For the purpose of finding problems and testing his strength, he only used the mountain sea sword Sutra, not the Dao Rong technique, which can increase the amplitude of spiritual power.

With a wave of Chixiao sword in hand, the six movements of heaven and earth appear at the same time, and six hundred Zhang long sword lights hover around the body!

They correspond to the five moves of the sword of the wind and the five elements.

The sword of the wind hovers above, and the secret moves of the five elements circle around.

And his body, like a sword to pierce the sky, is like a sword!

This is what jiuxiao Daojun said. The six styles are coincident, forming a system of their own.

Jiang CI defeated the 2000th opponent by virtue of the six style system.

These casting processes, only in a moment.

The attack of both sides, really hit, see that huge energy body red tired, will hit Zhongjiang word.

If he hits Jiang Ci, even if his body is close to the inferior immortal weapon, it will disintegrate directly!

"Shield mountain!" Jiang Ci's heart moves.

A hundred Zhang sword light, which represents the sword of dunshan, instantly integrated into his Chixiao sword.

The light of the sword is like a mountain and a shield!


The Star River is broken, the thunder is rolling, resounding through millions of miles.

The sword of dunshan broke, and the stick was blocked, barely.

Jiang CI stands in the broken space turbulence, with a huge sword spinning around, emitting a different momentum.

"This is the fighting power of the six immortals. He must be immortal!" A five robber fairy red tired of excited loud voice.

"My Lord, kill him with Zhu Yan's body!" Another five robber fairy ChiYan is also excited.

ChiYan, the six robber immortal, laughs. The four of them, with him as the core, control the body of Zhuyan, that is, ChiYan, the energy body tens of thousands of kilometers high.


The long stick in Zhu Yanzhi's hand turns into a long dragon of tens of thousands of kilometers, flying in the starry sky, stirring the world.Then, with endless power, he smashed at Jiang CI.

"King Kong!"

Jiang CI is not afraid at all. He merges into the sword of King Kong, and the golden light roars and takes the initiative to meet it.

It is through this kind of fighting that he wants to find out the problems, or the defects, of the universe volume.


The sword of Vajra collides with Zhu Yanzhi's long stick, which is thousands of kilometers long.

An energy burst that was very close to the seven robber immortals swept over a million kilometers, and Jiang Ci was directly shot out.

The body finally appeared cracks, but it was not so scary as before.

"Ha ha, his strength is far less than that of Zhu Yan. Kill him!" One of the five robbers laughed.

The huge body of Zhu Yan once again waves a long stick to open a gully between heaven and earth and smash at Jiang CI.

The power of terror, squeezing the air, forced Jiang Ci to face the enemy.

This is the result of Jiang Ci's hope. Only when there is pressure can we find out the problem!

He thought, "running water!"

The sword of running water!

Then, he was hit to fly again, at the same time, the stick also chased him and smashed down.

"Dead wood!" His sword moves changed and he continued to resist the stick.


Next, he and Zhu Yanzhi, who is tens of thousands of kilometers high, collide and fight madly in the starry sky.

Sword of wind, sword of Vajra, sword of dead wood, sword of running water, sword of leaving fire, sword of shield mountain.

At the same time, there are more and more cracks on his body, and his body is likely to collapse at any time, so the situation looks precarious.

"It's not dead! Even if it's not the era genius of the human race, Jiang CI is definitely the top three genius of the human race! " The six robbers' eyes were clear and fierce.

"Ha ha, that's good. No matter what his identity is, if you kill him, you can get a big reward equivalent to killing jiujiexian!"

The three five robbers, ChiYan, were even more pleasantly surprised.

Jiujiexian, standing at the top of Tonggu continent,

even if there are 10000 of them, they can't kill one jiujiexian!

"He's dying. Come again!" Six robbers immortal red tired also can't keep calm, the tyrannical breath rises continuously.

The four of them worked together to control Zhu Yan's body and hit again.

A shadow of a stick swept out of the sky, which is tens of thousands of kilometers around, constantly burst.

Jiang CI took a deep breath and looked very dignified.

He has reached the limit and knows the limit of the six forms of heaven and earth,

but he has not found out where the problems and defects are.

"Finally, stop this attack. If you can't find it, you can only kill them with all your strength and then find the next target!" Jiang CI made a decision in his heart.

He can't put himself to death in order to find the defect of the secret method.


A stick with endless power, plummeted down.

Jiang CI once again used the six movements of heaven and earth, or dodged, or collided, or defended

Boom boom!

His whole body was constantly being hit, and there were more and more cracks on his body.

even if it was close to the inferior immortal, it was about to collapse.

In this case, the speed of the transformation between heaven and earth is faster and faster,

suddenly, Jiang Ci's aura suddenly appears,

he finds it!

There is a delay in the transformation of the six forms of heaven and earth.

"Make your own system!"

"Yes, the five ways of the five elements system seem to coincide, but they are not really integrated into the system of the six ways of heaven and earth!"

Jiang CI finally found the problem.

After he performed the six movements of heaven and earth, he was like a sword, with the wind blowing on it, and the five movements of the five elements system surrounded him.

the Tao of the wind system was ethereal, so-called ethereal with the wind. The sword of the wind was very natural, and it was perfectly integrated with the six movements of heaven and earth.

However, these five elements and five forms are forcibly mixed together by the sword meaning. They seem to blend in, but in fact they are free.

Otherwise, the transformation of the six forms of heaven and earth will be extremely smooth, and there will never be any sluggish situation!


When Jiang CI suddenly flashed this idea, he was hit by a stick and flew 100000 kilometers.

Click, click

His body is about to collapse.

"Ha ha, die for me!" ChiYan, the six robbers, gave a loud drink.

Destroy the sky and the earth, sweep out again!

But at this time, Jiang CI settled his body.

"The art of Tao melting!"

He directly used the seven ways to blend together, and the overall amplitude of spiritual power increased by 7 times,

from 20000 times to 140000 times!

Then, Jiang CI read again.


The sword light, which represents the sword of the wind, suddenly integrates into his body and Chixiao sword.This time, his speed increased significantly!

The previous flash was only 100000 km,

but this time it was close to the speed of light, which was more than 200000 km!


He just disappeared in the same place and dodged the stick.

The next moment, it penetrates the body of Zhu Yan in the form of energy and appears next to a five robber immortal ChiYan.

"King Kong!"


The light of Vajra's sword is integrated into the body of the sword. The power of his sword is thousands of times more powerful than just now.

One shot down!

"What..." The five robber immortal ChiYan is in the excitement and expectation of killing the enemy, and has no time to respond.

He found that his body began to stay away from his sight, and the spirit began to dissipate.


The body of Zhu Yan, thousands of kilometers high, also dissipated.

The joint attack is broken!

This starry sky, there are still three red tired.

"So fast!" Six robbers fairy red tired face big change, he is the only one slightly keep up with the river word speed.

Just a little bit, the explanation still can't keep up!

Now, the six robbers are confused.

the situation is changing, and no one knows what happened. How can the strength of the human race suddenly increase a hundred times?

"How could he be so powerful! Seven robbers No, eight robbers! It must be eight robbers

"Run! He is a disguised loner. He must not be an immortal Taoist in the right period! "

The remaining two five robbers, ChiYan, were still excited just now, but they were so scared that they turned around and ran away.

However, there are two more sword lights, passing at a speed close to the speed of light, and the Star River is broken.

The two five robbers, ChiYan, were killed by the sword light before they could escape 100000 kilometers!

As for the six robbers Xian ChiYan, he had already fled, and he had no idea of fighting again.

"Damn it! He was dying just now

"So tease us! Who on earth is he? "

"If it's bajiexian, his breath can't hide from me. Unless he's jiujiexian, he can disguise himself. Even I can't detect him!"

"But the nine robber immortals are all high in the ancient world. They are all looking for those hidden opportunities. They will not do such boring things at all!"

"Or is he really immortal! Was it just a breakthrough? "

ChiYan, a six robber immortal, was terrified and anxious.

suddenly, he thought of a key message.

"Yes! His extremely fast sword is very similar to the strange fast sword of the immortal Taoist mentioned in the intelligence! "

Then he gave another wry smile.

Even if it is confirmed that this person is immortal, then how!

His spiritual sense found that the immortal Taoist was only 500000 kilometers away from him, and the distance between them was rapidly getting closer.

"Help! The only way is to ask for help! I hope there are seven or eight robber immortals from the demon clan camp nearby... "

He quickly sent out a message for help through the secret communication array in the storage magic weapon.

"He Dao, a Terran with the fighting power of eight plundering immortals, is the immortal Taoist of Canglang island. He killed three five plundering immortals in three swords."

"my position is If there is one nearby, please support it as soon as possible

This call for help spread in the range of 10 billion light years, and only the strong of the demon clan camp can receive it.

But if you want to save him, you not only need to reach the level of seven immortals, but also need to be in the area of hundreds of millions of kilometers, or you will not be able to catch up.

"Run away!"

"As long as I can wait for reinforcements, I can win!" Every flash is more than 100000 kilometers.

He did not dare to change to the flying boat, because the time of changing was enough for the Terran to catch up.

The distance between the two sides is 200000 kilometers.

There are six huge sword lights around the body of Jiang CI. He has found the defect of the book of heaven and earth.

"This six robber immortal ChiYan is sure to ask for help from the demon clan camp. In case there is a stronger demon clan nearby, I will be the only one to escape. We must solve him as soon as possible!"

In this way, he combined the sword with his body. The sword was like the wind, and his body kept shuttling through the void. At the speed close to the speed of light, he approached ChiYan, the six robbers.

Two seconds later Finally catch up!

At this time, the distance between the two sides is only 10000 kilometers, and it will arrive in an instant!


ChiYan, the six robber immortal, turns around and makes a powerful attack. His long staff magic weapon soars ten thousand times. When he swings it up, he hits Jiang CI.

Xianli, with fire and golden light, exudes a sense of terror and spreads to a radius of one million kilometers.

"The strongest strike?" Jiang CI chuckled.

"Get out of the fire!"

He directly cast the sword of fire, which is also the strongest strike.At the same time, with the blessing of Daorong, the power of this sword is thousands of times as much as before!

The blazing heat wave suddenly swept out, and the whole starry sky seemed to be burning.

A hundred thousand kilometers long sword light collides with the stick shadow of six robber immortal ChiYan.

Boom boom!

The shadow of the stick bursts into nothingness, but the sword of Lihuo is still strong. It is necessary to burn heaven and earth, cut through the starry sky, and continue to cut to ChiYan, the six robbers.

"Terran!" Six robbers fairy red tired roar, full of despair.

He couldn't escape the blow, let alone stop it!

"Boom, boom!" In his 100 meter high immortal body, the immortal power flows very fast, and the immortal body begins to expand.

He's going to blow himself up and die together!

"Too late, too slow!" Jiang CI shook his head.

Mind move, 100000 km long from the fire of the sword, directly cut down.


It has expanded a hundred times to become a ten thousand meter high six robber immortal ChiYan, who was directly killed by this huge sword.

Yuan Shen Mie, Xian Ti San!


Jiang Ci's figure keeps flashing, sweeping the battlefield.

The immortal power after the death of one six robber immortal and three five robber immortals is diffused in the starry sky,

when it is about to return to nothingness, it is quickly engulfed by the Tongtian tower in Jiang CI.


After that, Jiang CI didn't make any more stops. He turned over his hand and took out a new best spirit boat, which disappeared.


Encrypted intelligence - immortal Taoist of the human race

features: with sword

achievements: simultaneously kill one six robber immortal and three five robber immortal of the ChiYan clan.

Combat power: bajiexian (to be determined)

identity: to be determined

1. Master of Hunyuan Zongbao Kingdom (70% possibility)

2. Zixiao Zongjiang CI (20% possibility)

3. Jianmen lengkong (10% possibility)

rank: top ten assassins (tentative)

whereabouts: the ninth battlefield leads to the ancient continent

Because of the six robbers Xian ChiYan, before he died, he sent out a message for help.

Soon after his death, such an intelligence message appeared in the demon clan camp of the ninth battlefield.

In terms of intelligence content, the possibility of being regarded as Jiang CI has dropped to 20%.

Because the result of this war shows a situation: this immortal Taoist has the fighting power of eight plundering immortals!

The seventh disaster is a watershed for those who are strong in robbing immortals. In the next eight and nine disasters, every time they pass through one disaster, their strength will make a huge leap.

Correspondingly, it's very difficult to cultivate and improve.

it's as difficult as heaven, which means seven, eight and nine robberies.

For example, the cultivation difficulty from the sixth to the seventh is no less than that from the first to the sixth.

By analogy, the difficulty from the seventh to the eighth is far more than that from the first to the seventh!

In countless times, there have been many era talents among the three top ethnic groups,

but I have never seen any of them. In the case of only practicing for more than a thousand years, they can compete with the eight plundering immortals by virtue of the cultivation of Taoism!

Eight million years ago, Lu Yun, a genius of the Terran sword gate, once had a chance to do this, but later he was assassinated by the demons and ghosts at a high cost in a Terran secret place.

Jiang CI is a genius who has been practicing for more than a thousand years. It is impossible to achieve this step in just a thousand years!

Therefore, the high level of the demon clan camp in the ninth battlefield reduced the possibility of Jiang Ci to 20%.

Of course, there is another reason,

that the demon clan has received intelligence. It is said that the master of Baoguo, a peerless genius from Hunyuan sect of the human race, has also practiced in the ninth battlefield.

this master of Baoguo has been practicing for nearly ten thousand years. As the top ten peerless genius of the human race, it is not surprising that he can be as good as Bajie immortal in the way of cultivation.

The top ten talents in each era of the three peak groups can basically achieve this step after nearly ten thousand years of cultivation.

Thus, in this intelligence, the master of Baoguo became the most suspect.

All in all, after the war, the high level of the demon clan camp in the ninth battlefield once again increased the reward for killing the immortal Taoist.

It used to be equivalent to a nine robber fairy, but now it's equivalent to ten!

For a time, the powerful robber of the demon clan camp in the ancient continent was once again moved by the news.

Even some of the eight robber immortals were excited and left the original fixed area. At the same time, they mobilized their forces to look for the immortal Taoist of the human race!