I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 539

The most important point is that Jiang CI is not trying to find the rudiment of the original secret method, but has created two kinds of secret methods.

This shows that Jiang CI has a certain idea of his own secret method.

Jiuxiao Daojun has lived for endless years. I don't know how many epoch-making talents he has seen. Of course, many are better than Jiang CI.

However, there are few people who can constantly give him accidents like Jiang CI.

Jiuxiao Daojun's deep eyes stare at Jiang CI for a while,

a thousand years, two hundred years

Perhaps, as a little apprentice, he still has a lot of potential to tap.

"You can't do it here. Follow me to the map of Tongtian mountains and rivers." Jiuxiao Daojun said.

River word slightly a Leng, go to Tongtian Mountain River map?

At the next moment, the space turns, and he is already in another place, a vast land of stars.

Moreover, the teleportation phantom has also become a spiritual form, which is the only state when the spiritual consciousness enters the map of mountains and rivers.

"Not through the communication pearl, directly into the Tongtian mountain and river map? Master, what kind of magic power is this? " Jiang Ci was shocked.

In front of him, jiuxiao Daojun didn't say much to him. He said in a soft voice, "show me your two methods."

"Yes Jiang CI saluted respectfully. After he got up, he had a long sword in his hand,

"the sword of the wind!"

As he said that, his mind moved. The way of heaven and earth came, and the meaning of the skyward sword on the body of the sword suddenly had more meaning of the strong wind.


At the same time, his body flashed, and his body combined with the sword. The sword was like a gust of wind, and instantly disappeared in the same place.

Where it passes, it leaves a long river of broken stars.

"Sword of King Kong!"

The meaning of the sword changes from swift and fierce wind to one of the strong and fierce warriors.

Although the speed is much slower, but a sword cut, but directly make the galaxy into nothingness, turbulent energy tide in nothingness.

After reading these two methods, jiuxiao Daojun's eyes flashed a trace of inexplicable color, and then disappeared.


Full of expectation, Jiang CI returned to jiuxiao Daojun, saluted and said, "please comment."

"With Kendo as the core and other Taoist methods as the core, it seems that you have indeed found the direction to create your own secret method." Jiuxiao Daojun nodded gently.

He added: "however, your secret method can only be said to be new and needs to be improved. If it can form its own system, the future can be expected."

Jiang CI smiles a little. He is worthy of being master jiuxiao. He can see through his secret at a glance.

"Master, although I have found the direction, I have encountered some problems recently..."

He talked about the time to create the sword of wind and the sword of Vajra.

"According to my imagination, the sword of Vajra should take less time." Jiang CI finally said.

Jiuxiao Daojun showed a smile and explained: "the secret method is the method of fighting, you are in a desperate situation, created the sword of the wind,

and the sword of Vajra, you understand it in the state of latent cultivation, not in the state of fighting."

"Then I just have to fight again?" Jiang Ci's eyes brightened.

"It's not that easy." Jiuxiao Daojun gently shook his head and said: "we need targeted environment and opponents."

Jiang CI suddenly realized that the reason why he was able to create the sword of the wind was that he was in a desperate situation and needed to avoid a fatal blow, which stimulated his instinct, so he used the fastest wind system method.

The sword of Vajra is the result of his painstaking cultivation. There is no specific environment, so it consumes more time.

In short, the specific environment and opponents, played a guiding role!

"How to solve this problem?" Jiang CI Lian asked.

It's hard to find a specific environment and opponent.

You can't search all over the world in foreign battlefields. It will take more time!

"This starry continent is called trial training continent. I will arrange specific environment and opponents for you according to your Taoism. Just fight them here.

If you can create the corresponding secret moves according to the remaining four Taoist methods of wood, water, fire, earth and so on, then this set of secret moves will be regarded as a success. " Jiuxiao Daojun said.

"Thank you, master!" Jiang Ci was overjoyed.

Jiuxiao Daojun nodded slightly: "fight, only constant fight, you can understand the fight for their own secret!"

"Next, according to the opponents I arranged for you,"

"if you can defeat 100 opponents, it's a common secret method."

"if you can defeat more than 1000 opponents, it's a top secret method.

for example, the cloud collection seven swords created by yun ji Zhen Jun is a top secret method that has defeated 1800 opponents."

"To defeat more than 3000 opponents is the ultimate secret! Few of the whole Terran can create this kind of secret method! "

"Apprentice, I hope you can do better!"These words full of expectations, let Jiang CI heart full of pride, eyes burst out of golden God awn.

Yunji Zhenjun is a wuzhuandao immortal. The seven swords of Yunji created by him are so powerful that they are only in the middle of the top secret.

As for the strong people who can create the ultimate secret method, the whole human race is also very few.

"Master jiuxiao, as one of the top three human beings, must be one of them!"

"I have experience panel, if I don't create a set of research secrets in the future, I'm really sorry for myself!"

Jiang CI is very clear about his advantages. With the experience panel, he can save a lot of time and links.

Just like before, he used the 360 sets of common secrets to lay the foundation and find inspiration for himself,

in fact, Jiu Jianxian bought so many common secrets for him at the beginning, just as a reference for him to learn by analogy,

he didn't expect Jiang Ci to fully understand the 360 sets of common secrets, because it would take a lot of time.

Under normal circumstances, it may take thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, to master the 360 sets of common secrets.

with the help of the experience panel, Jiang CI only took a hundred years!

"Remember Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

"Go ahead." Jiuxiao Daojun waved his sleeves lightly, and Jiang CI disappeared.

He looked at the empty starry sky with deep eyes, as if he could see through the whole picture of mountains and rivers.

"In a short span of more than a thousand years, from a little talent, to now being able to kill the six robbers, showing more light, is he really a man of great fortune?

The old man Qingshi thought he could get rid of all this by hiding behind him? "


The spirit of Jiang Ci, after a period of heaven and earth changes, appears in a vast world of fire.

Volcanoes and lava converge to form a sea of fire.

A flame giant spirit, which exudes the spirit of immortality, condenses from the sea of fire.

"The flame life of six plunder immortals can't be seen in the battlefield outside the territory!" Jiang CI excitedly holds the sword to welcome up.

The specific environment and competitors, just like private customization, are absolutely extravagant!

It has to be said that with jiuxiao Daojun as the master, he can avoid many detours.

Otherwise, it will be thousands of years before he really creates a systematic secret method.

Boom boom!

Jiang Ci and the flame giant spirit of liujiexian level fight together,

and there is no need to worry about life and death here, that is, if you fail, you just lose a wisp of spiritual consciousness, and you can recover in an instant.

He can freely perform and experiment with all kinds of secret moves.

In the following time, Jiang CI entered the rhythm of concentrating on creating his own secret method.

Jiuxiao Daojun arranged all kinds of trial environment and opponents for him. Each of them was at least six robbers. They were extremely powerful.

And these opponents have a strong guidance, Jiang CI only defeated an opponent, will enter the next environment, meet the next opponent.

It's very difficult!

Because almost all of these opponents are aimed at his weaknesses.

In order to improve the training effect, he didn't use the technique of Tao fusion, but relied on the basic cultivation of combining Tao.

as a result, sometimes an opponent has to fight with him for hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of times to complete the killing.

From 100th to 999th, he spent 50 years.

Then in the 1000th opponent, he spent 10 years and died countless times before successfully passing the trial.

The effect of doing this is very obvious, he successfully created a secret move which is a combination of Kendo and fire system method,

the third move: sword from fire!

It has strong explosiveness and attack power. It is a further step away from the secret method.

In the same way, Jiang CI looks forward to his own secret method.

Now it's just three moves. It's at the top of the secret level!

He didn't relax, just like a madman,

if he was defeated, he would fight again. If he died, he would rally his spirit again and fight again!

At the same time of fighting, he is also seriously summing up, feeling and improving.

When the 150th year came, he created the fourth style: dead wood sword!

It's a secret move that combines Kendo and wood Taoist techniques.

Such as withered wood, take the opponent vitality, make their own vitality again!

And this, let him beat the 1300th opponent!


Then in the 200th year, he defeated the 1600th opponent and successfully created the fifth style: the sword of running water!

It's a secret move that combines Kendo and Shuidao.


In the 300th year, he defeated his 2000th opponent and successfully created the sixth form: the sword of shield mountain!

It's a secret move which is a combination of Kendo and earth Taoism.This is the only main defensive move in the six secret moves.


In this way, he created six kinds of esoteric methods with the core of kendo, supplemented by wind and five elements.

According to jiuxiao Daojun, this is a great success.

Before entering the next training environment, Jiang CI frowned and stood in a mountain.

Because it's strange that his own secret method doesn't appear in the secret method column of the experience panel.

"Is it because there is no name?" This idea emerged in Jiang Ci's mind.

Then he pondered and thought, "I'm predestined with the mountain and the sea, and this set of secret methods takes Kendo as the core. It's called the mountain and the sea sword Sutra!"

After confirming the name, Jiang CI looked at the experience panel again and was puzzled.

There is no change in the secret method column!

"Maybe we should be more specific. Wind, Vajra, dead wood, flowing water, Lihuo, and dunshan belong to the Tao level of heaven and earth of all Taoist schools.

my secret method can be further improved to the Tao level in the future, so the combination of these six methods can be regarded as the first volume of the secret method.

since it is the secret method of the Tao level of heaven and earth, it is called Shanhai sword classic heaven and earth "I'm going to..."


As soon as Jiang CI flashed this idea, there was a thunder in his mind,

"shit! What's the taboo? " Jiang Ci's breath is short, and his heart is full of fear.

This wisp of spiritual consciousness actually affected the whole yuan Shen!

He only felt that Yuanshen trembled and might collapse at any time, as if he had encountered some great terror!

All of a sudden, jiuxiao Daojun, who was dressed in bloody armor and long hair, appeared in front of Jiang CI out of thin air.

"Go away!"

Jiuxiao Daojun's eyes flashed a cold light. He yelled at Jiang Ci, but it was not aimed at Jiang Ci, but some kind of existence.


Jiang CI is like getting rid of the nightmare, getting rid of the great terror, and taking a long breath.

"Thank you, master!" Jiang CI gratefully saluted.

If master jiuxiao hadn't arrived in time just now, his spirit would have really collapsed.

That's the end, only death.

"What did you do? How could you offend the way of heaven and bring punishment from the way of heaven?" Jiuxiao Dao asked.

"The way of heaven?" Jiang Ci was surprised. Was that the way of heaven just now?

"I just wanted to give this secret method a name. It's called mountain sea sword Jingtian..." Jiang CI dare not go on.

"No matter, I've rejected the way of heaven here." Jiuxiao Daojun said.

"I give the secret method a name. It's called Shan Hai Jian Jing Tian Di Juan. Then the situation just happened." Jiang CI continued.

"Heaven and earth..." Jiuxiao Daojun shook his head and laughed.

Jiang CI blinked. It was master jiuxiao's killing, but he seldom laughed. This kind of laughing was the first time.

"I have to say that the ignorant are fearless." Jiuxiao Daojun looked at Jiang Ci,

he explained: "according to the rules of heaven, all spirits need to fear heaven and earth,

otherwise, they will be punished. Ordinary life is OK, and it won't have much influence.

the higher the cultivation, the easier it will be punished by heaven if they commit this taboo.

it's not surprising that you use these two words as your name It's over. "

It's no wonder that Jiang CI suddenly appears.

However, just now, master jiuxiao didn't seem to be in awe of the way of heaven, so he let it go?

It seems that this powerful existence has no fear of heaven.

Jiuxiao Daojun seems to see Jiang Ci's doubts. He chuckles: "all spirits need the heaven and earth to be revered, not the way of heaven."

If Jiang CI is thoughtful, he understands something in his heart.

There are three levels in the realm of Tao: the true meaning of Tao, the realm of Tao, the way of heaven and earth, the way of Tao, and the way of heaven.

His next step is to understand and control the way of heaven.

So there is no need to be awed.

Of course, stepping on the way of heaven from the main road is like crossing the natural moat. It is not a fairyland, but a strong one.

Jiuxiao Daojun said with a smile: "you can pay attention to this matter in the future. If you really want to take the name of heaven and earth, you can do it in another way, such as heaven and earth."

Jiang CI nodded: "it's called mountain sea sword by heaven and earth volume."

After confirming the name, he looked at the experience panel again, and his eyes were at a loss.

Strange and strange, there is still no change in the secret method column.

Jiuxiao Daojun noticed the abnormality of Jiang Ci and said, "I've seen the process of creating your own secret moves. Your six secret moves are at the level of the way of heaven and earth.

although strictly speaking, your mountain and sea sword can only be regarded as half of the peak secret moves, but these six moves are indistinctly consistent, forming a system of their own, even if you take them out alone Go, it can be regarded as a complete set of top secret,Do you have any other questions? "

"No, it's just that I can create the top secret." Jiang CI shook his head.

"You did a good job." Jiuxiao Daojun gave a rare compliment and said with a smile: "any top secret is from the weak step by step,

and you beat a total of 2000 opponents to create these six moves.

even if compared with the whole Terran, your half of the top secret has surpassed almost all the robbing immortals and most of Daoxian Zhenjun."

"For example, your other master, jiujianxian, whose sword technique belongs to the top secret technique,

however, his secret technique can defeat 1200 opponents at most in my trial practice,

even so, he barely has the strength of a turning immortal." Jiuxiao Daojun finally said.

Jiang Ci was not surprised to hear that. He knew the strength of master jiujianxian for a long time.

"Compared with the seven swords of Yunji?" Jiang CI asked.

"If you only compare half of them, Yunji's seven swords are not as good as your mountain and sea swords Sutra.

but in terms of completeness, Yunji's seven swords are better. After all, after this set of secrets is completed, you can become a Taoist." Jiuxiao Dao Jun said with a smile.

Jiang CI nodded, so he understood.

From the cultivation conditions of Yunji's seven swords, we can see that this set of top secret skills covers the Dao and the meaning of the sword, which is equivalent to the Dao of heaven and earth.

His mountain and sea sword, which was written in the book of heaven and earth, only contains the Dao method of heaven and earth.

"Now that your secret method has been completed, the trial training here will not help you so much for the time being. Continue to fight on the battlefield outside the territory,

fighting again and again will make your half secret method more perfect.

at the same time, you can understand life and death in the training of life and death, and then you can find the path to the second half of the secret method!" Jiuxiao Dao Jun put away his smile and said solemnly.

"Yes Jiang CI bows to salute, and a wisp of spiritual body is lost in the picture of Tongtian mountains and rivers.

Jiuxiao Daojun's eyes were flowing, as if he could see Jiangci in the foreign battlefield.

Although he praised Jiang's Ci just now, in fact he only praised half of it.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to create a set of top secret methods, the time spent is based on 100000 years, which is less than a million years.

The strong below the real king, even the nine robber immortals, have only one hundred thousand years of Shouyuan.

under such a Shouyuan limit, few of them can create the top secret.

Therefore, it's usually the real king of Shouyuan who has the qualification to create the top secret method.

of course, it's just the qualification. Without inspiration, it's useless to have more Shouyuan.

"This little guy, even if I arranged a specific environment and opponent for him, which saved him thousands of times of time,

but it would take at least one or two thousand years to be reasonable, but it only took him 300 years!"

This is another accident!

Jiuxiao Daojun's eyes are full of expectations.


The outer battlefield, the core of the ninth battlefield, is a small star island near the ancient continent.

Jiang CI has been hiding in the depths of the earth for 400 years.

He opened his eyes full of doubts.

"Still don't feel right!"

"Master jiuxiao said that my secret method has become. Even if it's half of the top secret method, it's a whole one."

"But why didn't you enter Shanhai sword Scripture in the experience panel?"

"Is there anything missing in this half of the top secret? In fact, it does not have its own system? "

"As master jiuxiao said just now, the six moves are similar..."

"It's just a faint match, maybe it doesn't match completely!"

Deep underground, there is a ray of God in Jiang Ci's eyes.

He suddenly broke through the nearly 10000 kilometers deep underground and came to the starry sky.

"Just find an opponent to test it."

Jiang Ci's eyes turned to the vast ancient land, and the inexplicable breath was always diffused in the starry sky.

"It's time to get to the ancient continent too..."

He took out a top-quality spirit boat and went back and forth toward the ancient continent.

In Tongtian mountain and river map, master jiuxiao arranged a trial training for him, so he didn't have to worry about life and death.

it was difficult for him to feel real pressure in such a battle.

Because there is no sense of urgency between life and death!

As for Canglang island before, he can't see it any more.

liujiexian, who even claimed Canglang island was invincible, was killed by him, and there would be no challenge to go there again.

"There are so many strong people in Tonggu, and those who dare to roam there are basically more than three plundering immortals."

"in Canglang Island, six plundering immortals can be called invincible, but they can often meet in Tonggu, and only those who dare to roam above seven plundering Immortals dare to walk alone."According to the information collected by Jiang CI in Canglang Island, there are more than 100000 seven plundering immortals in the ancient world.

There are more than 10000 of the remaining eight plundering immortals,

although there are not many nine plundering immortals, compared with the number of ten thousand, there are more than one thousand of them.

It can be said that in the ninth battlefield, nine of the strong people of all ethnic groups above qijiexian gathered in Tonggu.

"Although it's very unlikely that I will encounter jiujiexian on the star continent with a maximum diameter of 20000 light-years, and my strength is further improved, I still need to be more careful!"

Jiang CI is very clear that in his current situation, once his real identity is exposed, he will not know how many foreign strong people he will attract.

A random nine robber fairy can make him fall into a real crisis of life and death.

The best spirit boat is flying carefully in the starry sky.

According to the star map, it is nearly 1 light-year from this humble Star Island to Tonggu continent.

It takes about a year to fly at sub light speed.

On the way down the road, he occasionally encountered some alien teams.

If he is in a good mood, he will take a sword and reap a wave of experience and military merit.

If he was in a bad mood, he would have avoided it as early as possible with the strength of his spirit.

According to this rhythm, it's smooth all the way.

As time went on, he got closer and closer to the ancient continent.

The overall strength of the alien teams and the strong robbers is also gradually rising.

At the same time, the inexplicable breath made him feel stronger and stronger.

A year later, Jiang CI finally came to Tonggu continent.

Standing on the deck of the flying boat, he shuttled back and forth again and entered the sky of Tonggu continent.

The ancient meaning of the boundless, mixed with the inexplicable breath, suddenly shocked his spirit, as if the whole body of cells were boiling

"the real battle, finally

(start first and change later)