I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 538

A complete set of secrets, of course, can not be the only move.

For example, the seven swords of Yunji are composed of seven swords.

Although Jiang CI has only understood one move that combines Kendo and Fengxi Daofa, he already has a general impression of the other moves that follow the secret method.

That's what water to canal means.

"After the self created secret method is completed, you can enter the Tonggu continent formally!" Jiang Ci's eyes look at the vast starry continent.

He is full of confidence in his secret method which has not yet been completely created.

It's just a start-up, you can easily kill the four robbers. What about the follow-up?

By comparison, Xiangrong, a six robber immortal of Yunji seven swords, has 1 trillion military achievements!

The remaining 41 billion yuan has been accumulated by him since he entered the foreign battlefield.

Especially in the past 100 years, he fought with those who robbed the immortals one time, two times and three times on Canglang island. He also killed many powerful people who robbed the immortals and accumulated these military achievements.

"Next, we need to find a place to heal, and then use the experience of this battle to improve the follow-up moves of our own secret method."

Jiang CI put more than ten healing elixirs into his mouth to stabilize his injury.

A wisp of spiritual consciousness controls the best spiritual boat, shuttling carefully in the starry sky at the speed of sub light.

After all, in his current situation, if he meets a mixed race team, he can be killed.

A month later, in a cautious state, the flying boat shuttled 700 billion kilometers to an insignificant Star Island.

Jiang Ci's spiritual consciousness swept around the debris continent with the largest diameter of only one million kilometers.

No signs of life activity were found, so they chose to come to this starry island.

Then he escaped into the depths of the earth, converged and entered a long-term healing state.

However, his spiritual consciousness has always been in a state of diffusion. With the strength of his spiritual consciousness, at least the existence of the seven robber immortals, his position can be found.

Even if he was found by a strong man above seven robbers, the distance of ten million kilometers was enough for him to escape.

Of course, if it is the kind of spiritual strength is far greater than his strong robber, that's another point.

Even if the other party gets close to him, he can't find it.

You can rest assured that it is rare that the spiritual strength can surpass that of his strong robber.

At present, Jiang CI only meets his master jiujianxian,

a Jiujie sword immortal who once seriously injured the real king of the demon clan, and surpasses him in the spiritual strength.

Therefore, he can be at ease in this humble Star Island healing, while improving the self created secret method.


Encrypted Intelligence: Immortal Taoist (Terran)

features: good at weird fast sword, practicing Qinglian sword (6000 kinds of changes)

achievements: killing six robber immortals of demon clan crazy shark clan

identity: to be determined

1. Zixiao Zongjiang CI (70% possibility)

2. Jianmen lengkong (30% possibility)

level: top three (tentative)

Whereabouts: the ninth battlefield is near the ancient continent

After the war, a piece of information about the immortal Taoist spread among the demons and ghosts.

Because Jiang CI used the seven swords of Yunji in the end, these strong people of different races will certainly associate with the unknown talent of human swordsmanship.

As a result, this new intelligence is connected with the previous two intelligence,

at the same time, in the column of identity, the possibility of being considered as Jiang CI rises to 70%.

The reason why it has not been completely determined is that Jianmen lengkong is also a talent of human kendo.

It's just that the time of cultivation is much longer than that of Jiang Ci, which has been nearly ten thousand years, so it's not included in the ranks of epoch genius.

Similarly, this intelligence makes the alien strongmen in the ninth battlefield red.

With the cultivation of he Dao, he killed the mortal genius of the six immortals.

If you can hunt successfully, the special reward you will get will be beyond imagination!

Soon, more than seven robbers rushed from Tonggu to Canglang island.

Of course, the strong people in the Terran camp also responded to this. Many immortals with more than seven robberies went to Canglang Island,

one is to protect the talent of the Terran, the other is to fight against the strong people of other races.

Soon afterwards, Canglang Island fell into a great turbulence that lasted for 30 years.

Battles like destroying the sky and the earth happen from time to time.

But in the end, none of the three peak groups found the immortal Taoist.


Time goes by, a hundred years in a flash.

The core area of the ninth battlefield, the small star island.

On this day, Jiang Ci, hidden in the depths of the earth, woke up from his meditation.After a hundred years of meditation, the injury has been well.

In addition to the injury, the biggest harvest is the second form of the secret method just created.

That's why he's finished with his snorkeling.


The second form of self created secret method: Sword of Vajra.

It's a combination of Kendo and the way of heaven and earth. Its attack power is stronger than the sword of wind, but its speed is much slower.


Deep underground, Jiang CI is frowning slightly.

Because he is not satisfied with the progress of creating his own secret method.

He has found the inspiration and direction to create his own secret method, just go along this road,

according to reason, the time to create the second style should be far less than that of the first style.

At the beginning, he honed in Canglang island for a hundred years before he created the sword of the wind.

and he used this second style for a hundred years, which is very unreasonable!

"I always feel that there is something missing..."

After thinking for a long time, Jiang CI didn't understand what was wrong.

"Ask Master jiuxiao."

With the peak of the human race, Jiang CI certainly won't go to the top.

The problem that he does not want to understand, nine Xiao road gentleman affirmation one eye can see.

Take out the messenger bead and send a message to ask if master jiuxiao is free.

Just a moment later, the Pearl of communication received the communication.

Jiang CI quickly connected, and then a wisp of spiritual consciousness turned into a teleportation mirage, and appeared in the jiuxiao world through teleportation beads.

In the sea of corpses, the killing of jiuxiao Daojun is separated and stares at Jiangci.

"I'll see you, master!" Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

"What's the matter?" Jiu Xiao Dao Jun said softly.

"I have created two kinds of secret methods now, but I have some doubts in my heart. I want to ask the master for advice." Jiang CI answered truthfully.

"Oh?" Jiuxiao Daojun was a little surprised.

According to his original expectation, it would take him about a thousand years to find the rudiment of his own secret method.

Now, it's only two hundred years since Jiang CI entered the field of life and death, and he has created two kinds of secret methods, which is far faster than his imagination.

Jiang CI has brought him another accident!