I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 537

Before this battle, Jiang CI just used the secret method to fight. He never thought about it. What is the essence of the secret method?

He began to ask himself, what is the secret?

According to his previous understanding, the so-called Shu FA Dao is a kind of Shu FA and a means to increase the power of Dao FA.

Now, he has a new understanding.

"The secret method may be the same as the Taoist method, or it may be another manifestation of the Taoist method. It is not just a method."

As for the specific guess, Jiang CI is still uncertain.

He thought that when he succeeded in creating his own secret method, he would know what kind of answer it was.

However, even if we can't be sure now, Jiang CI has a vague inspiration of his own secret method because of the change in his cognition of the secret method.

Unlike before, he was totally confused and only knew how to explore through a lot of fighting.

Now, he has found a visible Road, just follow it.

In the next ten years, Jiang CI did not go out to hunt those alien people in Canglang island. He had been quietly cultivating in the cave, following that vague inspiration, constantly summing up and moving forward.

During this period, he became more famous in Canglang Island than before,

because he had a big fight with four alien three robbing immortals, and the strong men within a hundred million kilometers had noticed that fight.

To be able to save his life in that situation and escape successfully, his strength has absolutely reached the level of four immortals.

Although the exchange of information between different ethnic groups was not smooth, ten years was enough for the process and results of the war to spread all over Canglang island.

Therefore, in the eyes of many foreigners, the immortal Taoist became as powerful as the twenty-seven overlord of Canglang Island, rather than second only to the former.

Of course, in the eyes of many foreigners, this immortal Taoist is more threatening.

Because the undead Taoist rose too fast, just in a period of joining the Tao, from the very beginning, he was able to compete with yikexian, and his strength improved by leaps and bounds. In a short period of one hundred years, his fighting power reached the level of sikexian.

What about another hundred years?


Ten years is just a short moment for the strong of Xiandao.

Jiang CI now also realized the significance of no years in the mountains. He closed his eyes and closed his eyes. Ten years passed.

In the mountain cave, Jiang CI suddenly opened his eyes and burst out a wisp of spirit.

"I've got it at last!"

He caught that inspiration!

"It's just a step away from the door. If we can get true knowledge through practice, we still need to find it from the battle!"

Jiang CI got up and left the cave. His body kept flashing over Canglang island. At the same time, his spirit spread out to search for the right target.

In terms of spiritual strength, no one in Canglang island can match him.

Therefore, after searching all the way, he took the lead, and no one could find him.

Soon, his spiritual sense found that in a grotto, there were five alien Erjie immortals in cultivation.

"It's too weak. There's no challenge." Jiang CI shook his head.

Now he needs more pressure to inspire that little bit of inspiration and create his own secret.

After another 90 million kilometers, he found out that in a huge alien ship, two three robber immortals were discussing something.

"Still too weak..."

"It's better to be an alien with more than four robbers."

A moment later, he met an alien team of robbing immortals.

"It's rare to see eight alien two robber immortals, but they're still not my food. Go on..."

Searching all the way, Jiang CI discovered many alien immortals who formed a team.

But so far have not seen more than four robber fairy alien.

He also knows that in this vast Canglang Island, there are only 18 alien races, except the strong ones of the human race and the four plundered immortals. It's very difficult to meet one of them in such a big place.

After crossing another three billion kilometers, Jiang Ci's eyes brightened.

"One four robber immortal, two three robber immortals and eight two robber immortals!"

"Ha ha, it seems that I'm lucky to meet one! Just them... "

His spirit found that there was an undersea palace eight million kilometers ahead, and the situation in the palace was clearly explored by his spirit.

Among them, a total of 11 alien robbing immortals gathered and were celebrating for the four robbing immortals.

The head of the four robber immortal, whose body is more than 4000 meters long, has two fins on the back and is covered with scales, belongs to the demon clan, crazy shark clan.

"Norin, the four immortals of the demon clan, one of the 18 alien overlord of Canglang Island, nicknamed Haiwang..."

With a smile on his face and a twinkling figure, Jiang CI crossed the void and kept approaching the sea.

Loners usually don't associate with other robbers. This time, they can meet one four robbers and take out 10 robbers or less, which is definitely the best target for training.……

Half a day later, Jiang CI came to the sky above the undersea palace,

this is a purple ocean, emitting a different kind of aesthetic feeling.

At this time, in the undersea palace deep in the ocean, the 11 demons were still drinking and celebrating,

they obviously didn't find Jiang Ci, but now they are talking about Jiang CI.

"The immortal Taoist who has emerged in the last hundred years is so rampant and disgusting!" One of the demons was drunk and angry.

"I have to say, he has been promoted too fast!" An alien two robber fairy shook his head.

"Yes, one of my brothers of hunshi nationality just broke through to erjiexian a few years ago. He could have crushed the immortal Taoist, but later he was killed by the immortal."

"We have to find a way to solve him, otherwise this Canglang island will have another invincible existence."

Several other demon clans robbed immortals, and they also talked about it one after another.

That has four thousand meters immortal body four rob xiannuolin, is a sneer: "invincible existence? You think highly of that immortal Taoist!

If you want to be invincible in Canglang Island, you must at least use the strength of six immortals!

Besides, this immortal Taoist is a fart! He relies on his physical strength which is close to the inferior immortal weapon,

in terms of combat effectiveness, he is not as good as the three robbers!

Hum, he didn't meet me. If I catch him, I'll let him know what xianti is

The other 10 demons in the hall also laughed and said all kinds of compliments.

But at this time, a loud bang!

A terrible sword light came down from the sky and ran through the purple ocean. It fell straight on the palace at the bottom of the sea.

Boom boom!

The undersea palace, which covers hundreds of thousands of kilometers, burst abruptly.

The purple sea set off huge waves, the storm came, as if the world.

Whoosh, whoosh

Norin and other demons robbed the immortals, and some rushed out of the sea in confusion.

Then they saw a figure in dark red armor standing above the sea.

"Immortal Taoist!"

"How could it be him!"

In addition to Noreen, the other 10 demons robbed the immortals with a thump in their hearts.

The four robber immortals can not be afraid of immortals, but their fear of less than four robbers has provoked the immortality of the human race. When they travel alone in the future, they may be the ones who die!

After all, they can't keep following the four robbers.

"Immortal Taoist, we don't want to be enemies with you. Please leave!" A demon clan three rob immortal sink a voice way.

"Lord Noreen is here this time. If you don't go, you may die here." The three robbers of the hunshi clan also said.

In their minds, the immortal Taoist is more threatening than Norlin.

this time, the immortal Taoist will have the fighting power of six immortals one day.

"Why? You're worried about me dying here? " Jiang Ci was very surprised, and then said with a smile: "when is the demon clan camp so kind? I'm here to kill you!

Ha ha, aren't you afraid? If you're afraid, you can run away now! "

This words a, 10 demon clan rob immortal to be furious immediately.


"The little people are in harmony with each other, and dare to speak wild!"


At this time, saw the side has not spoken four robbed xiannuolin, suddenly burst to drink: "all shut up for me!"

Ten demons robbed the immortals immediately.

Norin, which is 4000 meters high, exudes a strong breath of palpitation. It is like a mountain standing over the purple ocean.

His ferocious eyes are staring at Jiang CI.

From the bottom of my heart, Noreen is also a little scared. The word "immortal" is not just a talk, it's really hard to deal with.

if he can't be killed this time, he may be the one who will die in a few decades.

"Immortal Taoist? You have a lot of guts Noreen's voice roared through the sea.

"It should be bigger than yours. Just now you said you wanted me to see your immortal body. Why don't you do it now?" Jiang Ci's joking smile.

"Roar Damn it Noreen couldn't help it.

"Together, kill him!" With a roar, the sea rolled up its raging waves and attacked Jiang CI.

The 10 demons robbed the immortals at the same time.

All kinds of Taoist Dharma, with the coming of immortal power, condensed into a powerful attack, whistling out.

"Ha ha!" Jiang CI burst out laughing and swung his sword.

The meaning of the skyward sword runs through the heaven and earth, but it still uses those common secret methods.

Sword array, sword light, sword meaning, sword shape, or whirlwind, water flow, flame

All kinds of secret moves are constantly displayed with the Chixiao sword.

And he himself, with the body of a thousand times the best spirit level brought by the art of Daowen, rushed to meet the attack of those alien robbing immortals.Boom boom!

The big explosion that destroyed the sky and the earth broke out the terror power far beyond the level of the five immortals.

If this is on an ordinary life planet, I'm afraid the life planet has turned into cosmic dust.

However, in this extraterritorial battlefield, the energy impact of the battle has not caused much damage to these star continents.

Only this purple ocean with an area of tens of millions of square kilometers has been evaporated half in an instant, and the sky above the ocean has become a foggy world.

At the same time, Jiang Ci was injured. Even though his body was close to the inferior immortal, he also reached the limit. Just like last time, there were many ferocious cracks.

"He's hurt. He's going to break up!"

"Come on, keep attacking, don't let him run away!"

"Kill him!"

Ten demon clans did not stop robbing immortals. They wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Jiang CI. All kinds of fairy attacks roared out.

"That's the pressure!" Jiang CI is more and more excited, not like the last time to escape immediately.

But continue to follow the inspiration in the heart, and constantly use the Chixiao sword to show all kinds of secret methods, to resist the attack of those immortals.

"Immortal Taoist, suffer death!" With a huge immortal body, norin, holding a ten thousand long Trident, walked through the mist, straight to the river.

"Well come!" Jiang CI laughs, but keeps calm in excitement.

Cohesion is a common Kendo secret. It's a terrible Trident.


Jiang Ci, like a meteor, was hit and flew 100000 kilometers.

There are more and more cracks on the body, but it's not to the limit!

At this time, followed by a demon like, the shape of the fairway attack, from the 10 demons robbing immortals.

Boom boom!

Jiang Ci was directly submerged by the attack of Xiandao, and the dazzling light went straight to the sky.

"Damn it

"Ha ha, the immortal Taoist is dead after all!"

"Don't relax, everyone. Make up for it and let it turn into ashes!" Noreen sank.

Then his Xianli condensed a huge Trident with a length of tens of thousands of kilometers through the Trident in his hand, and shot at the position of Jiang Ci at the speed close to the speed of light.

If Jiang Ci was hit by the four immortals, he would be dead.

But at this time, from the dazzling light, flashing a virtual shadow.


The light of the sword flickered, like a strong wind, shuttling through the void, avoiding the huge Trident condensed by the immortal force.

"What? How fast Noreen was taken aback.

"It's impossible. It's close to the speed of light!"

"His swordsmanship has changed! What kind of sword is that? "

"So fast!"

The other 10 demons robbed the immortals and were also shocked.

One hundred thousand kilometers away, Jiang Ci's figure stood still. Although he was a little embarrassed, covered with cracks, and his armor had been completely broken, his eyes revealed strong confidence.

"It's time to fight back!" Jiang CI smiles gently.


With a flash of body shape and a sword like the wind, he crossed 100000 kilometers and came to one of the demon clan three robber immortals who was 100 meters tall.


With one sword, Chixiao sword of the best immortal level can easily pierce the opponent's immortal defense and go straight to the yuan God.

"This The best... " Before he could be shocked, Yuan Shen was killed.

without yuan Shen's immortal body, Yuan Shen began to disintegrate and become immortal power.

It took less than 0.01 seconds from the sword to the enemy's killing.

without using Yunji's seven swords or any cards, Jiang CI killed a demon clan's three robbers with a hundred meter immortal body.

The only card used is Chixiao sword, which is the best immortal level.

Before, in order to temper himself, he seldom used the full power of Chixiao sword. This time, he finally created his own secret method, so he didn't have to hide it any more.

"Run away!"

"Run away!"

This scene has scared the rest of the demons to rob the immortals,

the remaining 10 demons rob the immortals and flee.

Including the four robbing immortals, because he can't kill the three robbing immortals instantly,

"how can it be? He wasn't that strong just now Noreen is a little scared,

it's only been a long time, less than a minute!

Although they have created a secret method, Jiang CI doesn't mean to let them go,

with the body and sword, with the rhyme of the wind, and with the speed close to the speed of light, they can catch up with a demon family erjiexian in an instant.


All the time, his body was flashing, and his sword was like the wind.

Whew, whew

These demons plunder immortals, the fastest is four plunder immortals, but he is only 100000 kilometers a second.Therefore, none of them can escape the pursuit of Jiangci.

In a flash, in less than three seconds, all the demons, except Noreen, died under Jiang Ci's sword.

Yuan Shen Mie, Xian Ti San!

The land with a radius of one million kilometers has become the place where the immortals fell.

The rootless immortal power is full of the starry sky. When it is about to return to the void, it is absorbed by Jiang CI.

Of course, it was actually absorbed by Tongtian building.

On the surface, it's like returning to the void.

"The last one left!" Jiang Ci's spiritual sense has locked in Noreen, 500000 kilometers away.

This four robber immortal, with a body of 4000 meters, is diving in the sea at a very high speed. On the contrary, it is faster than flying in the air.

Because he is a crazy shark, belongs to the water demon family.

Ahead, in the purple ocean, Noreen was terrified.

"Who is he? Is it the unique talent Jiang Ci of the human race? "

"But intelligence says that Jiang CI uses Qinglian Kendo, not this strange sword technique!"

"Damn, are you going to die here?"


A figure accompanied by sword light, shuttling through the void, caught up with him.


A sword fell into the purple ocean, the sea was rolling, and Noreen had to stop.

He knew that he could not escape.

"Immortal Taoist, you can't kill me!" Noreen said anxiously.

"Why? Do you have a big future? Which demon master of demon clan is your master? Or are you the descendant of the true king of the demon clan? " Jiang CI sneers.

"This..." Norin tone of a meal, he quickly said: "my grandfather Xiangrong is the most powerful of the 27 overlord Canglang island! He's the six robbers

"Oh? Six robbers Jiang CI is a little surprised. It really has a background.

What's more, there are really six immortals in Canglang island?

There was only this legend before, but there was no exact information that there were six immortals on Canglang island.

"Yes, my grandfather left a spiritual mark on me. If you kill me, he can track you, so..." Noreen's ferocious eyes have now turned into begging and expectation.

He is a four robber immortal. He needs a lot of Shouyuan to live. He can still step on a higher level in the future. He doesn't want to die like this.

Although he was full of confidence in his huge immortal body before, now he is very clear that this Terran, thousands of times smaller than him, can easily kill him.

"It's so good. The military merit of liujiexian should be very high." Jiang CI nodded gently.

"You..." Noreen's eyes widened.

This immortal Taoist is too arrogant. Do you still want to kill his grandfather liujiexian?

"Goodbye!" Jiang CI stepped on the void, just one step, came to Norlin.

A sword with the wind, suddenly sent out.

"Roar!" Noring roared and ran his whole body, trying to block the sword, because he couldn't hide it. The speed of the sword was too fast!


It's just a three foot sword, which sweeps over Norlin's four thousand meter high immortal body,

the fierce wind and sword light are rampant, and the terrible power instantly smashes Norlin's spirit.

The immortal power of the four immortals also became the source of rootlessness and was absorbed by Tongtian building.


The core of Canglang island is also an endless purple ocean, covering an area of more than one trillion square kilometers.

Deep in the sea, a giant six kilometers tall roams in the sea, quietly snorkeling.

From the appearance point of view, this giant is almost the same as Noreen, but its body is 2000 meters larger.

He is the sixth immortal Xiangrong of the demon clan, crazy shark clan, who is invincible in Canglang island.

All of a sudden, he opened his eyes in meditation. His cruel eyes were replaced by grief.


In front of Xiangrong, a broken life story emerges.

Then, he received a message: "grandfather, is immortal Taoist, is immortal..."

"Roar!" Xiangrong roared.

The horror of fairy road suddenly swept millions of kilometers.

"Noreen's dead!"

"Human race, human race, immortal Taoist!"

Xiangrong roars angrily, grieving, that is his close relative.

The crazy shark clan is not the top blood in the whole demon clan, and there are not many powerful Fairies in the clan.

Xiangrong and norin, the two can be called the pillars of the crazy shark family. Now one of them is dead!

"Immortal Taoist This man must be a human genius. I will let him die! "

"Mark, the spiritual mark I left on norin has not disappeared, which means that I have left it on the immortal Taoist!"

There is almost no distance limit for the spiritual imprint, no matter how far apart it is, it can be vaguely sensed.

Now, because she was on Canglang Island, Xiangrong clearly felt her spiritual imprint.Boom!

Xiangrong's huge immortal body dashed through the sea to the depth of one million kilometers and went straight to the direction of the spiritual mark.


With the spiritual strength of Jiang's Ci, he easily found the spiritual mark on his body, but he didn't erase it.

"Six robbers?"

"According to norin, Xiangrong is his grandfather and has a great chance to avenge him."

"Well, it's a good goal, whether it's to train the target in the opposite combat or to accumulate military achievements!"

Up to now, Jiang CI has never fought with the six plundering immortals, or even the five plundering immortals.

Although his comprehensive combat power is at the level of liujiexian, he didn't really fight with a strong man at the level of liujiexian. He wasn't sure how powerful he was.

"Wait here for a while. If Xiangrong comes, you can have a good fight. Don't come Go to him again next time you have a chance! "

Jiang CI didn't go anywhere, just sat over the purple ocean.

At the same time, he began to sum up the war.

It should be said that it was just that sword!

In the moment of pushing himself to the limit, he subconsciously used the fastest wind system method in order to survive.

"Using Kendo to display the wind system Taoism of heaven and earth level!"

"It has both the characteristics of wind and the sharpness of sword, but it's not a simple combination of Tao and Dharma, but a deep combination..."

Jiang CI carefully recalled.

If it is the combination of Dao and Dharma, the combination of Kendo and wind system Dao and Dharma will make the sword surface attach a layer of wind system Dao rhyme.

He just used that sword, but it's not like that.

instead, he added the characteristics of wind system Dao into the sword meaning, and used Kendo to show the way of wind.

Jiang CI looked at the experience panel and found that there was no new secret method in the secret method column.

This shows that he has not really created a systematic secret.

"This sword is the rudiment of my own secret method!"

(start first and change later)