I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 536

You see others as ants, sooner or later, some people will see you as ants.

Jiang CI has never felt that he has been very strong. He is not really strong now.

Otherwise, the sword Qi just now would not rebound out.

Liujin Jiao, who was in the realm of two robbers of immortals, easily blocked his countless sword Qi with his huge immortal body and highly defensive golden scales.

"Fight, upgrade!"

After solving the problem of Qingxuan, who has always been a potential threat to the earth, Jiang Ci's heart seems to have broken a shackle,

the sword's momentum suddenly increased, the sky changed color, and attacked the Golden Dragon again.

"Little human race, even if you are a genius, what about Kendo! You can't break my defense if you don't have more than three plunder immortals. Ha ha Liujinjiao laughs wildly in the broken common language of daomeng.

Then, with the huge immortal body, the space of Jiang Ci's activities is constantly squeezed.

In the distance, tuobei and Fufeng are worried and confused about this.

"Why didn't he use that last move?"

Of course, they can also judge that Jiang CI is at a disadvantage at this time.

if it is not in the open starry sky, I am afraid Jiang CI has been driven into a desperate situation by the Golden Dragon.

The last time I killed the two immortals of the GUI clan, it was not like this.

That terrible sword is obviously a secret.

"Is there any limitation to this secret method?"

Although the two immortals have not practiced any profound secret methods, they have also heard that some secret methods can not be used again in the future.

"Brother tuobei, I'll stay here. You can help Shanhai brothers." Fu Feng proposed.

"Not bad." Tuobei waved and patted a handprint of xianlida, killing more than 100 giant liujinjiao.

Then he was about to leave for support,

at this time, the situation in the distance changed greatly.

"How dare a little golden snake run wild in front of me?" Jiang CI gave a cold hum and his momentum turned.

Just now, the six thousand sword way green lotus, which were still hovering around the body, suddenly merged into the Chixiao sword in a mysterious way.


Heaven and earth change color, red dragon rise.

Jiang CI cut out a sword, a sword light with endless power, sweeping thousands of miles.

Yunji seven swords, the second sword!


The Star River is broken, and countless debris in the starry sky directly vanishes.

At this time, Jinjiao, the immortal of the second calamity, was aware of the danger and felt chilly in his heart.

"This is It's impossible that he can use such a powerful move. He is definitely the top talent of the Terran,

damn it! How can you meet such a genius

"Roar!" Liujin Jiao roared, and his whole body was full of spirit.

Then Xianli, with his Daoism, condenses into a Golden Snake and bumps into Jiangci's Yunji sword light.


The thunder roared.

However, the huge momentum only ends here,


The golden giant snake formed by Xianli and Daofa is like a toy full of gas. In an instant, it is pierced by the sword light of Yunji, dissipates in the starry sky, turns into endless Xianli, and then returns to nothingness.

Then, Yunji sword light burst out with more power, far beyond the power of the three robber immortals level, and chopped at the enemy.

"Roar!" Jinjiao is in a hurry, so xianti dodges.

However, the huge immortal body, which could have brought him an advantage, was a drag on his speed.


The light of the sword roared down on the huge immortal body of Liujin Jiao. The gold scales, which were originally highly defensive, were just like pieces of paper.


The huge immortal body, which is close to 3000 meters, is broken by blocking the waist.

half of the tail is swept away by the terrible power of Yunji sword light, like snow melting into nothingness.

"Terran! Damn you! Abominable Terran Liujinjiao roared angrily.

That's half of his immortal power. I'm afraid it will take ten thousand years to get back together.

Of course, first of all, he can survive.

"Run away!" Liujinjiao chose to escape. His fear was far beyond his anger.

"Not dead?" Jiang Ci was a little surprised.

With this sword, he can directly kill one of the two robber immortals and one of the three robber immortals of the GUI clan.

now, he just cuts off half of the body of the two robber immortals in front of him.

It seems that this is the advantage of the immortal body,

"however, how many swords can you resist?" Jiang CI smiles gently.

In a flash, he caught up with his sword.


One more cut.

"Roar!" Liujin Jiao is really in a hurry. He escapes crazily, only to find that his speed is not as fast as that of Yunji Jianguang.And now even if we use Xianli's way to escape, it's too late.

It can be predicted that with the power of sword light, I'm afraid that he just used this skill, that terrible sword light will annihilate his scattered immortal power and spirit in an instant.

"Will it fall here today?"

This is a positive answer.

"No, even if it's death, it can't make you such a hateful human race happy!" Liujinjiao roared, and the half immortal body of more than 1000 meters turned to rush to Jiangci.

He wants to really blow himself up.

It's not a loss if you can take away a talent of human race in the period of harmony!

However, without waiting to get close to Jiang Ci, he found that the idea was futile.

That terrible sword light, completely locked him.

Liujinjiao is desperate.


The sword light that runs through the heaven and the earth cuts down directly.

Half of the golden dragon, together with the Star River, becomes countless pieces and dissipates in the turbulent space.

The legions of the two ethnic groups who are fighting fiercely are shocked by this scene.

"The king is dead!"

"Run away"

when the leader died, the Liujin jiaolegion was in complete chaos and fled.

On the contrary, the 9845 regiment, which had already gained the upper hand, was so surprised that the practitioners took advantage of the victory to pursue a demon family Liujin Jiao. They were all military exploits!

In fact, in this desolate starry battlefield, no matter who falls into the disadvantage, it is impossible to escape.

Unilateral massacre!

Tuobei and Fu Feng look at each other, they are shocked by the strength of Jiang CI again.

Although not as strong as last time, but this time is still very surprised.

At the same time, he was completely convinced by the strength of Jiang CI.

They flew up to meet them, ignoring the Liujin Jiaos who were under the immortal path. Naturally, those military accomplishments would be left to the cultivators under their command.

"Brother Shanhai, I admire you for killing the enemy with two swords!" Tuobei laughs at Jiang CI.

"Liujinjiao is such a huge force. Even if I join hands with brother tuobei, I won't be able to keep him." Fu Feng also praised.

Jiang CI shook his head: "it's true that, as you say, it's hard to deal with the big monsters who rob immortals. I thought that one sword could solve the battle."

Tuobei and Fufeng are speechless. They are more angry than others!

Still want to kill?

That's a huge body of nearly 3000 meters!

By comparison, we can see that the normal height of the Terran is about two meters,

if there is no accident, the immortal body is also this height, such as tuobei and Fufeng, which belong to normal immortal body.

Two meters versus three thousand meters, that's the gap.

Of course, the Terran also has the advantages of the Terran, and various means of increasing combat power, such as Taoist and secret methods, are stronger than the demon clan.

Jiang CI looked at the 9845 regiment in the starry sky and the dying Liujin jiaolegion,

he had a smile on his face and felt very good about winning.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm ready to leave." Jiang CI said suddenly.

"Leave?" Tuobei and Fu Feng were surprised,

they never expected Jiang Ci to stay in the 9845 corps,

but it's too early now. Jiang CI has only stayed for a month so far.

"Well, I was not very familiar with the surrounding environment of Tongtian mainland before,

but this month, with the help of you two, I have mastered a lot of information,

I feel that I should go on my own." Jiang CI said with a smile.

He still has a word not to say, now the revenge has been avenged, and it's not very meaningful to stay.

"It seems that you should have a plan. In that case, we won't force it." Tuobei road is helpless.

"Shanhai, in any case, must leave the battlefield alive." Fu Feng also said seriously.

"Ha ha, thank you very much. You'll live well too. I'll see you again when we have a chance in the future!" Jiang CI laughs,

then takes out a top-quality spirit boat and shuttles away.

Tuobei and Fufeng look at the streamer disappearing in the starry sky, their eyes are a little complicated.

They are content to be able to get along with this kind of genius for a month and have friendship.


Encrypted Intelligence: the unknown Kendo genius (Terran)

features: good at Qinglian Kendo (6000 changes)

identity: to be determined

1, Jianmen lengkong (50% possibility)

2, Zixiao Zongjiang CI (50% possibility)

level: top three of the assassination list (tentative)

whereabouts: the ninth battlefield near the ancient continent

This is a piece of intelligence information from the demon clan. Before Liu Jinjiao died, he sent out a message asking for help.

shortly after that, Liu Jinjiao, the second robber fairy, died. This unknown human genius attracted the attention of the demon clan.Different from Gui nationality, this intelligence has a clear characteristic: good at Qinglian Kendo!

Such obvious features can be confirmed as soon as they meet and both sides fight each other.

Moreover, the intelligence of the demon clan increases the possibility of Jiang Ci to 50%.

This is a very high probability, so the strong demons in foreign battlefields are beginning to pay attention to it.

there may not be one of these geniuses in hundreds of thousands of years, and they come from the hostile camp, so they should be punished!


Jiang CI controls the flying boat and flies through the barren starry sky.

The battle with liujinjiao just now made him realize that in fact, he still lacks many things in actual combat, especially in dealing with this kind of demon clan with huge immortal body.

With all his strength, he could easily solve the problem.

However, his next opponent must be more than the level of erjiexian.

If he meets a big demon with a huge immortal body and more than four immortals, he may not be so relaxed.

"Create your own battle secrets as soon as possible!"

After so many battles, he gradually realized what master jiuxiao said at the beginning,

it's difficult to exert the power of other people's fighting secrets.

It's like he has the strength to score 100 points, but he can only score 80 points each time.

Only when we create our own powerful secret, can we give full play to our own strength, and get 100 points every time.

"Canglang island..."

In the control room of the flying boat, Jiang Ci's eyes fall on the star map.

He is going to Canglang island.

Canglang island is a very dangerous place for erjiexian tuobei and yijiexian Fufeng.

But in Jiang Ci's eyes, it is a good place for training.

While driving the boat, he collated the information he learned from tuobei and Fufeng.

Canglang Island, with a maximum diameter of more than 800 billion kilometers,

from the environmental point of view, Canglang island is a small star continent suitable for life.

Long ago, it used to be the habitat of an ordinary group in the universe,

but later, the three top groups opened up the ninth battlefield in Tonggu continent, and the Canglang group died out in the vast river of time.

Now, there is no ordinary life in Canglang Island, where only practitioners from various ethnic groups are fighting against each other.

There are the lone walkers, the Hetao team, and the Legion of practitioners.

Among them, the lone ranger is the existence standing at the top of Canglang island's power and the overlord of Canglang island. Each one's strength is at least four immortals.

Among these overlords, there are 9 Terrans, 10 demons and 8 ghosts.

Jiang CI mainly focuses on the 18 alien overlord of Canglang island.

"Ming Tulu, the four plundering immortals of the ghost clan, nicknamed Suo Hun Shi..."

"Norin, the four immortals of the demon clan, one of the 18 alien overlord of Canglang Island, nicknamed Haiwang..."

"Jackal jaw, the five immortals of the demon clan..."

What he learned from tuobei and Fufeng was only the information of 13 alien overlords. The other five were more mysterious and had no intelligence information.

"13 are enough. Use them as training objects for the time being!"

In Jiang Ci's opinion, fighting is the best teacher.

Master jiujianxian gave him 360 common secrets, many of which are combat secrets.

Although the experience value panel can directly promote these secrets to a perfect state, it is only a theoretical perfection.

the actual combat application needs all kinds of combat to improve.

The combination of theory and practice is the right way to improve.

"Moreover, since we are looking for the inspiration to create our own secret method, we can't just fight with Yunji seven swords."

"Well First, fight with these common secrets. Through fighting, you can get the essence of these secrets. "

Jiang CI soon made a plan for a period of time in the future.


Three months later, after continuous shuttle, the boat is getting closer and closer to the vast Tonggu continent.

Before, when Jiang CI left Qianyu sea and just came to the starry sky hundreds of millions of kilometers away from Tonggu continent,

he felt an inexplicable breath. Now this breath is more and more intense.

"It's different from Lingqi, Xianli, Daofa, Xiandao breath, and yuanyuanzhibao breath. It's really strange!"

Jiang CI stands on the deck of the flying boat, overlooking the boundless Tonggu continent.

Half a day later, the boat finally came to a small starry continent, Canglang island.

Looking at the vast land of Canglang Island, in addition to mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, there are all kinds of other strange terrain.

The spiritual consciousness of Jiang CI has always been in a state of diffusion, and is under control for tens of thousands of kilometers.

He quickly chose a suitable place to land, a place where the mountains and the sea meet."I don't know my real name as Shanhai. The terrain is just the same as Shanhai." Jiang CI smiles.

Perhaps, this is his lucky place, where he can find the inspiration to create his own secret method.

After landing quietly, he found a cave with good environment in the mountains,

waving the sword light, and soon carved out some classical decorations.

"From today on, this is my cave."

However, after finding a place to live, Jiang CI didn't rest. Instead, he started a formal training of life and death according to the determined plan.

Next, every ten days and a half months, he went out hunting, looking for strong people of different races and fighting.

Then go back to the cave and sum up the feeling of fighting in detail.

In the early stage of training, he did not directly go to fight with the alien overlord who robbed more than four immortals.

first, he looked for the alien overlord who robbed more than four immortals, and gradually experimented with 360 sets of common secrets.

Moreover, he made a rule for himself that he would never use the seven swords and all kinds of cards until the last moment.

As a result, at the beginning, he will be easily defeated by a lot of alien robbing immortals,

because most of the alien robbing immortals are either in twos and threes or lead an alien Legion.

Jiang Ci, as a lone Walker in he Dao period, is really hard to fight without using yun ji's seven swords and all kinds of cards.

However, this is the purpose of training!

No pressure, no effect.

In terms of comprehensive combat power, he is equivalent to six immortals.

However, if he only uses the most basic cultivation and Taoist methods, and does not use such secret methods as Yunji seven swords, Daorong and Daowen, his combat power can only be regarded as a robbing immortal.

This is the training condition created by Jiang CI.

Only when you feel the pressure in the battle, you have a greater chance to find the inspiration of your own secret method.

Of course, life-saving means must not be lost.

With super mental and physical strength, he can advance and retreat freely in these battles.

even if these opponents can defeat him, none of them can keep him.

With the passage of time, Jiang Ci's practical application of 360 sets of secret methods is more and more handy.

His fame began to spread in Canglang island.

He is good at saving his life. He likes to fight with swords. His threat is medium and his disgust is high.

The Hetao team below Xiandao is afraid of meeting him, because meeting him is to be trampled and played with, and then die.

And the immortals in the realm of immortality don't want to meet him, because this guy is very difficult to deal with and can't kill. He is disgusting every day.

Soon, in the alien mouth of Canglang Island, Jiang CI got its name -- immortal Taoist.

Having a name means that the strength has been recognized by the public.

The word "immortal" reflects his current strength.


Then, just 20 years later, the alien immortals found that the situation began to change.

The immortal Taoist priest, who could not kill and was disgusted by thieves, began to chase them to kill.

due to the lack of foreign information, they didn't react until the end. The strength of the immortal Taoist priest of the human race is advancing by leaps and bounds!

It's only 20 years!

At the beginning, he was chased and killed by a robbing immortal, but now he is chased and killed by a robbing immortal!

The reality is that Jiang Ci, with his experience value panel, has already made all the common secrets to a satisfactory level. What he needs to do now is to improve the practical application.

It saves the process of cultivation and enlightenment, so it can improve so fast.

Of course, they don't know why. Their reaction to this is that they start to form a group. Originally they formed a team in twos and threes, but instead they joined forces with seven or eight people.

And once they were alone, without saying a word, they fled quickly through the way of self exploding immortal power, and did not give Jiang CI a chance to fight at all.

This situation greatly reduced the training effect of Jiang Ci and the military achievements he obtained.

"No one who can become an immortal is a fool, who knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, eh My main purpose is to temper, not to gain military merit. I'll spare your lives for a while! "

Jiang CI adjusted the training object and began to look for the alien two plundering immortals on Canglang island.

So, the immortals began to realize the malice of immortality.

The rhythm is still the same. At first, Jiang CI often fails, and then 30 years later, the alien immortals begin to suffer.

"Ah, you damned immortal Taoist, get out of here! I don't want to fight you! "

"His body is so strong that I can't stop chopping his arm with my medium-sized immortal weapon!"

"Damn, how did he find me when I hid so deep?"

Gradually, everyone listed this immortal Taoist as a terrible existence next only to the 27 overlord of Canglang island.Twenty seven overlord refers to the strong one with more than nine four plundering immortals of the human race, and the strong one with more than 18 four plundering immortals of the alien race.

In this way, when the training effect of erjiexian was greatly reduced,

JIANG CI adjusted the training object to the alien sanjiexian.

This time, it's very hard. With his current cultivation and Taoist realm, it's very difficult to compete with the three robber immortals only by using the common secret method.

Of course, this kind of tempering effect is also the best.

For the next 50 years, Jiang CI often encountered all kinds of dangerous battles in the battle with the alien three plundering immortals.

There are many times, almost did not escape the other side of the siege.

Especially in a battle not long ago, his spiritual sense had detected that four alien three robber immortals had gathered to ambush him.

But in order to challenge the limit, and in order to test a well-established common combat secret, he took the initiative to enter the encirclement.

Then, it's a crazy fight, one on four!

With the physical strength of 1000 times the level of the best spirit weapon, he is very arrogant and constantly confronts with the four alien three robber immortals,

at the same time, he uses 360 sets of ordinary secret weapons to fight against the enemy,

of course, Jiang CI must fall behind unless he uses all kinds of cards.

Finally, he fought to the limit, with super physical strength, escaped from the encirclement.

"Damn, let him escape!"

"This immortal Taoist is too hard to kill!"

The four alien three robbing immortals, not willing to roar.

But Jiang CI paid a great price this time, his body was almost defeated, and there were a lot of terrible cracks.

However, what he got from this battle was a deeper understanding of the secret method.

"Canglang island has been honed for a hundred years, and finally it has a harvest!" Although Jiang Ci was seriously injured, he was extremely excited.

after returning to the cave, he immediately entered the state of latent cultivation.

As the saying goes,

after a hundred years in Canglang Island, he has gone through countless battles and only used 360 sets of common secrets in each battle.

in addition to this extreme battle, he finally has a deeper understanding of the secrets.

Perhaps, this is the beginning of the search for inspiration for self created secrets.