I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 535

The star boat of 9845 Legion is a huge star city inside, but it looks like a star fortress from the outside, armed with various long-range magic weapons.

This kind of star sky giant boat is specially made for the Legion of cultivators. It is suitable for long-time Star Wars.

At the invitation of tuobei and Fufeng, Jiang CI stayed in the 9845 regiment for the time being.

with his strength, he could not live in those ordinary manors. Tuobei arranged a luxurious palace for him.

Then, in the spirit of curiosity, he wandered in the star boat.

Although the whole picture of the Starship can be known with a spiritual scan,

but what you observe with your feet and eyes is still different from the spiritual exploration.

All the practitioners in the Legion know that they are the powerful practitioners of harmony, and they are their saviors.

After they saw Jiang Ci, they would salute respectfully.

Of course, the picture of Jiang CI wandering was also noticed by Qingxuan.

"It's been a few days and I'm still in the army. It seems that I really want to kill me." Qingxuan's eyes are deep.

"Hum, how can you do that? As long as I stay in the army, you can't do it to me. Otherwise, it's treason. Even if I die, you'll be buried with me!"

Qingxuan's ancestor duding Jiangci couldn't kill him.

As a matter of fact, his every move was clearly explored by Jiang Ci's spiritual sense.

Jiang CI is just a light smile. After a tour, he returns to his temporary residence in the palace.

Soon a month later, the 9845 Legion was hunting in the nearby starry sky for a light year, looking for alien legions.

During this period, Jiang CI will go to tuobei and Fufeng to continue to understand the situation of the islands around Tongtian mainland, especially Canglang island.

As time went on, he became more and more familiar with Canglang island.

On that day, Jiang Ci was practicing in the palace. He suddenly opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his face.

Here's the chance!

Just now, his spiritual sense found that there was a demon clan cultivator army, which appeared in his spiritual sense exploration range, that is, 10 million kilometers.

Looking at the route, if there is no accident, 9845 regiment will definitely meet each other.

"There's only one three robber fairy, no difficulty."

The situation of the demon clan army is all under the control of Jiang CI.

Therefore, he did not mean to remind tuobei.

Tuobei led the 9845 regiment to fight in foreign battlefields for many years, so it's natural to deal with this kind of encounter.

Moreover, it is one of the trumps of Jiang Ci, which is equivalent to a hundred times of the spiritual strength in the later period of he Dao.

the stronger the spiritual strength, the wider the scope of exploration.

In the later period of he Dao, the scope of spiritual exploration was 100000 km,

while Jiang Ci, relying on the idea of peacock view and the secret method of Daoyin, had a scope of 10 million km, surpassing many strong robbers.

So that he can anticipate the enemy first, or prepare in advance when the crisis comes.

So this card, if not necessary, will not be exposed.

Only half a minute later, Jiang CI received the spiritual voice of tuobei.

"Shanhai brothers, we have a prey. Gather quickly!"

Jiang CI got up and left the palace, and flew to the center of the giant ship in the starry sky.

At this time, more than 30000 elite practitioners of 9845 Legion were also gathering quickly.

Tuobei and Fufeng, the two people robbing immortals, are sending out the breath of immortality, floating in the air.

After seeing Jiang Ci, tuobei quickly said, "brother Shanhai, I just found out that there is a demon clan army flying to us from three million kilometers away, and it will soon contact us."

For a normal person who practices in harmony with the Tao, the scope of spiritual exploration is 100000 kilometers at most.

From tuobei's point of view, the scope of Jiang Ci's spiritual exploration must exceed this number,

however, it should not have reached the level of two robbers, otherwise Jiang CI would have known without his warning just now.

"What about the other side?" Jiang CI pretends not to know.

"There's only one two robbing immortal, but there are a lot of demons below the fairyland, so we have to solve the big one first." Tuobei said.

"Give it to me, and you will clean up the other demons." Jiang CI nodded.

"This..." Tuobei is hesitant.


"Shanhai brothers, let's work together. The leader of the other party is Erjie immortal from liujinjiao, a demon clan.

he is nearly 3000 meters long, huge and good at defense. It will be very difficult to deal with him." Tuobei explains.

"Well, if there's an accident, just come back and help." Jiang CI said with a smile.

Large size is an advantage of the demon clan, especially after entering the realm of immortality,

among those who rob immortals, what they fight for is not only cultivation, Taoism, magic weapons, but also the strength of immortals.When the first three are similar, xianliduo has a great advantage.

In other words, when the two sides fight, those who are strong in Xianli will last longer and can afford it.

Tuobei is also worried about this point, because the Shanhai brothers are only in the period of joining the Tao.

although they easily killed the two ghosts and robbed the immortals by virtue of their abnormal Kendo strength last time,

now it's hard to say when they are faced with this kind of huge demon.

The spirit power of a person's clan in the period of harmony is certainly not as good as that of the great demon robbing the immortal.

Moreover, the liujinjiao people are good at defense.

However, Jiang CI insisted repeatedly that tuobei and Fufeng looked at each other without saying much.

In their eyes, maybe this is the pride of genius.

"Well, we'll do it later when we're really in trouble." Tuobei's voice was transmitted to Fu Feng.

Then, his spirit covered the starry sky, and his voice rang out in the minds of all the practitioners of the Legion: "prepare to fight, this time it's the Legion of the demon clan liujinjiao clan!"


The army of more than 30000 practitioners of 9845 Legion has been assembled.

As a practitioner in the early stage of he Dao, Qingxuan Laozu was in the forefront of the army. On both sides were his three brothers of life and death.

"Elder brother, we are the Liujin Jiaos. It seems that our military achievements will increase a lot this time!" Qingxuan Laozu said with a smile.

"Ha ha, it's true that our four brothers are very experienced in dealing with liujinjiao."

"In the battle 500 years ago, we killed a lot of liujinjiao."

"Let's have another big fight this time, and strive to earn the resources for Laosi to become an immortal."

The three brothers of life and death are mostly for the consideration of Qingxuan.

All three of them have lived for nearly ten thousand years, and their blood relatives have long passed away.

therefore, the brothers of life and death who made friends on the battlefield have become the closest ones.

On the surface, he was deeply moved, but in his heart he was very proud.

As a man who does everything in order to achieve his goal, it is impossible for him to give his true feelings to these brothers.

He took a look at Jiang CI in the air and sneered in his heart: "what about high talent and strong strength? Now I'm in the army, what can you do for me?"

At this time, the array boundary of the star sky giant boat opens a big gap.

Tuobei's loud voice rang out: "start fighting!"

More than 30000 Terran practitioners, fully armed and arrayed, rushed to the starry sky with great momentum.


It's killing.

The terrible energy of Xianli, Lingli and Daofa, like a wave, swept across the starry sky.

Qingxuanlaozu seems to be rushing in front of him, but he is in a position where he can leave the army at any time.

he sees a huge golden dragon hovering in the starry sky in the distance.

the surface of the nearly 3000 meter long immortal body is covered with pieces of golden scales, and exudes a terrible immortal atmosphere, which is frightening.

At this time, a figure in dark red armor, with the intention of skyward sword, rushed out of the 9845 Legion and went straight to the Golden Dragon.

Although the two sides have not yet collided, the powerful momentum transfer has begun to shake the space.


At the same time, tens of thousands of large Liujin Jiaos attacked the 9845 army,

"the army is fighting together!"

More than 100 members of the 9845 regiment joined together and roared in unison.

Before the Legion is really in contact, the joint attack of the army can play a greater power.

On the other side, each of the Liujin Jiaos opens its huge mouth and emits blazing golden beams of energy. Tens of thousands of beams are combined into one, like a small star with terrible energy.

On the other side of the Terran side, more than 30000 practitioners join hands to attack in the starry sky. According to the special attack array, they gather together to form a huge immortal sword that runs through the heaven and earth.

Boom boom!

The joint attacks of the two sides collided.

The stars and swords burst suddenly, like a supernova explosion, completely illuminating the dark sky.

The terrible energy storm has swept hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

However, judging from the results of the collision, the 9845 regiment's joint attack was at a disadvantage, because there were more Liujin Jiaos.

But they are not afraid, because two Terrans robbing immortals, tuobei and Fufeng, are in front of the Legion at this time, blocking a lot of energy impact for the Legion.

On the contrary, the Legion formation of liujinjiao was smashed by the energy storm, and many of them were injured.


"It's time to accumulate military merit!"

All the Terran practitioners fell into the madness of fighting and fought with the scattered Liujin jiaolegion.

"Old four, don't rush too hard, follow us three."

"Ha ha, old four, you can mend the knife.""That's to say, mending the sword can get more military contributions."

Three brothers of life and death rushed in front of Qingxuan, fighting wildly.

This scene made the elder Qingxuan very happy.

although he had already completed the military mission and regained his freedom, he was still willing to stay in the army because of these three brothers.

When the Legion is fighting, someone will help him to kill the alien. He can get a lot of military achievements without much effort.

"Kill Qingxuan Laozu is also killing madly.

The sword in his hand is full of blood light. With boundless evil spirit, he sweeps the seriously injured Liujin Jiao.

"That's the feeling!" In fact, Qingxuan was also a warlike man, and he liked bloody killing.

Otherwise, he would not understand the special way of blood evil.

Now this kind of slightly relaxed battle, let him still have spare strength to pay attention to the distant battle.

On the other side of the open sky, Jinjiao, a giant two robber immortal, is fighting with Jiang CI. It's hard to separate the two sides.

There are thousands of green lotus swirling around the body of Jiang Ci, which condenses countless sword Qi and falls on Jinjiao.

Bang bang!

The sword light struck the golden scales and made a huge dull noise.

With a huge body of nearly 3000 meters and a high defensive golden scale, Jinjiao was not afraid of the countless swordsmanship of Jiangci.

"Strange, why didn't he use the last sword?" Qingxuan was a little confused.

He clearly remembers that the last time Jiang CI used the sword to cut the two ghost families to rob the immortals, he did not use this move. Instead, he used the green lotus to blend into the body of the sword and turn it into the light of the sword.

Qingxuan is just a casual practitioner. He doesn't know Qinglian sword, let alone Yunji seven swords.

So I don't know the meaning of Jiang's Ci.

He no longer pays attention to the battle of Jiang Ci, and continues to follow the three brothers of life and death to kill those Liujin Jiaos.

At this time, the 9845 Legion had the upper hand, because tuobei and Fufeng, the two Terrans who robbed immortals, swept ahead. Even if there were more demons in liujinjiao legion, it would not help.

"Ha ha, kill another one!" Qingxuan Laozu made up his sword again and gained a lot of military achievements.

He did not notice that in the distant starry sky, in fact, Jiang CI has been adjusting the position of thousands of green lotus.

At this time, the thousands of green lotus again erupted countless sword light.

These sword lights, with the intention of skyrocketing sword, collided with Jinjiao.

One of the sword Qi bumps into the golden scales of liujinjiao and bounces out.


This wisp of sword Qi, without any regularity, broke through the void and fell in the area of Qingxuan Laozu.

Qingxuanlaozu was directly penetrated by this ray of sword Qi. His body disintegrated in an instant. When Yuanshen dissipated, he finally understood why Jiangci didn't use that move.

"Jiang CI! I hate it This is the last consciousness of Qingxuan.

Boom boom!

This ray of sword Qi exploded with the old ancestor of Qingxuan, and shattered many of the Liujin Jiaos in the Hedao period around him.

"Old four!"


"Ah! You damned demons

The three brothers of qingxuanlaozu's life and death turned red in an instant. With hatred in their eyes, they fought with those liujinjiao crazily.

This is the brother of life and death on the battlefield. He wanted to avenge his brother for the first time.

They didn't doubt Jiang CI. In their opinion, it's very normal for them to be affected by the fighting of the strong robbers.

A ray of sword light at the level of robbing immortals, even in the later stage of he Dao, will surely die.

So they don't hate Jiang CI. If they want to hate them, they will hate these demons!

If it wasn't for the demon clan, their fourth brother would not be affected by the battle.


All this, of course, is calculated by Jiang CI.

With his spiritual strength, it's very simple to work out the path of a ray of sword light in advance.

It's a complete accident to hit the golden scales of Jinjiao, the immortal stream of two robbers, and then bounce back to kill a famous person by mistake.

There is no problem for anyone to check this process.

After all, it's a scuffle. There will be a lot of accidents.

In this way, Jiang CI perfectly avoided the possibility of violating the law of heaven.

Qingxuanlaozu, a potential threat lingering in his mind for more than 3000 years, finally died.

"I was like a mole ant in front of Qingxuan."

"Now the situation is completely reversed. In front of me, he has become a small role like a mole ant. I let him die quietly without any effort."

"Strength, everything is strength!"

(start first and change later)