I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 534

Kill the enemy with one sword!

The two and three immortals of the GUI clan, who had the upper hand just now, died on the spot without even a sword.

The speed of the fighting was astonishing.

This small starry continent suddenly quieted down, just as it was shaking the sky.

Both the Terran practitioners and the GUI practitioners were stunned.

"Run away!"

"Run away!"

Tens of thousands of Guizu practitioners reacted first, regardless of the fact that they were fighting with the Terran practitioners, and frantically fled.

But at this time, the two ghosts who robbed immortals are dead. Where can the rest of them escape?

For the rest of their lives, the Terran cultivators have rallied their strength and quickly pursued and killed those fleeing ghost cultivators.

Jiang CI doesn't care about the sweeping battle.

His body was flashing, and he put away the storage magic weapon of the two ghosts robbing immortals.

In the distance, two Terrans robbing immortals, tuobei, the commander of 9845 legion, and Fu Feng, his deputy, flew to Jiangci.

"Thanks, brother!" Tuobei, who looks like a strong man, gives thanks with a smile on his face.

"Thank you very much. But for your help, our army would be finished this time." Fu Feng also said with a smile that his appearance was a little ordinary and unimportant.

Jiang CI said with a smile: "we are both human beings. When we receive the message of asking for help, there is no reason why we should not come."

"Ha ha, that's true!" Tuobei laughed, and then said: "I'm tuobei, commander of 9845 Corps. This is my second younger brother Fu Feng. What do you call him?"

"Just call me Shanhai." Jiang CI nodded.

"Brother Shanhai, there was a lot of fighting just now. Let's get out of here." Tuobei said.

"Just came with us and bought you a drink." Fu Feng said with a smile.

"Not bad." Jiang CI didn't refuse. He took a look at Qingxuan in the crowd below.

Tuobei and Fufeng look at each other and smile. They are both pleasantly surprised.

It's natural to invite Jiang Ci to make friends with him.

He Dao period alone has such terrible strength. When he becomes an immortal, he can survive at least six robberies in a row. Even if he becomes a nine robber immortal, it's not a big problem.

If we don't make friends now, we won't have such a good chance next time!

"Assemble The spirit of North Extension covers the whole battlefield.

At the same time, he waved out a huge ship with a length of ten thousand miles.

Below, those Terran practitioners have cleaned the battlefield.

"Big brother, second brother, third brother, we survived!" Qingxuanlaozu was excited to reunite with the three brothers of life and death.

"Yes, we want to thank the Sword Fairy!" The middle-aged man sighed.

"It's a hundred times stronger than the commander of the army to kill two ghost families and rob immortals with one sword."

"We have no hope of achieving such strength."

"Our four brothers, Qingxuan still has some hope."

Qingxuan is also very relaxed and joking with everyone. He is now five thousand years old and belongs to the ranks of young people in Hedao sanxiu.

He stared at the terrible figure in the air, full of yearning.

"If I can accumulate more military accomplishments and exchange for more cultivation resources, I may have a chance to become an immortal."

"Only when you become an immortal can you be fearless of Jiang CI!"

"Now more than 3000 years later, he may have reached the Yuanshen period."

Qingxuan always regarded Jiang Ci as the biggest threat and did not dare to relax for a moment.

But since Jiang CI became the core disciple of Zixiao sect, he could not collect the information of Jiang CI.

After hearing the assembly order, Qingxuan Laozu and the three brothers of life and death prepare to board the star giant boat.

At this time, qingxuanlaozu subconsciously glanced at Jiangci.

Look at each other.


If Qingxuan was struck by lightning, he was frozen there, and his heart was filled with fear.

Familiar eyes!

"Jiang Words

Although he looks different, he can't be more familiar with those eyes.

More than 3000 years ago, he communicated with Jiang CI almost face-to-face by way of communication.

Therefore, he still remembers the eyes of Jiang Ci at that time, confident and rebellious.

Unforgettable at a glance!

Moreover, later, Jiang CI became famous in the battle of genius in the nine regions, and Tongtian mountain and river map broadcast the scene of the battle of genius in real time.

his impression of Jiang Ci, especially his eyes, became more profound.

The next moment, Qingxuan Laozu found that when the familiar eyes left him, there was a trace of banter.

Now, he's absolutely sure.

"No mistake, it must be Jiang CI!"

"But he Why is he here? "

"How could he be so powerful?"

Qingxuan was in a panic.He has seen the sword just now.

Sword Fairy!

Even the two powerful ghosts who robbed immortals could not stop Jiang Ci's sword.

it is estimated that Jiang CI will be gone now when he blows his breath.

"Qingxuan, what are you doing? Get together and leave The middle-aged man beside him patted him with a smile.

"Oh Oh Qingxuan came back from his fright and quickly followed everyone to board the star boat.

As a matter of fact, the star boat is a mobile star city with all kinds of living facilities.

Qingxuanlaozu was a soldier in the early stage of Hedao. He could enjoy a luxurious manor.

He pushed off the invitation of the three brothers and went back to his manor.

"What to do? What to do? " He was still flustered.

No one can calm down in this situation.

No way, because he offended Jiang CI before, offended too hard!

Since Jiang CI became the core disciple of Zixiao sect, he knew that he would face Jiang CI one day.

He fought in foreign battlefields for so many years in order to become stronger,

when this day comes, he can be fearless of Jiang CI.

However, today's scene, let him completely despair.

's pursuit of more than three thousand years has turned into a phantom of bubbles at this moment.

"Calm down, calm down!"

Qingxuan sat on his knees and hinted to himself constantly. Finally, his brain had a sense of lucidity.

He evaporated the cold sweat all over his body, thinking carefully in his heart.

"Now I'm facing Jiang Ci, and there's no possibility of survival."

"He has such strength in the period of he Dao. He is definitely one of the strongest talents of the Terran. Maybe he can reveal the news to the alien and kill him with the help of the alien."

He shook his head again.

"No, it's a family crime. Once it's found out, it's death."

"And I don't have an alien way of summoning. If I go to the alien strongman to disclose this, the alien strongman will kill me as soon as he sees me."

"What's more, I'm afraid that people of different nationalities will not believe what I said in a Hedao period."

"The most important thing is that once I leave the army, Jiang CI will have a chance to kill me. I have no chance to disclose the news to other people."

Qingxuan thought for a long time, but he didn't think of any way to live.

But he didn't want to die!

"Out of the army? Leave... "

All of a sudden, there was a flash in his mind and a key point came to mind.

"According to the law of the heaven court of the Taoist League, the practitioners of the Terran camp in the foreign battlefield are forbidden to kill each other. If they are found, they will be sentenced to the crime of clan and death! And they were executed on the spot! "

"On the battlefield, every cultivator of the Terran camp wears an identity badge."

"The identity badge is a special magic weapon. It can not only reflect the status of the cultivator, but also monitor the battle situation in real time to record military achievements."

"That is to say, as long as I stay in the army and keep my badge open, Jiang CI can't do anything about me!"

"Even if there is another Legion war, I will follow you closely, and other people's identity badges can help me monitor everything,

if he wants to make some small moves in the chaos, he will be recorded by the identity badge."

"It's beyond the law. If a genius is sentenced to death, he will die!"

Qingxuan's eyes are more and more bright.

He believed that Jiang Ci, as a genius of the human race, would never risk his life to kill him.

In a desperate situation, if a man catches a glimmer of life's hope, it's like catching a life-saving straw, and he will hold on to it.

then he fills all kinds of seemingly reasonable inferences into the straw, in order to enlarge the hope of life.

This is the case with Qingxuan. He grasped the straw and ignored some necessary factors.

It is the genius of Jiang Ci that is far beyond his imagination.

Even the emperor of heaven is Jiang Ci's elder martial brother.


At this time, tuobei, the commander of 9845 regiment, and Fu Feng, his deputy general, prepared a grand banquet for Jiang CI in a luxurious hall in the center of the star giant boat.

"Brother Shanhai, we'd like to propose a toast to you first. If you hadn't arrived in time this time, we'd have fallen at least one." Tuobei and Fufeng toast together.

"Ha ha, you two don't need to mention it again. I believe that if you receive the information for help, you will help. Let's drink and drink." Jiang CI also laughs freely.

From the bottom of my heart, instead, he wanted to thank tuobei and Fufeng.

If it were not for these two people to send out a message for help, he would not have met his old enemy Qingxuan Laozu!With his current strength, his comprehensive combat power is comparable to that of liujiexian. It sounds like he is narrow-minded and does not know how to be tolerant when he seeks revenge from a practitioner in the early stage of he Dao.

However, in Jiang Ci's opinion, this is bullshit.

Even if he is a Taoist now, he will kill the old enemy Qingxuan.

That kind of situation will not appear in him.

For example, his spiritual consciousness has been monitoring every move of Qingxuan.

"I was scared just now, but now I'm calm."

"It seems that he should have thought that as long as he doesn't leave the army, I can't help him."

The rules of foreign battlefields are clear.

The Terran camp can't kill each other. Anyone who disobeys the order will die.

In his capacity, he did not want to violate the laws of heaven unless he had to.

Although he has violated the law, he will not be sentenced to death.

But that would make it difficult for master jiuxiao and his elder brother Dijun.

Even if these two big guys don't care, he is also a person who wants face.

"I have ten thousand ways to kill you."

Since he followed tuobei to live in 9845 legion, he naturally had a way to kill Qingxuan, and he didn't have to worry about violating the heavenly decree.

Qingxuan thought that to stay in the army was to catch the straw. However, for a strong immortal, there were too many ways to kill an early stage of he Dao.

"By the way, brother tuobei, I've just come to Tonggu, and I'm not familiar with it yet.

I plan to experience in the fragmented continent around Tonggu first, but I don't know where I need to pay attention to."

"Shanhai brothers are new to the ancient world?" Tuobei and Fufeng look at each other, a little surprised.

Jiang CI nodded gently.

"It seems that we are really lucky." Tuobei laughs and then says, "if you ask me about the ancient continent, I'm sure I don't know about it.

because those who dare to go to the ancient continent are at least three robber immortals,

if you want to have a foothold there, you need the strength of five robber immortals and six robber immortals."

"Like our brothers, I'm afraid they can't survive even a hundred years when they go there." Fu Feng also said in the side.

"Shanhai brothers chose to experience around the Tonggu continent first. I have to say that this is a very wise choice.

as for the points that need attention, eh..." Tuobei pondered.

Then he said: "with the strength of Shanhai brothers, I think as long as you don't enter Canglang island."

"Canglang island?" Jiang CI is confused.

"Yes, Canglang Island, which is relative to Tonggu continent. Tonggu continent is suspended in the sea of stars, and those fragmented continents are like islands." Tuobei said.

Jiang Ci was a little surprised. Which debris continents, with a small diameter of one million kilometers and a large diameter of one trillion kilometers, are actually just islands?

tuobei continued: "Canglang island has a diameter of more than 800 billion kilometers, which is only as dangerous as Tonggu continent.

although the number of strong people there is not as large as Tonggu continent, there are many strong people robbing immortals.

I have heard before that there are 18 strong people robbing immortals in Canglang island, It's extremely dangerous. "

"Eighteen strong people of different race who are more than four plundered immortals? Since I came to the foreign battlefield, I have never fought with the strong men above the four immortals. " Jiang Ci was moved.

Every three robberies is a big threshold.

Compared with the four robbing immortals, the three robbing immortals are only a little worse, but their strength is not a little bit worse.

"Brother Shanhai, if you are older, I'd like to ask you to be more careful.

it's said that there are six immortals in Canglang island.

you can kill two ghost families with one sword, but..." Tuobei didn't finish.

You are very strong, but not strong enough.

"Thank you for reminding me." Jiang CI said thanks seriously.

Tuobei is really a heartfelt reminder, not a look down upon or something like that.

In tuobei's view, maybe he can kill the three plundering immortals and two plundering immortals of the ghost clan with one sword,

but it's not so easy to face the strong one with more than four plundering immortals.

As for the face of the six immortals, there may be no hope of life.

"Brother Shanhai, since you are not familiar with this place, you might as well follow our army and adapt to the environment first." Fu Feng said with a smile.

Tuobei also looks at Jiang Ci, full of expectation.

"Well, I'll disturb you." Jiang CI smiles.

The main purpose of staying here is, of course, to solve the problem of Qingxuan.

Secondly, he really needs to get familiar with the environment.

Or that sentence, to the unfamiliar environment, to have the heart of awe.Tonggu continent is the place where he will travel for a long time. He must make sure he is familiar with it and collect enough information before he can choose to enter it.

Although he is eager to fight with a large number of foreign strong, but it is in the premise of life.

To rush in is to seek death!

(start first and change later)