I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 533

(sorry, the map in the previous chapter is wrong, it should be Tonggu continent, not Canglang Island)

cultivation is dead and silent, especially when the source space shuttles,

in the source space, there are only Colorful streamers and treacherous nebular energy bodies, no sound, and dead silence.

However, Jiang CI had a thousand years of experience in the Daoyuan Paleozoic, and he didn't feel much about it.

Three years passed in the twinkling of an eye.

According to the position indicated by the star map, he is now almost close to the position of Tonggu continent.

In the center of the star map of the ninth battlefield, the tiny square surrounded by light spots, nebulae and vortices is actually a vast continent of stars.

"Through the ancient continent, the largest diameter is 20000 light-years, and the narrowest place is 1000 light-years."

"By comparison, the diameter of the entire solar system is only one light year."

"I don't know how such a huge continent of stars came into being. It can only be attributed to the magic of the universe." Jiang CI sighs in his heart,

with his current authority, he can't find the answer in the eye of heaven network.


The desolate starry sky is full of waves, and a top-grade fairy boat shuttles out.

The spiritual knowledge of Jiang CI spread out rapidly, and the situation within tens of thousands of kilometers was all presented in his mind.

In fact, without spiritual exploration, he had already seen a suffocating scene with his eyes.

In the distant starry sky, a vast starry continent floats there quietly,

connecting the ancient continent!

According to the star map, it should be 1 light-year away from the ancient continent.

From such a distance, you can see with your eyes. You can imagine the size of the ancient continent.

Jiang CI feels as if there is an inexplicable smell, which is diffused in the whole starry sky, bringing a kind of psychological pressure to people.

"It's just like facing master jiuxiao at the beginning, but it's not as stressful as master jiuxiao."

This thought flashed through his mind, and then without much thought, he focused on the surrounding areas of Tonggu continent.

Because there are many large and small star continents floating in this starry sky, the big ones are trillions of kilometers, and the small ones are millions of kilometers, just like islands, surrounding Tonggu continent.

"It seems that these fragmented small star continents seem to have fallen off the Tonggu continent."

"Well Find a debris continent close to Tonggu continent, find opponents there, and hone yourself. "

Jiang CI once again put on the best spirit boat, carefully shuttling at the speed of sub light in the star sky.

He estimated that it would take one year to get close to the area near Tonggu continent.

To him, it is a strange environment to connect with the ancient continent and the surrounding starry sky, which requires awe.

Therefore, his spiritual consciousness keeps spreading all the time, exploring the situation of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Soon, the best spirit boat approached the debris continent like the Star Island.

These outside are not the destination of Jiang CI. He didn't stop and just flew by.

During this period, I also met the alien teams. Although their overall strength was one or two grades better than those of qianyuhai, they were all easily solved by him.

So far, he hasn't met a lone alien like him.

On this day, when Jiang CI passed a debris continent about 10 billion kilometers in diameter again.

His spiritual sense detected that a legion war was taking place on the debris continent below.

Both sides of the battle are Terrans and demons.

"The Terran side is the cultivator army led by the three plundering immortals, and so is the demon side. It seems that the Terran has the upper hand, which is not bad."

Jiang CI has no plan to fight. He has seen many Legion wars along the way, but he can't help everyone.

Unless the Terran side is in a crisis that can't be solved, he will do it.

So he went straight away from here.

In the twinkling of an eye, two months later.

Jiang CI is driving the best spirit boat, shuttling through the starry sky.

Suddenly, his messenger received a message.

"Well? I haven't been summoned for a long time. Is it Doudou? " Jiang CI thought.

Since old man Qingshi took Jiang Doudou away more than 3000 years ago, they have not contacted each other.

It's not that he didn't contact Jiang Doudou, but that for so many years, every time he summoned Jiang Doudou, the summoning failed.

Not only that, he sent countless messages to Qingshi old man with Qingshi token,

this unreliable big man never gave him a reply.

So Jiang CI often doubts whether he has been cheated by this big man.

The psychic scanned the bead to see the message.

Jiang CI looks a little more dignified. The message is not from Jiang Doudou.

This is a distress message from the Terran camp."I'm tuobei, the commander of 9845 regiment in No.41 barracks of the ninth battlefield. Our regiment is being attacked by the ghost clan's three robbers. Please come to support us. Thank you!"

Interstellar coordinates are attached.

Generally speaking, the strength of the head of the army will not exceed that of the three robbers. That is to say, the situation of the 9845 Corps is at stake.

Jiang CI quickly located himself on the star map, 80 million kilometers away from here.

He's probably the nearest Terran strongman in the neighborhood.

The best spirit boat turned its direction and quickly shuttled to the location of the distress message.

Five minutes later, Jiang Ci was only 10 million kilometers away from the location of the message.

His spiritual sense also explored the situation there.

In a small starry continent, the Terran and the GUI's cultivators are fighting fiercely.

There are different levels of cultivation from Yuan infant period to robbing immortals, and they are two strong ones.

however, the two strong ones of the human race are one and two, while those of the ghost clan are two and three.

High level power disparity, let the Terran side take the lead.

"Well? No Jiang Ci's face suddenly changed.

Because just now, his spiritual sense was swept out of the soldiers of the 9845 regiment, and there was an unexpected discovery!

There are more than one hundred periods of harmony, more than one thousand periods of Yuanshen, and more than thirty thousand periods of Yuanying.

In the middle of the human race in the Hedao period, there is a figure familiar with Jiang Ci,

a young Hedao practitioner, wearing black standard armor and holding a bloody sword.

Although the temperament and dress have changed greatly, the appearance has not changed at all.

"Master Qingxuan!" Jiang Ci's eyes burst out with a sense of killing,

he never forgot his opponent.

It can be said that since he left the earth for the first time and stepped into the starry sky, Qingxuan Laozu has been the first opponent who has really brought him a sense of crisis,

and this sense of crisis has lasted until the great change of the earth.

At that time, qingxuanmen, the cultivator of canglanxing District, unexpectedly discovered the earth. Then qingxuanzu sent strong people to occupy the earth.

Facing that kind of pressure, Jiang CI chose to go to Murong star, almost dying, so that the actual combat power reached Yuanying invincible,

this killed the strong men sent by Qingxuan Laozu, and solved the earth crisis.

However, the sense of crisis brought to him by Qingxuan did not disappear.

Because Qingxuan was able to kill the practitioners in Yuanshen period when he was in Yuanying period,

for him at that time, he was absolutely an incomparable strong man.

Later, the nine regions talent war began, and he became the core disciple of zixiaozong, which made him not afraid of Qingxuan in strength.

At the same time, he also searched for the trace of Qingxuan ancestor through zixiaozong's influence network many times, but he got nothing in the end.

It can be said that before the earth was discovered by daomen and experienced great changes, Jiang CI always regarded Qingxuan Laozu as a potential threat,

because in the nine domains of daomeng, in addition to Jiang Doudou, Xuantian and Li Baibai, only Qingxuan Laozu knew the secret of the earth.

After the great changes, Jiang Ci's psychology changed from worrying about the earth being discovered by the outside world to working hard to change the future of the earth as soon as possible.

The secret of the earth known by Qingxuan is no longer a threat, but Jiang CI has not forgotten this enemy!

"I didn't expect that more than 3000 years later, he went from the late Yuan Dynasty to the early stage of he Dao. It seems that the battlefield outside the territory is really a place to train people." Jiang Ci's eyes are cold.

It seems that this support is really right!

The best spirit boat can quickly travel through the starry sky and reach the continent thousands of kilometers away in one minute at most.

"This Qingxuan ancestor is really insidious."

The Terran side has more than one hundred periods of harmony, while the GUI side has less than one hundred, but most of them are in the later period of harmony.

However, Jiang Ci's spiritual sense found that Qingxuan let other Terran practitioners around him block a lot of attacks.

"If it goes on like this, he will have a great chance of survival. A large area of the Terran Legion will die in the other periods of Hedao, Yuanshen and Yuanying."

A minute later, Jiang CI finally came to the sky of that continent,

he put away the best spirit boat, his body was flashing, and rushed down.


This small starry continent is only a few million kilometers in diameter.

The Terran and the GUI's legion of practitioners are still fighting fiercely, and the Terran is obviously at a disadvantage.

"Big brother, the attack of the GUI clan is too strong. The army is going to be defeated. I'll stay and block these GUI clan. You are ready to flee!"

In the scuffle, the youth like Qingxuan Laozu cried anxiously.The three practitioners around him are madly fighting back against the ghost clan.

Hearing the words of Qingxuan's father, the middle-aged man shook his head: "Qingxuan, you are in the early stage of Hedao. Where can you stop these ghosts in the later stage of Hedao? We three can stay here for a while."

"Big brother, second brother, third brother..." Qingxuan's face was full of anxiety.

"The three of us are going to die, but you are still young. There is no reason for you to stay and die!"

"Ha ha, don't worry, Qingxuan. If you can escape, it's worth the death of our old friends!"

"You live for us!"

Those three people's clan united way, are all free and unrestrained laughing, bravely facing the ghost clan united way that besieged them.

The elder Qingxuan looked back, his face full of pain and reluctance, and he was very proud indeed.

"Sure enough, it's easy to make such brothers of life and death in foreign battlefields. I can't live without them.

it's just a pity that I've been together for more than 800 years, and I really feel a little emotional."

Of course, this is in the eyes of crocodiles,

in the past three thousand years, he has done similar things hundreds of times.

It's evil to have true feelings.

"Goodbye, brothers..."

Qingxuan Laozu watched the three brothers help him block the way of the ghosts and prepare to escape.

But at this time, a breath of terror appeared over the battlefield.

The attention of both sides who are fighting fiercely is drawn to the past.

I saw a figure wearing dark red armor, holding a red sword, coming down from the sky.

"The best fairy ware!" The two strong robbers of the Terran were suddenly surprised.

The two ghosts who are fighting with them rob immortals, but they look dignified.

The best immortal ware is of the highest quality, and its quantity is very rare.

For example, in the Terran, although the price of the best fairy ware starts at 1 billion points, there is basically no market for it.

Many of the four robbers and five robbers still use top-grade magic weapons.

Being able to use the best immortal tools has already proved our strength.

"Second, we won this time!" Tuobei, the commander of 9845 corps, burst out laughing.

"It's a win!" Another man also laughed.

On the contrary, the two ghosts are ready to retreat.

But the next moment, when their spirit in that exudes the breath of terror on the figure swept past, are stunned.

"He he All right

"This How can it be! How can it be the way of harmony

What's the use of the combination of the two races?

"Ha ha!" The two ghosts robbed the immortals, but they laughed.


Jiang Ci's figure flickered continuously, and every time it was tens of thousands of kilometers. He didn't choose to solve Qingxuan's problem at the first time.

In the current situation, it is the most important to solve the crisis of the Terran Legion.

There will be plenty of opportunities to solve the problem.

His eyes were fixed on the two ghosts robbing immortals.

Although the appearance of a three robber immortal and a two robber immortal is similar to that of the human race, they all exude a strong ghost spirit.

"Die Jiang CI ignored their eyes and waved his sword.


Many green lotus emerge and merge into Chixiao sword.


Suddenly, heaven and earth change color, red dragon, stir heaven and earth.

A sword light swept over 100000 Li and plundered the two ghosts.

Yunji seven swords, the second sword!



It was not only the two ghosts who robbed the immortals, but also the two Terrans who robbed the immortals.

The two ghosts who robbed immortals fled at the first time, but their speed was not as fast as Jiangci's.

After all, the power of this sword light has exceeded that of the three immortals.

"Join hands to block it! Be sure to block it Two ghost clan rob fairy anxious shout.

With the power of immortality and Taoism, the evil spirit swept the heaven and earth like a tide, constantly hitting the sword light.

Boom boom!

There was a big explosion over the battlefield.

But their counterattack has not played any role.

The sword light, which seems to run through the heaven and the earth, is irresistible and skips over the bodies of the two ghosts robbing immortals.


The bodies of the two ghosts who robbed immortals were smashed, and the huge immortal power and Yuan Shen were annihilated by the sword light of Jiang CI.

(start first and change later)