I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 532

Encrypted Intelligence: an unknown genius (Terran)

identity: to be confirmed

1, Jianmen lengkong (60% possibility)

2, Zixiao Zongjiang CI (30% possibility)

3, daomen Quanyou Taoren (10% possibility)

level: Top 10 (tentative)

whereabouts: currently in the ninth battlefield Qianyu overseas encirclement activities

After the death of SANOS, this intelligence soon appeared in the Guizu camp of the foreign battlefield.

The corresponding mission orders were also spread among the powerful robbers of the ghost camp.

Although this unknown human genius is probably regarded as the cold air of Jianmen, what attracts people most is Jiang CI.

Because Jiang CI is the No.1 target in the list of assassins, he can get the most rewards.


Qianyu sea, a best spirit boat shuttles through the starry sky.

In the spirit boat, Bohai, Linglong and others had no joy of victory.

Their eyes are fixed on Jiang Ci, what they want to say, and they don't know where to start.

Just now, the question is blank.

Jiang CI sat there at will, as usual, with a faint smile on his face.

In the end, it was captain Bohai who spoke first.

"Shanhai, I didn't expect that you would be so strong." Bohai shook his head.

After the silence was broken, we couldn't keep calm.

"It's more than strong! Kill five one plunder immortals with one sword, and kill one two plunder immortals with another sword! "

"No, although that silver nocturnal fork is the second robbing immortal, its combat power is the level of the third robbing immortal!"

"What a pervert

"In my opinion, only the core disciples of Sanmen LiuZong have such strength."

"Well, many of the Buddhists in our Buddhism have the same strength. They have the fighting power of the three plundering immortals in the period of combining Taoism."

Linglong and others are talking about it. After the conversation is opened, they begin to release their shock.

In the face of these, Jiang CI still just smile, from these words, we are just guessing his identity, and no plan to pry into other people's privacy.

"Brothers." Jiang CI suddenly opened his mouth.

Everyone stopped talking at once.

"In addition to the 1 billion yuan military contribution mission, I have other purposes when I enter the foreign battlefield." Jiang CI said with a smile.

"For your strength, the task of one billion military achievements is really too simple.

I heard that the core disciples of three schools and six sects all have life and death training requirements, so do you." Said Bohai.

"Well, after killing those six alien immortals, my military contribution has exceeded 1 billion." Jiang CI nodded.

His military contributions now exceed 2 billion. Five immortals have brought him 800 million military contributions, and the ghost silver Yasha is 1 billion military contributions.

"One billion! So you're free now? " Linglong looked stunned.

"Shanhai, are you ready to leave?"


Duan, Hongxin and Xiuzhu also look at Jiang Ci and don't know what to say.

"It's time to leave." Jiang CI nodded calmly.

Linglong and others look complicated. They have self-knowledge.

before, there were 1 billion military contributions of the army, which constrained the actions of Shanhai. Now Shanhai is free.

It is impossible for a strong man of this level to follow them in hunting in Qianyu sea.

"Well, with your strength, you can go deep into the ninth battlefield and become a lone walker. If we follow you, it will easily become a drag on you." Bohai said with a smile.

"The captain is right!" Linglong straight smile, and then seriously said: "Shanhai, you this genius, later become the peak of the strong, don't forget these old team-mates who wandered abroad together."

Hongxin, Duan and Xiuzhu also agreed.

"Ha ha, you have my message mark. When you leave the foreign battlefield, you can get together." Jiang CI laughs.

"That's settled! We must all leave the battlefield alive! " Said Bohai again.

"Leave alive!" Everyone nodded solemnly.

Jiang CI turned over his hand and took out some storage magic weapons. He said, "this is the result of killing those alien immortals just now. I can't use a lot of things in it. Take it."

"No, no, we didn't contribute to the war just now." Linglong was the first to wave her hand.

"Yes, we can't take it." Hongxin also shook his head.

The wealth of the six foreigners who plundered immortals is absolutely equal to the income of their thousands of years of fighting in foreign battlefields.

"Take it, everyone. With the strength of the mountain and the sea, you can kill those robbing immortals with a wave, but you don't care about them." But Bo Hai said with a smile.

Linglong and others did not refuse.……

Then Jiang Ci and his comrades in arms, who had been together for nearly two years, chatted for a while before deciding to leave.

We are all people who have experienced life and death in foreign battlefields. When we leave, there is no feeling of reluctant to part.

After cherishing each other, Jiang CI left Bohai's best spiritual boat.

Then, under the gaze of Bohai, Linglong and others, he took out a top-quality spirit boat, turned it into a streamer and disappeared in the starry sky.

There are many things in the storage magic weapon of the six alien robbing immortals that he can't use.

However, some valuable ones and a large number of flying boats were left by him.

Flying boats, in particular, play an important role in foreign battlefields and can be regarded as one of the biggest consumables.

After careful calculation, he now has a superior immortal boat.

This superior immortal boat is not a trophy. It was presented by master jiujianxian when he left Daoyuan ancient world.

Worth 100 million points, the maximum speed can reach 100 times the speed of light!

It's one of his cards.

In addition to one top grade immortal boat, he also has three middle grade immortal boats, 14 bottom grade immortal boats and more than 60000 top grade spirit boats.

However, in the starry sky with lots of star fragments and war debris, the speed can't be accelerated to the speed of light.

there is no difference in the speed of these flying boats, they are all sub light speed anyway.

Therefore, the best spirit boat has become the most commonly used flying boat for practitioners of all nationalities,

two advantages: cheap, good camouflage.


In the training cabin of the best spirit boat, Jiang CI controls the shuttle flight of the spirit boat with a wisp of spiritual consciousness,

then, from the storage magic weapon, he turns his hand to take out the communication bead, pinches the formula, and calls up a three-dimensional starry sky phantom.

"Star map of the ninth battlefield."

Star map is a necessary item for interstellar navigation, especially in the complex environment of extraterritorial battlefield, otherwise you will be lost in the vast starry sky.

However, in the Terran camp, only the strong robber of immortals and the leader of each team are qualified to get the complete battlefield star map.

Jiang Ci's identity is Shanhai. Now if he goes back to camp 3, he can also apply.

It's just that the process will be very troublesome. He has to go back first.

The star map in his hand was given to him by Captain Bohai just before he left, which saved the time of running back and forth.

Otherwise, it will take several years.

Jiang Ci's eyes fall on the star map.

The three-dimensional phantom in front of us is composed of numerous swirls, light spots and nebulae, which is the star sky of the ninth battlefield reduced by countless times.

"The ninth battlefield is a starry sky with a diameter of tens of millions of light years. The Qianyu sea is just the most marginal area, and it is also the ruins of an ancient battlefield nearest to the 3rd front military camp of the people."

"Although there are many different races here, there are not many strong people who rob immortals."

"Most of the people who are in Qianyu sea are small teams led by Hedao. Only a few are led by yijiexian. Few of them are strong enough to rob more than three immortals."

Jiang CI shook his head gently.

There are six alien robbing immortals at one time, one of them is the second robbing immortals of yinyasha family.

the probability of this kind of thing happening is very small. It's good to have one in a hundred years.

"Qianyu sea is not a challenge for me. It takes a lot of time to search for alien immortals."

"I want to go to a place with a lot of strong people and a lot of excitement..."

Jiang CI focuses on the center of the star map, which is a tiny continent surrounded by many nebulae, eddies and light spots.

It's remarkably small in the sky map, but according to the scale, this microcontinent is a star continent with the largest diameter of 20000 light-years.

"Canglang island is the core area of the ninth battlefield, where there are many powerful people of all ethnic groups."

"Those who can enter there are at least three robber immortals, and even three robber immortals will form a small team, otherwise they will be easily hunted."

"The lowest standard line of strength for those who are sure to survive in Canglang island is wujiexian."

"Without the help of tongtianlou and sanchongshan, my current comprehensive combat strength should be around liujiexian. If I rashly enter Canglang Island, there will be a great risk."

"However, around Canglang Island, there are many smaller star islands, most of which are between 1 million km and 1 trillion km in diameter,

I can move on those small islands first, and then enter Canglang island when I get used to the environment of Canglang island!"

Jiang CI soon made a decision. He moved his mind and controlled the flying boat to shuttle to an empty starry sky according to the instructions of the starry sky map.

From Qianyu sea to Canglang Island, there is a distance of more than one million light years, and the speed of light has to fly for more than one million years.

Therefore, he needs to accelerate to the speed of light in the open starry sky to travel through the source space.

If he only flies at the speed of sublight, he will not fly to Canglang island until he dies.

Three days later, Jiang CI came to an empty place.He put away the best spirit boat and replaced it with the best immortal boat.

"100 times the speed of light!"

"It takes up to three years to travel through source space, and it can span a distance of more than one million light years!"

The distance ratio between the source space and the original universe is 1:3600.

One light year of the source space is 3600 light years of the original universe.


After shuttling into the source space, Jiang CI manipulated the superior immortal boat with a ray of spiritual consciousness, and then entered the cultivation state.

Now he is not only deducing the Taoist Dharma, but also separating part of his spiritual knowledge and continuing to learn the 360 sets of common secrets that the master jiujianxian bought for him.

After the cultivation of he Dao, the next step is to create their own secret methods,

before that, not only need a lot of fighting, but also need to learn and study a lot of secret methods to lay a solid knowledge foundation.

Of course, these secrets can be improved with the experience panel.

The premise is that Jiang CI should understand and enter on the panel.

It takes a lot of time and experience to get started with 360 sets of common secrets.

Now his Shouyuan has reached ten thousand years, but there is no lack of time.

In addition, in the 1000 years of Daoyuan ancient world, he made the experience balance break through the 4 trillion mark by hunting the spirit of Daoyun outside jiuxiao city!

Therefore, he has no lack of experience.

At present, what we need to do is to accumulate the knowledge of secret methods and combat experience.

Through these, we can find the inspiration of our own secret method, and create our own top secret method, even the ultimate secret method.

In this way, he will be more confident to survive the disaster.

Because cultivation and Dao Dharma are only the basis of strength, secret Dharma can make a practitioner burst out stronger strength on the original basis.

(start first and change later)