I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 531

In the starry sky with an area of 100000 kilometers, the forces of six alien immortals are intertwined, and the 3619 team is trapped here.

"Two top talents of Terran, Congratulations, they will be the cornerstone of our way to a higher level." SANOS's silver hair is floating, and his golden pupils are shining.

it's just the ghostly air through his blue skin, which makes his heart palpitating.

Genius is the future of an ethnic group, so the three top ethnic groups have special rewards for killing the talents of the enemy camp, and the rewards are very generous.

In terms of military merit alone, killing a genius who had the fighting power of robbing immortals in the Hedao period would get more military merit than killing a three robbing immortals.

Not to mention other rewards.

So when SANOS heard what cam said, he was immediately moved.

"A blessing in disguise!" Kam is not only happy about the success of revenge, but also looking forward to the benefits promised by SANOS.

He believed that SANOS, who was born in the Guizu royal family, should not give very bad things, and could definitely make up for his losses in the last World War I.

Moreover, he can also take this opportunity to make friends with SANOS.

Relative to them, the current situation, for team 3619, can be called despair.

It's just a two robber fairy of yinyecha clan, which is enough to crush them.

In addition, there are five immortals who are lucky enough to escape one or two. In fact, there is no such luck.

In the view of Bohai and others, even if their team has three one loot immortal combat power, in this case, there is no hope.

"Brothers, from the moment we stepped into the foreign battlefield, we must be ready to die.

it's best to have a chance to escape. If we can't escape, even if we die, we can't make these damned alien people happy!" Bohai is speaking to you.

"Have a good time!"


Linglong and others all roared.

This scene, let six alien robbing immortal laugh wildly.

"Kill them!" Said SANOS in a loud voice.

Both sides took action almost at the same time.

The fierce Xianli explosion of alien robbing immortals, either with a sinister spirit, or with a purple flame, surrounded the 3619 team.

Bohai, Linglong and others also launched various attacks, but their power was much weaker.

Seeing that the two sides are going to fight together, at this moment, a breath of terror suddenly spreads and covers the starry sky.

Suddenly, the offensive of both sides slowed down, and Bohai, Linglong and others suddenly turned their heads and looked to their sides, the source of terror.

Six alien robbing immortals, also made the same action, eyes focused on a point.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were stunned, shocked and surprised.

Around the body of Jiang Ci, there are six thousand swordsmanship green lotus. The meaning of the sword makes the space tremble and exudes the breath of terror.

Then, almost instantly, the green lotus circled in a mysterious way and integrated into the Chixiao sword.


Heaven and earth change color, Chixiao sword rising momentum, like a red dragon, stir heaven and earth.

The top secret of kendo, Yunji seven swords!

"This Is this the sea of mountains

"My God

"This breath is more terrible than that silver night fork!"

Bohai, Linglong, Hongxin, Duan and Xiuzhu were completely shocked.

On the contrary, SANOS, Kam, Celso and the other six foreigners robbed the immortals, but their faces changed greatly and they were even a little frightened.

"No! It's impossible

"Far beyond the power of the three immortals!"

"How could it be just one race?"

"Back up!"

"Run away!"


The alien people are afraid of robbing immortals. They have no plan to fight again. They will turn around and run away.

At this time, Jiang CI waved his sword.

"A sword!"

A huge sword light across thousands of miles poured out,


Sword light, with the immortal power far beyond the level of the three plundering immortals, sweeps across the sky,

instantly catches up with the three plundering immortals of SANOS and the two plundering immortals of Ziyan nationality, Kam and selso.



"I can't die!"

"Damn the Terrans!"

The five plundered immortals roared, and they wanted to join hands to resist the sword,

but they found that when their immortal power and Taoist attack collided with the terrible sword light, it was like ice and snow melting, and they had no fighting power at all.

They are desperate, and some want to escape by self explosion.

But the power and speed of this sword made it too late for them to use this escape method.

The light of the sword swept by

These five immortals, whether Xianli or Yuanshen, all disappeared in an instant.seckill!

Then, the sword light from the first sword of the seven swords of Yunji only slightly reduced its power, and continued to attack the faster SANOS.

"He's a good man! Why? Why is it so powerful? "

"Six thousand swordsmanship green lotus, is it the peerless genius of the human sword gate?"

"It must be!"

SANOS no longer see the confidence attitude just now, at this time in the heart of panic.

He knows, today is really dangerous!

"I can't die here!"

SANOS's spiritual sense sends out a distress message in the shortest time through the secret communication array in the storage magic weapon.

"I'm SANOS. Now I'm being chased by the peerless talent of the Terran sword gate. The opponent has mastered 6000 swordsmanship Green Lotus!"

The communication range of his secret communication array covers the whole Qianyu sea at most, that is, 100 light-years.

But the speed of communication is far less than the eye of heaven.

The communication beads of the Terran can communicate in real time almost all over the universe,

and even within 100 light-years, it takes more than half a day for the original communication secret array to send out a message.

He can't last that long at this critical moment.

Therefore, SANOS is very clear that he can only hope that there will be ghosts or powerful robbers in the ghost camp within 10 billion kilometers.

At this time, the sword was about to strike near.

SANOS had to stop.

"I'm a GUI family, I can't die here!" He has a crazy face.

The majestic immortal force, mixed with the evil spirit, turned into an ice dragon and ran straight into the sword light.

At the same time, he consecutively offered powerful magic weapons,


The ice dragon and the magic weapon with ghost spirit collided with the sword light fiercely.

Countless shining, space broken, the formation of space turbulence.

After everything subsided, the sword light dissipated, and SANOS was still alive.

However, he lost most of his immortal power and the magic weapon of his whole body.

"Ha ha! It's blocked. There's still a chance! "

"Continue to drag on, as long as I can persist until my allies come, I can live!"

SANOS's desire for survival reached the acme and fled again.


In fact, many powerful members of the GUI camp have received the summons from SANOS.

"Ha, poor SANOS, please help yourself."

"Six thousand swordsmen Qinglian, the genius of Jianmen, are just looking for death!"

"You can't go to death."

"A person's family is in harmony with the Tao. With six thousand swords and green lotus, his strength has exceeded three plundering immortals."

"Tut Tut, just in the period of he Dao, he has such attainments in kendo. He is absolutely a unique talent of the human race.

there is a special reward for killing him, which is even comparable to killing a four robber and five robber immortal. Unfortunately, he didn't have the life to take it..."

After receiving the message, most of the strong robbers in the GUI camp responded in the same way: This is death, not going!

As a strong robber of immortals, he is still active in Qianyu sea. It can only be said that everyone's strength does not exceed the level of three robbers of immortals.

Otherwise I would have gone somewhere else.

However, there are still four alien teams. After receiving the message, they immediately came to support.

"I wish SANOS would last longer."

In one of the flying boats, a skinny ghost four robber fairy is trying to control the flying boat to travel through the starry sky.

This four robber immortal is the top strength of the ghost camp in the Qianyu sea.

With his strength, he has been able to leave Qianyu sea and go to more dangerous places to hunt and kill the alien race.

But he was cautious and never easy to take risks, so he didn't leave Qianyu sea.

"If I can kill this Terran genius, maybe I can take advantage of the special reward I got to further my cultivation." The four robber fairy was thinking about it in his heart.


All this happened in a flash.

At the same time, with most of his immortal power and magic weapon, SANOS supported the first sword of Yunji seven swords.

"In the way?"

This surprised Jiang CI.

But he didn't care. One sword won't work. Two swords.

"Second sword!"

Jiang CI wields his sword again.

Yunji seven swords, the second sword!

Chixiao sword, with a blazing light, roars out again

this time, the light of the sword is vast.

SANOS was desperate. He had only half of his magic power left, and all his magic weapons had been consumed. He had no power to block the blow.

"It's over!"

The sword light sweeping the world swept over his immortal body, and the power of terror annihilated his immortal power and Yuanshen.

"Although this silver night fork is the second robber immortal, its actual combat power is the third robber immortal. It seems that the power of the second sword of Yunji seven swords is pretty good." Jiang CI watched the enemy fly away.This is the first time he has ever used the seven swords of Yunji to fight against the enemy.

It made him look forward to the power of the third sword.

The third sword of Yunji's seven swords is a sword of qualitative change.

As long as you practice, you can be invincible below the real king.

Then, Jiang Ci, like a phantom, flickered in the starry sky, and put the remains of the six alien immortals into the storage magic weapon.


After finishing all this quickly, he flew to Bohai, Linglong and others.

At this time, the five members of team 3619 were still in shock.

"Mountain and sea..." Linglong is about to open her mouth, and her eyes are full of shock.

"If you have anything to ask, wait until you leave. That silver fork must have asked for help just now." Jiang CI said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, let's go!" Bohai reacted and said quickly.

Although you have a lot to ask, at this time, you can only bear it for a while, quickly board the best spirit boat, shuttle through the starry sky and leave here.

Half a day later, the four immortal robbing teams of the ghost camp came to the starry sky one after another, but they were left with nothing but ruins.

Before long, the news of SANOS' death spread in the Guizu camp of Qianyu sea.

Also spread is the message of the human race's peerless genius appearing in Qianyu sea.

(start first and change later)