I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 530

Desolate starry sky, surrounded by war debris.

Selso tried to send out a message with a teleportation secret array covering an area of hundreds of square kilometers, which soon showed that the teleportation was successful. He said: "fortunately, Lord SANOS has not left Qianyu sea."

Kam was relieved that if SANOS was not in the Qianyu sea, he would not be able to contact the communication area of the secret communication array.

"But are you confident enough to persuade Lord SANOS?" Asked Celso.

"Of course, you'll see in a moment." Kam nodded.

He said in his heart, "if the information I got last time is correct, I should be able to ask Lord SANOS to move this time."

They waited quietly.

A moment later, the secret communication array in front of us flickered gently.

"Here it is The eyes of both of them shine at the same time.

A teleportation phantom condenses slowly, which is caused by too far distance and poor teleportation signal.

I saw a handsome young man with silver hair, golden pupils and blue skin.

Of course, the handsome people here are relative to the Ziyan people.

"See Lord SANOS!" Kam and Celso salute at the same time.

"What can I do for you?" Asked SANOS in a deep voice.

"Lord SANOS, my kinsman sak, was killed by a Terran team not long ago,

so we would like to ask you to help us hunt down that Terran team!" Selso replied respectfully.

"Hum!" SANOS snorted angrily and said, "are you wasting my time like this?

This is an extraterritorial battlefield, this is an ethnic war! There are a large number of strong people falling down every moment. Do they have to take revenge? "

"Lord SANOS." Kam stepped forward, respectfully said: "that Terran team is extraordinary, absolutely worthy of your hand."

"Say it SANOS said in a cold voice.

"There are two Terran talents in that Terran team. One understands thousands of swords and green lotus, and the other cultivates the way of magic, which can make my kinsman Sacco fall into a short-term dreamland." Kam quickly explained.

"Sacco is also a disaster. Those two geniuses joined hands to kill him." Selso added.

"If so?" SANOS tone raised a few points, hiding excitement.

"I dare not deceive you!" Said cam.

"Where are you tracking them?" Asked SANOS.

"Don't worry, my Lord. I've left a mark on that Terran who robbed immortals with the secret method of talent." Kam nodded, knowing that it was done!

"Good! If things are exactly what you two say, you will be the best of it SANOS laughed.

"Thank you, my Lord!" Cam and selsoton were overjoyed.

After that, they made an appointment to meet again, and then the arraignment ended.

Celso still had some doubts: "cam, how do you know Lord SANOS will help?"

Kam laughed: "because I have heard a news before, in the ghost clan, if you can hit the killer genius, there will be a special reward."

Celso suddenly nodded. No wonder Lord SANOS was so excited and even promised good after hearing it.


Team 3619 was going to go to Qianyu sea for another 10 light years, but the battle with Ziyan people later made them give up the idea.

Finally, I decided to go one light year deeper.

The best spirit boat sails carefully in the starry sky, looking for suitable hunting targets and avoiding the dangers they can't deal with.

As time goes on, everyone's military contributions are slowly increasing.

Of course, the biggest military achievement was the battle with Ziyan group.

Jiang Ci's military contribution has also reached 140 million.

"Sure enough, it's the fastest way to get military merit by hunting and robbing immortals." Jiang's Ci is a kind of spiritual way.

When he Dao is killed alone, the minimum military merit is 100000 and the maximum is 10 million.

If you kill and rob immortals alone, you will have 100 million military contributions at the lowest and 1000 trillion military contributions at the highest.

The Ziyan people who killed him last time robbed the immortal. Although they were killed together with Linglong, they got nearly 100 million military achievements.

Unfortunately, in qianyuhai, it's very difficult to meet the alien at the level of robbing immortals. Sometimes it's not the same one in a year.

After all, this is a huge sea of stars with the largest diameter of 100 light-years.

In the twinkling of an eye, half a year later, team 3619 did not meet the next alien team that had robbed immortals.


On the other hand, Kam and selso of Ziyan clan come to the appointed place and successfully meet with SANOS of yinyecha clan.

They boarded SANOS' boat and saluted respectfully: "Lord SANOS!"

SANOS was not a lone ranger. He also had a team, a small team made up of robbers."Where is the Terran team now?" Asked SANOS.

"I've been sensing that imprint. They're about 0.3 light years away now." Kam replied.

"Let's go, get close to them first, and then predict their location and make an ambush." SANOS nodded.

This is the standard way of lurking.

As the genius of the ghost family yinyasha, SANOS is not the kind of genius who only has the talent of cultivation. He knows that everything can not be underestimated.

Otherwise, he will not be able to stand out in the fierce competition of the ghost clan and become a strong immortal step by step.

Ghosts are different from humans.

The Terrans occupy the best territory of the universe and are rich in cultivation resources.

The ghost territory where the GUI people live is quite different, especially after they lost their first ancestral land endless years ago, their competitiveness is not as good as that of the Terran.

So now we can only reach a non alliance alliance with the demons and turn the gun to the Terran.

SANOS's team, in addition to him, also has three ghost clan's one rob immortal.

Now, with cam and Celso, there are six immortals.

They were flying at sublight speed in the canoe of SANOS, approaching team 3619.

Two months later, the distance between them and team 3619 was only 10 million kilometers,

"that's the distance." SANOS stopped the boat.

Then he said to Kam, "predict their location, and we'll find a place to ambush them."

Without hesitation, Kam did it.

It wasn't long before we got the forecast results and described a general route.

SANOS immediately made a decision to find a suitable hiding place on this route.

Together with him, a total of six robbers were scattered and lurking in the starry sky with a radius of 100000 kilometers.

They believe that without exposing Xianli's breath and spiritual consciousness in advance, the looting immortal of the Terran team will not find them.


Team 3619 is searching for the next target.

In the best spirit boat, the team members are chatting without training.

"It's a pity that I haven't met an alien team that has robbed immortals for more than half a year. My military achievements have been rising too slowly.

when will I be able to afford the inferior weapon armor?" No choice but to say.

"I think you've always ignored a problem. Even if you do, you're not the opponent of robbing immortals. What you've got is the military merit of the combination of different races." Linglong is ruthless.

There was no more silence.

"Ha ha..."

Bohai and others laughed.

Jiang Ci was smiling beside him, but a wisp of expression flashed in his eyes.

Since entering the battlefield outside the territory, he has never recovered his spiritual consciousness, and has been monitoring all the situations within a range of tens of thousands of kilometers.

"One silver night fork's two plundering immortals, three ghosts' one plundering immortals..."

"There are also two Ziyan people who robbed immortals. One of them is the one who escaped last time. I think he must have been defeated last time. Now he's looking for help?"

"But how did they catch up?"

Jiang CI is very confused about this. Qianyu sea is so big. It's impossible to lock such a long distance just by exploring with spiritual consciousness.

Moreover, it has been more than half a year since they met each other last time, and it is even more impossible for the other side to catch up with them.

But now that the other side has caught up, it can only explain one point.

"Spiritual mark!" Jiang Ci's eyes flashed.

It's the only one that's not limited by distance.

He used his mind to probe into everyone.

Soon, it was found that there was a trace of purple immortal power on the armor of Captain Bohai.

If it wasn't for the fact that the strength of his spiritual consciousness was far more than that of the immortal, I'm afraid it would be hard to find it.

"Good means!" Jiang CI secretly praised.

At this time, he found that thousands of kilometers away, the six alien robbing immortals scattered and lurked.

"Look at where they're lurking. It's just the route determined by the captain."

"In this way, we are bound to be surrounded by them."

Jiang's Ci is deep in his heart.

"I'm going to do it this time."

"Well Among the six robber immortals, the second robber immortals of the yinyecha clan should have the fighting power of the three robber immortals, and their military achievements must be higher.

I don't know how the other five are, but they are all 100 million military achievements.

I hope I can make up one billion this time

Jiang CI has decided to make a move. If he can make up one billion military contributions this time, he can leave the formation of the small team. It doesn't hurt to expose some strength.

In the case of sub light speed flight, it can span tens of millions of kilometers in one minute.

The best spirit boat is approaching the latent position of SANOS and others.A minute later, the spirit boat passed a group of meteorites.


There was a big explosion in the starry sky, the immortal force was surging, tens of thousands of dolomites turned into dust in an instant, and the spirit boat was smashed in an instant.

The 3619 team inside the spirit boat also made a response at the same time.

Bohai sent out Xianli at the fastest speed, enveloped everyone and resisted the attack.

After the explosion subsided, the six people saw the current situation clearly without spiritual awareness.

I saw that the star sky with a circle of 100000 kilometers was firmly controlled by six alien gods.

"Two robbers!"

"Silver night fork family!"

"Six other people robbing immortals!"

"It's over!"

Bohai and others look dignified, and despair emerges in their hearts.

"This time, gentlemen, it's up to fate." Bohai took a deep breath,

he voiced to Jiang Ci and them with his spiritual sense: "listen to my order in a moment, everyone will disperse and escape. There are six of us. If we are lucky, maybe we can escape one or two..."


"Even if you die, you have to kill another alien to rob the immortals!" Linglong is also crazy.

(start before change...)