I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 529

Ziyan clan robbed the immortals and fled at the speed of sub light.

In the case of millions of kilometers apart, even now it is difficult to catch up with the boat.

After the broken sky has stabilized again.

"Let him escape Bohai's body was fixed and he cried out that it was a pity.

"It's really hard to keep the way of self exploding fairy power." Jiang CI shook his head.

A strong immortal will have more power if he explodes his immortal power and spirit at the same time.

Similarly, the harm to oneself is also huge.

As we all know, it is difficult to accumulate immortal power, and it is even more difficult to recover the original spirit.

The Ziyan people who robbed immortals just now had at least one fifth of their immortal power and Yuanshen. There was no way to recover without a thousand years.

Of course, in the case of consuming a lot of resources, it can be recovered ahead of time.

In any case, the other party is to be distressed for a long time.

But the enemy's heart is not distressed, Jiang CI they do not care.

The 3619 team just knew that if they robbed the immortals of an alien race, they lost a lot of military achievements!

Therefore, Bohai and Jiangci pour this anger into the remaining Ziyan people.

Just a moment, the sky is still alive, only 3619 team of six people.

They did not stay too long. After cleaning the battlefield and collecting the spoils, they left here quickly.

In the flying spirit boat, six people raised their glasses to celebrate.

"Celebrate another big harvest!" Bohai laughs.

"One more time, my military accomplishments will be enough to replace a inferior weapon armor!"

"I'm going to change the secret of the magic way!"

"I want to exchange the qualification of Daoyuan ancient world."

"Then you have a great goal..."

Several people are discussing what to exchange for military merit, each with a goal.

Jiang CI also casually said a goal of his own.

If the cultivator also talks about the rich second generation, he is definitely the top rich second generation of the human race.

Linglong and others need these resources, which he can easily obtain.

But for casual repair, it is very difficult.

The gap between people is often determined at the beginning.

It's difficult to obtain good cultivation resources for casual cultivation, so many people will choose to enter the foreign battlefield to earn military merit, and then exchange military merit for needed resources.

This is a way to show fairness. The only disadvantage is that it is easy to die.

In addition, there are also many things that can be exchanged for military functions, such as magic weapons, martial arts, secret methods, pills and lingcao.

According to the purchase value conversion, 1000 military merit is equal to 1 point.

For example, if the price of a inferior weapon armor is about 100000 points, it needs to be exchanged for 100 million military achievements.

100000 points, for ordinary practitioners, may accumulate thousands of years to have this wealth.

But in foreign battlefields, if you have strength and good luck, it will be done in a few hundred or a thousand years.


Harvest a big win of the 3619 team, overjoyed, did not notice the captain of Bohai's armor, the remnants of a trace of invisible purple Xianli.

It's an extraordinary force.


At the same time, a flying boat disguised as a meteorite is flying carefully.

In the flying boat, Ziyan's xiankam was robbed, and his purple flame beat, which showed his anger at this time.

"Terran! Terran! Damn the Terrans

This battle has completely wiped out his nearly ten thousand years of accumulation in foreign battlefields.

The good brothers who have been with us for thousands of years are gone, the team is gone, and we have lost 20% of Xianli!

"Twenty percent of Xianli and Yuanshen will only recover for thousands of years, which will affect the success rate of my next natural disaster!"

If we say that before, he was 30% sure to survive the second disaster, now he is not even 10% sure.

"Damn Terran, you almost cut off my path of immortality, I will make you pay the price!"

"Fortunately, I left a mark when I finally blew up Xianli!"

The purple flame on cam was beating wildly.

That mark is like the natural power of Ziyan people. Only the strong immortal of Ziyan people can show it.

Once infected, unless the strength is far beyond him, otherwise it will not be found.

And no matter how far the distance is, he can feel it.

"I can't get revenge by myself. I can only contact other robbing immortals and find more to be sure!" Kam calmed down his anger.

After a little meditation, he had a goal.

"It's said that Lord SANOS of the yinyecha clan of the GUI nationality appeared in Qianyu sea 3000 years ago. I don't know if he left?"

"Well I remember that before becoming immortal, Celso once followed Lord SANOS. You can ask him. "Selso is also a member of Ziyan nationality. They are both familiar with each other and they are active in Qianyu sea.

In this way, Kam turned over his hand and took out a communication secret array with an area of hundreds of square kilometers.

communication secret array is similar to communication bead, but the communication effect and scope are far from communication bead, and it is very inconvenient to use.

Communication bead is just a small one, but the volume of communication secret array is very large.

Seeing this, Kam thought of the abominable Terran, and his anger rose again.

"The GUIs are also the peak group, but the means of communication are far less than the Terrans!"

There are three top groups in the universe: human, ghost and demon.

Only the Terran can communicate in the whole universe, thanks to the power of the eye of heaven.

The ghosts and Demons don't have such means. They still rely on the original secret communication array.

Ziyan, as the vassal group of the ghosts, use the secret communication array.

Every time a subpoena is conducted, the subpoena secret array must be set up before the subpoena can be conducted.

Moreover, the scope of communication is limited. If the distance is too far away, the communication will fail.

Therefore, the Terran is just a means of communication in the whole universe, which is enough to crush all ethnic groups.

it is not surprising that the Terran can become the top ethnic group in the universe and occupy the nine best star domains in the universe.


At the other end of the Qianyu sea, in the distant starry sky, a star fragment surrounded by war debris.

Celso, a robber from Ziyan tribe, is resting here for a while.

Even the immortal has to rest occasionally

"with my accumulation now, it's still very difficult to survive the next disaster..." This is Celso's trouble.

For the kind of genius who can survive several disasters in a row, he seldom considers such a problem.

what the genius considers is how to reverse life and death and build a real king.

After all, there are only a few gifted people. Most of the powerful people in the fairyland go through the accumulation step by step before they finally become immortals.

After becoming immortal, we should consider the next natural disaster.

Next to him, selso's Hedao's followers doubted: "master, you can ask for help from Lord SANOS,

Lord SANOS is the genius of the yinyecha family of the GUI nationality. He has practiced with you,

as long as he can help you apply for the chance to enter the holy land of the GUI nationality, it should be no big problem to survive the second natural disaster."

"What do you know?" Serso yelled, and then said, "Lord SANOS is also facing all kinds of competition in the ghost clan. How can I ask him for help easily?"

It is his proudest thing to accompany a noble silver Yasha to practice for a hundred years.

Even if he is also a strong immortal, in his heart, still full of respect for the silver night fork.

"Wait another thousand years. If I'm not sure I'll get through the second disaster, I'll go to Lord SANOS for help." Sergio thought.

At this time, he found that his secret communication network had received the communication.

"Cam? This arrogant guy will also take the initiative to contact me? " Celso was a little surprised.

After communication is connected, a communication mirage emerges from the communication secret array covering an area of more than 100 square kilometers.

"Hey, cam, long time no see." Celso said hello with a smile.

But Kam said in a low voice: "Celso, Sacco is dead."

"Sacco is dead?" Celso's tone became dignified.

Ziyan clan is not a big clan in the universe, but there are not a few strong fairies.

Selso, Kam and sak belong to the strong Ziyan people who grew up in the same era.

Therefore, in the Qianyu sea, they have the closest relationship.

"How did you die?" Selso asked in a deep voice.

"Killed by a human team." Kam replied.

"Terran team? Cam, you came to me to get back at them? "

"Not bad."

"Are you crazy? You two are not their opponents. Even if we go there, we will die!

And this is an extraterritorial battlefield, a war between the three top ethnic groups. It's perfectly normal for Sacco to die in the hands of the human race. "

"Can you help me?"

Cam stares at Celso.

The purple fire on Celso's head beat slightly, pondered slightly, and asked, "what's their strength?"

"One robbing immortal, five harmonizing Taoism, two of which are Terran harmonizing Taoism. They all have the fighting power of robbing immortal, and they killed Sacco together." Kam said.

"Terran genius?" Celso was surprised.

"Yes, one cultivates Qinglian Kendo and the other cultivates magic."

"Three immortals and one robber Again, there is no hope for us to join hands. " Celso shook his head.

"Don't worry, I won't take the initiative to die. I'm here to ask you to contact Lord SANOS of yinyasha clan,I remember that Lord SANOS appeared in Qianyu sea 3000 years ago. He should not have left now, right?

It's easy to kill this Terran team as long as you can move him! " Said cam.

"Lord SANOS?" "Do you think Lord sanoso will like this Terran team?" he asked

Yinyecha family is the top blood of the GUI family, belonging to the real royal family.

Although SANOS was a ghost immortal of two robbers, his actual combat power was already at the level of three robbers, and he could absolutely crush three one robbers.

"As long as you contact me, I will persuade Lord SANOS." Kam is confident.

Celso did not continue to ask, nor did he ask if he could find the position of the Terran team.

Since Kam decided to revenge, he must have left his mark on one of the Terran team with Ziyan's talent.

(start before change...)