I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 528

After the battle, the six quickly left.

Then just less than ten minutes later, several alien teams came to the starry sky.

"The Butuo people are dead."

"The other side's speed is so fast that it deserves to have a team of robbing immortals. We also leave quickly."

These alien teams belong to the GUI camp. I know that the Buduo team is operating near here.

Just now, after being summoned, they rushed here immediately, but it was still late.


3619 team's best spirit boat, the atmosphere is very good.

"Shanhai, you are too quick to start. You killed four of the nine Butuo people in one person!" Linglong expressed dissatisfaction.

"The individual strength of the Butuo people is strong, and they have made a lot of military achievements in killing them. Shanhai has made a lot of money this time." Bohai said with a smile.

Duan, Hongxin and Xiuzhu nodded beside them.

"No way, who makes my sword faster." Jiang CI grinned.

Now he has roughly found out a rule, that is, the military merit he can obtain after killing the strong of the alien race.

When you kill the third class road of a different race, you get 100000 military contributions.

If you kill a second-class Hetao of a different race, you will get 1 million yuan in military merit.

When you kill the first-class Hetao of a different race, you get 10 million yuan in military merit.

Of course, this is a case of killing alone. If it is a team fight, the military contribution will be less.

In other words, he would have to kill at least 100 first-class members of different ethnic groups alone in order to complete the 1 billion military contribution task of the army.

The fact is, even if it's a different race, the number of first-class harmony is not much.

In the past six months, his military contributions have only gone from more than one million to 41 million.

Among them, 13 million were obtained from the killing of the four Butuo people just now.

The individual strength of the Butuo people is very strong. One of the four just now is the first-class Road, and the other three are the second-class road.

"In a small team, it's basically no problem to accomplish 1 billion military contributions, but it's impossible to accomplish 10 trillion."

"It's estimated that when I run out of ten thousand years old, I won't get 10 trillion!"

"What's more, there are not so many different races waiting for me to kill. Obviously, zongmen wanted me to fight against those alien gods."

Jiang CI knows this in his heart.


Next, team 3619 continued to search for the next enemy,

with good luck this time, they soon found a suitable alien team again.

The fighting broke out.


Four million kilometers away, a meteorite like alien flying boat is flying fast through the starry sky.

In the flying boat, there are two tall alien creatures, both of which are full of Fairy Spirit,

they are similar in appearance, like a human horse, with arms and four feet, but their head is a skeleton with purple flame.

Zihuo is more intense in the first group, and lighter in the other group.

In the back, there are 30 smaller alien tribes, which belong to the same ethnic group as the two immortals robbing alien tribes.

"Kam, the Buduo team is dead. What are we doing in the starry sky?" One of them asked.

"Nature is hunting!" The leading robber of the immortals laughed and the purple flame beat.

Then he said: "the overall strength of the nine Butuo people is not weak. The Terran team that killed them must have a looting immortal.

we may meet that Terran team after searching the starry sky for a while."

"Besides, Sacco, as you know, the Butuo people and we are both the vassals of the GUI people. As allies, of course, we have to avenge them!"

Kam, the alien of robbing immortals, gave a smile of compassion.

Another foreign Sakar who robbed sin also laughed. He understood Kam's intention.

Their team has two abilities to rob immortals, which is enough to traverse the starry sky outside Qianyu sea.

It also shows that there are not many strong robbers in this starry sky.

It's not easy to meet the prey of robbing immortals. Of course, we can't let it go.

What's more, you can get the most military achievements from killing people!

In the twinkling of an eye, they crossed another two million kilometers.

"Why? There are fairy waves Kam's purple fire skull hair made a suspicious voice.

His spirit soon found a team of 3619 more than a million kilometers away.

"It's a small group of people, one of them is a robber, and five of them are in harmony. It must be them!" Cam's got a clear picture of what's going on over there.

Then, he yelled, "get off the boat and let's fly over to avoid being found by the robber fairy!"


At this time, team 3619 is fighting with the new target, the other side is five Hetao alien.

Jiang CI is still responsible for protecting Linglong, but the task is not heavy.His mind has found the alien team,

it should be said that he found it when the other party entered the range of 10 million kilometers.

"The skeleton with purple fire and the body like a human horse should be Ziyan, the vassal group of the GUI clan."

"It's a bit difficult to cope with the strength of our team, but it's no big problem."

Jiang CI manipulates Kendo Qinglian, and thinks quickly in his heart.

A minute later, they successfully killed the five Hetao aliens in front of them.

"Ha ha, I'm lucky this time. I met two foreign teams in a row." Bohai laughs.

"It's just that the strength of these alien races is a little poor, and they don't have much military merit."

"I also want to change a lower grade weapon armor. This kind of speed of accumulating military achievements is not good."

"Captain, why don't we go deeper into Qianyu sea?"

Linglong and others expressed their opinions one after another.

Bohai nodded: "the diameter of Qianyu sea is about 100 light years. We can go deeper at most..."

Before he finished, his face suddenly changed.



Two Ziyan people's plundering immortals, with 30 roads, have quietly touched the position 100000 kilometers away from the 3619 team.

"Finally? It's too late Cam burst out laughing.


Two Ziyan people robbed the immortals, trampled on the void with four feet, and in the blink of an eye, they crossed 100000 kilometers,

at the same time, they opened their arms and instantly gathered two huge balls of purple immortal power.

Although the degree of compression is not as good as the Xianli ball condensed before Bohai, its power is still amazing.


Two purple Xianli balls, both 10000 kilometers in diameter, cut through the void and directly attacked team 3619.


In the distance, the 3619 team has been on guard with a "no good" from Bohai.

Then, they didn't need Bohai to remind them, they found the two powerful Xianli balls.

"Two immortals for one, thirty for one!" Bohai looks dignified, waving double hammers, two majestic Xianli light columns shot out.

Just in an instant, it collided with those two Xianli balls.

Boom boom!

A violent explosion swept over a million kilometers.

After a blow, Bohai said quickly: "I'll deal with one, Linglong, Shanhai, you deal with one!"

"I'll leave the rest to you three!"

The last sentence is to Hongxin, Duan and Xiuzhu.


Bohai's body is full of immortal power, and at the same time, the power of Taoism and Dharma is dispersing, whistling to the leader of Ziyan team, Kam.

At the same time, Jiang Ci and Linglong, one after the other, also follow to meet another Ziyan people's a robbery.

"The combination of the two Terrans, is it for me as a snack?" Sacco grinned strangely.

Four feet on the starry sky, a fierce collision.

"Shanhai, this monster looks down on us, give him some color to see!" Linglong said.

Jiang CI grins and waves his Chixiao sword to show thousands of green lotus.

All of a sudden, the sword was full of energy, and the starry sky became his sword world.

"Qinglian Kendo!" Sacco exclaimed, and the forward speed dropped sharply.

Then he laughed wildly: "boss, there's a genius in this family!"

In the distance, Kam of Ziyan tribe has been at war with Bohai.

The starry sky around them is constantly collapsing, and the surging Xianli is forming a series of violent waves, which are constantly pounding and bursting with amazing energy.

When Kam heard Sacco's words, he found thousands of green lotus in an instant. He laughed excitedly and said, "ha ha, killing him is a great military achievement!"

What a surprise!

Bo Hai is sneer, dare to look down on the sea and Linglong, is to pay the price!


At the next moment, Kam was surprised because the situation on the other side suddenly changed,

but without waiting for him to carefully observe the battle on the other side, he had to withdraw his mind and focus on the battle in front of him.

"You dare to be distracted when you fight me! Who do you despise? " Bohai let out a loud drink, and the two hammers smashed out with great momentum.

At this time, on the other side, Sacco is overjoyed to find a Kendo genius of the human race in front of him, and naturally ignores Linglong beside him.

Then, he didn't move, he was attacked by Linglong's magic.

Even if he was a disaster immortal, he didn't block the way of exquisite magic, and fell into a very short-term dreamland.

The match between the strong, even if it is one tenth of a second, can affect the outcome.

What's more, this extremely short time is more than one millionth of a second.

At the same time, Jiang CI made a move. The countless sword Qi gathered by thousands of green lotus suddenly turned into a huge sword of green lotus.WOW!

With one sword, the Star River is broken.

When sak broke away from the dreamland, the long green lotus sword also came to him.

"No!" Sacco couldn't laugh any more.

Shocked, he waved his sword and rushed to resist Jiang Ci's attack.


The power of Qinglian's sword is already at the level of immortality. It easily defeated Sacco's counterattack and fell on him.

"Ah Sacco cried in horror.

His immortal body was directly cut off in half, and the scattered Xianli spread tens of thousands of kilometers.

He never thought of this situation.

Originally, he was confident that he could kill the so-called Terran Kendo genius, but he didn't expect that there was another Terran magic genius beside him!

"Kill that woman first!" Sacco changed his mind in a flash.

However, the situation will not develop with his will.


The exquisite red silk dances wildly, and the magic way comes again.

Sacco, whose strength has been weakened by half, is even less likely to block it.

"It's so easy to kill the enemy." Jiang CI couldn't help laughing, without any pressure.

Another sword cuts out, and Qinglian's huge sword falls from Sacco's purple fire skull.

This time, both Xianli and Yuanshen turned into nothingness in an instant.

Ziyan clan's one plunder immortal, the body dies!

[you killed a robber immortal, experience value + 100000]

the experience value panel in your mind prompts you to sound.

Because this is a memorable battle.

Up to now, he is the first one to kill!

Last time in the land of reincarnation, the ghost immortal of the three robbers was killed by himself, not by himself.

"Ha ha, mountain and sea, Linglong, well done!"

"But come and help as soon as you can."

In another battlefield, Hongxin, Duan and Xiuzhu are fighting against 30 different races. Of course, the three of them are at a disadvantage.

Jiang Ci and Linglong look at each other and smile.

"You help the captain, I'll help Hongxin." Linglong said with a smile.

Jiang CI nodded, his body flashing, and rushed to the place where Bohai and QAM were fighting 40000 kilometers away with his sword.

In the distance, cam was in a panic.

The strength of this Terran team is far beyond his expectation.

In addition to one immortal, there are two top talents of the Terran. Together, Sacco has no room to resist.

"Sacco is dead Once they join hands, I may die here too! "

"Run away!"

Kam saw Jiang CI rushing over and made a decision quickly.

"Want to run?" Bohai sneers. He tries his best to suppress the action of binding Kam.

At the same time, the two hammers suddenly become ten thousand times larger, just like two mountains, which are powerful and cover the starry sky, falling down suddenly.

"Do you have to work hard?" Cam was anxious, but not willing.


"Ah Cam roared.

The purple fire on the skull suddenly became more intense, and then spread all over the body.

Click, click

The bones of his whole body seemed to be cracking, and the immortal power in his body was running to the extreme, turbulent.


In an instant, Kam's huge immortal body exploded, and the purple immortal force swept hundreds of thousands of kilometers of starry sky.

"This alien is going to escape from robbing immortals!"

Jiang CI is also covered by purple immortal power at this time. He clearly perceives that these immortal powers are mixed with spiritual consciousness.

Obviously, this alien robbing immortal is not to explode, but to use similar means to escape from the starry sky.

The body of a strong immortal has absorbed endless immortal power and turned into an immortal body.

Immortal body can be transformed into endless immortal power, and vice versa.

The premise is to maintain a certain integrity of the original God, otherwise it will be difficult to recover after becoming immortal power.

The original God of the alien race who robbed the immortals had just burst into the purple immortal force.

Now, if you want to kill this alien robbing immortal, you must annihilate these purple immortal powers.

Boom boom!

Suddenly, the purple fairy force around Bohai exploded directly.

The formation of a strong wave, overturning the two giant hammers at the same time, will also be back ten thousand miles.

Not only that, the great power of Xianli explosion is to destroy the sky and the earth, and the space is like a mirror, suddenly broken.

Jiang Ci was not afraid of such an explosion. His physical strength was as strong as 1000 times of the best spirit weapon, which had no effect on him.

However, he still used a thousand swordsmanship green lotus to protect his whole body.

At the same time, the purple Xianli, which covers hundreds of thousands of kilometers, agglomerates at a distance of 400000 kilometers and becomes the Kamu of Ziyan nationality again, but its momentum has dropped a little.Then he did not turn back the rapid distance escape, each flash is 100000 kilometers.

When the explosion subsided, Kam was gone.

(start before change...)