I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 527

In the next six months, team 3619 often encountered this potential danger.

However, thanks to the team's rich experience and Jiang Ci's occasional insidious reminder,

once they encounter an enemy they can't deal with, they will quickly flee.

If you have the right opponent, you will show your sharp teeth.

In addition, when there is no battle, although everyone will keep alert, most of the time, they will practice separately.

The same is true of Jiang CI. His spiritual consciousness has been monitoring the situation of tens of thousands of kilometers, and at the same time, he is quietly deducing the Taoist method.

On this day, the team of six people, as usual, took a flying boat to fly in the barren starry sky of Qianyu sea.

Jiang CI is in the state of cultivation. His eyelids move, but he doesn't open them.

After a minute, the captain Bohai suddenly opened his eyes and said with a smile: "another suitable target!"

"Ha ha, at last there is another fight!" Linglong can't wait.

"How strong is the opponent?"

"Captain, what kind of opponent?"

Hongxin and Duanlian ask.

"A small team composed of nine Buduo people in the Hedao period is in the star fragment 800 thousand kilometers ahead." Said Bohai.

"Butuo people? It's a rare group in the universe. It can meet nine at once! We can't let them go! " Linglong's eyes are bright and eager to try.

"We must not let it go. The Butuo people are the vassals of the GUI people. They are more ferocious than the GUI people when they face the human people." Bohai nodded.

Jiang CI didn't speak, but the information of the Butuo nationality appeared in his heart.

Although the Butuo nationality is the vassal group of the GUI nationality, in terms of overall strength, it is a top group in the universe.

It is only because the scale of the ethnic group is too small that it has to become the vassal of the GUI nationality.

Therefore, in terms of individual strength, the Butuo people are very strong, and they usually reach the Yuanshen stage when they grow up.

with a little effort, it's not a big problem to understand a way and become a period of harmony.

In addition, this is a race famous for its strong body, and its body size is generally between 30-50 meters in adulthood.

Although it is also upright walking, but the upper part of the body is the fierce image of the blue face and tusks.


The star fragments, which are 800000 kilometers away, are not too big. The largest diameter is less than 100000 kilometers, but a simple space has been dug out inside.

The nine Buduo people are talking and laughing in this space.

"Chieftain, the Terran team killed the day before yesterday has given us another million military achievements. At this speed, I think we can complete the military achievements given by the GUI clan in a hundred years at most!" A 40 meter tall Butuo nationality laughs.

"After completing the task, the leader will have the opportunity to enter the holy mountain of the GUI nationality, to understand and learn the powerful secrets of the GUI nationality!" Another Butuo people echoed the Tao.

"That elder despised the leader in those years. When the leader learned the powerful secret, he must regret it when he went back!"

"He forced the leader to come to the foreign battlefield, thinking that the leader would die here, but he didn't expect that this was the place where the leader turned over!"

The others are also full of compliments.

The so-called leader is the shortest Buduo he Dao.

The adult Butuo people are no less than 30 meters tall, but the leader is only more than 10 meters tall.

When he heard what everyone said, his fangs turned out and moved, as if with a sneer: "those people in the clan forced me into a desperate situation, but I didn't know that it also gave me a chance to be reborn!"


The best spirit boat shuttles through the starry sky at the speed of sub light. In just three seconds, it reaches 100000 kilometers away from the star fragment.

3619 team of six people, leave the spirit boat, in the starry sky.

"That's the position, just right." Bohai laughed, put the spirit boat away, and said: "their spirit should not have found us. I'll give them one first. Even if they don't die, they will be seriously injured."

"Captain, let's do it now!" Linglong urged.

"Give them a disaster first!" Hongxin stands with one hand.

"I haven't seen the captain's trick for a long time." Duan also said with a smile.

Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu are a little curious. In the past six months, Bohai has done so many tricks. Hasn't he used his unique skills yet?

I saw Bo Hai standing in the void, and I didn't use my hands to pinch Jue. If I could directly release the immortal power.

The next moment, the surging Xianli is constantly absorbing the free energy around,

soon, a Xianli ball with a diameter of more than 100 km appears in the starry sky, and then continuously compresses and compresses,

finally, it forms a white light ball with a diameter of 1 km, emitting palpitating energy fluctuations, and the surrounding space begins to collapse.

It's a pure attack of immortal power, without any power of Taoism.However, from another point of view, it's really a unique skill, because only those who are strong in the immortal way can make this kind of pure immortal attack.

Moreover, this kind of attack must have enough accumulation time, which is the reason why Bohai has not been used in so many previous battles.

"Ha ha, it's coming!" Bohai laughed.

He swayed, holding a white light ball in one hand, crossing 100000 kilometers,

in the blink of an eye, he came to the star fragment, and then suddenly threw out the white light ball.


The white light ball, which is completely condensed by Xianli, falls on the fragments of stars with a diameter of 100000 kilometers.

In the humble space deep in the stars and debris, the faces of the nine Putuo people changed greatly.

"Enemy attack

"Run away!"

They don't mean to fight at all. The enemy has come near, and they haven't found it yet. It shows that their strength is far beyond them!

However, almost instantly, the white ball of light, like a miniature supernova explosion, instantly released the condensed terrible energy.

Boom boom!

Space collapses, and fragments of stars with a diameter of 100000 kilometers are directly reduced to smaller fragments.

The nine Putuo people in the center of Xianli energy explosion bear the strongest impact.


One of the weakest people of hedaobutuo, who didn't even utter a scream, fell into the Tao and disappeared, and the original spirit returned to Xumi.

"Damn it The shortest Buduo leader roared with a fierce face.

The remaining eight of them are all trying to prop up the protective shield with their spiritual power and Taoism.

However, the powerful Xianli attack made their protective shield crack continuously, and their proud bodies also appeared a series of terrible cracks.

Finally, the burst of energy gradually subsided.

The strength of the eight surviving Butuo ethnic groups has declined by at least 40%, but at this time, they have no hesitation and rush out.

Just at this time, a powerful figure with fairy spirit appeared in front of them.


"It's a curse of the human race!"

The eight Butuo people were in harmony, and their faces changed greatly.

The leader took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "he is the only one. If we eight join together, we won't lose..."

The voice did not fall, suddenly,


There are also five figures crossing from the distant starry sky.

It's Jiang CI.

"Everybody, do your best! I'll hold that Terran to rob the immortals. You can solve the five Terrans quickly. Maybe there's still a chance! " The leader's eyes were full of madness and ferocity.

"Kill! Kill the Terran

"To die, you have to pull a cushion!"

Several Butuo people roared, all of them were extremely crazy.

In fact, there is often no right or wrong in the war between ethnic groups. What they are fighting about is their fate and territory.

The six members of team 3619 did not underestimate them.

"Be careful. It's not difficult, but if the Butuo people go crazy, they may hurt you." Said Bohai.

"Don't worry, Captain!"

"When did we relax?"

Linglong and other veteran players laugh.

As for Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu, it is impossible to relax.


The fighting broke out directly.

The small Butuo leader, holding a trident, went straight to the most powerful captain Bohai.

Of course, short stature is only relative to their own race, the leader's height is more than 10 meters,

in front of Jiang Ci and others, these Butuo people are all giants.

The other seven Butuo people came to Jiang Ci and others.

Whew, whew

Seven Trident, with great power, attacked them.

"Mountain and sea!" Linglong called.

"Don't worry about it." Jiang CI says with a light smile that Qinglian appears in front of her. Instead of killing the enemy, she protects Linglong from being attacked.

Linglong's face is smiling. The red silk in her hand dances wildly and turns into a series of illusions. The magic attack is instantly displayed.

The seven Butuo people themselves were seriously injured, and their strength dropped by at least 40%. At this time, it was difficult to prevent Linglong's illusion.

Suddenly, their speed slowed down and their eyes were a little confused.

"Ha ha, kill!" Hongxin is not like a Buddhist monk, but like a murderer.

The magic subduing pestle swung up and smashed, directly smashing a 40 meter high Butuo into pieces and killing him on the spot.

He never fell behind. He even killed one of them.

"Hey, you don't want to steal military contributions!" Jiang CI quit.

With that, the thousands of swordsmanship green lotus he had just displayed condensed a continuous stream of sword spirit, with the idea of soaring sword, raging in the starry sky.Whew, whew!

Just in a moment, five Butuo people were left to join the road, four dead and one seriously injured.

Then Xiuzhu, with quick eyes and quick hands, killed the last seriously injured Buduo Hetao with one sword.

At this time, the leader of the Butuo nationality was still fighting with Bohai, but he was completely downwind and was suppressed by Bohai.

"Ah The leader of the Butuo nationality roared in despair.

On his ghostly face, a series of complex textures appeared, like awakening, and the momentum increased sharply.

"The ethnic talent of the Butuo people? I didn't expect you to be a genius. " Bohai is not surprised but happy.

Because killing genius, you get more military contributions.

"Die Bohai's gold hammer, like a mountain, hit the Butuo leader heavily.


"I'm not reconciled!" This is the voice of the Butuo leader before he died.

The six members of team 3619 had no psychological burden on this battle.

Because this is an ethnic war, either you die or I die!

Want compassion? Then don't come to the foreign battlefield!

Those who come to foreign battlefields with compassion are looking for death!

(start before change...)