I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 526

One billion military contributions!

In the rest cabin of the best spirit boat, the other five members of the 3619 team were shocked by the number Jiang CI said.

The captain Bo Hai stares at Jiang CI for a long time.

Then he turned around and asked another recruit Xiuzhu, "Xiuzhu, what about your military mission?"

"I'm 300 million." Xiuzhu took a deep breath,

without comparison, there would be no harm. He thought his task was very difficult, but he didn't expect that Jiang Ci was so much higher than him.

The difficulty of military mission directly reflects a person's strength.

Before entering the foreign battlefield, the more difficult the task is assigned, the stronger the strength is.

"Xiuzhu's military mission is very good in the first class road. It's almost the same as ours."

"It's just that the mountain and sea are so abnormal, 1 billion!"

"This is the top level difficulty of the task of he Dao practitioners!"

Linglong, Hongxin and Duan are still amazed.

Jiang CI is still puzzled. Is 1 billion high?

It's not that he's pretending, it's that he's really confused.

In fact, he didn't know much about military missions.

Before entering the foreign battlefield, what he looked up was basically the information of ghosts, demons and other alien races, and he didn't want to check the military mission.

He came to the battlefield outside China to hone his life and death and accumulate combat experience.

In his eyes, military merit tasks are purely incidental tasks. There is no need to check them. Anyway, they have to be completed.

Seeing Jiang Ci's doubts, Bohai sighed: "from the difficulty of military tasks, we can more specifically judge a person's strength."

"For example, when you are engaged in the military feat task of combining Taoism with scattered cultivation, the third-class combined Taoism is between 1 million and 10 million."

"The second class road is between 10 million and 100 million."

"The first class combination is between 100 million and 1 billion."

Bohai took another look at Xiuzhu and said with emotion: "most of the first-class military missions are 100 million, like Xiuzhu's 300 million, which is very few. It proves that his talent and strength are good."

His eyes turned to Jiang CI again: "however, compared with you, he is much worse. Although it's only 700 million yuan, there is an insurmountable gap between him and you."

"Because the 1 billion military merit task is the upper limit of first-class integration, if you are assigned this difficulty, it means that you already have a looting immortal combat power!"

Linglong and others are still shocked to see Jiang CI.

He Dao has the fighting power of a robbing immortal!

The most important thing is that Jiang CI is a new recruit who has just entered the foreign battlefield. These are just his starting points.

This is more shocking than Linglong's click to kill a big demon.

Because Linglong has been fighting in foreign battlefields for many years. After countless battles, she has this strength.

In other words, if Jiang CI had gone through so many battles, his future strength would certainly be stronger.

At that time, we will not only have the fighting power of one plunder immortal, but also be able to easily kill one plunder immortal and even two plunder immortal!

Shocked veteran players, ignored one point.

As a matter of fact, the upper limit of military achievements of the first-class united way is 1 billion, whether it has the fighting power of one plunder immortal, two plunder immortal, three plunder immortal, or even four plunder immortal.

They don't know Jiang Ci's real strength at all. Subconsciously, they think that if he Dao recruits have the fighting power of robbing immortals, they are already against the heaven.

"The battle power of one plunder immortal It turns out there's another way of saying that. " Jiang CI nodded gently.

Bohai shook his head and sighed: "the battlefield outside the territory is like a melting pot of the strong. Regardless of luck, the really talented practitioners of the United Way will eventually become the first-class united way after a lot of combat training.

but few of them can really cross the gap between the immortal and the mortal, and have the ability to rob the immortal in the United Way period.

our strength badge is also a magic weapon, In addition to reflecting his identity, he will also record his military achievements.

All the military achievements he has gained from killing foreigners in foreign battlefields will be recorded on this badge in real time.

"1.35 million military contributions." Jiang CI shook his head to himself.

On the edge of the Qianyu sea, it's really hard to get too much military merit.

For the whole three months, except for a greeting with spiritual voice, they left each other.

With the deepening of the 3619 team, the number of foreign strong players they met began to increase.

In the first month, I met an elite team of demons, which had 100 demons.

With the strength of the 3619 team, it didn't take much effort to destroy the other team directly.

Jiang Ci's performance in this battle is in line with his current strength and identity.

In the second month, they met four alien teams in succession,

one of them was the elite team of the demon vassal group, and the team leader was also an immortal.

However, in the case of 3619 team with three one robbing immortal combat power, the other team can only be buried in the barren starry sky.It is worth mentioning that Bohai is the main output of killing this immortal alien, and Jiangci has not gained much military merit.

In the third month, the fighting was much less, because they had officially entered the Qianyu sea area and became more cautious.

On this day, the classic spirit boat of ordinary style shuttled through the starry sky of Qianyu sea at the speed of sub light.

All of a sudden, Bohai's face changed, and the spirit boat made a sharp turn, shuttling desperately in the other direction,

where the star fragments and war debris were dense, it was a good place to escape.

"Captain, what's the matter?" Linglong asked.

Bohai usually has a wisp of spiritual consciousness to control the spirit boat. He seldom controls the spirit boat with all his strength like this.

"Just now, my spiritual sense found that in the previous direction, there were four ghost robbing immortals lying in front of me!" Bohai took a breath.

"Four ghosts robbing immortals!"

"That's close!"

"The ghosts are as insidious as ever!"

Linglong and others were startled.

Jiang CI didn't have much surprise. His spiritual knowledge had been discovered for a long time.

However, the ghost clan's team of robbing immortals is a group of robbing immortals. Although the team leader Bohai will find it later, the distance of one million kilometers is enough for the 3619 team to turn and leave, so there is no great danger.

(start before change...)