I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 525

The desolate ruins of the starry sky, the insignificant fragments of stars, suddenly escape a little rich blood.

Hidden in the nest space, hundreds of kilometers long blood mosquitoes, the coquettish face, full of anger.

"A group of people's sanxiu has this kind of Kendo genius, a thousand swordsmen Qinglian,

and the woman who practices the way of magic, who can kill my children quietly with magic!"

These two variables make it difficult for her 4000 blood mosquito larvae to exert their overall strength. On the contrary, they have damaged nearly a thousand!

"Hum!" An angry hum reverberates in this space.

"Lucky for you, if it wasn't for the heavy damage I suffered last time, which made me lose 80% of my children, how could you escape this time?"


In the starry sky, the remains of a blood mosquito larva are left. As like as two peas in the wreck, Bo Hai, captain of the

3619 team, waved away a new best boat.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ci's heart moved, and he finally understood why Bohai, as an immortal, only used the best spirit boat.

It's not only about being a living target, but also about saving money.

If the inferior immortal boat is destroyed, it's really distressing.

And the best spirit boat, it doesn't matter.

The money of a Xiapin fairy boat can buy hundreds of the best spirit boats.

"Get out of here!" Said Bohai.

Several people quickly boarded the spirit boat, directly accelerated to leave the starry sky.

There was a lot of fighting just now, which may attract other strong people of different races.

After the spirit boat flew a million kilometers, we really relaxed.

With a cold face and a kind smile on his face, he patted Jiang CI on the shoulder and said, "Shanhai, you don't show mountains and water at ordinary times. You surprised us with your hand.

a thousand swordsmanship green lotus are really abnormal!"

"It's really abnormal. Last time I saw a sword immortal who practiced Qinglian Kendo, he could only cast 500 Qinglian at most." Bo Hai nodded with a smile.

"Very powerful!" The proud Xiuzhu was also impressed by the strength of Jiang CI.

He is far from Jiang Ci's kendo.

"Benefactor Shanhai, is the strongest Kendo genius I've ever seen!" Hongxin praised.

"In a word, our team's biggest harvest this time is a big master!" Linglong said with a smile.

"Ha ha, not bad!" Bohai laughed again and said: "with the mountain and sea in the future, Linglong will be able to perform magic more safely,

in that way, the strength of our team will not only go up one step, but two steps!"

"Shanhai, you come to protect me later, captain. They are all power maniacs. I follow them for fear of being hurt by mistake." Linglong joked.

Jiang CI looks at Linglong in surprise.

Listen to this meaning, Linglong seems to be more powerful than he imagined.

"Shanhai, Linglong is very accomplished in magic. In an encounter thousands of years ago, she almost killed a big demon by magic!" Bohai explained.

"If you rob a demon, isn't that a fairy?" Xiuzhu was shocked.

Jiang CI is also very surprised.

his strength is comparable to that of one plunder immortal, and his ability to kill one plunder immortal belongs to two levels.

And magic itself is not the way to kill, Linglong can have such strength only by magic, which shows that the talent is really high!

If you are in Zixiao sect, you may become the core disciple of the double heaven or even the triple heaven.

"Great Jiang CI exclaimed.

"Magic is at a loss on the battlefield, so I must have strong enough teammates around me, otherwise it is difficult to play the power of magic." Linglong said with a smile.

"After that, it's settled. Shanhai's Kendo is more flexible than us. We will be responsible for protecting Linglong in the future." Bohai is serious.

"No problem." Jiang CI nodded with a smile.

He has no problem with this arrangement. Anyway, it doesn't take much effort.


In a battle, the old players' perception of the two new players changed greatly.

Besides Jiang Ci's amazing strength, Xiuzhu is not bad either.

With the bamboo kingdom of sword, it can deal with dozens of blood mosquito larvae at the same time. Even in the first-class Hedao, it is the best.

It's just that Jiang Ci's expression is too abnormal, which eclipses the bamboo world of his sword.

Next, the 3619 team took the best spirit boat and walked through the ruins of the starry sky.

In the twinkling of an eye, three months have passed.

During this period, they encountered two attacks of alien race, and also attacked a strong alien race.

All three battles were easily solved.

After all, on the edge of the Qianyu sea, it is rare to meet the strong robbers of immortals.

An elite team with one looting immortal and five first-class roads is enough to run across this area.The first battle that was besieged by blood mosquito larvae was an exception, and there was no real immortal robbing demon at that time. The blood mosquito had been hiding far away and did not show up.

"We need to go deeper into the Qianyu sea. It's too slow to accumulate military contributions in this marginal area!"

"Yes, if the opponent is weak, he will provide less military service."

"And some of the alien race, as soon as they see that we have a strong robber, immediately run away and don't give them any chance."

Linglong, Hongxin and Duan are discussing in the boat.

"How are you two feeling now?" Bohai didn't take part in their discussion. Instead, he asked Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu.

"There's really no pressure." Xiuzhu hesitated.

"Captain, go deeper. The fighting here is not interesting." Jiang CI said with a smile.

Bo Hai laughed and said, "OK, let's go deep into Qianyu sea and beat those foreigners hard!"

Everyone suddenly became active and excited.

"By the way, Shanhai, what's your military mission?" Linglong suddenly asked Jiang CI.

"Military mission?" Jiang CI moved in his heart.

As I said earlier, every practitioner who enters into a foreign battlefield is a soldier who has participated in an ethnic war and will be assigned corresponding military tasks.

Only when the mission is completed can freedom be restored.

Then you can choose to continue to fight, or retire, or you can exchange military achievements for various cultivation resources.

Among them, the exchange of cultivation resources is the main purpose for many scattered cultivation to enter the foreign battlefield.

"Yes, I haven't asked about your military mission." Hongxin also looks at Jiang CI curiously.

"With the talent of mountain and sea, I think it should be very high." He speculated.

Next to him, the eyes of Bohai and Xiuzhu also turned.

Jiang CI gave a cool smile and said, "I am a 1 billion military mission."

"One billion! Are you sure? " She was shocked by her beautiful eyes.

"Well, it should be nothing..." Jiang CI nodded, some doubts, a lot of it?

"One billion! Why are you still calm? Don't you feel the pressure? " I'm not calm anymore.

"Benefactor, I am shocked." Hongxin stands with one hand.

(start before change...)