I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 524

The brilliant source space is full of various mysterious nebular energy bodies.

A top-notch spirit boat is shuttling through the source space at a high speed, constantly breaking through clusters of nebular energy bodies.

In the rest cabin of the spirit boat, the captain Bo Hai and three old players all sat on one side at will.

"Xiuzhu, relax, the source space shuttle is the safest." Linglong, the only woman in the team, suddenly began to laugh.

Obviously, Bohai was a little nervous. He sat there, his muscles tense.

In contrast, Jiang CI seems very calm. When the old players chat, he occasionally inserts a sentence.

"This time we are going to the ruins of an ancient battlefield called Qianyu sea, which is nearly 100000 light-years away from the No.3 military camp, and it takes about three months to travel in the source space.

during this period, we will not encounter enemies. Only when we enter the area of Qianyu sea, we need to work hard!" Bohai zhengsedao.

Xiuzhu smiles a little on his face and breathes deeply in the dark. Then he takes a look at Jiang CI. He finds that Jiang Ci's face doesn't change, so he relaxes a little.

Jiang Ci's vigilance is hidden in his heart, which others can't see.

It's a fake to say that you are not nervous when you enter the battlefield outside China for the first time.

Especially in the ninth battlefield, the death rate is as high as 90%

that is to say, only one of the ten practitioners who came here survived.

However, as Bohai said, the source space is the safest before entering the battlefield.

The alien spirit can't find the source space, so it can't attack them.

And team 3619 is an experienced team, this time with two newcomers, naturally will not go to too dangerous places.

The ninth battlefield is a starry sky with a diameter of tens of millions of light years. Such a huge area is naturally extremely complex.

The Qianyu sea they are going to this time belongs to the edge of the battlefield, an ancient battlefield ruins less than 100 light-years in diameter, where the strong of different races often haunt.

Different from the cultivator's army, the sanxiu unit can fight with the enemy in the form of guerrilla warfare instead of large-scale Legion war.

Qianyu sea is a good place for guerrillas.

"You two don't have to be too nervous. At present, what you need to do is to really adapt to the external battlefield environment.

even if there is a battle, the team leader and the three of us will fight against the enemy.

just wait for the opportunity, see who needs support, and then do it again." Linglong said with a smile.

Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu nodded.

It can be seen that Linglong should be the No.2 person in the team, second only to the captain Bohai.

And even Bohai seems to respect Linglong very much. She will discuss many things with Linglong.

The other two old players, Hongxin and Duan, were obedient in front of Linglong, listening to everything.

This situation shows that Linglong's strength is very strong, although she is good at magic.

In the following time, while the old players chatted, they also continued to teach their own experience to Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu.

Soon, three months later, the best spirit boat began to slow down and leave the source space.


A wave of space, spirit boat appeared in the desolate starry sky.

Jiang CI spread his own spiritual knowledge, and the starry sky of tens of thousands of kilometers is under control.

If you leave the barracks, you don't need to hide here. And with his spiritual strength, even the captain of a robber, Bohai, can't find his spiritual sense.

The spiritual consciousness is like a tentacle, which feeds all the information of the covered area back to his mind, but the information is huge.

Of course, with his spiritual strength, he almost finished processing the information in less than a second.

In his mind, he formed a three-dimensional hologram,

Qianyu sea is actually a sea of stars composed of countless nebulae, meteorites, star fragments, war debris, etc., just like islands and oceans,

so Qianyu sea is a virtual reference.

The environment here is so complicated that the boat can't speed up to the speed of light.

"This is the outer star sky of Qianyu sea. Below, we can only travel at sub light speed,

and in these star fragments and debris, there may be alien strongmen,

so we may encounter attacks at any time, so we should be alert!" Said Bohai.

Jiang Ci, Xiuzhu, and three veteran players suddenly changed from a relaxed attitude to a ready to fight attitude.

The best spirit boat is flying at sub light speed, carefully avoiding those star fragments, war debris, etc.


The desolate starry sky is full of ruins, a piece of ordinary looking star fragments, insignificant,

inside there are nests, a large number of blood red alien eggs waiting to hatch.

At the core of the star fragment, there is a vast space,

a giant blood mosquito with a body length of 100 kilometers is suspended in it,Strange breath, mixed with Fairy Spirit, diffuses in this space.

Obviously, this huge blood mosquito is a big demon in the period of robbing immortals.

The blood mosquito family is the top blood of the demon family, and this huge blood mosquito is the rarest blood mosquito queen.

The alien eggs in those nests were laid by this blood mosquito.

It is the most effective way for blood mosquitoes to survive in the battlefield outside the territory to cultivate blood mosquito larvae and fight with them.

Although the queen of blood mosquito is a demon race, she has a very charming human face.

All of a sudden, her eyes opened, burst out a blood light, ferocious incomparable.

"The best spirit boat of the human race?" The enchanting faces changed for a while, like thousands of faces, but some of them were bloody, like they were seriously injured.

Because not long ago, when she was dealing with an alien robbing immortal in qianyuhai, she suffered a lot and had no choice but to lurk here.

"I didn't expect that after I was injured, I could escape to the edge of Qianyu sea to heal. I could also meet the Terran blood food, just to add it!"

"But there is a robber immortal in it, and the four people are in harmony,

well Except that robbing immortal is a little tricky, other things can be ignored, there is no threat. "

"You can do it!"

The blood mosquito's eyes twinkled with fierce light.

Although she lost a lot of larvae in the last battle, it's more than enough to deal with the Terran team with only one immortal.


In the ruins of the starry sky 30 million kilometers away, 3619 teams of the best spirit boats are flying carefully.

"This is also the most marginal area of Qianyu sea, and you will not meet the strong Xiandao people of other races. Another light year is the scope of activities of the strong Xiandao people."

"But even so, we can't relax our vigilance. Prudence is the biggest living magic weapon in foreign battlefields!"

Bohai reminds Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu seriously.

"I understand!" They both nodded at the same time.

At this time, Jiang Ci's eyes moved, and his spiritual sense noticed that some changes had taken place in the starry sky.

"Also, if we are in a crisis in an extraterritorial battlefield..." Bohai's face suddenly changed when he wanted to say more.



Two big drinks sounded almost at the same time. They were Bohai and Linglong.

Boom, boom, boom!!!

Thousands of scarlet beams, coming from all directions, directly hit the best spirit boat which is flying at sub light speed.

The spirit boat broke into pieces in an instant.

Bohai's reaction is very fast. Before the spirit boat explodes, he uses Xianli to wrap five members.

After the explosion subsided, six people placed themselves in the starry sky and saw the surrounding scene.

Hum, hum

I don't know where it came from, but a blood mosquito larva, which is ten kilometers long, made a buzzing sound when its wings vibrated.

Those red beams just now were emitted by these blood mosquito larvae.

"Four thousand demon clans!" Linglong's face changed.

"This is a blood mosquito larva. There must be a blood mosquito queen in the period of robbing immortals behind it!" Bohai said in a deep voice.

It's dangerous!

The other two veteran players are sincere and sincere, and they look very dignified.

"Get ready to fight, get out!" Bohai gave a big drink, and then said to Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu, "you two will follow. Just give us the fight."

At this time, 4000 blood mosquito larvae in the syncopal stage, fluttering their wings and shaking the space, came from all directions.


Bo Haixian's power surged wildly. He smashed out with a gold hammer.

Linglong had a red silk in her hand. She turned it into a thousand phantoms and used magic to attack.

The speed of the two of them is the fastest, and they cooperate very skillfully. Bohai's two hammers are extremely violent, and one hammer can severely damage a blood mosquito larva.

And Linglong follows Bohai, Taking Bohai as a shield, and constantly casts magic attacks.

The blood mosquito larvae, before they got close to them, fell into a dreamland, and the ferocious light in their eyes gradually went out.

Kill the enemy quietly!

On the other side


Hongxin, a Buddhist disciple, sends out a deafening thunder sound in his mouth and nose, and shakes back the blood mosquito larvae from both wings for thousands of miles,

then his arms muscles swell up, swings the magic wand, and the golden light sweeps across thousands of miles, disrupting the formation of blood mosquito larvae.

Young man with long hair was waiting for this moment. He took advantage of this opportunity to kill a blood mosquito larva with a big sword.

It's only a breath from the attack of blood mosquito larvae to the outbreak of battle.

The four veteran members of team 3619 responded in the shortest time and cooperated as a whole.

Bohai is in the front, Linglong is in the middle, Hongxin and Duan sweep both wings, constantly impacting the surrounding group of blood mosquito larvae.However, within the area of 100000 kilometers, the blood mosquito larva with a body length of 10 kilometers has formed a sea of insects, attacking them one after another, fearing no death!

"Captain, too much!" He cried out.

"Don't talk nonsense, just get out of the bag ring!" Bohai's face is calm and his hammers are pounding.

It's too much!

There are more ants that kill elephants,

What's more, they are 4000 blood mosquito larvae in the same way.

even if their wisdom is low, their accomplishments are there, and behind them is a blood mosquito in the period of robbing immortals.

No matter how well the 3619 team cooperates, if they can't rush out, they will only be consumed here in the end!

Moreover, Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu, as newcomers, have not yet integrated into their battle, so they have to fight separately.

A man who cultivates bamboo is like his name, a man is like bamboo, and a sword is like bamboo.

When performing Kendo, the shadow of hundreds of sword bamboos comes, forming a small bamboo kingdom of sword, which can deal with dozens of blood mosquito larvae at the same time.

This scene should have made the old players happy.

But they are not happy with the current situation.

If the bamboo field of Xiuzhu can cover tens of thousands of kilometers, it will be of great help to them.

Unfortunately, bamboo is only a few hundred kilometers away.

At this time, Jiang Ci was not idle. He took a slow step, mainly because he was using his spiritual consciousness to find the trace of blood mosquitoes.

Obviously, finding blood mosquitoes is the most effective way to break through.

However, he did not find blood mosquitoes in the vicinity,

even in the area of tens of thousands of kilometers.

He can only withdraw his mind and focus on the encirclement in front of him.

A wave of Chixiao sword.


A thousand swordsmanship green lotus suddenly appear, the meaning of the sword soars to the sky, and countless swordsmanship gather.

The world of Jiangci's sword is 10000 kilometers around!

"Kill Jiang CI moved in his heart.

With the sword spirit, you can kill a blood mosquito larva with dozens of sword Qi.

"Qinglian Kendo?" Xiuzhu was surprised, and he could not help exclaiming.

This is the strongest School of Kendo practitioners in the human race. Only genuine Kendo talents are qualified to practice.

Bo Hai and the other four old players were even more surprised. Of course, they also knew Qinglian kendo.

"Ha ha, Shanhai, good job! I'm worthy of being of the Haizi generation! " Bohai laughed. From his words, he should have relaxed a lot.

"Qinglian Kendo, a big killer in group war, it's time to break through!" Linglong also laughed.

Hongxin and Duan were also smiling, and their attack became sharper.

Next, the six rushed forward all the way.

The thousands of green lotus of Jiang CI hovered around them, continuously shooting a continuous stream of sword Qi.

After the consumption of sword Qi, the number of blood mosquito larvae that can still rush to their front is greatly reduced.

Even if he rushed to the front, he was injured in different degrees.

With the strength of Bohai and others, it can be solved easily.

All of a sudden, the blood mosquito larvae, which had been surrounding them, fluttered their wings and left quickly.

"Back?" Bohai took a breath.

Linglong, Hongxin and Duan all stopped, but they didn't take advantage of the victory.

"Captain, no chase?" Xiuzhu doubts that they have the upper hand now.

"I can't chase you." Bohai shook his head and said, "I just made a spiritual exploration, but I didn't find the blood mosquito in the area of a million kilometers.

it shows that there are two possibilities, either the cultivation of the blood mosquito is far more than me, or she is now a million kilometers away.

even if we chase, it's hard for us to gain much, but it's easy for us to fall into a bigger circle."

Jiang CI nodded slowly beside him. He really couldn't chase him.

Before he came to the foreign battlefield, he had a detailed understanding of the top blood of the demon clan and the ghost clan. After the blood mosquito, it is the top blood of the demon clan.

after the blood mosquito in the fairyland realm, it is not a big problem to cultivate 100000 blood mosquito larvae.

Because the larva of blood mosquito has low intelligence, it's like the life of energy body. It's easy to improve its cultivation, but it costs more resources to cultivate.

If you really catch up, if you meet tens of thousands of blood mosquito larvae, then he can only show more strength.

This is what Jiang CI does not want to see.

"In any case, the blood mosquito suffered a great loss." Bohai laughs.

"Thanks to the mountains and seas, it's Qinglian Kendo that you cultivate!" Linglong turns her eyes to the mountains and the sea.

(start before change...)