I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 521

Encrypted Intelligence: Jiang CI (Terran)

identity: jiuxiao Daojun's disciple and Zixiao Zong's disciple of quadruple Tianhe Taoism

level: assassinate target No.1

whereabouts: he has left Daoyuan ancient world and is suspected of going to Foreign Battlefield (to be confirmed)

Similar encrypted intelligence soon appeared in the top groups of demons, ghosts, and many other top groups.

Then, after the report of the latent organization, the high-level of these ethnic groups also learned the intelligence.

The corresponding order will be passed on immediately.

In the foreign battlefield, only those who are hostile to the human race have received the same order: confirm the whereabouts of Jiang Ci and carry out the killing task!


Youyexing, one of the nine major Terran armies, is a fixed transmission point for entering the battlefield outside the territory.

Only through this can we enter the battlefield outside the territory.

This big star, which is similar to a transit station, has a diameter of up to one million kilometers.

every day, a large number of human cultivators and cultivator troops are sent here,

and then continuously sent to the foreign battlefield to participate in the ethnic war.

On this day, Jiang Ci, wearing dark red armor, appeared in a transmission station of youyexing.

His appearance has been adjusted. Even if Jiang Doudou came, he couldn't recognize him.

Compared with the guards of the planet transmission hall in the nine regions of the Taoist League, the Jiashi of this transmission station are obviously different. Everyone is bloodthirsty and murderous.

Even though Jiashi's cultivation was only in Yuanshen period, he still seriously stopped Jiangci in Hedao period.

"Practitioner, please show me your identity, jade slips!" The Jia Shi sinks a way.

"San Xiu, Shan, comes from yingluan star in the Tianyang area." Jiang CI took out a jade slip.

The ID card is not fabricated. These are the information registered in the Tianting of daomeng.

After the examination, the Jiashi said, "the army of the sanxiu is different from that of the cultivators. You need to gather a certain number of people to send them to the battlefield outside the territory.

you can go 10000 kilometers along this passage, which is the assembly point of the cultivators in the period of joining the Tao. Just wait there."

As he said that, he pointed to the passage behind the transmission station.

There are two channels, one for the army and the other for scattered cultivation.

"Thank you very much." Jiang CI nodded gently, put away the identity jade slips, and turned to enter the channel of sanxiu.

There is no problem in this process. The emperor of heaven is his seventh elder martial brother. It's not easy to make a fake identity.

He is a genius of the era of the human race, and also a disciple of jiuxiao Daojun.

if he enters the foreign battlefield and is known by the foreign race, he may attract a large number of foreign strongmen.

So, before he set out, he had everything ready.

In fact, even if he shows himself as he is, it's hard for anyone to recognize him.

Because he practiced in the Daoyuan ancient world for 1000 years, and the original universe has actually passed 3600 years.

It is nearly 4000 years since he took part in the nine regions talent war.

For the real Xiandao strong, this time may be very short.

However, for those who practice immortality, the highest longevity is only ten thousand years. After four thousand years, few of them still remember the appearance of Jiang CI.

These preparations are just prudence in the bones.

Flying 10000 kilometers along the sanxiu corridor, you can see a main hall.

The Terran will not be ungrateful to the soldiers who fight in the foreign battlefield, so this hall is not a very serious environment.

In the main hall, there are various rest facilities. The environment is elegant, and the pleasant sound of silk and bamboo flows slowly, making people feel happy.

At this time, there were more than 80 people in the hall, all of whom were practitioners in the period of harmony.

They got together in twos and threes, obviously in company, only a few of them alone.

After Jiang CI came, many people just took a look and didn't pay much attention to it.

The practitioners who dare to go to the foreign battlefield are desperate,

they are the cultivation demons who want to improve their strength through a lot of fighting, so none of them are good at it.

Jiang CI also understands this. After all, he is not a good stubble.

The maid in the hall is the most kind.

The waitress came to Jiang Ci and said, "Hello, cultivator, what can I do for you?"

She waved and called out a phantom interface, which showed a lot of commodity information.

Eat, drink and have fun.

Jiang CI casually ordered a star drink and asked, "when can I go to the foreign battlefield?"

The waitress said with a smile: "it costs a lot to transmit from the Terran territory to the battlefield outside the territory, so we need to gather a certain number of people.

because of the large number of people, the cultivator army can transmit directly,You only need one hundred people to practice in sanxiu period.

you are still lucky. Now there are more than 80 people, like one hundred badges of different colors, falling into everyone's hands.

The first-class road is a gold badge, the second-class road is a white badge, and the third-class road is a black badge.

Then, heijiajiexian said: "if you meet a Terran or an alien cultivator in the same camp as a Terran in an extraterritorial battlefield,

you can identify yourself by virtue of your strength badge, and you can also exercise the corresponding identity authority."

Each can only be refined once, that is to say, the possibility of being plundered by the strong of the hostile camp is eliminated.

(start before change...)