I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 520

Jiuxiao Daojun is one of the top three strong men in the human race. To be his disciple is not only a halo, but also a pressure.

Therefore, Jiang CI did not relax, but became more urgent.

The three goals set before are as follows:

first, to deduce the three ways of wind, fire and Vajra, and strive to be promoted to the level of great way.

2、 It's the first step to cultivate the seven swords of cloud collection. Let this secret appear on the panel.

3、 The remaining three methods of understanding the five elements are water system, soil system and wood system.

Now the first two have been completed, and they are over fulfilled.

Only the last one is left to understand the water system, soil system and wood system.

"Originally, I spent only 300 years in the ancient world of Daoyuan, but my master jiuxiao Daojun gave me 1000 years, and now there are more than 700 years left.

you can consider practicing these three Taoist methods to the level of Dao, and then combine God with Dao, and promote them to the stage of Dao combination!"

Because once the original spirit and the Taoist Dharma are integrated, it is equivalent to the foundation has been established, and it is difficult to understand the new Taoist Dharma.

And it's more than a hundred times, a thousand times, more than ten thousand times!

After correcting the new goal, Jiang CI began to devote himself to cultivation.

Understand the water system, earth system and wood system Taoist methods through the palm of the golden emperor (Daojun);

use the experience panel to continue to deduce the sword system, wind system, gold system and fire system Taoist methods;

go outside the city to hunt the spirit of Taoist rhyme and get the experience value.


In the 288th year when he entered the Daoyuan ancient world, that is, the 38th year when he became a disciple of jiuxiao Daojun himself, Jiang CI understood the wooden Daoism.

In the 320th year, he realized the Taoism of the earth system.

In the 332nd year, the Yunding competition of Yuanshen period began again, and Jiang CI undoubtedly won the first place.

In the 392nd year, he understood the water system Taoism.

In the 518th year, the method of wood system and earth system was deduced to the level of Avenue.

In the 610th year, another Yunding competition of Yuanshen period began, and Jiang CI won the first place again.

In the 675th year, the method of water system and Tao was also deduced to the level of Dao, and then began to try the combination of God and Tao.

In the 860th year, Yuanshen finally succeeded in the initial integration with the seven Taoist methods, and was promoted to the early stage of he Dao.

although he practiced three more Taoist methods, the difficulty of deduction increased greatly, but because this is the ancient world of Tao, the speed of cultivation is many times faster than the original universe.

In addition, Jiang CI has 99 times the affinity of Taoism and Dharma. After spending countless experience points, he successfully completed the set goal.


Jiuxiao City, the roof of the stone house where Jiang CI lives, Jiang CI slowly opens his eyes from his meditation.

Now, his actual age has finally exceeded a thousand years.

It's not too fast or too slow for a thousand years.

However, if you add the seven ways and practice them, you will be able to cultivate them in only a thousand years, which is absolutely amazing!

It's more than ten thousand times more difficult to combine the seven ways with the one!

It can be said that in endless years, no one has been able to complete the combination of the seven ways!

Because Shouyuan in Yuanshen period is only five thousand years old, and there is no time for it.

"I can't do this without the experience panel." Jiang Ci's eyes are full of vitality, revealing strong self-confidence!

Not to mention other secret methods, it's just the fusion of the seven ways, which can make his spiritual power amplitude increase dramatically!

The amplitude of his basic spiritual power is 20000 times (Sword meaning),

once he performs Daorong, the amplitude of his basic spiritual power multiplied by 7 is 140000 times!

In this case, how strong his strength is, Jiang CI himself is not sure.

But he can confirm that if he meets another ghost immortal, he can easily kill him!

Next, after carefully understanding the change of strength, he got up and went to jiuxiao palace.

"Shizun jiuxiao Daojun asked me to meet him once when I was cultivating Hedao and when I left Daoyuan ancient world. I think there must be something I need to mention..."

Jiang CI walked along the stone road of jiuxiao city and entered the inner city of jiuxiao palace under the attention of many people.

Then through the bamboo forest, enter the jiuxiao world.

After the completion of Hedao, Jiang CI can still feel great psychological pressure in this sea of corpses.

Walking to the depths of jiuxiao world, I saw the figure with long blood hair and wearing blood war armor. The killing of jiuxiao Daojun was separated.

But this time, beside jiuxiao Daojun, there is a middle-aged man wearing Star crown clothes. He is bowing slightly and saying something.

From a distance, you can see that this person's face is ordinary, but there is a feeling of not angry and self awe, which is awe inspiring.

The emperor's robe symbolizing supreme power?

Jiang CI has already guessed the identity of the man. The only one who dares to wear this dress in front of jiuxiao Daojun is Tianting emperor, another disciple of jiuxiao Daojun.

After coming near, Jiang CI saluted jiuxiao Daojun respectfully: "I'll see you, master!"Then he saluted the man in Coronation: "see you

Jiuxiao Daojun and Dijun have stopped talking. They look at Jiangci.

"I mentioned you to your elder martial brother just now, but I didn't expect you to come." Jiuxiao Dao Jun said with a smile.

"Little younger martial brother, you and I should just be brothers here. I'm the seventh disciple of the master. You can call me the seventh elder martial brother." The emperor showed a kind smile.

"I've met seven senior brothers." Jiang CI salutes again.

The emperor nodded with a smile and stood aside without saying anything.

At this time, jiuxiao Daojun stares at Jiang CI for a while and says solemnly: "have you understood the three ways? The seven ways are the same

"Yes." River word honest admit, don't admit also have no way, nine Xiao road gentleman oneself can see.

Next to him, the emperor was surprised and took a look at Jiang CI.

He was also a strong man in the rank of Taoist monarch, but he could not see the way Jiang CI practiced.

This is an unprecedented and amazing move!

"You're more and more surprising and daring to me." Jiuxiao Daojun gave an evaluation, and asked: "have you ever considered the difficulty of natural disaster?"

Jiang CI hesitated to shake his head: "very difficult?"

"Younger martial brother, do you dare to walk seven ways at the same time without knowing about Tianjie?" The emperor could not help asking questions.

Jiang CI shakes his head again. The seven ways bring him great strength as well as strong self-confidence.

In fact, even if he wanted to understand, there was no reference, because no one could combine the seven ways before.

"Sure enough, the ignorant are fearless..." The emperor took a look at jiuxiao Daojun.

Jiuxiao Daojun explained: "Tianjie is both mysterious and mysterious. The more rebellious people are, the more powerful Tianjie will be.

if you practice seven ways at the same time, the power of Tianjie will be at least ten thousand times that of normal Tianjie.

What's more, there are nine robberies in total. One is better than the other! "

Hearing this, Jiang CI also frowned, even jiuxiao Daojun and Dijun are hard to say, it must not be simple.

It seems that I was too confident before!

"Of course, your current foundation is many times stronger than that of the ordinary practitioners of he Dao, and you will never have a chance in the future.

with such a strong foundation, once you succeed in the robbery, you will gain great strength." The nine Xiao road gentleman again suddenly laughs a way.

Jiang CI nodded slowly. His foundation is more than many times stronger than that of the ordinary practitioners. It is estimated that it is at least ten thousand times!

Jiuxiao Daojun said: "the Hedao period is about to create its own secret method. In order to have a better grasp of the natural disaster, the secret method is ranked first, except for other means.

every strong person has his own secret method. The secret methods you learned before are powerful, but they are others' and are tailor-made for you.

even if you are going to learn them It's difficult for those secret methods to exert their due power when they are cultivated to the highest level,

so the next direction of your cultivation is to create your own secret methods and create your own powerful secret methods.

the stronger the secret methods you will create, the greater the grip you will have in the face of natural disasters in the future! "

This is the first time that jiuxiao Daojun taught Jiang CI about cultivation.

Jiang CI listened carefully.

Jiuxiao Daojun said: "Kendo is the way to kill. You need a lot of life and death fighting. You need to find the inspiration to create the secret method in the fighting."

"In terms of cultivation, I can guide you, but fighting requires you to experience it yourself."

"It happens that after you have completed the cultivation of he Dao, I have prepared a magic weapon for you, which can increase your fighting and life-saving ability."

At this point, jiuxiao Daojun waved out a thing, suspended in the air.


As soon as this magic weapon came out, it seemed that the whole jiuxiao world trembled slightly.

Jiang Ci's eyes were immediately attracted.

It's a magic weapon composed of three mountains. The mountains are different in height and height. When they are combined, they are integrated and exude a heavy atmosphere.

"This treasure is called sanchongshan. It has two functions: it can transform war armor and confine space It's in this jade slip how to refine and use it. Go back to practice it and try to refine it as soon as possible. " Jiuxiao Daojun waves and takes out a red jade slip to Jiang CI.

"Yes Jiang CI took over three mountains and jade slips.

At this time, the emperor standing on one side also said with a smile: "little younger martial brother, when we meet for the first time, the elder martial brother will also give you a magic weapon.

although it can't compare with the three mountains given by the master, it can also increase your ability to protect your life."

Then he took out a purple gold token.

"This is a big move rune. With your accomplishments, you can move a light year at random after using it.

coupled with the ability of three mountains to confine the space, you can deal with a lot of life and death crises.

however, it only has ten chances to use it, and it will be useless after using it. You should use it carefully." The emperor said with a smile."Thank you, elder martial brother seven!" Jiang CI happily took it.

Random move a light year, as long as not meet the real Jun strong, who can kill him!

Ten chances, enough!

Jiuxiao Daojun watched their brothers talk, and then said to Jiang Ci, "go back first. When you are ready to leave Daoyuan ancient world, come back to me again."

"Yes, master!" Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

Then, heaven and earth fight to turn, he then disappears in the nine sky boundary.

In the sea of corpses, there are only jiuxiao Daojun and Emperor.

"The refining materials of the talisman are only available in the ancient fairyland. You don't have much in your hand, do you?" Jiuxiao Dao asked.

"That was the last one just now. Anyway, it's useless for me to keep it. I'd better give it to my younger martial brother." The emperor said with a smile.

"It's not far from the opening of the ancient fairyland next time. Let's get ready." Jiuxiao Daojun's deep eyes look at the void, I don't know where to look.

"Yes, master!" The emperor bowed himself.


The change of cultivation can't be concealed, because there are many powerful practitioners in Daoyuan ancient world, who can easily see through the cultivation of Jiangci.

In the following days, the news that Jiang CI had been promoted to he Dao period gradually spread.

This incident soon caused a great disturbance.

Obviously, Jiang Ci's behavior is beyond many people's imagination.

Even if he has participated in the cloud top competition of Yuanshen period for three times, the cultivation time is just over a thousand years.

It's too short for the disciples of the Yuanshen period of the fourth heaven to accumulate anything.

But at the thought of it, Jiang CI easily won the first place in the Yunding competition of Yuanshen period.

People think it's normal for Jiang Ci to break through and become a way of harmony.

What's more, they have jiuxiao Daojun to guide their cultivation. Can they take a different road?

In addition, the other old disciples of the Yuanshen period in sizhongtian were finally relieved.

Jiang CI has become a way of harmony, so they don't have to compete with it. There is a big mountain missing!

Some are happy, others are sad.

After Jiang Ci's promotion to Hedao came to Zixiao sect's headquarters,

Zixiao sect's wuchongtian, the residence of Wuye immortal, was robbed.

Immortal Wu Ye is silent for a long time, and his gloomy eyes twinkle.

"He Dao Is there no chance? "

The last time he learned that Jiang CI had become a disciple of jiuxiao Daojun, he was already desperate. Now he is even more desperate.

"No, there's still a chance!"

"He has to go to the life and death training. If he dies in the process, Zixiao sword Scripture will choose the successor again!"

"Even if he has successfully completed the training of life and death, the next step is to become an immortal. The more talented the person is, the stronger the natural calamity will be, and there is a great possibility that he will fail to survive!"

In endless years, many gifted talents have fallen under the disaster.

"Wait, ten thousand years at most." Master Wu Ye closes his eyes again.

He is willing to wait for a certain road.


Of course, Jiang CI didn't know what happened behind it.

He went to jiuxiao world and got two powerful magic weapons, which he didn't expect. It was a surprise.

After he came back, he began to study the three mountains seriously.

You don't need to study it. You can use it ten times. You can't waste it.

In the red jade slips, the detailed information, refining and using methods of the three mountains are recorded.

Jiang CI uses the spirit to scan, and then writes down the information.

There is not much content, except some introduction, that is, refining and use methods.

As the name suggests, there are three seals in sanchongshan.

Refining is the most important. It can confine a space of one million kilometers. The war armor can defend against the attack of liujiexian.

The second level of refining can confine a space of tens of millions of kilometers, and the war armor can defend the attack of jiujiexian.

The third level of refining can confine a space of 100 million kilometers, and the converted armor can defend against the attack of yizhuandaoxian.

"Can defend the attack of a zhuandao fairy!" Jiang CI laughs.

In this way, he will have the bottom of his heart, and then match with the big move Fu, as long as he doesn't provoke the real king and the strong!

Then, according to the refining method in the jade slips, he began to refine the three mountains.

Just after several seal resolutions, suddenly, a voice of surprise in his mind came out,

"it's strange that it's the most precious treasure, why there's no spirit?"

Nishang is the spirit of tongtianlou. Over the years, she has been quietly refining the corpses of the big demons robbing immortals, trying to lift the first seal of tongtianlou.

"Nishang, do you think the triple mountain is also the most precious treasure?" Jiang Ci was a little surprised.

"Yes, it can't be wrong. It has the flavor of the original treasure." Said nishang.

"The spirit may have been erased by my master." Jiang CI made a conjecture."The strong of Dao Jun level are not so stupid. They have the source of spirit and can play a stronger power." Nishang denied this speculation.

"That's strange..." Jiang CI frowned slightly.

He also can't go to ask jiuxiao Daojun, because with his current strength and position, under normal circumstances, he can't know the information of yuanzhibao.

If he went to find jiuxiao Daojun to solve his doubts, it would be equivalent to admitting that he had other original treasures.

Tongtianlou is a secret that can't be revealed.

According to nishang, only if he has the strength of Daojun level can he reveal this original treasure.

"It's useless to think more. In a word, the triple mountain is a powerful magic weapon. It can't be wrong!" Jiang CI put this question in his heart for the time being.


Years flow, a hundred years in a flash.

Jiuxiao City, the palace of jiujianxian.

Jiang CI came to drink with the master again.

The 1000 years in Daoyuan ancient world was the most time he got along with jiujianxian.

Up to now, he has three masters: Ge daoren, Jiu Jianxian and Jiu Xiao Daojun.

Among them, he spent the shortest time with Taoist Ge, less than a quarter of an hour,

JIANG Ci was only grateful to this master.

The inheritance mark left by Taoist Ge was very helpful to his later cultivation.

Zixiao sword Scripture, in particular, still plays an important role in his Kendo deduction.

In terms of feelings, Jiang CI feels that he is closest to jiujianxian.

because jiuxiao Daojun puts a lot of pressure on him, he can't help but have a kind of awe and respect in front of jiuxiao Daojun.

In contrast, he is the most relaxed in front of jiujianxian,

of course, jiujianxian's wine is also very good.

Over the past 1000 years, Jiang CI has become a drunkard.

"You're here again. After drinking so much of my wine, you should get me some good wine in the future!" Jiujianxian pointed to Jiangci and asked him to sit down.

"Don't worry, master. Next time I'll get you a 100000 year old Guanghan zhenniang." Jiang CI sat on one side with a smile and filled his wine with wine.

"What you said, ninety-nine thousand years is not enough!" The throat of jiujianxian obviously moved.

Even if he is a famous jiujianxian, he is not qualified to get it.

Jiang CI is now a disciple of jiuxiao Daojun, but he will have this opportunity in the future.

Next, when the wine was half drunk, jiujianxian suddenly covered the wine gourd and said, "I won't drink today, I won't drink any more."

"Master, I haven't enjoyed myself yet." Jiang CI looks at the empty wine glass.

"When you come to Daoyuan ancient world next time, come and have a drink with me. I'll keep this wine for you." Jiujianxian shakes her head.

"Master knows I'm leaving?" Jiang Ci was a little surprised.

"This time you come here, you have a kind of evil spirit. You must be ready to go out for life and death training." Jiujianxian said.

"Master, good eyesight." Jiang CI said with a smile.

"I can't see that again. Can it be jiujianxian?" Jiujianxian laughed, and then said: "since you have decided, I just hope you can survive and come back to drink with me!"

"Remember Jiang CI kowtowed respectfully.

"Go ahead." Jiujianxian waved his hand naturally.


After leaving jiujianxian's palace, Jiang CI went to jiuxiao palace.

According to the instructions of master jiuxiao Daojun, I will see him again before I leave Daoyuan ancient world.

Jiuxiao world, in the sea of blood, the killing of jiuxiao Daojun stands in the void.

"I'll see you, master!" Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

"To go?" Jiuxiao Daojun's deep vision falls on Jiang CI.

"Well, I've been practicing in Daoyuan ancient world for nearly a thousand years, and I'm almost at the bottleneck." Jiang CI nodded.

"Well, there's no fighting and no pressure here. It's not a place for a little guy like you to practice for a long time." Jiuxiao Dao Jun said with a smile.

"Have you figured out where to go? An extraterritorial battlefield or a cosmic secret He asked again.

Jiang CI said: "foreign battlefield."

According to the training route of Zixiao sect, the core disciples of he Dao period must be trained in life and death.

There are two choices: the battlefield outside the territory and the secret place of the universe.

Among them, the extraterritorial battlefield is a place where various ethnic groups in the universe are conquered. There are countless strong people of different ethnic groups who are secretly hunting the strong people of other ethnic groups.

And it's not only the strong ones of the immortals, but also the army of the practitioners.

there are many ants biting dead elephants. This sentence is about the army of the practitioners.

For example, the joint attack of millions of practitioners can easily kill the strong immortal.

Naturally, the danger level of the universe's secret place is no lower than that of the battlefield outside the territory.

just like Lu Yan, a genius of Jianmen eight million years ago, he is a genius of the era who is many times stronger than Jiang CI. His cultivation is as simple as drinking water, and finally he dies in the universe's secret place.There are some extremely dangerous Jedi in the universe, even Zhenjun dare not enter!

The reason why Jiang CI chose foreign battlefields is that there will be more fighters in foreign battlefields.

in contrast, the life and death training in the secret world of the universe is more likely to experience the crisis of life and death, and it is easier to realize the great terror between life and death, which is not suitable for his current situation.

He needs a lot of fighting to find inspiration for his own secret.

"Extraterritorial battlefields?" Jiuxiao Daojun frowned slightly and said: "you are my own disciple now, plus the identity of Jiyuan genius, you must have been the top three target in the alien assassination list. If you go there, I'm afraid you will be targeted by the alien strongmen."

Jiang CI looked as usual and said with a smile: "I'm psychologically prepared. Many years ago, I was assassinated by the ghost clan in the land of reincarnation. At that time, my fame was not so big. Now they should assassinate me at a higher price."

"Ghost clan!" Jiuxiao Taoist King's eyes burst out a bloody cold light.


Heaven and earth suddenly change color, just like the end.

Jiang Ci was shocked. These two words seemed to arouse the anger of jiuxiao Daojun.

"There are three peak groups in the universe, the Terran, the ghost and the demon. The wars among the three groups have lasted for countless generations,

in this era, the demon and the ghost are secretly united to fight against our Terran,

the demons are more ferocious and the ghosts are more sneaky. Remember, when you go to an extraterritorial battlefield, the first thing to be careful is the ghost." Jiuxiao Dao Jun said in a deep voice.

"Remember Jiang CI said respectfully.

"If you are in danger that you can't solve, you can summon me, and I will go there as soon as possible.

however, as a teacher, I hope that you can rely on your own ability to become a real strong man, and a strong man who makes the foreign race panic!" Jiuxiao Dao Jun also told the way.

"I understand." Jiang CI nodded.

"Go and come back alive." Jiuxiao Daojun's eyes are deep.

"Yes Jiang CI finally kowtowed respectfully again before leaving jiuxiao world.