I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 522

You Ye Xing, he Dao San Xiu's assembly hall.

After all the 100 he Dao practitioners refined their badges, the black armour robber immortal said: "the outer battlefield is a huge star field, belonging to the war area of all nations in the universe. For countless years, that star field has been divided into 36 main battlefields.

according to the order, your group of he Dao practitioners will be sent to" you two, join our team, our team 3421 has been killed There are nearly two hundred people of different races

"The leader of our team is a strong robber of immortals. If you join us, you will have a higher chance to survive and gain military merit more easily!"

"All the members of our team are first-class. Come to us and join forces!"

Everyone was very enthusiastic, but the only targets were Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu. The other 98 second-class and third-class roads were put aside.

Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu look at each other.

Not long after, they sat down in a quiet and elegant rest room,

opposite was a short and strong man with a pair of gold hammers hanging on his waist. The smell showed the identity of this man, and he was an immortal.

Among the numerous invitation just now, only this person invited them personally as a robber.

So they followed for the time being. As for whether to join or not, we need to know first.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself first. My name is Bohai, the leader of team 3619 in the ninth battlefield." Bohai, a short and strong man, said with a broad smile.

"Mountains and seas."


Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu also name themselves.

"Ha ha, mountain and sea We all have the word "sea" in our names. It seems that we are predestined Bohai laughed.

He said, "if you two have any questions, just ask them now."

He didn't have the shelf of robbing immortals. As he spoke, he poured wine for them with a wine pot.

Xiuzhu seemed more lonely and proud. Finally, Jiang Cixian asked: "Captain Bohai, how can there be so many practitioners of the same way here?

Besides, it's just a rest. There should be a large number of people who are fighting outside. There are 36 main battlefields and 360 barracks in each battlefield. If you count the total number of Terrans in the whole battlefields outside China, I'm afraid it will exceed 10 billion!

There are 3600 star regions in the nine regions of our Terran alliance. On average, there are millions of practitioners in each star region

This is what Jiang CI can't understand. As the core life planet of a star region, canglan star has no more than 100 people.

Next to him, Xiuzhu nodded. Obviously, he had the same problem.

"Ha ha, almost every new recruits have such doubts. It seems that you are all Terrans living on the planet." Bohai laughed.

People living on the planet?

Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu look at each other.

Bohai explained with a smile: "it's not a big secret about this. You can find it with a little effort.

In fact, our entire Terran group is not only composed of 3600 Terrans in a star area,

in addition, there are a large number of Terrans living in the cave world of various forces and the star land of various secret places,

for example, the number of Terrans in some star land is no less than that in one star area,

and some star land in secret places have their own aura The environment is far beyond many living planets.

the unique cultivation conditions make it easier for the Terrans living there to become strong. "

"So it's not surprising that our entire human race can breed so many powerful people with such a population base, plus the Dongtian world and the starry continent." Bohai said with a smile.

Jiang CI nodded slowly. He thought of Douwen continent and Wanshan Xinghai, where people can easily reach the golden elixir period.

The number of siwendouzong in Hetao period is more than that in a star area.

What's more, under the nine heaven world of zixiaozong, the starry continent with a diameter of 10 billion light-years, I don't know how many people there are.

And in the Terran territory, there is more than one such vast starry continent.

There are only three in Jiangci,

one in zixiaozong and one in daomeng Tianting, and one in the earth's yaochi secret place.

Of course, it has been developed by zixiaozong.

The three chatted while drinking. From Bohai, Jiang CI learned a lot of useful things and had a preliminary understanding of the situation of foreign battlefields.

Not long after, a woman with short hair, dressed in blue war armor, came into the rest room from the outside.

She nodded to Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu, then sat directly in front of Bohai and asked, "Captain, how was the conversation?"

"I'm still learning." Bo Hai said with a smile. He also introduced Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu: "this is Linglong, the main force of our team. She is also a first-class and good at magic."

"The magic way?" Jiang Ci was a little surprised.Xiuzhu also took a look at Linglong.

The way of magic is very rare. Among the 100000 people who understand the way, there is not necessarily one way to practice magic.

Since the cultivation of Jiang Ci, I've met one person, the nine robber fairy of guanghanzong.

That's a powerful man of magic!

Rare things are precious, so is Taoism.

The magic way is famous for its strangeness, which often makes the opponent fall into the disadvantage or even die unconsciously.

Linglong raised her glass, drank it down, and laughed: "I'm nothing. Our team 3619 has four people in total. Except the leader is a robber, the other three are all first-class members.

the other two are not inferior to me, one is good at Dao Dao, the other is a Buddhist disciple,

I say so, you two should know the strength of team 3619?"

Jiang Ci and Xiuzhu nodded. Dao Dao is the most suitable for fighting in the battlefield. Buddhist disciples are mysterious and rarely seen outside.

"So, as a veteran, I advise you not to hesitate to join our team,

you know, in addition to strength, experience is the most important thing for you to live longer in foreign battlefields!

And our 3619 team is an experienced elite team

Linglong is forthright and straightforward. She doesn't let Jiang Ci and Jiang CI think about it any more.

"So, I'll join team 3619!" The skinny Kendo youth Xiuzhu finally spoke.

"Ha ha, welcome!" Bohai laughed and asked Jiang Ci, "Shanhai, how about you?"

Jiang's Ci is slightly pondered.

Every practitioner who enters the battlefield outside the territory is equivalent to participating in the ethnic war and becoming a soldier.

Entering the battlefield is a task, and we must accumulate certain military contributions.

Of course, there will be rewards for completing the task.

However, before accumulating enough military contributions, we should obey the orders of the higher authorities.

The cultivator's army has already been established, and the scattered cultivation should first join each scattered cultivation team to obtain the establishment, and obey the order of the leader.

"No problem, I'd like to join." Jiang CI said with a smile.

Since it is necessary to obtain the establishment, it should be a good choice to join an elite team led by robbing immortals.

More importantly, it can be seen from the conversation between Bohai and Linglong.

The atmosphere of this team is not bad.

"Good!" Bohai clapped his hands and said with a smile. At the same time, his spirit covered the hall and sent out a voice: "come here quickly."

Soon, two people came from a distance and walked into the lounge.

One is a cold looking young man with long hair, a tiger head sword on his back, and his armor is bloodstained and full of evil spirit.

One is a monk with thick eyebrows and big eyes, holding a magic wand in his hand, wearing a ragged cassock, with strong muscles and a strong sense of strength.

Bo Hai said to them with a smile: "there are new players joining. Let me introduce them to you."

"It's Xiuzhu. First class he Dao. Don't you always say that our team is short of a Kendo master. Now there's one." Bohai points to Xiuzhu and laughs.

"I see it." The young man with long hair and the monk nodded to Xiuzhu with a smile.

Because Xiuzhu always carries a sword. Obviously, his practice is a sword.

In contrast, Jiang CI is empty handed and has no magic weapon on his back.

"It's a sea of mountains. It's a first-class road." Bo Hai pointed to Jiang Ci to introduce him. He suddenly remembered something and asked, "by the way, Shanhai, what are you good at?"

Jiang CI smiles and says, "I'm good at Kendo, too."

"Ha ha, that's better. Two Kendo masters, now our team's overall strength is going to a higher level!" Bohai laughed.

Linglong and other three veteran players also smile.

Xiuzhu is a serious look at the river word, proud eyes flashing.

Jiang CI smiles.

It's obvious that the whole team 3619 is in fact a force crushing team, which is in a violent mode.

whether it's the sword of the long haired youth, the magic pestle of the monk, or the heavy hammer of the team leader Bohai, it's a force type.

Linglong is good at magic, which is obviously auxiliary.

This is the lack of dexterous practitioners, and kendo is dexterous.

(start before change...)