I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 519

Can you practice the second sword of Yunji seven swords in a thousand years?

The answer is: Yes!

Jiang CI found that he was misled by an fengzhenjun.

An fengzhenjun's so-called practice of the second sword in 800 years refers to the whole process from the initial understanding to the final success.

But he doesn't have to!

He only needs to complete the preliminary understanding of the second sword, and the cloud collection seven swords on the experience value panel become double.

At that time, you can directly use experience to improve to perfection, without any effort at all!

So, the question becomes how long does it take to understand the second sword?

This point, Jiang CI is not sure.

Only when we fully understand the fourth evolution process of Qinglian Kendo can we try to cultivate the second sword of Yunji seven swords.

In the following days, Jiang CI focused on kendo.

In addition to the usual deduction, he occasionally goes to the Qinglian altar to understand and verify Qinglian kendo.

After six passes of Qinglian Tongtian mountain, he had six opportunities to inherit the altar enlightenment, 10 days at a time, 60 days at a time.

Every day is precious and should not be wasted.

Because his affinity of Daoism is 99 times, and the Qinglian altar itself has also increased the speed of Kendo deduction by 100 times.

All in all, when he practiced Kendo at Qinglian altar, his efficiency reached 9900 times!

One day is equivalent to the usual 27 years!

Therefore, he did not go to the Qinglian altar for a day or two until he had accumulated a certain amount of experience.

In this way, the efficiency of deduction and the speed of Kendo promotion can be guaranteed at a very high level.

With the improvement of the realm, the cultivation of Qinglian Kendo is more and more difficult.

Every time you comprehend one more change, the difficulty increases geometrically.

But under this high-efficiency deduction, his promotion speed is faster than before.


As time goes by, five years pass.

The palace of jiujianxian.

Jiang CI stopped practicing for a while and took a rest here.

They sat on the ground, drinking and chatting.

"How, how many kinds of green lotus have changed?" Asked jiujianxian.

"414." Jiang CI took a leisurely drink.

"Oh?" Jiujianxian looked very surprised and said, "it's only five years. You've learned 64 more?"

He knew the cultivation speed of Jiang CI. After he came to Daoyuan ancient world, he realized 180 kinds of Qinglian changes in the first 50 years, with an average of less than 4 kinds in a year.

Now in the past five years, we have realized 64 kinds of green lotus changes, which is equivalent to more than 12 kinds of green lotus in one year!

The cultivation speed is increasing instead of decreasing!

With a smile, Jiang CI said the actual reason: "my Daowen art has reached the realm of four patterns, and has fused 99 Daowen blood crystals!"

"Hiss..." Jiujianxian took a breath of cold air and was shocked.

Fusion of 99 Daowen blood crystals, that is 99 times the affinity of Daofa!

He also knew that Jiang CI had acquired the skill of Daowen in the mainland of Douwen, but he didn't expect that Jiang CI had such high attainments in this secret method!

"With your spiritual strength, you should not be able to withstand the shock of the evil spirit of 99 Daowen blood crystals..." Jiujianxian frowned as if he were talking to himself.

"Is it the inheritance of the temple of Kong Ming?" Jiujianxian's eyes brightened.

Jiang CI smiles, neither admits nor denies.

It's true that it has something to do with the empty hell temple, but it's mainly the state of mind cultivation brought by the idea of peacock view that makes him able to withstand the increasingly strong evil spirit impact of Daowen Xuejing.

"It's still wrong. I remember that the four lines of douzong in Douwen continent can only fuse 36 Daowen blood crystals at most. How can you fuse so many?" Jiujianxian finally grasped the point of the problem.

"Master, did you forget that I practiced the other three ways?" Jiang CI said with a smile.

"At the level of the road?" Jiujianxian calms down and looks at Jiangci deeply.

"Well, that's why I can fuse so many veins." Jiang CI nodded.

"Do you know that Asked jiujianxian.

"I should know. The first time I met him, he pointed out the realm of my other three ways."

"No wonder he will make you become the second sword of the seven swords of Yunji in a thousand years. For others, this is almost impossible assessment,

but you still have hope to complete it." Jiujianxian laughs,

at the same time, he is filled with emotion. He thought he knew the apprentice very well, but now he found that what he knew before was only skin.

Even what Jiang CI tells him now may be only 12 out of 10.

Of course, for Jiang Ci's concealment, he was not unhappy, on the contrary, he was very pleased.

The more cards Jiang CI has, the better. In the future, he will go out to practice life and death, and the more likely he will survive."Apprentice, just tell me and Lord jiuxiao about your hidden strength. Don't tell others, even Don't even tell us! " Jiujianxian said solemnly.

"I understand." Jiang CI nodded gently.

In fact, as Jiu Jianxian thought, the strength information he revealed just now is only a small part of his hidden strength.

Others, such as Daorong, Daoyin and tongtianlou, have never been shown in front of people.

even if there were, those who saw him using these methods died, such as the three robbers who assassinated him.

"I remember that in two days, it will be the Yunding competition in Yuanshen period. If you go to participate now, it's totally bullying." The wine Sword Fairy lightly laughs a way, again become at will get up, slant to lie there.

"Bullying? Hey Those old disciples looked down on me all the time before. I remember all that! " Jiang CI has a look of revenge.

"Ha ha!"

Jiujianxian and Jiangci laughed at the same time.


The most powerful of the ten old disciples of Zixiao sect's sizhongtian period has just passed the 11th pass of Tongtian mountain.

Jiang CI has the strength of the 13th level only by kendo.

What do those old disciples fight him with?

It's really bullying!

It's not on the same level at all!

However, even if there is a big gap in strength, this competition should be carried out.

Yunding competition of Yuanshen period comes as scheduled.

All the core disciples of the Yuanshen period of Zixiao sect gathered on the Yunding platform of Tongtian mountain and river map.

1、 The people of the second and third heaven didn't know Jiang Ci's achievements in Tongtian mountain, only the ten old disciples of the fourth heaven were clear.

When the figure of Jiang CI appears behind the cloud top platform.

Ten old disciples of the Yuanshen period of the quadruple heaven immediately gathered their eyes in the past.

Originally, we did not put a new person in our eyes, but now Jiang CI has become the focus of the audience.

"Is he Jiang CI?"

"I've only practiced for hundreds of years, and my strength is far beyond me!"

"At the same time with him, it's not only lucky, but also sad..."

The old disciples talked about it.

Only the young man with purple hair, Gong Sui, kept silent all the time.

Five years ago, when he was chatting with a Jianmen disciple outside the residence of Nangong Jianxian, he expressed his disdain for Jiangci, and was heard by Jiangci.

Then just an hour later, Jiang CI made an amazing move to break 6 passes in Tongtian mountain.

Intuition tells Gong Sui that maybe it's because he hears his sarcastic words that Jiang CI has the idea to break through the Tianshan Mountains.

So when he heard the news, Gong Sui's face hurt. He mocked Jiang CI for being a fool. Maybe in Jiang Ci's eyes, he was the real fool.

However, if he can become the core disciple of the Yuanshen period of the quadruple heaven, he will not be so bad except for his good talent.

The experience of being slapped in the face made him take warning.

"This kind of epoch genius, even if it can't make friends, it can't make enemies!" Gong Sui looks at Jiang Ci from a distance and sighs in his heart.


Jiang CI stands in the distance with a cool look, and he is aware of the eyes that come together.

He didn't have the idea of talking with those old disciples in the past. One is unfamiliar, the other is unnecessary.

The gap of strength will make us have a sense of distance. Even if we talked a few words in the past, it's also general.

Not long after, a middle-aged man in a grey robe appeared above the cloud top platform, and his fairy spirit showed his immortal identity.

"Meet the immortal!" The crowd saluted in unison.

The grey robed man nodded slightly, and his eyes stayed on Jiang CI for a while, and there was a flash of envy in his eyes.

The following little guys don't know that Jiang CI has become a registered disciple of jiuxiao Daojun.

As a six robber immortal, he naturally heard about it.

Jiuxiao Daojun's registered disciple!

He is a six robber immortal, but he hasn't even seen jiuxiao Daojun.

The gap between people is often set at the beginning.

The grey robed man watched a circle and then said: "I will host this yuanshenqi cloud top competition. First, I will start from the round robin of sizhongtian.

there are 11 people in total. Each of them will fight with the other 10 people once and win one point.

the top 6 will stay in sizhongtian, and the bottom 5 will fight with the top 5 of sanchongtian for the remaining 4 points Do you understand the four-day quota

"I understand!" Jiang Ci and 10 old disciples said at the same time.

Jiang CI has no pressure and seems relaxed.

But the ten old disciples looked at each other and looked dignified.

The sudden rise of Jiang CI has definitely taken up a place in the fourth heaven.One of those who had the confidence to stay in quadruple is destined to be eliminated to triple.

"This is the order of battle..." The man in the grey robe stretched out his hand, and everyone's battle order appeared in the air.

After watching Jiang Ci, he suddenly shook his head and felt that the competition was dull.

"Forget it, bullying these people doesn't have any sense of achievement, so you don't have to use Yunji seven swords."

The details of the battle need not be detailed.

With Jiang Ci's strength, even if he only used Kendo to fight the enemy, he could easily crush 10 old disciples.

There are 414 changes in Qinglian kendo. No old disciple can match him in this way.

In the end, Jiang CI won the first place.

The 10 old disciples were not surprised, and the high-level sect members who paid close attention to the growth of Jiang CI took it for granted.

However, compared with the Yunding competition of Yuanshen period, which happened once in a thousand years, jiuxiao Daojun accepted apprenticeship again after thousands of years, which is more worthy of high-level attention.

Now, the high-level people of zongmen are thinking about whether Jiang CI can become the second sword of Yunji seven swords in a thousand years, and then become the disciple of jiuxiao Daojun.


Two hundred years have passed.

The quiet bamboo forest in the inner city of jiuxiao palace.

An fengzhenjun enters the jiuxiao world full of evil spirit through the forest path.

In the sea of corpses, the killing of jiuxiao Daojun was separated, still wearing bloody armor, standing in the void,

in the silent world, only his long blood hair was shaking slightly, emitting a palpitating breath.

"Master." An fengzhenjun salutes respectfully.

"Well?" Jiuxiao Daojun opens his eyes.

"The disciple came to report the cultivation of younger martial brother Jiang CI." An Fengzhen said.

"Has he understood the fourth evolution of Qinglian Kendo?" Jiuxiao Daojun's tone is a little higher.

"Yes, it is not." An fengzhenjun said seriously: "after younger martial brother Jiangci became the teacher's registered disciple, it took only 60 years to complete the understanding of the fourth evolution process."

"60 years?" A little surprise flashed in jiuxiao Daojun's eyes.

He knew that Jiang CI had 99 Daowen blood crystals. According to his estimation, Jiang CI would be able to fully understand the fourth evolution process of Qinglian Kendo in about 300 years.

Unexpectedly, it took only 60 years, which was beyond his expectation.

"Interesting, interesting..." Jiu Xiao Dao Jun smiles.

In endless years, of course, he has seen a genius faster than Jiang CI.

But what really surprised him was not many.

It seems that the secrets of Jiang CI are far more than what he saw.

At this time, jiuxiao Daojun found that an Fengzhen still had some hesitation on his face.

"What else?" Jiuxiao Dao asked.

"Master, in fact, younger martial brother Jiangci's Yunji seven swords and the second sword are almost finished..." An Feng really gentleman deep breath says, the tone is a little bitter astringent, deeply hit.

Two hundred years ago, he swore to Jiang CI how difficult it was for the seven swords of Yunji

"Oh?" Jiuxiao Daojun finally showed a surprised expression on his face, "tell me more about it."

"Yes An fengzhenjun said respectfully: "younger martial brother Jiangci has fully understood the fourth evolution process of Qinglian Kendo, and then I began to formally guide him to practice the second sword of Yunji seven swords.

then he used it for 100 years, and he initially understood the second sword. After 40 years of practice, he is now close to success,

at the latest, he can practice the second sword!"

"In that case, even I've lost sight." Jiu Xiao Dao Jun smiles.

An fengzhenjun quickly said: "the master is serious. In fact, I think it's younger martial brother Jiangci who is a little strange.

when I guide him to practice, I find that it should be a difficult place to understand. It seems that there is no difficulty at all and he can easily break through it.

instead, he will ask me to explain some simple places in detail."

Jiuxiao Daojun shook his head: "everyone has secrets. The more genius you are, the more secrets you have. There is no need to study them deeply."


After an Fengzhen leaves, jiuxiao Daojun overlooks the boundless bloody earth, but his eyes seem to penetrate the time and space, and fall on Jiangci of jiuxiao city.

Since the discovery of the earth, Jiang Ci, Xuantian and Li Bai, the three most gifted people on the earth, have become the focus of high-level attention of the human race.

Because the earth is the ancestral land of Tao League, to be exact, the ancestral land of the human race, which has been forgotten by the human race for countless times.

Jiang Ci, as a genius who came out of his ancestral land, naturally received the most attention.

"200 years 1000 years, I hope you can bring me more accidents! " Jiuxiao Daojun whispered to himself and closed his eyes again.


At this time, Jiang Ci was on the roof of the stone house where he lived, looking up at the sky and observing the heaven and earth Taoism visible to the naked eye.After practicing the second sword of seven swords of Yunji, he returned to the previous state of balance cultivation.

Kendo, wind, fire, gold, the four ways go hand in hand, at the same time using the panel to deduce and improve.

An fengzhenjun thought that he would soon become the second sword. In fact, he had already become the second sword 40 years ago.

[Yunji Seven Swords (double 1 billion)]

after preliminary understanding, the secret Yunji seven swords on the panel becomes the second one.

One billion points of upgrade experience, for him, can be filled easily.

Although he has already trained, he can't show it immediately, which is really not in line with the common sense,

so he controlled the follow-up promotion time at about 40 years.

It takes about 150 years from the initial understanding to the cultivation to the completion. It is not only in line with the status of epoch-making genius, but also not exaggerated to the contrary.

However, this also led to a problem, that is, when an fengzhenjun came to guide him, he could only select a few places he thought were difficult for an fengzhenjun to answer.

However, in the eyes of an Fengzhen, these difficulties are actually very easy.

Without a complete process of cultivation, Jiang CI really didn't know which place was difficult and which place was simple.

In Jiang Ci's opinion, there are no difficulties except the initial understanding of the beginning

"Well, let's wait half a year, and then go to see jiuxiao Daojun." Jiang Ci's way of mind, once again into the cultivation.

Half a year later, he got up and left the stone house to walk along the broad stone road to jiuxiao palace.

On the way, some practitioners below the immortal way will bow to him,

even the practitioners in the period of harmony.

Two hundred years later, the fact that Jiang CI became a registered disciple of emperor jiuxiao gradually spread.

The practitioners who can enter the ancient world of Daoyuan are not too poor in talent, and they have good information. Most of them know about it.

Nowadays, only those who are strong in Xiandao do not need to salute when they see Jiang CI.

In the face of everyone's salute, Jiang CI didn't show any arrogant attitude, just like before, greeting everyone.

Meet the practitioners who often listen to the open class together, and talk a few words.

After arriving at the inner city of jiuxiao palace, the guards of robbing immortals didn't stop Jiang CI any more.

"Jiang Ci, Lord jiuxiao has given an order. After you come, you don't have to report it. You can go in directly." The leader of the immortal robbing guard said with a kind smile.

In terms of identity and status, Jiang CI has surpassed the guards who robbed immortals.

"Thank you very much." After thanking Jiang Ci, he went deep into the inner city.

Looking at the back of Jiang Ci, a group of guards who robbed the immortals were filled with emotion.

"Even some real kings and strong people need to be informed to enter the inner city. The only ones who can enter directly are Lord jiuxiao's disciples and those powerful ones.

it seems that Lord jiuxiao has decided to accept him as his disciples."


Jiang CI enters jiuxiao boundary through the path in the bamboo forest.

Then through the sea of corpses and blood, we come to jiuxiao Daojun.

Looking at the bloody armor and long hair, Jiang CI felt great pressure and saluted respectfully.

"I'll see you, master!"

Jiuxiao Daojun slowly opened his eyes, as if he was the source of evil spirit, only his eyes were gentle.

He said in a low voice, "have you become the second sword?"

"Just finished."

"Do it again."


Jiang CI turns over his hand, takes out the Chixiao sword, takes a deep breath, and begins to use the second sword of the seven swords of Yunji.

Although the second sword has not been used until now, the level experience on the panel has been increased.

This means that he has mastered the essence of the second sword.

As soon as I thought about it, 1105 green lotus appeared in front of me. Then, in a mysterious way, these green lotus melted into the Chixiao sword in an instant.

Suddenly, the mysterious momentum rose, as if to pierce the sky.

"Second sword!" Jiang Ci's eyes are focused and his sword is cut out.

The huge sword light, whistling, fell on a corpse mountain ahead.


The power of the fairy level erupted, the earth trembled, the boundless evil spirit gushed, and the space began to break.

To Jiang Ci's surprise, the corpse mountain is still.

He was confident that this sword had the power of four immortals at least, but it didn't cause any damage to the corpse mountain.

It seems that the corpses piled up in the corpse mountain and their accomplishments before they died are unfathomable!

Jiuxiao Daojun didn't pay attention to Jiang Ci's surprise, and a smile appeared on his face: "well, it's good. You don't have any strange feeling when you use the second sword. It seems that you have completely mastered it."

Jiang CI respectfully listen, experience is full, must have completely mastered.If other Kendo practitioners come to practice the seven swords of Yunji, they may not be able to confirm whether they have completely mastered a certain sword.

He doesn't have this problem, just look at the level experience of the secret method.

"In that case, from today on, you are my own disciple of jiuxiao!" Jiuxiao Road King look serious said.

"I'll see you, master!" Jiang CI also kowtowed respectfully.

Jiuxiao Daojun looks at the figure of Jiang CI kneeling, as if in his eyes, a trace of complex color flashed.

He has experienced countless disasters and lived for endless years. His blood and relatives have been gone for a long time, so the most intimate people are these disciples.

Jiang Ci, who has been practicing for less than a thousand years, is the youngest and weakest of his disciples.

The smallest and weakest one is the most favored one.

If Jiang CI can become a real king, the relationship between them will last forever.

Thinking of this, jiuxiao Daojun sighed: "before you, there are 40 disciples, seven of whom have been killed.

Among the 33 who are still alive, one is Daojun, and 32 are Zhenjun. You are very young, so you should work harder to become Zhenjun. "

"Remember Jiang CI said.

At the same time, he sighed to himself that his actual age was more than 500 years old. In the eyes of jiuxiao Daojun, he was still a little bit.

I'm afraid only those who have lived for hundreds of millions of years are considered adults.

Jiuxiao Daojun gave Jiang CI another message mark, saying: "if you have any problems in cultivation in the future, you can directly send a message to me,

when you have completed the combination of Taoism and before you leave the Daoyuan ancient world, you will come to jiuxiao world once,

other times, if you don't have to, you don't need to come to jiuxiao world for the time being. You haven't become an immortal yet, so it's no good to come more."

"Yes Jiang CI nodded in response.

"Well, practice well." Jiuxiao Daojun finally said a word. With a wave of his hand, Jiang CI disappeared.


Jiang CI stood in front of the bamboo forest. He was a little confused. He passed it on to his disciples. There was no meeting ceremony?

Before he came, he was still full of expectation. Jiuxiao Daojun, who is standing at the peak of the human race, can help him to use it!

"Maybe I don't want to rely on foreign things. After all, the elder martial brothers are all real kings at least. I'm still far away, so I need to continue to practice hard!"