I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 518

In the attic, Jiang CI sat upright and serious.

On the contrary, jiujianxian has to be a lot more casual, open-minded and dissolute.

Seeing Jiang Ci's serious face, he said with a smile: "don't be bound by some red tape. Our people do pay attention to respecting teachers and respecting morality, but there is no rule that there can't be more than one teacher.

in fact, many strong people choose to study everywhere when they grow up. For example, before I became an immortal, there were many teachers,

because everyone's understanding of cultivation and Taoism is very important Different people can learn different ideas by learning from teachers. Only by integrating the advantages of thousands of families can they become stronger! "

Jiang CI nodded slowly, relieved and no longer insisted on his previous thoughts.

Moreover, even if he worships other strong men as teachers, it will not affect his relationship with jiujianxian.

"It's just Master, I don't know who is strong or weak, and which is more suitable. I'm not sure. It's not a good choice. " Jiang CI said.

In fact, if he really wants to choose to worship his teacher, he tends to be the six virtuous and true kings.

This ancient being once pointed out his kendo.

Unfortunately, liuxianzhenjun did not summon him.

"I have a suitable person." The wine Sword Fairy suddenly righted the color way, put away the casual posture.

"Oh? Who is the real king? " Jiang CI asked.

"Not the real king." Jiujianxian shook his head, looked serious and said: "it's jiuxiao Daojun!"

"Jiuxiao Mr. Tao Jiang Ci was surprised.

Jiuxiao Daojun is the strongest one in Zixiao sect, guarding Daoyuan ancient world, the holy land of human race,

and jiuxiao City, the only city in Daoyuan ancient world, is named jiuxiao Daojun, whose status can be imagined.

This is definitely the top three of the Terrans!

"Master, didn't you summon me? Do I have to go to jiuxiao palace to worship my teacher? " Jiang CI Lian asked.

It is still unknown whether others will accept the initiative to learn from teachers.

"Jiuxiao Daojun really didn't summon you." Jiujianxian laughed, then said: "however, he sent someone two days ago to tell me that you can be a registered disciple!"

Jiang CI suddenly realized that his master had a certain connection with jiuxiao Daojun.

the most obvious example is Jiu Jianxian's edict of inviting jiuxiao Daojun to save him 200 years ago.

If it doesn't matter, it can't be done at all.

"Just a registered disciple?" Jiang CI asked.

"Jiuxiao Daojun's disciples are basically strong at the level of real monarch. You are still in Yuanshen period now. It's good to be a registered disciple." Jiujianxian said with a smile.

Jiang CI nodded slowly.

An era of 36 million years.

Ten thousand years is only 360 billion years.

In Daojun's eyes, it is estimated that it is equivalent to a year for ordinary people.

In these endless years, I don't know how many epoch-making talents jiuxiao Daojun has seen. It's very rare that he can be accepted as a registered disciple.

"Do you know who is the master of the emperor of heaven today?" Jiujianxian asked again.

"Is it jiuxiao Daojun?" Jiang Ci was surprised.

"Not bad." Jiujianxian nodded and said, "so you don't feel bad, do you?

The reason why the emperor can become the leader of the Taoist alliance and control the human race is that he is strong in his own way It's because of the support of emperor jiuxiao! "

After hearing the definite answer, Jiang Ci's face was full of shock.

It's a big secret!

Jiuxiao Daojun is the master of Tianting emperor!

For the Terran, the Taoist alliance heaven is the highest authority, which governs the huge Terran territory.

And the emperor, as the Lord of heaven, is standing at the highest place of heaven.

The strength of nature is needless to say, is absolutely the peak of the Terran strong!

How powerful is jiuxiao Daojun?

Jiang CI thought, at least the existence of the top three of the human race.

"Don't think you are just registered disciples. In terms of status, jiuxiao Daojun's registered disciples are definitely higher than Zhenjun's own disciples.

in the future, you will have the chance to become jiuxiao Daojun's own disciples when you improve your cultivation or show stronger talent.

by then, no one will dare to provoke you, such as Qiao da, I'll stay away from you. " Jiujianxian said again.

Jiang CI nodded, jiuxiao Daojun is definitely a big backer, which is beyond doubt.

I'm afraid that the whole human race will be able to surpass the emperor of jiuxiao.

"Of course, those alien race certainly won't give jiuxiao Dao Jun's face." Jiujianxian took a drink.

Jiang CI also laughs. It's strange that the alien race gives face.

If you really worship jiuxiao Daojun as a teacher, I'm afraid the alien race will soon improve his ranking.

To this step, Jiang CI has made a decision, worship jiuxiao Daojun as a teacher!"Master, go to jiuxiao Daojun. Is there anything you need to pay attention to?" Jiang CI asked.

"What should I pay attention to?" Jiujianxian thought about it, and said solemnly: "jiuxiao Daojun is a powerful man who has made great contributions to the human race. When you go to see him, you must keep enough respect. You can't be so casual as in front of a teacher."

"Remember Jiang CI said respectfully.

"By the way, before you go to see jiuxiao Daojun, remember to see Tieshan Zhenjun. He is your direct subordinate Zhenjun and should report to you." Jiujianxian said.

"Yes Jiang CI nodded.

As a registered disciple of jiuxiao Daojun, he no longer belongs to Tieshan Zhenjun's faction,

and even becomes an immortal in the future. He is still qualified to form his own faction power in the sect.

Then he left jiujianxian mansion and went to jiuxiao palace.

On the way, he contacted Tieshan Zhenjun with messenger pearl.

A wisp of spiritual consciousness turns into a communication illusion through the communication bead and appears in the palace of Tieshan Zhenjun, the sixth heaven of Zixiao sect.

When Tieshan Zhenjun learned that Jiang CI wanted to worship jiuxiao Daojun as his teacher, he was helpless, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

Finally, he encouraged Jiang Ci to follow jiuxiao Daojun to practice well.

Jiang CI wrote down one by one, and he also maintained respect for his old superior.

When the earth was in crisis, Tieshan sent his immortal army to defend the earth without saying a word.

It's also a kindness.


Jiang Ci and Tieshan Zhenjun just came to the gate of jiuxiao palace.

This towering palace city is huge, like a prehistoric beast, crawling on the gray earth of Daoyuan ancient world.

He is familiar with this place, but only in the inheritance hall.

The 44 inheritance altars are in the inheritance hall outside jiuxiao palace.

The emperor of jiuxiao road lives in the inner city of jiuxiao palace. He needs to move on along the stone road.

Along the way, you can see many practitioners walking in a hurry in the palace city, and no one dares to make a loud noise.

The deeper you go, the stronger the cultivator you meet will be. At last, there are only those who are strong in Taoism.

As a practitioner of Yuanshen period, Jiang CI is particularly noticeable.

Finally, he stopped at the gate of the inner city, where a team of immortal robbing guards stopped him.

"Who is it?" The first robber cried.

Jiang CI reveals his intention, and the other party checks and verifies his identity.

However, even if the identity was found out, the guard did not relax his vigilance, but led him into the inner city.

"The guard is very strict..." The secret way in Jiang Ci's heart.

After entering the inner city of jiuxiao palace, you can see that there are many immortal robbing guards patrolling in the city.

Soon, Jiang Ci was taken to a palace.

"This is the residence of an fengzhenjun. Go in yourself." Said the guard.

"Thank you very much." Jiang CI said thanks and stepped into the hall.

He didn't ask why he wanted to see an fengzhenjun first. I believe that the guard of robbing immortals won't make fun of him. No one in jiuxiao palace dares to have a bad idea and make small moves.

Inside the hall, a young man in white stands with his hands on his shoulders. When he sees Jiang Ci, he laughs, giving people a kind of gentle feeling.

Jiang Ci was a little surprised. He met several real princes with different temperaments,

but they had one thing in common, which was that they were afraid to look directly at each other.

But this Anfeng real gentleman is obviously different. It doesn't look like a real gentleman. It makes people laugh like spring breeze.

"Jiang CI calls on an Fengzhen!" Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

"If you come to the inner city of jiuxiao Palace on your own initiative, should you be willing to worship your teacher?" An Fengzhen asked.

"Yes." Jiang CI nodded.

"In that case, you can call me the Third Elder martial brother." An Fengzhen said with a kind smile.

"I'm a disciple accepted by the master very early, so I can rank the third among many of his disciples. However, many of them are better than me." He explained another sentence.

"I've met the Third Elder martial brother." Jiang CI salutes again.

"Let's go to jiuxiao world with me now." An fengzhenjun turned and went to the deep of the palace.

Jiuxiao world?

Jiang CI didn't dare to say more, so he quickly followed.

Just a moment, I came to a secluded bamboo forest.

There is a path in the forest, winding to the unknown.

After stepping on the path, heaven and earth turn, a space change.

After everything calmed down, Jiang CI made a close observation and found that he came to a vast world.

There is a long river of evil spirit flowing in the world.

A sea of corpses, across the earth.

Those corpses piled up together, basically without human form, are all alien corpses.

And the breath of it makes Jiang CI very surprised.

It's powerful!Is this all killed by jiuxiao Daojun?

With surprise and doubt in his heart, he followed an fengzhenjun and walked in the sea of corpses.

Soon, in front of the sea of blood above, see a void and stand tall figure.

Only look at the face, this is just a dignified middle-aged man, eyes closed.

But the bloody armor and long hair, however, sent out a frightening breath, as if this person was the source of all this evil spirit.

Jiuxiao Daojun!

Jiang CI just looked at it, and there was boundless fear in his heart.

It's terrible!

Hearsay, can't look at some powerful existence directly with eyes, can't call its name directly, otherwise will be watched.

It seems that this rumor is true.

"Master, Jiang CI has arrived." An Fengzhen, the king of rites.

"Jiang CI?" Jiuxiao Daojun opens his eyes and his eyes fall on Jiang CI.


This boundless evil spirit suddenly receded.

The fear in Jiang Ci's heart also disappeared.

"Jiang Ci, meet Lord jiuxiao!" Jiang CI kneels on the ground.

In the face of the supremacy of the human race, he felt very small.

"I've seen you break through Tianshan Mountain. Without using the other three avenues, you can break through 13 levels. Your talent is fairly good." Jiuxiao Dao Jun said with a smile.

Jiang CI kept calm on the surface, but he was shocked and even worried in his heart.

He never showed the wind, fire, gold, the three roads, jiuxiao Daojun actually know!

This kind of feeling is like that he has no secret in front of jiuxiao Daojun.

So Does jiuxiao Daojun know his experience value?

When he was worried, jiuxiao Daojun continued: "if you can practice the first sword of Yunji seven swords in 50 years, your savvy in kendo is rare."

Jiang CI knelt down to listen.

"Talent and understanding are excellent. Would you like to be my registered disciple?" Jiuxiao Daojun looks at Jiang CI.

"Yes, disciple!" Jiang CI kowtowed.

Jiuxiao Daojun nodded with a smile. It didn't look like the image of killing God just now. Only the long blood hair was still fluttering slightly, which made people palpitating.

He seldom takes in apprentices, because there are not many talents that can interest him.

The human race occupies the best territory of the universe. Compared with other ethnic groups, the human race is naturally the most spiritual and has no shortage of genius.

Epoch genius in an era, may be able to cover the world.

But in endless years, still can send out dazzling light, very few.

As the peak of the human race, jiuxiao Daojun has seen countless talents, but few of them want to be his disciples.

Unless it's the top talent of the era, such as Lu Yan of Jianmen, whose cultivation is as simple as drinking water, and who has the chance to become a Taoist king in the future.

But this time he accepted the apprentice, on one hand,

JIANG CI came from the earth, on the other hand.

Of course, Jiang CI also showed enough talent.

Although he is only taking Jiang Ci as a registered disciple now, in fact, he mainly aims to investigate it first.

After all, Jiang CI is not as talented as Lu Yan.

"Jiangci, I know that you have understood 350 changes of Qinglian Kendo,

and the requirement of practicing the second sword of Yunji seven swords is to fully understand the fourth evolution process of Qinglian Kendo, that is, 1105 changes.

I allow you to practice in Daoyuan ancient world for 1000 years. If you can understand 1105 changes of Qinglian Kendo and practice the second sword of Yunji seven swords in this millennium, You can become my own disciple. " Jiuxiao Daojun said.

As soon as the words fall, Jiang CI is not surprised, but an fengzhenjun is shocked. Then he looks at Jiang CI sympathetically.

However, Jiang CI didn't notice this. He was full of confidence.

In the 1000 years of Daoyuan ancient world, if he can't practice the second sword, he can find a group of cotton to kill him.

"An Feng." Jiu Xiao Dao Jun looks at an Feng Zhen Jun.

"The disciples are here." An Feng really gentleman says in a hurry, he has already restored calm at this time.

"You've practiced the seven swords of Yunji before. In the past thousand years, you should give some advice to Xiajiang CI every ten years." Jiuxiao Daojun said.

"Yes, disciple!" An Fengzhen salutes with a respectful voice.

"Thank you, master!" Jiang CI is also polite.

"Well, I hope you can practice the second sword in a thousand years." Jiuxiao Daojun nodded and said in a deep voice: "remember, in my Terran, the better you perform, the more resources you get."

"Yes, I will do my best!" Jiang CI said solemnly.


He and an fengzhenjun disappear in jiuxiao world.The next moment, the two appeared outside the bamboo forest when they came.

Jiang Ci was relieved. At this moment, he just relaxed a little.

Just now in the face of jiuxiao Daojun, even if there is no fear, there is still some pressure.

"Pressure?" An Fengzhen asked.

"Well." Jiang CI nodded.

"It's normal, because it's the master's killing division. Even if I'm a Si Zhuan Dao immortal now, I'll have a lot of pressure to see the master's killing division." An Fengzhen said with a smile.

"Is the Third Elder martial brother Si zhuandao immortal?" Jiang Ci was very surprised.

In fact, the word "true king" is the honorific name of the human race for the strong in Daoxian period. The actual realm should be Daoxian.

He was not surprised that jiuxiao Daojun had a separate body, but was surprised at the strength of Anfeng Zhenjun.

"Yes, why do you think elder martial brother's strength is not enough?" An Fengzhen laughs.

"Elder martial brother, I'm joking. The four immortals have experienced four reversals of life and death, and few of us can do it." Jiang CI praised.

There are nine robberies in the history of robbing immortals. Every time you pass one, you will live a long life.

However, Daoxian Zhenjun is to reverse life and death.

once he successfully reverses life and death, he will have endless longevity yuan.

at the same time, his strength will be greatly improved.

However, since it is a reversal of life and death, the reversal is naturally accompanied by life and death.

A thought of life, a thought of death.

Innumerable talented people, after passing through the nine robberies and becoming the nine robber immortals, fall in this step.

Jiang CI thought of master Jiu Jianxian, the most beautiful sword immortal genius. Now it's because he has evil thoughts in his heart that he can't reverse life and death.

If you can't become a Taoist immortal, the final result is to exhaust your life and death.

In addition, Daoxian Zhenjun can reverse life and death up to five times.

Therefore, the highest realm of the true king and the strong one is the wuzhuandao immortal.

This level of the strong, after five reversals of life and death, can survive, in the whole Terran is not much.

Jiang CI once learned from jiujianxian that Liu Xianzhen Jun and WAN Du Zhen Jun, who he had met before, were all wuzhuandao immortals,

Tieshan Zhen Jun was the second zhuandao immortal,

Baoyan Zhen Jun, who was known as the genius of daomen era, was the fourth zhuandao immortal, just like Anfeng Zhen Jun.

So how dare Jiang CI belittle an fengzhenjun.

Even if it was a Daoxian, he didn't dare to underestimate it. He could kill him by blowing.


Later, they went back to the palace.

"Master, I instruct you to practice the seven swords of Yunji. Do you know the origin of the seven swords of Yunji?" An Feng really gentleman suddenly asks a way.

"I only know that it's the top Battle Secret." Jiang CI answered truthfully.

"I thought you knew when you were so confident just now." An Fengzhen was a little surprised.

"Ah?" Jiang CI is confused.

"The ignorant are fearless." An fengzhenjun shook his head and said, "the seven swords of Yunji were created by Yunji Zhenjun of Jianmen before countless ages.

he could have used this set of top secret techniques to cultivate Daojun, but he was defeated in a battle."

"Is it not the secret of Daojun?" Jiang Ci was even more surprised.

"The peak secret has the word peak, which doesn't mean it must be created by Daojun." An Fengzhen said with a smile.

He also said: "Yunji Zhenjun is a wuzhuandao immortal, but his creation of Yunji Qijian is amazing to Daojun who practices kendo.

I've practiced it before. Although it's only for auxiliary combat, I think I know this set of secret methods thoroughly.

but do you know how long it took me to practice the second sword? "

Jiang CI shakes his head.

"Eight hundred years!" An Fengzhen is the right way.

800 years?

Jiang Ci was stunned for a moment. He used it for 40 years, and then he practiced the first sword.

even if the difficulty of the second sword is ten times higher, can he practice it in 400 years at most?

Third Elder martial brother's talent is very poor? It took so long!

"Do you know how long it took me to make my first sword?" An Fengzhen asked again.

Without waiting for Jiang Ci to answer, he said the answer himself: "half a year!"

Jiang Ci's face changed.

Half a year Eight hundred years!

So much difference!

Isn't that to say that the difficulty of cultivating the second sword is more than 1000 times higher than that of the first sword?

"Moreover, when I practiced the seven swords of Yunji, I was already a turning immortal." An Feng Zhen Jun says again.

Jiang Ci's face changed greatly!

It took 800 years for daoxiandu to become the second sword. How long will it take for him to become the yuan God?

Moreover, he has to fully understand the fourth evolution process of Qinglian Kendo, that is, 1105 kinds of Qinglian changes, before he can start to practice.

now he has realized 350 kinds of Qinglian changes, which is far away from the number of 1105. It must take a lot of time!Jiuxiao Daojun only gave him 1000 years!

No wonder an fengzhenjun said that he was fearless when he was ignorant.

Jiang CI took a deep breath and calmed his shock.

"I will give you advice every ten years, three days at a time, according to the master's instructions.

before you fully understand the fourth evolution process of Qinglian Kendo, I will give you advice on your Kendo first, and then Yunji seven swords." An Feng Zhen Jun said.

"Then trouble the Third Elder martial brother." Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

"No trouble, everything depends on you. It depends on your own efforts to become the master's disciple." An Fengzhen smiles.

He didn't know where Jiang CI got his confidence. Anyway, he found it difficult.

Maybe, Jiang CI really needs some luck.


Next, Jiang CI didn't waste time and resources. He asked an fengzhenjun about Qinglian kendo.

Anfeng Zhenjun is worthy of practicing kendo. His understanding of Kendo is unique.

In just three days, Jiang CI benefited a lot.

He realized the benefits of paying more homage to his teachers as the master Jiu Jianxian said.

After three days of instruction, he left the inner city of jiuxiao palace.

Next time I want to ask Mr. an Fengzhen for advice, I will wait ten years.

Back to the stone house, Jiang CI didn't immediately enter the cultivation.

He was thinking about the possibility of becoming the second sword of the seven swords of Yunji in a thousand years.

"The first is to fully understand the fourth evolution process of Qinglian kendo. There are 1105 changes in total. Now I have understood 350 changes, and 755 are still missing..."

This is not too difficult for Jiang CI.

This confidence comes from the cultivation of Daowen. Daowen improves not only physical strength, but also Daofa affinity!

[Daowen technique (Siwen 40 billion, 40 billion)]

since his great changes in strength, Daowen technique, the secret method of refining body, has been promoted to Siwen realm.

In addition to the Taoist realm, the premise of cultivating to this realm is that the body should integrate 99 Taoist blood crystals.

Relying on the second state of mind, he resisted the evil spirit impact of Daowen Xuejing. In the past 50 years, he successfully fused 99 Daowen Xuejing.

Each blood crystal can double the affinity of Tiandi method.

In other words, he now has 99 times the affinity of Taoism and Dharma, and the deduction efficiency has become 99 times the original!

Therefore, it is not difficult for him to understand the fourth evolution of Qinglian kendo.

"The biggest problem now is whether we can become the second sword of the seven swords of Yunji in a thousand years after we have mastered the Qinglian kendo."