I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 517

"My Lord, a genius like Jiang CI has more and more stamina.

with the increase of his cultivation time, he will improve faster in the future.

other real kings of the clan will try their best to win over Jiang CI.

If any real king who practices sword Taoism is willing to accept Jiang Ci as an apprentice, it is estimated that Jiang CI will not refuse,

there will be a master and apprentice pass at that time If it's tied up, Jiang CI will become a member of other factions. " Yi Liang says what he thinks.

Tieshan Zhenjun didn't practice kendo. He became the direct subordinate of Jiangci because he presided over the nine regions talent war of Jiangci.

"My Lord, I suggest that Jiang CI be summoned now." Second good see iron mountain really king silent, again open mouth to persuade.

"Of course I understand what you say." Tieshan Zhenjun nodded slightly, and said: "the talent Jiang CI showed at the beginning was not the best, even Zhiwei was inferior,

but now it is less than 300 years, and he has left Zhiwei far behind. This is a real era genius. There may not be one in thousands of eras.

it is normal for someone to dig the wall."

"That adult should summon him at once?" Yi Liang doesn't understand.

As Tieshan's right-hand man, he is very concerned about the overall strength of this faction.

It can be predicted that as long as Jiang CI develops normally, it will definitely become a nine robber immortal,

at that time, their power in the clan will increase greatly.

"I also wanted to summon him immediately, but the little guy blocked the subpoena and couldn't contact him. I sent him a message and didn't return it." Mr. Tieshan shook his head.

"Blocked?" Yi Liang was stunned for a moment,

then he immediately reflected that Jiang CI must have figured out that there would be many real princes who would woo him or take him as an apprentice.

But he was a little guy in Yuanshen period, and he didn't dare to directly refuse the existence of real monarchs.

If you block the subpoena, you can't get in touch with him.

In this way, you don't have to worry about offending those big guys.

After a while, when the storm subsided, he could still choose the best one from a large number of invitation.

"Smart move." Yi Liang was filled with emotion.

Not only is he gifted, but he is also experienced.

"For the time being, we can't interfere with what choice he will eventually make." Tieshan Zhenjun said with a smile.

He is very clear that in terms of competitiveness, he is not as good as some ancient real kings who have lived for many years.

Now, we can only look at Jiang Ci's own choice.


At the same time, the story of Jiang Ci's passing through the 13th pass of Tianshan Mountain also spread among different races.

On the edge of daomeng's Zhenxuan realm, a remote barren galaxy, in a rare cave world.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, and there are strands of dark blue flames on the ground. The whole world is filled with a kind of gloomy atmosphere.

In the center of the world, the blue flames converge into a sea of music.

A black mountain with a height of one million kilometers stands in the middle of the dark blue ocean.

There is a huge palace built by bones on the top of the mountain,

the owner of the palace, called the white three ghost king, is the strongest one of the ghosts lurking in the territory of the human race.

A white eyed woman flies to the palace of white bones very fast.

Although she is a nine robber ghost fairy, she dare not rush into this palpitating palace.

The white eyed woman respectfully said outside the hall: "please see the king's crown!"

The ghost clan only has the real king level strong person, only then has the qualification to add the ghost king two words after the name.

"Come in." A voice seemed to come from beyond.

The white eyed woman rushed into the main hall on the first floor of the white bone palace.

On the main hall, a figure like an evil spirit was surrounded by dark blue flames.

"What's the matter?" White three ghost king asked.

"Crown, is about the Terran genius Jiang CI intelligence." White eyed woman respectfully said.

"Oh? The one who failed the last assassination? What happened to him? " The white three ghosts are interested.

Because the last assassination was ordered by him himself, and he could escape the assassination of the ghost immortals of yinyecha clan, which has proved the threat of Jiangci.

"According to the information sent back by the spies, Jiang CI has just passed the 13th pass of Tongtian mountain!" The white eyed woman said quickly.

"Level 13? I remember that his cultivation time is less than a thousand years, right White three ghost King some surprised.

"Yes, these talents are already at the level of epoch-making talents.

even compared with Lu Yan and Baoyan Zhenjun, the epoch-making talents before the Terran, they are not much different.

if we let him grow up, it will definitely be a big trouble for us!" The white eyed woman looked serious.

"Lu Yan, Bao Yan, the real king level genius?" White three ghost King's fingers, gently tapping the throne.

After pondering a little, he said: "eight million years ago, in order to assassinate Lu Yan, my men had destroyed a lot of strong men,Now I have to assassinate Jiang CI. I don't have any suitable dark son to carry out the assassin's mission. "

The higher the cultivation is, the more difficult it is to hide.

Now, if you want to assassinate Jiang Ci, you need at least six years of cultivation to be sure.

"Order to go down and list Jiang Ci as the number one target on the list of assassins!" White three ghost King smile way.

"Yes The white eyed woman also laughed.

The Terrans occupy the best territory in the universe. The enemies are not only ghosts, but also demons and many other alien races.

To list Jiang Ci as the No.1 target in the assassination list will bring more attention to Jiang CI.

At that time, if they don't, other ethnic groups will do the same.


This is a star continent in the danger of the universe. There is a top group of people living on it.

The demon clan has opened up a cave world here, as the headquarters that lurks in the Terran territory.

There are many mountains in the cave world.

A huge palace, suspended above the mountains.

At this time, a body with scaly figure, kneeling in the hall.

Above the hall, on the huge throne, sat a demon king who was thousands of feet tall.

His long tail, even longer, swayed gently.

"Wang, we've heard from the dark son who lurks in Zixiao sect that the Terran genius Jiang CI has passed the 13th level of Tongtian mountain after only a few hundred years of cultivation, and is already the level of epoch-making genius.

But now he is in the holy land of the human race, Daoyuan ancient world. We can't find an opportunity to assassinate him. " Scaly figure respectfully said.

"Daoyuan ancient world is guarded by jiuxiao Daojun, where do you want to assassinate?" The long tailed demon king laughed.

"Don't think about assassinating Jiang CI for the time being. When he reaches the stage of harmony, he will definitely go to the foreign battlefield, and there will be a lot of opportunities then!"


Jiang Ci, concerned by all parties, is not clear about the situation outside.

He only knew that this time there would be a lot of powerful presence to contact and solicit him.

Therefore, after he broke through the Tianshan Mountains, he blocked the communication beads with his spiritual consciousness, and could not receive communication or information.

I was in the stone house, and I didn't go anywhere.

Three days later, Jiang CI released the communication bead's shield.

Suddenly, hundreds of accumulated messages came.

After a spiritual scan, we found 514!

To tell you the truth, Jiang Ci was still very surprised. He didn't expect so many powerful people to summon him.

Among them, 428 are from Zhenjun strongmen, Zhenjun of various factions in the clan, and some Zhenjun guarding the 400 Star District of Zixiao region.

In addition to these real kings, there are also some from those who rob immortals.

In addition, those friends who had been fighting in jiuyu before, Mu Ning, Yan Jiufeng and Zhiwei, also knew about it.

Jiang CI with a strong sense of the spirit, quickly read these messages.

"Those talents, who are known as rare in millions of years, are not worthy of being robbed by those who are really strong."

"The era of genius is different. Few of them are able to sit down." Jiang CI smiles gently.

From the contents of these messages, he can feel the cordial attitude of you Zhenjun. There is no bullying, coercion and so on.

Most of them are in the message, encouraging him, and then revealing the idea of accepting apprentices.

Later, he just sent a message back to Mu Ning and other friends, because he didn't know how to write back to the real kings.

In case of meeting a small-minded person, he provokes a big man's enemy.

Jiang CI thought about it again, got up, left the stone house and came to the residence of master jiujianxian.

He came to the attic behind the main hall, and the master was waiting here.

"See you, master!" Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

"I thought you'd have to wait half a month to get out." Jiujianxian took a drink with a smile.

"It's not the only way to make such a big noise." Jiang CI said with a smile.

"It seems that you have been summoned by many true gentlemen this time." Jiujianxian said.

"Well, there are more than 400 real kings, and almost all of them want to accept me as an apprentice." Jiang CI nodded.

"Ha ha, that's a little too much." Jiujianxian laughed, and then said: "however, it's normal. After all, you are now a genius of the era, and your cultivation time is short.

according to the past experience, as long as the genius of the era does not fall, after becoming an immortal, the weakest one can become a seven robber immortal,

nearly half of the others can reach nine robber immortal, and a few can become a real king, so they will be robbed I want to accept you as an apprentice, because the relationship between master and apprentice is the closest

Jiang CI nodded slightly, which is the truth.

The stronger the strength, the more Shouyuan.

When we reach jiujiexian, Shouyuan will be 100000 years old.

Those who are really strong have endless longevity.

In the long life, relatives who are related by blood may gradually die away,In the end, what is really close to each other is the teacher, who is the most reliable one.

The real king and the strong are scrambling to accept him as an apprentice, which is why they value this.

When Jiang CI really grows up, it will become their right arm.

If the chance is deeper, it can reverse life and death and cultivate Daoxian Zhenjun, then all the masters and apprentices will be the strong ones of Zhenjun.

in the future, they will have a greater grasp of factional struggle and joint adventure in the universe, not to worry about sneak attacks and conspiracy.

In fact, the plot of deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors in novels is very rare.

It's a tradition that people respect their teachers and respect their way, which has gone through endless years without dying out.

Just like many vicious people, no matter how bad their behavior is, they seldom go to their own masters.

"Have you decided who to choose as the master?" Jiujianxian asked with a smile.

"Master..." Jiang CI frowned.

As a matter of fact, he has no plans to learn from others.

Jiujianxian tried his best to teach him. There was no reason for him to change his master.

(start before change...)