I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 516

Jiang CI broke through the 12th level, which brought a great shock to a group of strong robbers.

Even jiujianxian, who thinks he knows the strength of Jiangci best, is shocked: "this boy, I know he has initially understood the first sword of Yunji's seven swords ten years ago.

I didn't expect that he has trained the first sword to great success in only ten years!"

According to jiujianxian's guess, it's almost enough that Jiang CI can pass the 11th level.

In this way, Jiang CI may have a chance to pass the 13th level!

"What a surprise Jiujianxian likes this kind of shock, no matter how much.


Different from everyone's shock, although Jiujie Xian Yiliang was also shocked, he was more worried now.

Yuanshenqi passed the 12th level!

Such a terrible talent,

he can be sure that the corner of Tieshan Zhenjun will be dug down when the achievement of Jiang Ci's breakthrough is spread!

"Every time Tongtian mountain passes three levels, the difficulty rises a big step. Can he pass the 13th level?" Yi Liang's mood is very complicated.

It is expected that Jiang Ci's achievements will continue to improve and Jiang CI will stop.

"Can he get through level 13?" Many people ask questions in their hearts.

But this time, no one dares to draw a conclusion in advance.


Qinglian passes through Tianshan, and Jiang CI appears in the 13th level of fantasy space.

"The strength of the gatekeeper in this pass will be greatly improved, and the amplitude of spiritual power alone will reach 37000 times,

while the amplitude of my basic spiritual power is 20000 times, so it should be very difficult to break through just by using Kendo and Yunji seven swords!" Jiang CI takes a deep breath.

However, it is precisely in this way that his real combat power can be tested.

At this time, the guard smiles and says, "it's been a long time since the little guy of yuanshenqi came to the 13th pass. I hope you can pass today."

"Please Jiang's Ci is the right way.

Battle begins!

The gatekeeper instantly displayed the sword skill of green lotus, thousands of green lotus covered the space,

gathered countless sword Qi, and turned the space into a sword world,

sword Qi!

Suddenly, thousands of green lotus with sword Qi turn into a thousand Zhang sword with green lotus pattern, whistling and attacking Jiangci.


At the same time, Jiang CI made a move, and 350 swordsmanship green lotus emerged, and then merged into Chixiao sword in a mysterious way.

Use the first sword of seven swords again!

But its power is three times stronger than that of 12 levels just now!


The mysterious momentum rose and turned into a huge sword. Although it was only 300 Zhang, its momentum was not inferior to that of the guard!

One shot!

First, momentum collision.

The giant sword of the gatekeeper carries the ultimate Dao rhyme beyond the sword meaning.

The giant sword of Jiang CI is the mysterious meaning of Yunji's seven swords.


The original perfect fantasy space began to break up and turned into space turbulence.

Two huge swords collided with each other!


There was no sound between the heaven and the earth, only a burst of dazzling light.

At the same time, the spatial turbulence appears temporary stagnation.


The next moment, there is a voice that resounds through heaven and earth.

At the center of the collision, the dazzling light became extremely dazzling.

Stagnant space turbulence, once again roaring swept out.

Three hundred feet of Cloud Collection huge sword, just a little pause, again break forward.

On the contrary, the huge sword of Qinglian, which is thousands of feet long, was repulsed by thousands of kilometers.

"My sword is stronger!" Jiang CI has bright eyes.

Although the guard's attainments of Qinglian sword are much better than his, his actual power is inferior to the first sword of seven swords of Yunji.

Because the gatekeeper doesn't use any combat secrets, just pure Kendo power.

Boom boom!

The two sides fight each other again,

the two huge swords collide in the turbulence of space, and bursts of strength comparable to the power of the powerful immortal.

Of course, it's not a simple collision.

In a mysterious way, the huge sword of Yunji shuttles through the space constantly, which makes it impossible to defend. Once it finds the right opportunity, it can end the life of the guard.

Qinglian sword is full of brute force. It seems to destroy everything.

However, this kind of barbaric attack, which seems to be powerful, has many loopholes.

In addition, the huge sword of Yunji had the upper hand. After many collisions, he finally bypassed the obstruction of the huge sword of Qinglian, penetrated the space and came to the side of the guard.

"No!" The guard's face changed greatly.

Because it must keep the same cultivation as Jiang Ci, that is, the later period of Yuanshen.In this emergency, he had no time to respond.


Yunji's huge sword directly crushed the guard's body and annihilated his spirit.

The guard is dead!

Level 13, pass!


Over this starry continent, nearly 100 strong people who robbed immortals saw this scene, which was not a simple shock, but more serious.

Yuanshenqi passed the 13th pass of tongtianshan mountain. It hasn't appeared for many years!

For endless years, the genius from Sanmen LiuZong of daomeng has been unknown. Of course, some people have done this in Yuanshen period.

Most of those people later became the true monarchs of the universe.

No matter how bad it is, you can become a nine robber immortal.

But the problem is, when those people do this step, the time of cultivation is longer than Jiang CI!

"He has only practiced for hundreds of years!"

"We have witnessed the birth of an era of genius!"

"Now It's going to be very lively! "

"Look, he's going to keep going!"


Jiangci goes along the stone steps to the 14th pass of Qinglian Tongtian mountain.

"It's very hard just now. It's impossible to get through 14 levels only by Kendo and Yunji seven swords, unless you expose some more cards."

He is weighing the pros and cons, exposing too many cards, good or bad?

"It's almost done. This time I'm just trying to test my strength, not to show off."

Jiang CI has a decision.

It's not a show!

After a continuous rush, he has a clear understanding of his own strength and knows what level he is in.

Generally, if you can pass the 10th pass of Tongtian mountain, you will have the fighting power of robbing immortals.

If you pass through the 13th pass of Tongtian mountain, your combat power will surpass that of three robbers.

That is to say, his fighting power in kendo alone has reached the level of three robbers.

If you add the skills of Daorong and Daowen, the combat power will be stronger!

Come to the fantasy space of level 14.

The guard said in a deep voice: "if you don't have the hidden strength, you can't get through this pass!"

"Try it." Jiang CI said with a smile.

I'm really here to try.

At the beginning of the battle, the two sides gathered two huge swords again.

But this time, the momentum of Qinglian sword completely crushed Yunji sword.


Qinglian's sword just in an instant defeated Yunji's sword and then fell on Jiang CI.

Jiang CI has no room for resistance.

Failed to pass.


They were watching the battle and were relieved at the same time.

"He finally fell down..."

But then, we looked at each other and suddenly laughed at ourselves.

They are all powerful robbers of immortals. This time, they were shocked by a little guy in Yuanshen period.

However, as we all know,

the main reason is that Jiang Ci's performance is too bad. He even broke through the sixth level and directly passed the 13th level!

If you are a person who has been practicing for nearly ten thousand years, it is normal.

But Jiang CI is just a Yuanshen period which has only been practiced for hundreds of years, which is not normal!

"Zhong Li, congratulations."

"Zhong Li, this time not only Nangong is jealous of you, but also me."

"Yes, such a talented disciple can't be seen in an era."

"Good luck!"

Looking at jiujianxian, some of them congratulated, some ridiculed, and some envied.

Shouyuan, a nine robber immortal, is only 100000 years old. It's only by luck that he wants to get a good disciple with a bad talent.

"Ha ha!" Jiujianxian laughs happily,

in fact, he is also shocked, and Jiang Ci's performance is far beyond his expectation.

He knew that there must be a lot of secrets in Jiang CI.

However, he did not plan to pry,

as a master, he certainly hoped that the more opportunities Jiang CI had, the better.

"Yi Liang, I have just reminded you that my apprentice is going to become a hot commodity." Jiujianxian looked at Yiliang immortal beside him and joked.

Yi Liang has no choice but to smile. Lingzhi leaves Tongtian mountain and river map.

We must inform Tieshan Zhenjun immediately, otherwise, the corner will not be protected!

Nearly a hundred strong robbers disappeared one after another, and went back to report the incident to their respective Zhenjun strongmen.

There's a genius monster in zongmen. It's really exciting this time!


The universe is too big to stop the communication of communication beads.

In the case of communication beads, the speed of information dissemination is too fast.

Only ten minutes later, all the powerful people in charge of Zixiao sect knew about this situation.Then ten minutes later, the leaders of Sanmen and LiuZong all knew about it.


Zixiaozong six days, black starry mountains, iron mountain real king's palace.

Yi Liang reported the situation of Jiang Ci's breaking through Tianshan Mountain. When he said that Jiang CI had broken through 6 levels in tongtianshan mountain and passed the 13th level.

Tieshan Zhenjun, who was sitting on the throne, couldn't sit any more. He stood up and was shocked.

"You said he passed level 13?"

"Yes, and he only used Kendo and the peak combat secret Yunji seven swords, not many other means." Yi Liang said respectfully.

"Just Kendo is terrible. It's only been practiced for hundreds of years

This kind of talent, even compared with Lu Yan, a genius of Jianmen eight million years ago, is not much different! Genius Tieshan Zhenjun sat down again and regained his peace.

Lu Yan, a genius of Jianmen, is also a genius of the era.

The first time I broke through Tianshan Mountain, I even passed 4 passes.

Then he practiced for 30 years in Daoyuan ancient world and finally passed the 10th level.

So the performance of Jiang CI is worse than that of Lu Yan.

In fact, even if the bottom card of Jiang CI is out, it may not be as strict as Shanglu.

Because the time of Lu Yan's cultivation is shorter than that of Jiang Ci, less than a hundred years!

This is a walking humanoid plug-in. It's as simple as drinking water.

He was once favored by many Terran leaders and thought that he would be the next Taoist king.

It's a pity that this peerless genius has not yet grown up, but has fallen in an experience.