I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 515

Zixiao sect is one of the nine immortal sects at the peak of the human race, which can be called a giant.

It is also a normal phenomenon that there are many factions in the clan and they compete with each other.

In order to strengthen the strength of their own faction, the powerful real kings who are in power will try their best to win over some of the powerful ones who rob immortals.

Because of many things, Zhenjun can't come out in person. He has to let the strong robber come out.

Where does the strong robber come from?

Naturally, they are the top talents who show great talent before they become immortals!

Jiang CI is a genius in this field.

However, he only passed the seventh pass of Tongtian mountain before, and it's not worth paying a big price.

If Jiang CI has a big breakthrough this time and has passed the Ninth level, there will definitely be some real strong men who will win over Jiang CI.

Less than a thousand years ago, Jiang CI had this strength.

in the future, he could survive at least six robberies in a row, and in the future, he had a great chance to become a nine robber immortal.

Nine plunder immortals, that is the existence of the right arm of the real king and the strong.

"Go back and remind Zhenjun!" Yi Liang has a secret way in his heart.


At this time, a group of strong robbers of immortals saw Jiang CI ascend the Qinglian Tongtian mountain.

"What level can Jiang CI pass this time?" One of the eight robbers said with a smile.

"It must be more than the eighth level. The same young genius Zhiwei passed the eighth level a few years ago."

"I guess it's the Ninth level. He has practiced in the Daoyuan ancient world for 50 years, and his strength has improved many times faster than the original universe."

"The Ninth level at most, if he can break through, it will be amazing enough."

"It's impossible to pass the 10th pass. Every time Tongtian mountain passes the third pass, the difficulty will go up a big step."

"Ha ha, don't be so full of words. In case he passes the 10th level, you'll lose your eyes!"

"Zhong Li, you are the master of Jiang CI. You know him best. Let me know."

At last, people's eyes focused on jiujianxian.

Jiujianxian pretended to smile mysteriously: "just look at it!"

In the past 50 years, Jiang CI often asked him for Kendo knowledge, so he knew his apprentice's strength best.

Level 9?

He knew that this time the clan would be lively!

"The battle has begun!" Said one of the nine robbers.

Everyone's eyes turn to Qinglian Tongtian mountain again. They can see through the dreamland space of every level.

I can only see the eighth level of fantasy space, the continuous mountains above.

Jiang CI stands opposite the guards in battle armor.

At the beginning of the battle, the sword was strong and strong,

JIANG CI struggled with the guards for a while before killing them.

Level 8, pass!

"It's hard. It seems that it's very difficult to pass the Ninth level."

"Yes, the Ninth level is a bit suspended."

But soon, those who are still talking about robbing immortals are quiet.

Because in the fantasy space of level 9, Jiang CI once again wrestles with the gatekeeper for a moment, and then kills the gatekeeper.

Level 9, pass!

Next to the 10th level, the guardian of this level has 10000 times the amplitude of spiritual power.

Of course, Jiang CI can pass easily, but he still fights with his opponent for many rounds before killing him.

He's here to test his fighting power. Naturally, every level should be well tested.

So, the 10th level, pass!

Then, the 11th level, the same way, Jiang CI did not easily kill, but also did not encounter any difficulties.

Level 11, pass!


Over the starry sky continent where the 44 Tongtian mountains are located, all the powerful fairies are stunned and shocked.

"How can it be!"

"Even in the Daoyuan ancient world, the cultivation speed is ten times faster than that of the original universe. 50 years of cultivation is equivalent to 500 years of the original universe, just 500 years..."

"In just 500 years, our strength has been upgraded from the 7th to the 11th level of Tongtian mountain!"

"You should notice that the Kendo he just performed in the 11th pass is already the realm of complete sword meaning, which is at least the Taoist realm of the six robber sword immortals!"

"Terrifying talent of Taoism and Dharma!"

"And it's obvious that he hasn't shown all his strength up to now, which means that he may go higher!"

These strong people who are at least seven robbers of immortals are really scared, and their faces are full of disbelief.

In their opinion, the speed of Jiang Ci's promotion is totally unreasonable.

The improvement of Mingming's strength is slower and slower. Why is Jiang CI faster and faster?

You know, it's just Yuanshen period.

If it comes to the period when the speed of strength improvement is faster, what is the speed of Jiang Ci's improvement?"What a monster People sigh.

This reminds them of those era geniuses with stronger talent,

for example, a recent era genius, Baoyan Zhenjun, who came from daomen, used his fighting power comparable to that of the seven plundering immortals during the period of he Dao.

Jiang Ci's speed is now improving, and there is a certain chance that he can achieve this step in the future.

Although the probability is very small, it is not impossible.

And the most important point is that the time of practicing Jiang CI is very short!

Many of those epoch-making talents have been practicing for thousands of years.

How long has Jiang CI been?

I'm afraid it's less than a thousand years!

What they don't know is that the actual cultivation time of Jiang CI is less than 300 years.

If you know, you will certainly raise the probability to a higher level.

"In other words, it will soon be the Yunding competition of Yuanshen period. I remember that the strongest one of the ten old disciples of Yuanshen period passed the 11th pass of Tongtian mountain,

moreover, they have practiced for thousands of years, and this Jiang CI has only practiced for hundreds of years, catching up with the peerless talents of those quadruple days!"

"Look at him, he's going to keep going. Won't he go through the 12th level?"

"It's very difficult to pass 12. He I'm not sure! "

The crowd fell into a short silence again. This terrible talent, they did not know what to say.


Qinglian Tongtian mountain, the 12th level of mirage space.

It is still a continuous mountain range, and the figure of Jiang CI appears above the mountain range.

Thousands of miles away, he is a guard with armor and sword.

Jiang CI even broke through four levels, but he didn't have any anger. Instead, he laughed: "I haven't seen a little guy like you for many years,

however, in today's Yuanshen genius of Sanmen LiuZong, no one can break through the 12th level!"

"Now I come!" Jiang CI said with a smile.

"Ha ha, I'm confident, but my strength is much better than the previous level! If you want to break through, show your real skills! " The gatekeeper laughed.


The long sword behind him came out of the sheath, transcending the powerful rhyme of the sword, and immediately spread to the whole fantasy space.

Jiang CI didn't underestimate the enemy, and the meaning of the skyward sword appeared with the Chixiao sword.

Compared with the amplitude of spiritual power alone, the previous keeper of the 11th level had a spiritual power amplitude of 19000 times, which was very close to his Kendo amplitude of 20000 times.

However, if the strong fight, the outcome will be decided by the difference.

The multiple gap of 100 makes Jiang CI pass the 11th level.

When you come to the enemy's 12 pass, the guard's spiritual power amplitude increases to 28000 times.

The multiple has been fully increased by 9000, which is a substantial increase!

"It's hard to beat him just by Kendo, unless you use Yunji Qijian or something else..."

In the front of the 8-11 level, he showed all the strength of Kendo itself, did not use the other three Taoist methods, also did not use those secret methods.

"Just use the seven swords of Yunji!"

Jiang CI had a decision in an instant.

If you want to keep some cards, it's enough to rely on Kendo and the seven swords of Yunji.

Just try the power of Yunji seven swords.

With that in mind, the battle began.


The guard's sword, with the Dao rhyme beyond the meaning of the sword, is roaring.

When the blade is broken, cracks appear in this space, which is about to be broken.

The irresistible momentum completely locked Jiang CI.

If Jiang CI can't stop it, he will be killed by this sword.

In the face of this situation, Jiang CI changed the way he used to fight with each other, and suddenly appeared in front of him 105 huge swordsmanship green lilies,

then these green lilies circled and spread, and in an instant, they merged into Chixiao sword in a mysterious way.


Heaven and earth change color, Chixiao sword rising momentum, like a red dragon, stir heaven and earth.

"A sword!" Jiang CI gave a soft drink.


He went up with his sword, cut through the sky and took the initiative to meet him.

The speed of the two people is fast to the extreme, leaving a magic body in the dreamland space, like stagnating in the air, the space is still.

The next moment, the tips of the two swords collide.


A force at the level of immortality is generated in the collision, and a powerful power of immortality erupts.

Boom boom!

Huge energy storm, sweeping power, space broken!

Below that as if impregnable mountain range, also appeared a terrible crack.

However, after Jiang Ci's sword blocked the guard's sword,

the mysterious momentum of the sword did not weaken a bit, and Chixiao sword broke through the surging energy storm.

However, the gatekeepers have to be distracted to resist the energy storm. The power of Jiang CI is not reduced, and it is hard for the gatekeepers to resist!Hiss

In the energy storm, it runs through the head of the gatekeeper, kill the spirit!

Level 12, pass!

Jiang CI didn't watch the follow-up changes of mirage space, quit mirage space and continue to fly to the next level!

"Level 13!" Jiang CI is rarely excited.

If he doesn't show more cards, it will be very difficult for him to get through.

But isn't that challenging?


At this time, those who are watching Jiang CI break through have been completely shocked.

"The 12th level is just a sword! That should be the top level Kendo secret Seven swords Nangong Jianxian said in disbelief,

he suddenly looked at jiujianxian: "did you buy it for him?"

"Yes, it's the seven swords of Yunji!" Jiujianxian chuckled: "of course, it's just the first three swords. I can't afford more."

"Hiss The first three swords also need 10 billion points. I'm willing to give up! " Another seven robber Sword Fairy took a breath of air, and his eyes were full of envy, because he couldn't afford it.

Nangong Jianxian shook his head with a bitter smile. He didn't say much. He admired jiujianxian's spirit.

If it was him, he would not buy such a valuable secret method for his disciples.

No, not an estimate, but definitely not!

That's why he admired jiujianxian.

(start before change...)