I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 514

Outside the residence of Nangong Jianxian, the practitioners who have finished the class leave separately.

A big man with a huge sword and a young man with purple hair named Gong Sui are discussing in the distance.

"That said, the choice of Jiang CI is not very wise." The big sword man nodded slowly.

"Well, it's not only unwise, it's extremely stupid!" The young man with purple hair took a look at Jiang CI in the distance.

"However, with his talent, even if he is eliminated this time, there is a great possibility that he will enter the fourth heaven in the future." The man said with a smile.

"Who is right about the future? A lot of talents. At first, they are gifted. Later, they fall behind. I don't know how many of them are! " Zifa Youth Palace doesn't care at all.

"That's true." The man laughed.

"Among the ten old disciples of Zixiao sect, which one has not accumulated thousands of years in this realm?

Although on the surface, only one person has passed the 11th pass of Tongtian mountain, in fact?

After so many years of accumulation, we don't know how many cards we have, just waiting for the cloud top competition to break out suddenly! " Gong Sui sneers.

It's what most practitioners do to keep their cards.

"The Yunding competition in Yuanshen period is held every thousand years. There are still five years to go before the next one. Look at how beautiful it was at the beginning, how miserable it will be when it falls!" Gong Sui shook his head.

No grudge, no grudge, just competition with each other, plus a little uncomfortable.


In the distance, Jiang CI heard clearly, and they didn't mean to avoid him at all.

"Oh Despised? " Jiang CI smiles indifferently.

What these people don't know is that Jiang CI doesn't regard them as rivals for a long time.

Because it's not on the same level at all!

In fact, in the past 50 years, he has also found that some of his disciples, who are also practicing in the ancient Daoyuan world, are indifferent to him and even hostile to him.

As for the reason, Jiang CI is certainly clear.

Because his progress is so fast, in the eyes of many people, he will definitely occupy a place in the four fold Tianhe period in the future.

Zixiaozong was the first of the four great Heaven Worlds, with the fourth heaven being the most important.

Yuan infant period, Yuan Shen period and he Dao period.

The competition among them is naturally the most intense, which involves a lot of cultivation resource allocation.

The sudden rise of Jiang CI has brought a great threat to the 10 old disciples of Yuanshen period. They all have the hope to compete for the quota of quadruple Tianhe Dao period.

Therefore, it is normal for them to be displeased and hostile to Jiang CI.

"It's a pity that you can't help if you're not happy..." Jiang CI smiles gently.

In the past 50 years, his strength has changed dramatically.

He's not a disciple of the four fold Tianyuan Shenqi.

Take a look at the experience panel changes:


benzun Yuanshen (30 million yuan Shen in the later period)

Fenshen Yuanshen (30 million yuan Shen in the later period)


sword meaning (10 billion yuan)

avenue of wind (10 billion yuan)

avenue of fire (10 billion yuan)

Golden way (10 billion yuan)

amplitude: 20000 times (Sword meaning)

secret method:

cloud Ji Qi Jian (100 million, 100 million)

Dao Rong's skill (400 million, 400 million, four ways)

Dao Wen's skill (40 billion, 40 billion, four ways)

Dao Yin's skill (40 billion, 40 billion, four ways)

skill: Zixiao Jian Jing, peacock view idea, Lianrong Jian Dian

deduction: 10000 experience times

experience value: 661.4 billion

The three original ways of heaven and earth, namely, the way of wind, the way of fire and the way of Vajra, have been upgraded to the level of the main road.

In addition, kendo, which has been promoted to the level of sword (DAO), has reached the level of Dao.

Taoism is the foundation of all kinds of esoteric methods.

As a result, the art of Daowen and Daoyin, the two auxiliary secrets, have also been promoted.

The four lines realm of Daowen brings him changes in his body.

before, it was 10 times the body strength of the best spirit weapon, but now it is 100 times!

The four seal realm of Daoyin brought him changes in the yuan Shen.

in the sea of knowledge, the yuan Shen sitting on the lotus stand changed from three petals of four colors to four petals.

At the same time, his scope of spiritual exploration has reached 300000 kilometers.

In contrast, the normal road closure is only 100000 km.

In addition to Daowen and Daoyin, there is still a Daorong technique that has not changed.

Because this auxiliary secret method has something to do with the number of Taoist methods, only when he understands the new Taoist methods and reaches the level of the great way, can the Taoist fusion technique be improved.In addition, it is worth mentioning that he also successfully comprehended the seven swords of Yunji, and completed the first training, and his actual combat power was significantly improved.

All in all, the strength of Jiang CI is very different from that of 50 years ago.

If it used to be that he Dao was invincible, now it is definitely entering the period of robbing immortals.

How many immortals?

Jiang CI is not sure, because he hasn't dealt with others all these years.

"Go and break through the Tianshan Mountains." Jiang CI is full of charm in his eyes.

It's a place for him to test his fighting power.

In the past 50 years since he came to Daoyuan ancient world, he has not broken through.

When he was practicing in the triple heaven of Zixiao sect, he had passed the 6th and 7th levels of Tongtian mountain and had two opportunities to understand the Qinglian altar.

he had used up all these two opportunities 10 years ago.

Qinglian altar is the fastest place to understand kendo.

The more opportunities, the better!


After returning to the stone house, Jiang Ci's spiritual consciousness enters the sky continent where Tongtian mountain is located through the communication pearl.

The 44 towering Tongtian mountains correspond to 44 inheritance altars in Daoyuan ancient world.

The mountain guard, dressed in black, sat motionless on the platform of the continental margin of the starry sky.

The stronger the strength is, the more I find that the strength of Shoushan is unfathomable.

This is Jiang Ci's most intuitive feeling after seeing Shoushan again after many years.

"I'd like to meet you, Mr. Shoushan!" Jiang CI salutes respectfully.

Shoushan opened his eyes and saw that it was Jiang CI. On his dignified face, he also showed a smile.

"Jiang CI? I haven't seen you for a long time since you passed the seventh pass of the mountain last time. " The mountain guard said with a smile.

"It's been more than 200 years." Jiang CI smiles.

The time velocity of tongtianshan River map is consistent with the original universe.

The Daoyuan Paleozoic is 50 years old, and the original universe has passed 180 years.

"Ha ha, I know you like to do this kind of amazing thing. You haven't broken through for such a long time. What level are you going to break through?

Well Let me guess, in your style, it must be more than level 8, level 9? Or level 10? " Shoushan said with great interest.

Zixiao sect's disciples in Yuanshen period are at least the 10th level.

Although he said the 10th level, Shoushan didn't really think Jiang CI could get through.

It's only two hundred years. If Jiang CI can pass the Ninth level, his talent can be regarded as against heaven.

"Hey My Lord, watch it Jiang CI can hear the meaning of Shoushan's words.

"Oh?" Shoushan was surprised and said with a smile, "I'm very confident! Go ahead, Qinglian Tongtian mountain is just empty. "

Jiang CI nodded and flew away.

Looking at Jiang Ci's back, the mountain guard suddenly smiles.

"A lot of high-level officials in zongmen have bet on this boy, and they are very concerned about his progress. This time, after 200 years, if you want to break through Tianshan mountain again, you need to inform them!"

He took out the bead and sent out dozens of messages.

Nowadays, among the disciples of zixiaozong, Jiang CI is a shining star, which has been praised as a rare genius in thousands of years, only in the era of genius.

One era is 36 million years.

The so-called epoch genius is that it is difficult to produce one in every epoch.

Sometimes it takes hundreds of years to see one.

Epoch genius is rare, so Jiang Ci's attention has become the highest among the young disciples.


Yi Liang, a nine robber immortal, received the message. After seeing it, he began to laugh.

"Jiang CI is going to do something again?" Yi Liang's eyes brightened.

"Those young geniuses who are in the same class with him often go to the Tianshan mountains these years. They like to do things that make a big difference."

"At the beginning, his talent was ahead of him, and now he has passed the eighth level."

"What can he get through this time? Level 8? Or level 9? "

Yi Liang didn't think about the 10th level, because he subconsciously thought it was impossible.

Immediately, he entered the map of Tongtian mountain and river, came to the starry continent where Tongtian mountain was, hidden in the starry sky, overlooking the Qinglian Tongtian mountain.

Meanwhile, jiujianxian, Nangong Jianxian, Wushan immortal, Qianyan immortal After waiting for the strong one among the plundering immortals, the spirit also came to Tongtian mountain and river map.

Some of them are nine robbers, some are eight robbers, only a few are seven robbers, and the number is close to 100.

"Here you are?" Jiujianxian looked around.

"Well, you're so proud of yourself Nangong Sword Fairy said.

At the beginning, when Jiang Ci was a teacher, Nangong Jianxian and jiujianxian competed. As a result, Jiang CI finally defeated jiujianxian.He is very worried about this matter, especially with Jiang Ci's talent getting better and better, he feels that he has missed a good disciple.

"Zhong Li, you are lucky to have accepted Jiang Ci as a gifted apprentice. Now many senior members of the clan attach great importance to him.

Zhenjun, my direct subordinate, ordered me to pay close attention to Jiang Ci's situation, so he came here at the first time." Another nine robbers said.

"Yes." Others nodded and agreed.

Jiujianxian laughs and says to Yiliang: "Yiliang, I think you should report this to Tieshan Zhenjun quickly, so that I won't make a big noise in the future, and other Zhenjun of the clan will come down and rob people in person..."

"Robbing people?" Yiliang fairy's eyes looked around. Although his expression remained unchanged, he was worried.

Because jiujianxian is telling the truth. Don't tell me later. If there is a big breakthrough in Jiangci this time, some of the real princes in the clan will start.

A disciple of the Yuanshen period of the fourth heaven broke through the Tianshan Mountains, and nearly a hundred strong immortals who robbed more than seven immortals have already explained everything.

(change before issue...)