I Have an XP Panel

Chapter 513

Jiang CI fell into silence, because it was a very valuable gift.

He once learned about the price of the secret method in zixiaozong treasure house.

There are many kinds of secret methods, such as fighting, assisting, soul, refining and so on.

According to the level, there are three levels: common, peak and extreme.

The price of the common secret method in the treasure Pavilion starts with 10000 points.

The top secret is to start with 1 billion points. If you don't reach the top, 10 billion or 100 billion will be possible.

As for the ultimate secret method, with his authority, we can't find it.

The 360 sets of common secrets just now sound like a lot. In fact, the price is only 10 million points at most.

He can accept it calmly. Ten million points is just a small thing for jiujianxian.

But a set of top secret methods in the Golden Jade slips is different, at least one billion points.

In addition, it's also a combat type of Kendo secret method. It's even more valuable. Maybe it can reach 10 billion points.

Jiu Jianxian has been practicing in Daoyuan ancient world all the year round, but he has no source of income.

if he takes out so many points to buy his apprentice the top secret method, he may have emptied his pocket.

"Master, this Too much! " Jiang CI shakes his head and refuses.

"Ha ha, don't worry, apprentice. Although this set of Kendo secrets cost 10 billion points for a teacher,

but at this stage of being a teacher, points are of little help to me,

unless I can become a real king, I will need points, but at that time, do you think I will lack points?" Jiujianxian said with a smile.

"Moreover, this set of secret techniques is very suitable for your kendo. Once you have a successful cultivation, your strength will definitely reach the level of being a teacher! At that time, the universe will be so big that there will be few threats to your life! " Jiujianxian said with full expectation.

The words moved Jiang's Ci a lot.

10 billion points.

Although the contract he signed with daomeng Tianting has 100 billion points, he can only get at most 5.5 billion of them before he becomes an immortal,

the remaining 94.5 billion can only be obtained after he has robbed the immortal.

Therefore, this 10 billion points is a huge fortune for him, a practitioner of Yuanshen period.

"I owe more and more to my master." Jiang CI kept these in mind and did not continue to refuse.

Then, holding on to the Golden Jade slips, the spirit came into them.

The hidden secret of Kendo peak suddenly poured into his mind.

"Yunji seven swords..."

"I've got seven swords, and all the swords have changed!"

"The first three swords are invincible under the real king!"

"The first six swords will be invincible under the emperor!"

"If you build seven swords, you will become a Taoist king!"


Jiang's Ci is shocked by its opening content.

The three swords are invincible.

The six swords are invincible, and the seven swords are the king of Tao!

"Is that the top secret?" Jiang's Ci is amazing.

"Well? No

Jiang CI suddenly responded that since the seven swords can become the king, the price is definitely more than 10 billion points, 100 billion points are low!

Soon, when all the information in the Golden Jade slips poured into his mind.

Then he found out that there were only the first three of Yunji's seven swords, that is, the cultivation methods of the first three swords.

In this case, the first three are worth 10 billion points, which is much more reasonable.

"Although it's the first three, it's enough for you to practice for thousands of years." As if he knew what he was thinking, jiujianxian suddenly began to laugh.

Jiang CI smiles confidently and doesn't speak.

But in the heart is the secret way: there is experience value panel, where need thousands of years!

The only pity is that at present, he can only practice the first weight of Yunji seven swords.

Because Yunji seven swords were created on the basis of Qinglian Kendo,

there are nine evolution processes in Qinglian Kendo, which are represented by the changes of Qinglian, namely, one, four, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one thousand, one hundred, four and one.

Every green lotus represents a change.

The first requirement of cultivation is to fully understand the first three evolution processes, namely 105 kinds of changes.

By analogy,

the second requirement is to fully understand the first four evolution processes and 1105 changes.

The third requirement is to fully understand the first five evolution processes and 11105 changes.

Now that he has understood 171 changes of Qinglian Kendo, he can only practice first.

Of course, Jiang CI believes in his cultivation speed.

What's more, this is the ancient world of Daoyuan, and his deduction speed will be faster.

He is full of expectations for the future.

Next, Jiang CI set three cultivation goals for himself1、 Continue to deduce the three ways of wind, fire and Vajra, and strive to be promoted to the level of the main road as soon as possible.

2、 It's the first step to cultivate the seven swords of cloud collection. Let this secret appear on the panel.

3、 The remaining three methods of understanding the five elements are water system, soil system and wood system.

He brought back the gold pattern douhuang palm (Daojun) from Douwen continent. After refining each finger, he can gain 100 billion experience points.

At the same time, each finger contains a five elements method.

He has already refined two fingers representing fire system and gold system Taoism, and gained 200 billion experience value.

There are also three fingers of fire, earth and wood Taoism, which have not been refined, but are used to understand Taoism.

Originally, Jiang CI had been hesitant to understand the remaining three five elements.

Because the more ways you practice, the more difficult it will be to improve.

with three more ways, the more difficult it will be, the more difficult it will be.

However, a battle some time ago made him change his mind.

Yan Qi, the leader of the white feather star trade who was killed by him, showed the power of the five elements, which made him very excited.

The power of the combination of the five elements makes a common period of the combination of the five elements have the invincible strength of the combination of the five elements.

If it's on him, it can definitely play more powerful.

At that time, he will be able to play another card!

"Let's go!" After Jiang CI returned to his stone house, he sat on the roof of the stone house with his knees crossed and entered a state of cultivation.

In my heart, I constantly recite the deduction, the three levels of the Tao, namely, the wind, the fire and the King Kong.

On the other hand, he is hiding in a desolate planet in the Milky Way galaxy. He is the first to practice and comprehend the seven swords of cloud collection.

As for the remaining three kinds of five elements, he had encountered the wind, fire and Vajra, all of which entered the level of Tao before he began to understand.

It is worth mentioning that the experience value consumed by this way of cultivation is undoubtedly huge.

However, when he came to Daoyuan ancient world, he did not worry about experience value at all.

Outside jiuxiao City, in the vast world of fog, there are countless spirits of Daoyun.

You can gain experience points by hunting the spirit of Daoyun.

the spirit of Daoyun in Yuan Dynasty's infancy can gain 1 million experience points by refining the non attribute Taoist method after death!

Cultivate, understand and kill the spirit of Taoist rhyme.

Not only listen to the teacher's instruction, but also go to other Kendo masters to listen to the Dharma lessons.

Jiang CI is full of time.


As time goes by, 50 years pass.

Of course, it's 50 years since Daoyuan, 180 years since the original universe.

In jiuxiao City, a palace no worse than jiujianxian mansion, thousands of practitioners with different accomplishments sit under the main hall.

They come from various forces, most of them are Sanmen and LiuZong, and there are also the top Xiandao sects in each star District, a few of them are sanxiu.

In terms of cultivation, most of them are in the period of robbing immortals, and the rest are the top talents of the human race.

Because those who can attend the class have at least passed the third pass of Tongtian mountain.

At the top of the hall, a handsome young man with white hair and childlike face, sitting in the void, is teaching you kendo.

"There are many changes and combinations in Qinglian. Nangong Jianxian's understanding of Qinglian's Kendo is just like that every time I listen to his class

Jiang CI is also in the crowd below. Nangong Jianxian's open class, he doesn't fall behind in every section.

In jiuxiao City, among the practitioners of Kendo in the period of robbing immortals, jiujianxian was the most, followed by Nangong Jianxian.

Both of them are nine robber sword immortals, but jiujianxian's achievements are more prominent and more famous. Of course, they are a little stronger.

But we can't deny the strength of Nangong Jianxian. After so many lectures, Jiang CI gained a lot.

"Well, that's all for today's class." Nangong Jianxian said.

"Thank you, master Nangong!"

Below, thousands of practitioners all stand up and salute respectfully, because this is free teaching, and they must express their gratitude.

Nangong Sword Fairy nodded slightly and disappeared immediately.

Thousands of practitioners left the hall.

Jiang CI is not very impressive in the crowd.

although the genius of Zixiao sect's four heaven is worth paying attention to, there are few people who can come to Daoyuan ancient world to practice. Everyone is a genius.

And genius is proud.

"Gong Sui, is that Jiang CI?" In the distance, a big man with a huge sword pointed to the figure of Zhijiang CI.

"Why, you, the genius of Jianmen, have heard of him?" Another young man with purple hair and a long sword asked.

"They are all practitioners of kendo. Of course I've heard of them!" The big man with the huge sword glared at him,

and then said, "I also heard that he entered the sanchongtian of Zixiao sect for one hundred years, and entered the sichongtian through the Yuanying Yunding competition, which is known as a rare genius in thousands of years!What's more puzzling is that not long after he entered the fourth heaven, he chose to break through and became a disciple of the fourth heaven in Yuanshen period!

Throughout his every choice, people are puzzled

At this point, the big man laughed: "you are also the Yuanshen period disciple of Zixiao sect's sizhongtian. You should know him very well, don't you?"

"Chi You know it in detail! " Zifa youth sneered, shook his head and said: "but in my opinion, he is a fool,

his strength has just passed the seventh level of Tongtian mountain, and the fourth heaven disciple of Yuanying period has passed the eighth level,

if he doesn't break through, he can still stay in the fourth heaven until the next Yunding competition of Yuanying period,

but now there are still five years left, which is Yunding of Yuanshen period In the competition, our 10 senior disciples of the Yuanshen period have at least passed the 10th pass of Tongtian mountain,

he is a newcomer who has just been promoted to the fourth heaven and will soon be eliminated to the third heaven! "

(change before issue...)